my cock is so big...

I can dress it up to a life size replica of John Howard
inspired by norajane...

my cock is so big there's a scale-model idol of it on the shores of the sea of cortez. services are held every wednesday and sunday.

ohhhhhmmmm... shalla balla... ohhhhhmmmmm
My penis is so big...

...Hugo Chavez is constantly decrying it as a byproduct of the empirical Bush regime.
They used my left nut as the model for the EPCOT center
...i don't know how big it really is b/c i pass out from blood loss whenever i have an erection.

my cock is so big i have to piss in the hot tub... the stream's too broad to fit in the toilet without it splashing out onto the floor.
...when it's windy out, i become a weather vane and my custom-made condoms accessorize it as windsocks!

...i'm required to register it with local police departments as a deadly weapon.

My cock is so big...

...that its very existence supports The Critique of Pure Reason.

...when I address it, I have to say I and Thou. suggest that a woman give me a blowjob would be more than A Modest Proposal.

...its friends all call it Moby Dick.

...when I ejaculate, the resulting puddle gets a name on the map of North America.
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just look at it... for christ's sake! somebody save the children!

i can't believe you're talking about cock size and judging at the same time. i can't wait to see what happens when these two concepts merge.

whose dick is the biggest judge?

whose judge is the biggest dick?

how much dick can a dick judge judge if a dick judge could judge dick.
EJFan said:
i can't believe you're talking about cock size and judging at the same time. i can't wait to see what happens when these two concepts merge.

whose dick is the biggest judge?

whose judge is the biggest dick?

how much dick can a dick judge judge if a dick judge could judge dick.
I quit.

I...I...I can't possibly top that. I'm just gonna say uncle, roll up my enormous penis, and exit stage left. :rolleyes:
TBKahuna123 said:
... roll up my enormous penis, and exit stage left. :rolleyes:
it goes 'round one o' those giant wooden spools like the electric company uses, right?
EJFan said:
i can't believe you're talking about cock size and judging at the same time. i can't wait to see what happens when these two concepts merge.

whose dick is the biggest judge?

whose judge is the biggest dick?

how much dick can a dick judge judge if a dick judge could judge dick.

We are not worthy.... :D :D :D
EJFan said:
it goes 'round one o' those giant wooden spools like the electric company uses, right?
No way man, splinters! No, I use one of those ones with the crank for garden hoses. I got this really neat one where the handle is actually the nose of a garden gnome. My wife think's it's cute. :cool:

I have never read something so funny! Please don't stop...I'm gonna pee on me as much as I'm laughing... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D