
Whilst it's not a turn on as such, it doesn't turn me off, if that makes sense????

Many seemed turned off by it- I'm not. That's what showers are for! In fact I've had discusisons with a couple females who have told me they feel extremely horny at times during their period, but it's their partner who is scared away...
I would have to agree with "haphazard" for me too not esp' a turn on nor does it turn me off , like others I have herd that some women are more horny / turned on as they have hormonal changes at that time.
If found out a partners enjoyment was greater then I would ask to if she would like me to oblige or would be happy for a partner to ask me if I would mind having wonderful sex during her period, a partnership with good communication should be able to talk about anything !!
As "haphazard" says - that's what showers are for .....
even better / easier is a non fixed one with a hose eh ??
I hate anything in there other than a cup during that time of the month. If I even masturbate it will prolong my period ...
menstruation sex

For me personally it can be a huge turn. While I don't go in deep while I am going down on her at that time I do enjoy kissing her all around the edges of her pussy and I spend a lot of time on her clit and will give her a lot of anal pleasure with my tounge.

Something about knowing she is really horny during that time combined with the taboo aspect of it and the erotic scent takes me over the edge. I haven't done it in awhile but I get turned on every time a woman tells me it's that time of the's almost like she is saying "I'm ready to breed"...brings out an anamalistic response in me.
I find this discussion pleasing because it seems to have attracted those who do enjoy menstruation and menstrual sex. I've found that my period is when I'm most arousable and most want sex. I do use menstruation in my stories and I confess that one of them was a tad jejune in coming down on a roommate who was messy in leaving her used tampons around.

Yes a lot of women do get more aroused during their periods and an equal number get the opposite. Had sex with women of the first kind and it has been fun. You need towels and fine with blood streaming onto your groin. For some reason, most of the women love the cowgirl position or the YabYum position when they are bleeding. And surprise surprise, women who are aroused do not smell bad.
Yes a lot of women do get more aroused during their periods and an equal number get the opposite. Had sex with women of the first kind and it has been fun. You need towels and fine with blood streaming onto your groin. For some reason, most of the women love the cowgirl position or the YabYum position when they are bleeding. And surprise surprise, women who are aroused do not smell bad.

I love licking my ladies pussy when her period is on. She loves it, I love it, my cock is dripping just reading this thread, only two weeks to go and I get to taste her again!!
Good perspective. I've had a few boyfriends who didn't care one way or the other about my period and would still (thank god) be willing to have sex with me while I was on it. But I've also had a few who were totally opposed to and grossed out by period sex, which was awful because I get soooooo horny on period and always have (even before my recent discovery of it as a "fetish").

I know how alot of women get hornier during their periods, sometimes the very first or last day, other women it continues her entire period. I don't get any additional pleasure from going down on a woman or having sex, but I won't shy away from it at all.

The way I see it is, if I am fortunate enough to have a lovely lady who wants to have sex with me or maybe just wants me to give her some oral. I'm not the type of guy to say no. Ill take it any and all times I can get it. An extra points for me if I have a chance to make her know she is not unattractive during this period or to do something that some other guys won't do.
My husband and I have had sex during my period, but he has never gone down on me. I don't think that is something that interests him and I never thought to ask. Sex is great during that time but I enjoy sex whenever we have time to have it ;)