My Andy Thread

WickedEve said:
I thought I had a ruptured disc--may have one. But the back is doing better, as long as I don't lift. I was rearranging furniture. :rolleyes:

I have a turkey-related injury. I was handing out frozen turkeys at work, slinging them off a truck. Think I can get worker's comp? I'd love to see the report: "Employee attacked by frozen turkeys." Anyway, my osteopath beat me up for about a half hour this morning, then gave me drugs. My ignorance is now blissful. :)
WickedEve said:
At first I thought it was a typo, but you continue to do it.

sentence comma conjunction sentence

sentence conjunction comma sentence

I'll probably be away from the computer when (if) you comment. I'm sure I'll be called ignorant. I hope so. I feel left out.

It's hilarious!

Nothing less.

Have your studied inverted phrasing?

You're one of those bitches who sits back and waits for a chance to prey.

Then finally you think you've got an opening and you PUKE all over

First, make sure you know what you are trying to teach or correct.

Then ask the question, so you don't make an (keyword of the day) idiot of yourself again.


My Erotic Trail said:
I always did like 'the Andy ******** Show' <grin

Now, ladies and gentlemen, that's impressive.

Let me say nothing, so I can say something.

Angeline said:
Hey, I'm dense, frail and um I forget. Because I'm ignorant. And I don't get it. I'll never get it. Not that I wanted it...


Forever In Place,
Cub4ucme said:
It's hilarious!

Nothing less.

Have your studied inverted phrasing?

You're one of those bitches who sits back and waits for a chance to prey.

Then finally you think you've got an opening and you PUKE all over

First, make sure you know what you are trying to teach or correct.

Then ask the question, so you don't make an (keyword of the day) idiot of yourself again.


I haven't studied inverted phrasing. I simply know that most people normally place a comma before the conjunction, and I wondered why you didn't.

I even googled it after I read your post.

One of the most frequent errors in comma usage is the placement of a comma after a coordinating conjunction. We cannot say that the comma will always come before the conjunction and never after, but it would be a rare event, indeed, that we need to follow a coordinating conjunction with a comma. When speaking, we do sometimes pause after the little conjunction, but there is seldom a good reason to put a comma there.

I haven't called you a bastard or a fuck or a imbecile, so don't call me a bitch.
WickedEve said:

I haven't called you a bastard or a fuck or a imbecile, so don't call me a bitch.

Good point!

First one you've made that I feel obligated to respond to.

My apolgies, you are right.

Angeline said:
Not too happy tonight, are you?

Doing just fine tonight.

I pissed on the dog before he pissed on me.

Now, do you have anything along the topic of poetry you might want to

Just a thought; I know I'm going out on a limb.

Forgive me please.

Cub4ucme said:
Doing just fine tonight.

I pissed on the dog before he pissed on me.

Now, do you have anything along the topic of poetry you might want to

Just a thought; I know I'm going out on a limb.

Forgive me please.


Thanks, but not with you.

god help me I think I love you



Cub4ucme said:
Vague Integers In Geometric hybrids

You, the past (oassed) *\

participle of vacant thought
puking history
on today
....................sandy bitch, from the conjunction of

some English major's cunt

.....................there are idiots amongst the people

in the cracks between their silence
in the noise
they laugh enough
to get by

she was talking about space the space beteween the lines how I tried to make it look like my poem was longer somehow more
impressive than it should be (space)

like a child atop a table screaming "LOOK AT ME"

....they do their laundry here
who am I to arrive chopping wood
they come out naked fighting asking
me where my punctuation is as I think about my sentence structure while i read about some bitch who's putting her pussy on a screen.
did you hear me????????
the bitch is putting her PUSSY ON A SCREEN
um I studied biology in a previous life
endoplasmic reticula now there is a good word"Nice, so long as it don't talk"

the little hairs
trapped in
polo mars

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it got so fuckin'

inside their dryer
spinning 'round
in the vacuum

of dysfunction

tweedle dee
is tweele dumb
they like to sqaush
it with their thumb the heart of a silent moment, vague thoughts lead to turns

first the head, then the hips
before you bend your legs
heading for the womb

where all is warm

Cub4ucme said:
Good point!

First one you've made that I feel obligated to respond to.

My apolgies, you are right.


:confused: hey wait, I didn't call you any names either sigh :confused:
annaswirls said:

god help me I think I love you


Well, while you're confessing love, I'm still waiting for comma answers! As I said, I haven't studied inverted phrasing, but I know of inverted phrasing in poetry, and I thought it was typically a no no. But I didn't know that inverted phrasing included doing strange things with commas--even when it's not poetry. So, talk to me, anna, or do you have no idea what I'm going on about? :D
WickedEve said:
Well, while you're confessing love, I'm still waiting for comma answers! As I said, I haven't studied inverted phrasing, but I know of inverted phrasing in poetry, and I thought it was typically a no no. But I didn't know that inverted phrasing included doing strange things with commas--even when it's not poetry. So, talk to me, anna, or do you have no idea what I'm going on about? :D

if i tell you that you are correct, and were when you first stated it, is there a reward involved?
Anna to andy:

annaswirls said:
I might just go put my pussy on my AV
promises, promises...

and write a poem about it. See? It is literotica. We can do what we want here. So can you.
Anna, not quite:

First the minor constrain:

1. andy cannot put his pussy on his AV;

And the major constrain:

2. pussy or no pussy, andy is not capable of writing any poem (a pseudo-poem? sure--he can even publish his pseudo-poems shamelessly, en mass. that's how capable he is politically and business wise, wow!).
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WickedEve said:
Well, while you're confessing love, I'm still waiting for comma answers! As I said, I haven't studied inverted phrasing, but I know of inverted phrasing in poetry, and I thought it was typically a no no. But I didn't know that inverted phrasing included doing strange things with commas--even when it's not poetry. So, talk to me, anna, or do you have no idea what I'm going on about? :D

Google Queen,

Listen, my sentence structure could have been improved,

I don't worry too much about it when I'm posting comments.

Inverting phrasing in poetry is not a NO-NO.

You'll find it in Billy's Sonnets.

My point was, (and still is): You should ask, or even imply, before
you throw your tits out there.

Take notice, I typed TITS, not bitch.

Senna Jawa said:
promises, promises...

Anna, not quite:

First the minor constrain:

1. andy cannot put his pussy on his AV;

And the major constrain:

2. pussy or no pussy, andy is not capable of writing any poem (a pseudo-poem? sure--he can even publish his pseudo-poems shamelessly, en mass. that's how capable he is politically and business wise, wow!).


Maybe, the public's wrong and you're right.

It could be you know.

You are really smart.

All in due time.

I noticed how you never took me up on the offer to
post some of your poetry on the leading Internet
critique boards.

To everything there is a bottom line.

You have a pulpit here and it works for you.

It's made of cheescake, but it's a pulpit.

Hell, that's a big ego you're trying to feed every
day. Too bad sometimes you're only going to
get crackers and lime-juice now.

Carry On!

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WickedEve said:
Well, while you're confessing love, I'm still waiting for comma answers! As I said, I haven't studied inverted phrasing, but I know of inverted phrasing in poetry, and I thought it was typically a no no. But I didn't know that inverted phrasing included doing strange things with commas--even when it's not poetry. So, talk to me, anna, or do you have no idea what I'm going on about? :D

To think, about commas, Eve, I am too woozy, with love......

but I vowed a long time ago to never correct punctuation, spelling, etc. in posts. And I never heard of inverted phrasing, not phrased like that, have heard of the process just not the name, inverted bellybuttons, I have one of those, but I refuse to post it, good lord I have learned my lesson.

now where is my boyfriend
I was just wondering where is MET when we finally need him?

or perhaps... nah!

DA : )
I have to admit that I am really puzzled by this. I am not quite sure of what to think about Andy. He seems to revel in tossing insults at everyone on the slightest of provocations—often on no provocation at all or, at best, on an imagined one.

What is this? Megalomania? My own guess is serious feelings of inferiority that are being compensated for by pugnaciousness, but that's just a guess and I'm sure will be pissed all over by Mr. A. (Who, by the way, has my complete permission to call me any vile name he can think of. I'm sure that in his mind I deserve it, and perhaps I do.)

I always end up at a loss when dealing with people who are fundamentally irrational. Ultimately I just feel sad, like I've been teasing someone with a disability. Perhaps I have.

Or perhaps I am dead wrong and Andy is a genius. I hope so. I am often wrong.
Decayed Angel said:
I was just wondering where is MET when we finally need him?

or perhaps... nah!

DA : )
It's hard to believe, but I was thinking the same thing.
I don't watch soap operas but I'm beginning to understand why they are so popular. Every soap apparently has a villain and Andy appears to be filling that part. Villains are always talented but never talented enough or are thwarted by the system and so they feel agrieved and wronged, imagining lesser talents succeed at their expense. They spend the whole series apparently nursing their psychosis.

Put some poetry up Andy and forget the crap.
bogusbrig said:
Every soap apparently has a villain and Andy appears to be filling that part. Villains are always talented [...]
Oh, they are? Then Andy is an angel after all.
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bogusbrig said:
I don't watch soap operas but I'm beginning to understand why they are so popular. Every soap apparently has a villain and Andy appears to be filling that part. Villains are always talented but never talented enough or are thwarted by the system and so they feel agrieved and wronged, imagining lesser talents succeed at their expense. They spend the whole series apparently nursing their psychosis.

Put some poetry up Andy and forget the crap.


Here y'all go, Cub4ucme had 4 pieces posted in October and was warmly directed in comments on his premier piece, Befriending the Wolf to join in the PFD. Seems he has done so with some gusto.
