My Andy Thread

champagne1982 said:
My first interaction with cUb4ucme

My second comment to this person.

My third response

My fourth, and perhaps the post that imbalanced the raft.

My fifth comment and a response to a direct insult from this individual.

My sixth and least-called-for reply, since it wasn't about me, but the one cub4ucme posted a scant minute prior to it was. Maybe, I'm justified.

Anyway, Andy, could you please enlighten me as to my ignorance and what caused you to attack me in the first place? I really tried to see it from your side and just let you rave on, making posts about poets and discrediting all views but your own.

I appreciate that the feelings I have about you are akin to the feelings MET must have had about some of the ill-considered things I and others have posted; ie: pompous and unwelcomed, so I tried my best to ignore what you were saying about the poets and concentrate on what you had to impart about the poems until, with very little provocation, you made it all about YOU.

I hate to rip into your hermetically-sealed, irradiated and chemically preserved package, since I don't know what stink will follow you out of it, but it's not about being insulted and defensive about your reality, it's all about your interactions with other people and how well you can get along with them.

If you truly didn't give a rat's ass, you wouldn't have posted on this forum in the first place.

The rabbit is exactly where it should be, still on that track and you're still chasing it.

You take the liberty now to post, in full, the lineage of your comments to
me with provided links and then mention how I rudely attacked you.

I'm not playing bait and switch with you.

I don't have time for you today, maybe tomorrow, but that's
another day, and another story.

At the moment I am smiling, because it's funny how people think
they are smart enough to twist things to their advantage as if
the practice will ever get them anywhere.

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annaswirls said:
hey it's a good thing you love it because you seem to be quite proficient in the art :heart: eh hem. :)


I need not defend that one.

It only reveals your ignorance so carry on.

Hope the itch between your legs gets better,

Cub4ucme said:
You take the liberty now to post, in full, the lineage of your comments to
me with provided links and then mention how I rudely attacked you.

I'm not playing bait and switch with you.

I don't have time for you today, maybe tomorrow, but that's
another day, and another story.

At the moment I am smiling, because it's funny how people think
they are smart enough to twist things to their advantage as if
the practice will ever get them anywhere.

Your initial beef is that I didn't understand your fucking journey into persecution. In the post you're discussing here, in your quoted reply, I merely illustrated that I have seen your posts and to the detriment of my intelligence, which I can only say does show my ignorance, I read them, completely and replied to a few.

Bait and switch is your game and really, you should read the rules and practice a bit more of it. You suck at it. You have over 60 posts at this time, how many of them are about poetry? Your ratio of board politics to poetry postings reveals your nature.

You'd rather shit than get off the pot. Sit and read the catalogue, you may find some bra models you can wank to.
champagne1982 said:
Bait and switch is your game and really, you should read the rules and practice a bit more of it. You suck at it. You have over 60 posts at this time, how many of them are about poetry? Your ratio of board politics to poetry postings reveals your nature.


You're not very good at this.

Equations only work correctly when all factors are considered.

Try counting the number of posts I've responded to defending
my postition that were initiated by thread darters and people
that chose to jump in to protect their own little social head-

I fear you'll run out of fingers and toes.

You don't make sense at all. You don't like that you don't
make sense but, you continue to make no sense.

Thus, my conclusions are, you are an idiot with a computer.

Carry on!

Attic Poems

What words he must have spoken
to have left such a strong enchantment
on the girl the woman once was.

What love her heart must have sang
as the melody of his emotion rang out
and touched the woman she'd become.

A birthday wish, a lover's verse
all tied in ribbon, hidden
in a silken purse he must have given.

Let me bring these shades forward
to show them what happiness waits
outside of these pages.

Champagne 1982

Let's discuss this poem, shall we?

best andy
Cub4ucme said:
You don't make sense at all. You don't like that you don't
make sense but, you continue to make no sense.
At first I thought it was a typo, but you continue to do it.

sentence comma conjunction sentence

sentence conjunction comma sentence

I'll probably be away from the computer when (if) you comment. I'm sure I'll be called ignorant. I hope so. I feel left out.
WickedEve said:
At first I thought it was a typo, but you continue to do it.

sentence comma conjunction sentence

sentence conjunction comma sentence

I'll probably be away from the computer when (if) you comment. I'm sure I'll be called ignorant. I hope so. I feel left out.
All the cool kids are ignorant these days. Smart is so... October.
flyguy69 said:
Right now I'm wheezy from looking at your av. The forgotten eighth dwarf.
Ah. The dwarf no one wanted to talk about. The dwarf of scandal. The ignorant dwarf.
I think that av says Wicked Eve. It says look at my tits. It says look at my pouting lips. It says that I haven't been inside a hair salon in three months.
WickedEve said:
Ah. The dwarf no one wanted to talk about. The dwarf of scandal. The ignorant dwarf.
I think that av says Wicked Eve. It says look at my tits. It says look at my pouting lips. It says that I haven't been inside a hair salon in three months.
You have hair? I hadn't noticed.
I'm sat here bored and scared to change thread in case I miss the next outburst. Meanwhile Fly and Wicked are taking up valuable flaming space!!!!

Move over, I squash Love Birds!!!!
bogusbrig said:
I'm sat here bored and scared to change thread in case I miss the next outburst. Meanwhile Fly and Wicked are taking up valuable flaming space!!!!

Move over, I squash Love Birds!!!!
We're the halftime show. Wait till we make a human pyramid.
WickedEve said:
At first I thought it was a typo, but you continue to do it.

sentence comma conjunction sentence

sentence conjunction comma sentence

I'll probably be away from the computer when (if) you comment. I'm sure I'll be called ignorant. I hope so. I feel left out.

Hey, I'm dense, frail and um I forget. Because I'm ignorant. And I don't get it. I'll never get it. Not that I wanted it...
Cub4ucme said:
<snip>Let's discuss this poem, shall we?

best andy
As an ignorant idiot with a computer I feel I cannot possibly contribute anything of any value during an unsolicited discussion of my poetry with such an esteemed member of the computing public as you.

Respectfully, I decline.

Carrie Champagne​
Angeline said:
Hey, I'm dense, frail and um I forget. Because I'm ignorant. And I don't get it. I'll never get it. Not that I wanted it...
What are you going on about, you ignorant hussy?
bogusbrig said:
I'm sat here bored and scared to change thread in case I miss the next outburst. Meanwhile Fly and Wicked are taking up valuable flaming space!!!!

Move over, I squash Love Birds!!!!
I just got home and immediately turned on the computer and clicked my way straight to this thread. I'm bad... and ignorant.

I just realised, in my ignorance, I am guilty of issuing an invitation to "andy" to join us here in one of my comments. I'm ready for my public flogging now.
Tristesse2 said:

I just realised, in my ignorance, I am guilty of issuing an invitation to "andy" to join us here in one of my comments. I'm ready for my public flogging now.
You hamster.
WickedEve said:
What are you going on about, you ignorant hussy?

Ignorant sick hussy. I did something awful to my back. I'm flyguy's Vicodin twin. Ignorant, sick, drugged hussy. :eek:
Angeline said:
Ignorant sick hussy. I did something awful to my back. I'm flyguy's Vicodin twin. Ignorant, sick, drugged hussy. :eek:
I thought I had a ruptured disc--may have one. But the back is doing better, as long as I don't lift. I was rearranging furniture. :rolleyes:
Gumby Is My Hero

Vague Integers In Geometric hybrids

You, the past (oassed) *\

participle of vacant thought
puking history
on today
....................sandy bitch, from the conjunction of

some English major's cunt

.....................there are idiots amongst the people

in the cracks between their silence
in the noise
they laugh enough
to get by

she was talking about space the space beteween the lines how I tried to make it look like my poem was longer somehow more
impressive than it should be (space)

like a child atop a table screaming "LOOK AT ME"

....they do their laundry here
who am I to arrive chopping wood
they come out naked fighting asking
me where my punctuation is as I think about my sentence structure while i read about some bitch who's putting her pussy on a screen.
did you hear me????????
the bitch is putting her PUSSY ON A SCREEN

"Nice, so long as it don't talk"

the little hairs
trapped in
polo mars

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it got so fuckin'

inside their dryer
spinning 'round
in the vacuum

of dysfunction

tweedle dee
is tweele dumb
they like to sqaush
it with their thumb the heart of a silent moment, vague thoughts lead to turns

first the head, then the hips
before you bend your legs
heading for the womb

where all is warm
