Mr. Neb’s Homework Assignment


I stopped on the front step of her house, wondering what to say. I'd seen Jack's car there, so I knew they were going out tonight. What did Mirella see in that fellow, anyway? He was by turns boorish and crass, then the greatest, most understanding friend you ever had.

Jack was so proud of his midnight blue 1969 Camaro SS with the big white racing stripe. I know every inch of that car almost as well as he does; mainly because he won't shut up about it.

I was ready for the club tonight, and had hoped to catch Mirella alone, maybe she'd finally tell me what's been bugging her. Nothing for it but to ring the doorbell.

Mirella answered the door, looked at me, her eyes seeming to take in my deep red silk blouse, short black skirt, and my shiny black biker boots with the big silver buckles. Her face is a mask, unreadable for a moment, then she takes my pale, freckled hand in her tanned ones.

"Carrie! Hi!" Mirella says, just a little too brightly. "We were just talking about you."

Fuck. What the hell is Carrie doing here? I told her to stay away from Mirella. Is she following me? Loony bitch.

“Carrie, hi!” I came up behind Mirella and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her to me. Interestingly, she nestled into me in a very cozy way. Showing off for Carrie? Why? “What brings you to Mirella’s house?”

I leaned down and kissed Mirella’s hair, smiling at Carrie while I did it. Her eyes followed my lips and I saw her hard nipples showing through the thin red blouse she was wearing. I remembered sucking on those nipples.

Carrie shook herself slightly, like she was coming to a decision, and then laughed lightly.

“I knew you would be here, Jack. Your cock rules your head and Mirella sure looks like something that wants some fucking, doesn’t she?”

I wake with a start, gasping in horror at the wierd things my nightmare dredged from my subconscious.

"Jack! Jack!"

Franticly, I shake my brother to wake him.

"Jack, you will not believe the dream I just had! I was this mousy little virgin librarian type vegitarian and then turned into a sexy slut that wanted to go dancing and stuff. And you were my date, and then MOM showed up as this Kinky bitch in leather and stuff!"

I shake Jack again to make him pay attention.

"I'm Really freaked out, Jack! That last image of MOM as a domintrix was just so scary, but it really turned me on too. I need good fuck, Jack. Turn me inside out with your tongue and then fuck me senseless so I can sleep without tht horrid dream coming back. Imagine, MOM throwing off her collar like that. We'll have to spank her good for invading my dreams like that."

"Did I hear someone singing my song?" My nipple and clit chains jangled as I bounced into what used to be my bedroom. I hopped into the bed and pressed my full moons into my son's face.

"Please, mom! I'm not even awake, yet!"

Mirella just laughed and said, "Serves you right, sleepy head."

My daughter and I exchanged a long, sloppy good-morning kiss. I kept grinding my ass into my son's face, knowing that sooner or later, he'd give me what I wanted. It turned out to be sooner.

He pushed me away and growled, "All right, mom. You know what this means." I assumed the position and waited, my pussy already juicy in anticipation. I almost gushed when I heard my son and daughter say together:


I slid out from under the silk sheets and opened the armoire. Our collection of toys rattled against the doors a little too loudly for my hangover.

"Hurry it up, boy, or you'll regret it!" yelled Mom.

I threw a ball gag to Mirella. "Pop this in the bitch's mouth," I said and looked over my choices. "Paddles," I thought, "But which one?"

I turned and looked at Mom. My sister smiled as she finished tying the gag in place. "Hold her hands, Mirella. Mom's going to need a little assistance staying in place," I chuckled. My headache throbbed as the mirror behind Mom caught the sunlight. My choice was certain now.

"The knobby paddle it is," I thought as I slapped my palm with it. I wasn't feeling particularly generous.

I moved toward Mom, tossing the restraints at Sis a little too hard. Damn this headache; it was making me feel mean.

“Hey!” Mirella protested as the Velcro and webbing beauties thumped hard into her titties. “I’m not Mom, big boy. Watch it.”

I made a detour and grabbed her hair, pulling her up tight against me. “All you bitches’ll sub to the right man, honey, don’t kid yourself. I got someone in mind for you, little sister. Him and me just need to agree on price.”

Mirella looked scared and it made me laugh. Man. I was in a mean mood.

“Hey Jack, baby, you’re not happy with what I give you no more? You think someone will do you better than your little sister, that it?” She was talking tough. Turned me on and she knew it.

There was a loud banging sound at the door and a guttural voice yelled out, "Jack? Open up, man. We gonna do this or not?"

The feel of my own daughter's hands buckling a gag into my mouth, and watching my son picking an instrument to play percussion on my backside was too strange for words. A gruff, gutteral voice called through the door, "We doin' this or not?" as the door opened. I looked for a full second at the door, not quite believing my eyes. About a foot tall, and very blue, wearing a red mushroom-like cap and matching truosers, a Smurf stood before me. His grizzled white beard marked him as Papa Smurf, but he was swigging from a bottle marked Jack Daniels and swearing like a longshoreman, and discussing ways to violate bothe Mirella and me that defied anatomic probability. The paddle Jack had selected turned into a banana, and this very annoying, repetitive buzz kept diverting my attention.

Finally, I swam back to consciousness, and realized I was tangled in sweaty sheets in my own bed, at home, and had a half-hour to get ready for work. Grousing, I mused, "That's the last time I eat Papa John's pepperoni and mushroom with black olives right before bed." I shuddered at the strange feelings the dream had given me as I dressed quickly, not realizing as I did it that I had dressed exactly as I had in my dream; soft deep red silk blouse, no bra (not like I need one), short black leather skirt, and those biker boots that had put me back almost two weeks' pay. quick touch-up to makeup and hair, a light mist of CK perfume, and I was in my car racing to work. I had one other thought as I pulled in to the parking lot:

Who in hell names a kid Mirella?