Mustang Sally rides again

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Heh, well, now I feel like I need to defend him - or myself, for putting up with and even enabling this behavior. Yeah, I was disappointed the sex wasn't more, but I was never upset with him. It's complicated, of course. There's a D/s dynamic at play here, for instance. I think that's all I can say without digging a deeper hole.

Anyway I do really love sucking his cock, and he wasn't a passive recipient as you might expect from someone on a phone call. He made liberal use of the mute button. And I should have spoken up and asked for what I wanted - right?
You don't have to defend anyone. If it works for you that's great! We all have different needs and see things from our own perspective, so even if everyone here tries to be kind and supportive to you, they all do that from their perspective.
I just hope you'll get your needs satisfied before you meet him again, or it will be a long time to wait.........:oops:
Heh, well, now I feel like I need to defend him - or myself, for putting up with and even enabling this behavior. Yeah, I was disappointed the sex wasn't more, but I was never upset with him. It's complicated, of course. There's a D/s dynamic at play here, for instance. I think that's all I can say without digging a deeper hole.

Anyway I do really love sucking his cock, and he wasn't a passive recipient as you might expect from someone on a phone call. He made liberal use of the mute button. And I should have spoken up and asked for what I wanted - right?
There's a difference between a Dom and a user. Good luck to you, it's so hard for some women to know their worth.
There's a difference between a Dom and a user. Good luck to you, it's so hard for some women to know their worth.
Thank you. I have my eyes wide open about what he is and what he is not. I think I accept certain things from him because it's not a "real relationship." If the balance ever tips to negative I can walk away.
I know your relationship with this guy is a bit complicated as we’ve talked about it before. D/s relationships are varied and the dynamics are generally agreed on at the start, although some flexibility built in.

At the end of the day, you still got some enjoyment from the meeting, although it could have been more.
I know your relationship with this guy is a bit complicated as we’ve talked about it before. D/s relationships are varied and the dynamics are generally agreed on at the start, although some flexibility built in.

At the end of the day, you still got some enjoyment from the meeting, although it could have been more.
Yes, you get it. This lack of concern for my pleasure fits our dynamic. I don't even care if I get to cum - when I say I wanted more, I mean I wish it had lasted longer after the phone call. I wish he had fucked me. Our chats had led me to have high expectations for this visit, and unfortunately he wasn't in the right headspace for it - disappointing when our visits are at best every other month. What I DID get was his genuine appreciation for my being there, which is precious to me.
Yes, you get it. This lack of concern for my pleasure fits our dynamic. I don't even care if I get to cum - when I say I wanted more, I mean I wish it had lasted longer after the phone call. I wish he had fucked me. Our chats had led me to have high expectations for this visit, and unfortunately he wasn't in the right headspace for it - disappointing when our visits are at best every other month. What I DID get was his genuine appreciation for my being there, which is precious to me.
You’re the only one really that can decide if your meeting was worth while. Having said that you no doubt would have captivated more of my attention For sure.
Hm, you don't like my boob-faced humour? Well, then, how about this pair of pics in which my pair look especially pendulous?

(I think maybe I need to step away, lol.)
Oh Sally, how I would love to kiss, lick, caress, pinch, nibble and fuck those amazing breasts of yours. They always drive my libido higher.
:devilish: :love: :heart: :kiss: :rose:
Very nice shot! I like pendulous - it makes me just want to scope them up in my hands. :)
Hm, you don't like my boob-faced humour? Well, then, how about this pair of pics in which my pair look especially pendulous?

(I think maybe I need to step away, lol.)
Good lord, Sally! I'm going to need to see you in my bedroom, as soon as possible.
Lovely,Sally :rose:
Thank you!

Absolutely stunning

Oh Sally, how I would love to kiss, lick, caress, pinch, nibble and fuck those amazing breasts of yours. They always drive my libido higher.
:devilish: :love: :heart: :kiss: :rose:
I swear they don't look quite so enormous in person. But I do love how they turn you on!

Very nice shot! I like pendulous - it makes me just want to scope them up in my hands. :)
Big handfuls! 😬

Is it wrong that I’d love to have those pendulous beauties in my face?
Not wrong at all! Quite an excellent reaction, actually! xo

They would look good swinging side to side over my face.

Good lord, Sally! I'm going to need to see you in my bedroom, as soon as possible.
Am I in trouble? 😄
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