Modern Day Fairy Tale Chain

Well, mine's almost done...only about a week late :eek:
Given no responses I'll submit it as Chapter 9 when I get it done...probably tomorrow...
Well, mine's almost done...only about a week late :eek:
Given no responses I'll submit it as Chapter 9 when I get it done...probably tomorrow...
Now you're making me feel really awful. Mine's completely stalled
Well, I've been focussing on it because I really want to get back to the novel... :eek:
Does anyone have time to give my story the Swan Sisters a quick read? The ending just sort of happened and I am not sure if I like it or not. I am feeling insecure, anybody have time?
Feel free to send it to me if you're still looking...I'm horrid as an editor, but make a decent Beta reader...I'll send you a PM with my email... :)
Chapter 9 is submitted...a little late, but it ended up 4 Lit pages long...I really need to remember how to actually write a short story :eek:
Woohoo! and sorry I haven't gotten to beta reading...I'll make sure to hit that tonight at work...things ahve been a bit hectic... :eek:
The Emporer's...I mean the Empress's New Clothes

Today I finally finished my story for the chain and was wondering if any one would like to give me some honest feedback on it before I submit it on the 5th of June. (I have to still plan on sending it to my editor for the fine tuning. I am more interested in a critique of the plot line itself.) I know my grammar isn't always the greatest. But that's what they have editors If anyone is interested go ahead feel free to PM me.


Hey guys, my story is finally done but does it go up yet? There are stories ahead of mine that haven't been posted yet and I am about a week past my deadline.

Do you want me to post it Selena?
Hey guys, my story is finally done but does it go up yet? There are stories ahead of mine that haven't been posted yet and I am about a week past my deadline.

Do you want me to post it Selena?

I'd say you should probably submit it as whatever chapter should come next after the already posted ones. Mine is one of the missing ones. I'm so stressed with real life stuff (impending financial and marital ruin) that I'm having problems writing.
My writing's gone to hell in a handcart lately too. Bluebeard will get written, just don't know when :eek:
*huggles for Crim and Starr!* :rose::rose::heart::heart:

Eeep! I just remembered I have your story kicking around don't I Emerald? :eek:
*huggles for Crim and Starr!* :rose::rose::heart::heart:

Eeep! I just remembered I have your story kicking around don't I Emerald? :eek:

Yup, naughty, naughty. I figured that real life was interfering. Forgetfulness caused by Sleep deprivation (caused by small children is also an acceptable excuse!!!!!!):D

your version is a bit out of date though, I added a different ending and I think it is pretty good.
All righty guys Chaper 10 is submitted. Now comes the hard part.....the waiting. (sits, checking every 10 minutes to see if it is up yet) sigh.
Sorry, I'm dealing with some health stuff at the moment, and the waiting's taken over every brain cell it seems. Could I be moved to the bottom?