Modern Day Fairy Tale Chain

Nice one Sheila. :kiss:

I 5-bombed it. ;)

Get some momentum goin'.

Thank you. I don't know why I'm letting a couple trolls get to me. Perhaps, it's time to invest in new troll armor.

Thank you. I don't know why I'm letting a couple trolls get to me. Perhaps, it's time to invest in new troll armor.


Goes with the territory sweetie. ;)

They still get my nanny goat on occasion, but usually I laugh it off.

It takes a carpenter to build a barn, but any jackass can knock it down. :D
lol, I know I'm a bit late, but I started working on something for this chain. I'm using Jack and the Beanstalk as a base for it. Also had an idea for Sorcerer's Apprentice.
I'd like to jump in with the Princess and the Gold Ball.

That list of fairy tales is incredible by the way.
This sounds like something that would be fun writing, and I would like to participate. I will have to consult with my muse and check on what has been done before I choose what tale to modernize. :)
This has been a blast from the past. :p

Now I'm thinking about The Steadfast Toy Soldier again . . . .
I will. My muse and I have discussed the matter, and she has decided I will write about The Three Little Pigs, whether I like it or not. :eek:

I thought of doing that one, but the idea I had ended up more along the gay male and non-con side of things. :p
LOL. Not a damn thing. But that was back before I started taking pride in perverting fairy tales. Wait till you see my take on Pygmalion/Golem. ;)

That should be interesting. A gay male version of the three little pigs doesn't do much for me. Something like the "Bigheaded Horseman," a take-off on Ichabod Crane, might have more possibilities.
That should be interesting. A gay male version of the three little pigs doesn't do much for me. Something like the "Bigheaded Horseman," a take-off on Ichabod Crane, might have more possibilities.

Honestly, I never considered that one. But there would be a lot to work with.

My Pygmalion/Golem story combines them both (obviously) into a tale about a struggling sculptor who inadvertently animates a statue he's created of a beautiful young woman. Predictable at the onset, but I get a little down and dirty -- both sexually and violently -- as it progresses. I'm just about finished with it.
Honestly, I never considered that one. But there would be a lot to work with.

Oh, I think once you got into it, it would be possible to move around. Opps, sorry.

Will have to see about the Pygmalion story. That's pretty much done to death in erotica, I think.

The Hans Brinker story has obvious possibilities . . . maybe. :cattail:
Will have to see about the Pygmalion story. That's pretty much done to death in erotica, I think.

I'm not worried about it being compared to the many others out there. I'm pretty sure the version I've got is fairly unique.

As you said, we'll have to see.
The Pygmalian idea has been used a lot. Frankenstein was a version of it, and so was my recent story, "Yvette, the Amorous Robot." That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. :cool:
The Pygmalian idea has been used a lot. Frankenstein was a version of it, and so was my recent story, "Yvette, the Amorous Robot." That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. :cool:

It's been all over the place. "My Fair Lady" is a famous example. I'll never claim to have an original idea. Simply an original adaptation.
Is it alright if I post another story on this chain? If so, I will consult with my muse, if I can get her to talk to me. She's pretty lazy sometimes, almost as bad as I. :cool:
You know, now that I've gotten a chance to experiment a little more with my writing, I think I'd like to try my hand at a modern fairy tale. In fact, I've got a couple of ideas that I'd like to do already forming in my mind.
You know, now that I've gotten a chance to experiment a little more with my writing, I think I'd like to try my hand at a modern fairy tale. In fact, I've got a couple of ideas that I'd like to do already forming in my mind.

This is a good chain to add to, and the posssibilities are great. I will probably do another one this year. :D
This is a good chain to add to, and the posssibilities are great. I will probably do another one this year. :D

I'm looking forward to it :D

There's really alot of possibilities - if only because there are so many fairy tales to begin with - and a creative author can take even a familiar tale and breath new life into it.