My Milky Journey

My domperidone has finally arrived. I just took the first dose, and plan to take 10 mg 4x/day for a week, then up it from there. Here's hoping! I've read some stories that women have induced solely from taking 'dom' and not pumping, or having a partner. I decided to take a rest on pumping today so I can assess how I handle the dom. I've been told to look for signs of headache, nausea, or extreme fatigue. It's reportedly rare to have those symptoms, but it doesn't hurt to play it safe for a few days.

Keep thinking milky thoughts with me :)
My domperidone has finally arrived. I just took the first dose, and plan to take 10 mg 4x/day for a week, then up it from there. Here's hoping! I've read some stories that women have induced solely from taking 'dom' and not pumping, or having a partner. I decided to take a rest on pumping today so I can assess how I handle the dom. I've been told to look for signs of headache, nausea, or extreme fatigue. It's reportedly rare to have those symptoms, but it doesn't hurt to play it safe for a few days.

Keep thinking milky thoughts with me :)

Very nice, milky thoughts and full breasts.:heart:
My domperidone has finally arrived. I just took the first dose, and plan to take 10 mg 4x/day for a week, then up it from there. Here's hoping! I've read some stories that women have induced solely from taking 'dom' and not pumping, or having a partner. I decided to take a rest on pumping today so I can assess how I handle the dom. I've been told to look for signs of headache, nausea, or extreme fatigue. It's reportedly rare to have those symptoms, but it doesn't hurt to play it safe for a few days.

Keep thinking milky thoughts with me :)

Sigh thinking milky thoughts without the joy of sucking to help you get there
Hopefully soon we can keep you flowing ‘round the clock
i think you will get a lot of volunteers to be one, i'd have my hand up for it :kiss::kiss:

We shall see! :devil: Day one on dom went very well. No side effects. I'm on day 2. Same dosage. My breasts feel a little heavier today, but that could also be my mind playing tricks. We'll know soon enough. Have a nice weekend :)
Don't forget to take some good before and after pics - its so beautiful watching boobies change and swell as they get full!

I swear they look better every day the closer they get to milking!;) :D
Come on Milk!!!

Seems like you need volunteers helping now!!
24-7 if you need it, in shifts... unless you are not serious about this quest!

Suckers! Stat!!
Come on Milk!!!

Seems like you need volunteers helping now!!
24-7 if you need it, in shifts... unless you are not serious about this quest!

Suckers! Stat!!

Lol, I wish I had one! That sounds absolutely fabulous.
Hey how are you? Have you had any luck yet with lactating?

Hi there, thanks for stopping in. I'm still inducing. Hoping that my recent addition of domperidone gets things moving a little quicker. It can take months for those who have never lactated, or those that have not lactated for a while. It has been a few years for me. I'm guessing it will be a few more weeks, but who knows. :)
Hi there, thanks for stopping in. I'm still inducing. Hoping that my recent addition of domperidone gets things moving a little quicker. It can take months for those who have never lactated, or those that have not lactated for a while. It has been a few years for me. I'm guessing it will be a few more weeks, but who knows. :)

Enjoy the journey, and await the destination. Best of luck to you.
Hi there, thanks for stopping in. I'm still inducing. Hoping that my recent addition of domperidone gets things moving a little quicker. It can take months for those who have never lactated, or those that have not lactated for a while. It has been a few years for me. I'm guessing it will be a few more weeks, but who knows. :)

Waiting patiently
But so happy when you post thinking
“Today’s the day!!??”