Modern Day Fairy Tale Chain

I think I've got my "how an ugly man attracts women" bit sorted out. Now to modernise the room of horrors...
I think I've got my "how an ugly man attracts women" bit sorted out. Now to modernise the room of horrors...

Well good luck with that darlin'. May the gods of creativity smile upon your efforts,

I'm off to the Land of Nod.

Good Night starr. ;)
Selena - can you move me down the list a teeny weeny bit? I kinda know what i'm writing for my story, but I have a feeling it might snowball into a long one and I don't think I could manage to have it ready for the early March date. Is that ok? Sorry... :kiss:
Selena, since Rachlou wants a later date, could I have March 5? I'd like to get mine done sooner rather than later; I've already started it. (Doing "Little Mermaid"; I'm gonna wait on "Beauty and the Beast" until I'm sure I can write it without making it too much like the TV series... )

The Little Mermaid saves the handsome Malachi Prince from drowning after he falls overboard from a cruise ship during a fist fight over a woman.
Consider it done...

sweetness and starrkers... do you want me to separate you two? (I feel like a kindergarten teacher, saying that! lol) Since your stories are similar... didn't know Fitcher's Bird was a variation of Bluebeard... (which, I'm wondering, for recognition sake - should we title yours Bluebeard as well, sweetness?)

and did anyone like my ONCE UPON A TIME... idea?


Rachlou's and Karen's switch put two "Rapunzels" right together... and since there were two "Bluebeards" together as well... I've done some switching. Those effected (affected??):

Anne Larkin
Wicked Voice

The four of you especially, please check the revised schedule and see if those dates work for you. If not, go ahead and give me some suggestions ;)
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My date works for me. Thanks! :kiss:

I liked the idea of beginning each story with ONCE UPON A TIME . . . I think it adds continuity to the chain - even though the title already does that, obviously. Since each story will be effectively a stand alone story, it doesn't hurt to give them something else in common.
Rachlou, thanks for the swap!

Selena, thanks! My date works fine for Little Mermaid. Not sure yet if I'm gonna do Beauty and the Beast; I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out. lol

And I agree about "Once upon a time". By the way, was it decided how we're titling/describing these? (I read back through the thread, but missed it...)
March 8 huh? I'm glad I already started working on it. I hope I don't get as long winded on this as I usually do. I realized that I chose poorly for a nice simple concise plot. Ah well. We'll see what happens. :D
The Ides of March, hmmm? I can do that. I'll just be on the lookout for guys in funny clothes carrying knives.
I like the Once Upon a Time idea.

Hadn't realised sweetness and I were doing the same story.
I like the Once Upon a Time idea.

Hadn't realised sweetness and I were doing the same story.

It's not exactly the same story, just one of the BB variants. It is very similar, but there are more characters and a little difference in the plot line. I considered changing to The Snow Queen or something... still thinking.;)
I like the Once Upon a Time idea.

Once upon a time... Doesn't really work with what I've done so far. I'm gonna have to revisit it and see if I can work the beginning differently...
Is it a requirement?
I'd be interested, but me and deadlines don't get along very well, especially these days. I'd try and get one done though. If anything I'd like to claim "The Sorcerers Apprentice." I have this great idea of making them WOW players. :D
My date should work out fine, thanks.

Just curious, but since The Little Match Girl has a very bittersweet ending, do you think it still fits well into the chain? I'd hate to be the wet blanket link! I can always select a more upbeat story instead.
I am good with my deadline.

I love this outlet. I love reading here, makes me feel less alone and odd in this world where societies norms are so important to so many. I love reading the friendly banter here.

To the kind gentleman who asked what name I prefer to go by. Call me whatever suits your fancy, just remember to call me. Honestly, I had to come up with a screen name when I came here and I figured my "porn name" worked wonderfully... you know middle name and street name? I avoided my regular screen names so that I do not have to be "out" about my writing with everyone I know. We live in a small town, and my husbands family is very old fashioned. It is hard enough just having me without this small factor as their daughter in law.

Okay off to brainstorm on the Frog Prince and Sleeping Beauty. Trying to decide on which path I will be walking, more Romantic? Raunchy? Or somewhere in between. Hmmm <ideas begin to sprout in her mind>.

See you all later, and thank you for being such an active community. Even if I am still a little quiet. This is all new to me and I am trying to acclimate.
My date should work out fine, thanks.

Just curious, but since The Little Match Girl has a very bittersweet ending, do you think it still fits well into the chain? I'd hate to be the wet blanket link! I can always select a more upbeat story instead.

A lot of the original stories do. THe little mermaid for example ends up dying because the prince ended up falling in love with the girl who found him on the beach. The second one that I am doing, The two sisters, has one sister murdering the other and it may have a tragic ending as well, I havent decided on the end of it yet.

Some of the fairy tales are downright grusome. I think it would be ok. Just my 2 cents.
March 1st works great. Got started last night and it just keeps making me smile.:D
Once upon a time... Doesn't really work with what I've done so far. I'm gonna have to revisit it and see if I can work the beginning differently...
Is it a requirement?

I don't mean you have to start your story with it... although you could...

I just mean, put it at the top...

Once Upon A Time...

The girl kept looking behind her in the darkness, unsure of where she was or who was following, but there was no going back. She could only go forward into the unknown.

Just start your story as you would normally...

Or you could incorporate it if you wanted...

Once upon a time, there was a girl who kept looking behind her in the darkness, unsure of where she was or who was following, but there was no going back. She could only go forward into the unknown.

Trom, I'll put you near the end with Sorcerer's Apprentice! ;)
Question for you Kitt. Our date is the date we have to subbmitt the story by or the date that it should hit the boards?

Are there any special ways to submitt or special things that we need to remember to do? This is my first chain story and I don't want to screw it up!:D

Do you want both stories by that date or do I need a second date for the second story?
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Question for you Kitt. Our date is the date we have to subbmitt the story by or the date that it should hit the boards?

Are there any special ways to submitt or special things that we need to remember to do? This is my first chain story and I don't want to screw it up!:D

Do you want both stories by that date or do I need a second date for the second story?

Your date is the date of SUBMISSION. (We can't know how long the wait is going to be before it's actually posted ;) )

All you have to do is post those things consistent with the chain:

Title: Modern Fairy Tales Ch. 01
Desciption: Cinderella, The tale of a girl from rags to riches

Once Upon A Time...

(begin your story)

Choose "chain stories" as a category.

That's it!

As for your second story, let me know for sure when you're committed to doing it, and I'll put you at the end of the chain with a new submit date!
I put all that submission info in the first post on the thread... for easy reference ;)
Cool. I actually have the second one started so feel free to put me anywhere. It is comming along well!!:D
Trom, I'll put you near the end with Sorcerer's Apprentice! ;)

Cool, although I can't guarantee it'll be done by then. Life has been pretty crazy with this teaching credential stuff. Maybe it might be best to just set me aside and slip me into the chain when it actually gets done.

On the other hand, I may just get lazy and never do it that way. :rolleyes:

I'll try and finish it on time. :)