My Andy Thread

WickedEve said:
I thought it was the name of an old game.
Like I said before, I thought it was a good poem--certainly not bad. I don't know anything about that worldfair award, though.

hey Wicked Eve:)

okay, an old game? what type of game, the other one, which I thought he meant, is a game of war, toy soldiers and such, a battlefield game...

this one--


I havent heard of that particular award, but of course, it is a huge world with lots of different awards :)

I googled his spelling, Streteego, and got nothing, it is not in the dictionary, not in Encarta...perhaps Wikipedia?

oh well...
normal jean said:
Anyone else know what Streteego is?
And while we're at it, what is synchronated? (From the title of this poem posted by Andy.) Not a word in any dictionary I can find. I'm just asking because he made such poop hurling attempts at ripping my poem for bad grammar.

Oh, and I find it telling that I have yet to recieve a reply to this. Maybe there is none.
Liar said:
And while we're at it, what is synchronated? (From the title of this poem posted by Andy.) Not a word in any dictionary I can find. I'm just asking because he made such poop hurling attempts at ripping my poem for bad grammar.

Oh, and I find it telling that I have yet to recieve a reply to this. Maybe there is none.

oh, you mean CHEERIE?

ya got me there too.

where did he go, I was hoping he would be as gung-ho enlightening me as he was when it came to trying to embarrass me....

I have embarrassed myself often enough that I am used to it by now :D
Without wanting to stoke the fire, surely a title is a title is a title and could be whatever one wanted it to be without compromising the poem its the title of.

As for the word synchronated I just thought it was an Americanism for synchronism or synchronized.

I'm sorry you Americans but you do have a habit of corrupting the odd word or two. :rolleyes:
bogusbrig said:
Without wanting to stoke the fire, surely a title is a title is a title and could be whatever one wanted it to be without compromising the poem its the title of.

As for the word synchronated I just thought it was an Americanism for synchronism or synchronized.

I'm sorry you Americans but you do have a habit of corrupting the odd word or two. :rolleyes:

Hello, BB :)

yep, you are correct about a title being what it is, for whatever reason., I know we have had several discussions concrning titles and their importance/relevance to the poem. If I see a poem with a title I dont understand, then I take extra care to attempt to see the tie-in with the poem, how it relates, even if it is a bastardized word.

True, we Americans can funk-tify a word on occasion :D
bogusbrig said:
Without wanting to stoke the fire, surely a title is a title is a title and could be whatever one wanted it to be without compromising the poem its the title of.
*shrug* Depends on the poem, and the title, I suppose.
Cub4ucme said:
"In a Station at the Metro"

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.

Ezra Pound

By true definition Pound's poem is not haiku.
You don't have any definition of haiku. And despite of what some participants of this thread have written, you don't have any definition of poetry either. Until you have encountered me, it didn't even occur to you to have any. It's an accident that suddenly you are so preoccupied with the oh!-definitions. Forget definitions.

Also, let's forget haiku. It only obscures this discussion. Let's simply talk about poetry.

The first line depicts the poet looking at faces as apparitions.
The second line comes across as a belated conclusion.

Thus, the two lines above are technically a short poem
not haiku.

I view the second line metaphorically.
No kidding! :) :)

It's like this. Pound himself has written quite an explanation of his poem, a whole essay or something. He was groping for the meaning of the oriental poetry, and he was quite impressed with himself on this occasion (he was enthusiastic but naive; I'll explain in a separate thread). Then some X has rephrased what Pound said. Then some Y has rephrased what Y did. Then some Z... And now andy is passing all this as his own (like about colors, elsewhere), without even understanding his own words. Indeed, what is this andy's poetically meaningless nonsense about "The first line depicts the poet looking at faces as apparitions." -- who would care?! What would it mean? What would it buy?! Exactly nothing. Fortunately, that andy's nonsense is not what Pounds did.

"Apparition" means a sudden appearance. Pounds simply has written that it sudddenly had appeared to him that the faces in the metro crowd look like petals on a bough. He didn't leave much to the reader. In Pounds poem "apparition" is NOT faces but
the simile "faces = petals":

appartition = (faces=petals)

and not "apparition=faces". The apparition had happened in Pounds mind, and not in the metro station as such. It's not that faces were appearing in the metro station (they perhaps were, but this is not what the word "apparition" refers to in the Pound's poem).

All you offer the reader is a night in a windowless office
that evolves into you walking outside and finding there
is snow covering the ground.

There is not one bit of enlightenment conveyed to the reader.

It's simply a dead poem.
You're simply blind and deaf to poetry. Anna gave you a good hint. But you are hopeless. You would put down the best haiku written over the centuries if it had my name underneath. You'd use exactly the same words. It wouldn't matter.

It is intellectually dishonest when comments on poems depend on the name under the poem, and not on the poem. Your comments and the useless 1201 comment on my 2 versions (that they are "a little too short" :) :) -- how stupid!) can be written under the two famous Basho haiku as well, they would fit just the same. This shows how meaningless such comments are.
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normal jean said:
I read through some of Ms Lewis' poetry, as far as rhymed poetry goes, it is fair. You say she is from Eau Claire? The profile I am looking at says Lexington, SC...( do you know anyone who lives there? :D) what a funky coincidence.
When I look at it, it says Seattle. Either Ms. Lewis is following us about the country or the profile is reflecting the viewer's location.

If you read her biography, she says she lives in Wales.
bogusbrig said:
I think what is meant is Stratego It is a strategy board game.

THat also is what I thought, but Cubby informed me I was wrong, so I asked him to which game he was referring. I even included WHYI thought Stratego would have been an appropriate word to use.

oh well.... what did he say? I asked him nicely, do not see any response from him, yet

bogusbrig said:
I think what is meant is Stratego It is a strategy board game.

yeah, BB, here is the request I made of him ( I am NJ if you didnt know, I thought everyone knew, anyway...)


Hey Cubby, what IS Streteego?

I can find no reference to it anywhere, none whatsoever. NO reference to it that makes any sense at all where your poem is considered.

Now, here is my problem with your poem.

It is well thought out, but it seems in your attempt to be , well, I dont know what you were attempting because that word is non -existant except to you.,

How does that benefit your poem in any way?

Please teach me something, I am confused by this choice of word and that is an important part of poetry, is it not?

Explain to me what I am missing, and if you can, without insulting me, because I am attempting to be respctful to you and learn something here. My tiny female mind cannot understand why one would use an obscure reference for something that is easily understood when spelled the other way...

Anyone else know what Streteego is?


I wonder why he didnt answer me? He had no problem responding earlier...was it something I said? :D
Tzara said:
When I look at it, it says Seattle. Either Ms. Lewis is following us about the country or the profile is reflecting the viewer's location.

If you read her biography, she says she lives in Wales.

hee hee, Tzara, I think you are on to something!!

oh well, I dont believe in coincidences anyway

flyguy69 said:
I don't mean sound abrasive, either, but I am curious.

I can't find any other references to an award for that poem, so I'm left with the award of "Poem of the Week" at the "Peaceful Pub" as the sole citation. It appears that Ms. Jean Lewis of Eau Claire, WI thought that poem was the best one posted to that forum that week.
Actually, "Toy Soldiers" was given multiple awards at the Peaceful Pub, as have several of Andy's other poems (check the different links here).

By the way, Wordflair appears to be the master site at which the Peaceful Pub forum is based.

None of this, of course, says that Andy's poems have not been given other awards elsewhere. That is entirely possible.
oh my goodness people, could someone come do my laundry or write my 30 poems in 30 days poem instead of googling Andy?

eh hem

this is making me grumpy.

Hmm. Maybe I am just jealous. Maybe I want to be Googled. And oogled. Do I have to call you names or something? sheesh :cool:

Tzara said:
Actually, "Toy Soldiers" was given multiple awards at the Peaceful Pub, as have several of Andy's other poems (check the different links here).

By the way, Wordflair appears to be the master site at which the Peaceful Pub forum is based.

None of this, of course, says that Andy's poems have not been given other awards elsewhere. That is entirely possible.
annaswirls said:
oh my goodness people, could someone come do my laundry or write my 30 poems in 30 days poem instead of googling Andy?

eh hem

this is making me grumpy.

Hmm. Maybe I am just jealous. Maybe I want to be Googled. And oogled. Do I have to call you names or something? sheesh :cool:

Darling Anna!!]

I google you at least twice a day!!!



Maria2394 said:
Darling Anna!!]

I google you at least twice a day!!!




oooh I was wondering what that warm tingly sensation was! You give good google.

And I cannot read this thread because every time I see Tath's AV I almost get pregnant. Lord help me.
annaswirls said:
oh my goodness people, could someone come do my laundry or write my 30 poems in 30 days poem instead of googling Andy?

eh hem

this is making me grumpy.

Hmm. Maybe I am just jealous. Maybe I want to be Googled. And oogled. Do I have to call you names or something? sheesh :cool:
You know, I've wondered whether this is just a ploy to generate a lot of attention. It certainly has done that.

It seems to have more or less shut down all other commentary, which is unfortunate.
Tzara said:
You know, I've wondered whether this is just a ploy to generate a lot of attention. It certainly has done that.

It seems to have more or less shut down all other commentary, which is unfortunate.

oh goody does that mean you are going to read my poem now :cathappy: I do not want to make a scene but....

I do hope you know I am playing, I have been awful at not commenting on the new poems this week.
annaswirls said:
oh goody does that mean you are going to read my poem now :cathappy: I do not want to make a scene but....

I do hope you know I am playing, I have been awful at not commenting on the new poems this week.
The one on the thin-skinned thread? Yeah, that was next up. Then I need to do Carrie's poem in the PDC. That NaNo thing and work took up a lot of time the last week or so and I have been bad about commenting. I don't feel like writing poems right now, so I plan to try and comment more over the next few days. :)
Tzara said:
The one on the thin-skinned thread? Yeah, that was next up. Then I need to do Carrie's poem in the PDC. That NaNo thing and work took up a lot of time the last week or so and I have been bad about commenting. I don't feel like writing poems right now, so I plan to try and comment more over the next few days. :)

oh goodness, T, I am sorry, I really hope you do not think I was complaining for real :cool: I do not know how you contribute so much to this forum. Don't read my poem, I forbit it. :devil:
annaswirls said:
oh goodness, T, I am sorry, I really hope you do not think I was complaining for real :cool: I do not know how you contribute so much to this forum. Don't read my poem, I forbit it. :devil:
Too late. ;)
Tzara said:
The one on the thin-skinned thread? Yeah, that was next up. Then I need to do Carrie's poem in the PDC. That NaNo thing and work took up a lot of time the last week or so and I have been bad about commenting. I don't feel like writing poems right now, so I plan to try and comment more over the next few days. :)
I look forward to reading something else besides
This message is hidden because Cub4ucme is on your ignore list.
Senna Jawa said:
You don't have any definition of haiku. And despite of what some participants of this thread have written, you don't have any definition of poetry either. Until you have encountered me, it didn't even occur to you to have any. It's an accident that suddenly you are so preoccupied with the oh!-definitions. Forget definitions.

Also, let's forget haiku. It only obscures this discussion. Let's simply talk about poetry.

No kidding! :) :)

It's like this. Pound himself has written quite an explanation of his poem, a whole essay or something. He was groping for the meaning of the oriental poetry, and he was quite impressed with himself on this occasion (he was enthusiastic but naive; I'll explain in a separate thread). Then some X has rephrased what Pound said. Then some Y has rephrased what Y did. Then some Z... And now andy is passing all this as his own (like about colors, elsewhere), without even understanding his own words. Indeed, what is this andy's poetically meaningless nonsense about "The first line depicts the poet looking at faces as apparitions." -- who would care?! What would it mean? What would it buy?! Exactly nothing. Fortunately, that andy's nonsense is not what Pounds did.

"Apparition" means a sudden appearance. Pounds simply has written that it sudddenly had appeared to him that the faces in the metro crowd look like petals on a bough. He didn't leave much to the reader. In Pounds poem "apparition" is NOT faces but
the simile "faces = petals":

appartition = (faces=petals)

and not "apparition=faces". The apparition had happened in Pounds mind, and not in the metro station as such. It's not that faces were appearing in the metro station (they perhaps were, but this is not what the word "apparition" refers to in the Pound's poem).

[quite]All you offer the reader is a night in a windowless office
that evolves into you walking outside and finding there
is snow covering the ground.

There is not one bit of enlightenment conveyed to the reader.

It's simply a dead poem.
You're simply blind and deaf to poetry. Anna gave you a good hint. But you are hopeless. You would put down the best haiku written over the centuries if it had my name under neath. You'd use exactly the same words. It wouldn't matter.

It is intellectually dishonest when comments on poems depend on the name under the poem, and not on the poem. Your comments and the useless 1201 comment on my 2 versions (that they are "a little too short" :) :) -- how stupid!) can be written under the two famous Basho haiku as well, they would fit just the same. This shows how meaningless such comments are. Senna[/QUOTE]


Double talker.

Haiku, in its purest sense is about an experience that happens in the NOW!

Do you argue that?

My point is, Pound's poem was written in two parts:

1). The actual experience, being there in a crowded environment.
2). The afterthought; the recollection, or memory of that experience.

WE could argue semantics all day.

What's clear is you have nothing concrete to stand on.

Still, you avoid my offer for critical analysis.

I studied Pounds poem over ten years ago.

Anyone who studied poetry will end up in that corner.

Don't try and look like you are enlightening me to the fact that
Pound was looking for a way to metamorphasize the Oriental
philosophy of haiku and tanka.

Once again, if your stance is valid take up my offer.
Otherwise, feel free to continue on your fruitless path
of denial and persecution.

There is a basic factor to truth; it comes out eventually.

The common demominator with us is that we both seem
to have an interest in poetry. What separates us is ego.

I did comment positively on one of your poems. You insinuated
in a post that I consider personalities. Check my record. That
would never happen.

My view is, once you post or publish a poem you separate yourself
from it. You live with it while you write it. Sometimes it's so damn
close to you it's hard to share. Once I give it up, it's no longer
just my poem. It lives amongst the readers who are willing to take
the time to read and interpret it.

In that space it will live or die quickly.

I don't get personal about my poetry except when unqualified idiots
blow out general statements like "I've seen your poetry, enough said."

Infact, I appreciated you taking the time to give me (although your were speaking to your crowd of mislead followers) your insight and opinion
of my poem.

Your problem with me now is you don't know quite what to do with me.

I'm calling you out and your ego can't take it.

I'm not backing down and all the double talk you continue
to express is not going to get you anywhere.

I knew what would happen here since post number one.

I also have a small following now of people that are gutless (and you know who you are) that work their program behind the scenes.

I'll make it public; I have less respect for them than I do for you.

At least you are willing to take a stance, however fragile and time dated
it may be.

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Tzara said:
You know, I've wondered whether this is just a ploy to generate a lot of attention. It certainly has done that.

It seems to have more or less shut down all other commentary, which is unfortunate.

Your implication assumes I have an agenda to disrupt the commentary
on poetry in this forum.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Check the number of poems I've posted in this thread alone.

I've also commented on more poetry in this entire forum than any member

My wasted time is spent responding to emotional misfits who thought they
might know who they were up against.

The typical, let's all get him and he'll go away approach to caveman

I resent your post, and for good reason.
