My wife did it again!!

Then you can expect Roger has set things up so he and a friend or two can corral her and all will end up back at his place.

They will go bar hopping and dancing. Each one will have their hands on her, first one guy, then another. She will love the attention, even though she promises herself that she is only going home with Roger, and Roger is going to be the only one who fucks her.

At the end of the evening, Roger will have them in a bar with low lighting and a comfortable booth where they sit alone. With Roger's two friends, your wife will end up between them while Roger beams at her and make sexy innuendos, letting his friends roam their hands across her. With just one friend, Roger will be on her other side.

Ether way, your wife is expecting Roger to keep control of things. There will be joking, and teasing, and more petting as hands keeping move across her body and and tugging at her clothes. She doesn't want things to go to far until she and Roger are alone. Roger assures her she will be safe, and cajoles her to keep going. But she can't, or won't, stop the inroads being laid through her defences.

Margaritas, Long Island Ice Tea, or another of those most insidious poisons know to man may help reduce her resistance. So may nuzzling, tiny kisses on her neck and ears, sucking her fingers, stroking her face and hair, the search for spots that really get to her. And since Roger knows, they will be found.

Or maybe Roger will just give her a look of authority and his voice of command will gain her submission. Hands will slide between her opening legs, parting them as they massage up her thighs. Hands will cradle her breasts seeking her nipples. A hand will press against the mound under her thong, then undulate to vary the sensations felt by her buried clitoris.

Finally hands will slide her hips to the edge of the seat, pushing her skirt up, letting her feel hidden by slouching down between the men. Your wife will give up resistance, letting her knees fall wide apart to hands that pry and letting her top go free to hands that ply inside, lifting her breasts out of her brasserie and gliding palms and fingers across her nipples.

Watchers across the room may notice her enveloped on either side, a pliant woman whose eyes have lost focus, breathing slow, enthralled by the caressings and pressings of Roger and his friends.

Soon fingers slip inside her thong, seeking what pubic hair there may be. Then at a word between her lovers, they unite and slide the waist band down her hips. Your wife cooperates, lifting her hips then legs as it comes off. Roger pockets the thong for later use, leaving his friends fully access to your wife's womanhood.

Her wetness and puffy lips magically draw one friend's finger up inside her. A second finger adds to her feeling of fullness. Slow in and out motions across her vaginal opening alternate with probing of the rough area that marks her g-spot. Her nips receive gentle attention. Every man is pleasuring your wife..

Then starts a battle of patience.

Your wife is on a slow build, totally oblivious to everything but the press of two male bodies and the stimulation from the many hands. Time has no meaning to her; she wants it to go on forever, stretching out the plateau infinitely before the orgasm she knows must eventually cum.

Eventually someone will give into temptation and start doing circles over her clitoral hood. What had been tiny sensations there from the stroking of her nipple and the pull of her pussy lips focus into the sharper sensation felt now through just a single layer of skin. When the finger makes contact with the magic button, will she be able to warn them climax is imminent?

Roger, who knows her responses best, will be ready to press her mouth against himself when she looses control of her voice and starts whimpering. He will have to hold her tight when she tenses, shudders, jerks, and flexes her body as the intensity of stimulation overwhelms. Your wife will be muffled and restrained to keep her orgasm from drawing too much attention.

But the watchers will see, and smile at Roger and his friend(s), passing them "high signs" in appreciation of their conquest. Your wife will be made presentable, and escorted out the door on Roger's arm while the watchers sneak looks of envy and admiration, both for your hot wife and for Roger. Perceptive ones may realize that Roger has become a bull, in complete charge of your wife's sexual activity for many on-cuming hours.

One friend chauffeurs, and the rest of the party enters the back seat of the vehicle that will take them safely home -- to Roger's home, NOT yours!

What fun this scene is! I just wonder when Roger will swing by the house and take Screwher home with them to watch, film and join in.
What fun this scene is! I just wonder when Roger will swing by the house and take Screwher home with them to watch, film and join in.

I'm sure it would never occur to Roger or his friends to include me. But I could see my wife insisting when we've reached that point.
Noticing your post on the "Women and Wedding Rings" thread, it occurs to me - does she wear her wedding ring when she's with Roger?

In my experience, some women seem to prefer to take them off, others proudly wear them to make it plain what they're doing. Some seem to think you should never take your wedding ring off, no matter what.
Noticing your post on the "Women and Wedding Rings" thread, it occurs to me - does she wear her wedding ring when she's with Roger?

In my experience, some women seem to prefer to take them off, others proudly wear them to make it plain what they're doing. Some seem to think you should never take your wedding ring off, no matter what.

Yes she does. Taking off her wedding ring would show there was something to hide. He knew right from their first conversation she was married.
Yes she does. Taking off her wedding ring would show there was something to hide. He knew right from their first conversation she was married.

I like to think she's giving another message message too: "Hey, this is great; but it's just some extra for me. I get bedded no end at home by my husband and it's fab, me and him. That's why I'm so good at pleasuring you".
I like to think she's giving another message message too: "Hey, this is great; but it's just some extra for me. I get bedded no end at home by my husband and it's fab, me and him. That's why I'm so good at pleasuring you".

Indeed. Contrary to what some might think here, we have a fantastic marriage. We're still every bit as crazy about each other as we were when we first met at 18. Her sex with Roger is just added stimulation to an already amazing sex life.
Indeed. Contrary to what some might think here, we have a fantastic marriage. We're still every bit as crazy about each other as we were when we first met at 18. Her sex with Roger is just added stimulation to an already amazing sex life.

Lovely reading your experiences - just keep it steady and communication lines fully open!
I would certainly advise your wife that you would love to hear all about their sessions as it turns you on, plus the bit about not showering but she has to be happy about the whole situation!

These sorts of 'special relationships' can work but you both have to be extra careful about emotions as they can wreck the whole scenario. Trust once broken is very hard to regain and I know you've experienced this in the past when she cheated.

Look forward to hearing more about both of your experiences - especially from your wife's point of view too! If she is comfortable, I'd suggest you meet up with Roger so you all know each other - social meet etc. Take it from there and see what happens - your wife must lead but you both need to be in agreement!

Enjoy the fun!!
Screwher, as a long term cuck I think you are dealing with your new cuck lifestyle so well. You are getting conflicting reviews from many sources. My advice is to ignore them and go with your instincts and what you believe is right for your wife and you. Enjoy your new life as a cuck couple and I hope that in 15 years you will be as happy as my wife and I are now.

Screwher, as a long term cuck I think you are dealing with your new cuck lifestyle so well. You are getting conflicting reviews from many sources. My advice is to ignore them and go with your instincts and what you believe is right for your wife and you. Enjoy your new life as a cuck couple and I hope that in 15 years you will be as happy as my wife and I are now.

Open lines of communication, trust, and love. That will do it; and you seem to be doing fine.

Ok, here's another first. I'm sitting alone in my office at work. I just got off the phone with my wife. First off she asked if I was alone. I was but I got up and shut my office door anyway. For those few seconds I must admit I was somewhat concerned. She quickly alleviated my concerns when she told me of her plans. Earlier today she spoke with Roger. They wanted to make arrangements to meet up this weekend. But we have a jammed packed weekend together, as well with friends and family. So he asked her if she was available to get together tonight!!

Every time they "get together" (her code for "going to his place to screw") it's been on the weekend. Getting together tonight (Thursday as I type) is definitely different for them. I said "yeah sure, if that's what you want. But are you sure? You won't have all night. What time will you be home?" She answered she did and she'd be home late but would indeed be home tonight.

So I've got a most exciting evening ahead of me tonight.

Ok, here's another first. I'm sitting alone in my office at work. I just got off the phone with my wife. First off she asked if I was alone. I was but I got up and shut my office door anyway. For those few seconds I must admit I was somewhat concerned. She quickly alleviated my concerns when she told me of her plans. Earlier today she spoke with Roger. They wanted to make arrangements to meet up this weekend. But we have a jammed packed weekend together, as well with friends and family. So he asked her if she was available to get together tonight!!

Every time they "get together" (her code for "going to his place to screw") it's been on the weekend. Getting together tonight (Thursday as I type) is definitely different for them. I said "yeah sure, if that's what you want. But are you sure? You won't have all night. What time will you be home?" She answered she did and she'd be home late but would indeed be home tonight.

So I've got a most exciting evening ahead of me tonight.

That's fantastic. Things are moving very nicely. Have a superb evening and look forward to hearing all about it. Have fun
I think that screwher should write a book on how to quietly and consciously bring a spouse to this point, where sex outside of marriage can be a positive, fun activity that strengthens the relationship and opens up both parties to self discovery. I'd definitely buy it as I've been trying (and failing) to do similar with my wife!

I'm home alone now. Honestly I don't know what to do with myself. There is stuff around the house that needs attention. But my mind is obviously somewhere else. It's a different dynamic when my wife's with him on Saturday night. The fact that my beautiful bride is getting fucked gets my full attention. It's a little different on a weeknight. But as I type this I'm fully clothed and got a hard on begging to come out.

I just heard from my sexy little hotwife. She's going to be on her way home soon. Personally I'm hoping "soon" means "I'm going to take Roger's big cock again!"

I just heard from my sexy little hotwife. She's going to be on her way home soon. Personally I'm hoping "soon" means "I'm going to take Roger's big cock again!"

I wonder if this will be your opportunity for unshowered reclamations sex.
Im thinking this maybe the night you get what you've been after Sir
Screwher, due to your unusual silence at times when your wife is with Roger I presume you have had a great night. Look forward to hearing all about it.
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Last night when my sexy hotwife got home it was quite late. For her on a weeknight anyway. I greeted her and we exchanged usual pleasantries. She went to Roger's place right after work. He made her dinner. Of course it wasn't much longer afterward he took her into his bedroom where he fucked her. I tried to get amorous with her in the kitchen. But she said she was beat. She wanted to jump in the shower and hit the sack. I was disappointed (and kind of tired myself) but I understood. I did step into to the shower with her. Knowing I was horny as hell she did give me a most exquisite handjob. She's jerked me off in the shower before. But this was different. Just seeing her naked body, something I see everyday, was so exciting.

Sometime this weekend when we have a full on sex session I'm going to go for more details. In the meantime, I'm content.
I could never imagine wanting to be in your position (I would much rather be Roger) but there is something in this account of your life that is remarkably touching and delightful to read.
I could never imagine wanting to be in your position (I would much rather be Roger) but there is something in this account of your life that is remarkably touching and delightful to read.

Thanks, I appreciate your kind words. Not surprising I get a lot of guys on here telling me they want to be my wife's next Roger.
I get the impression that Roger is not short of a good few notches on his bedpost. And that he has the confidence and the good looks to go get if he chose to. But he's got himself an addiction for hot property: hot cuz she's another man's wife; hot cuz she's one hellofa fucking good lay.

Here's a new turn in this adventure for him though: When he learns that he fucked her and then her husband didn't fuck her, wow is he gonna swell. Again.
I get the impression that Roger is not short of a good few notches on his bedpost. And that he has the confidence and the good looks to go get if he chose to. But he's got himself an addiction for hot property: hot cuz she's another man's wife; hot cuz she's one hellofa fucking good lay.

Here's a new turn in this adventure for him though: When he learns that he fucked her and then her husband didn't fuck her, wow is he gonna swell. Again.

I'm sure. If all that translates into fantastic sex for my wife...

Have you had a look at the definition of hotwife?
A number of ladies on Literotica clearly fit within the definition but I don't think that you're quite there yet.
A few more notches in the belt required.
At the moment she's just having an affair with Roger with your consent.
Hotwives, Cuckold Husbands:
Hotwife (hot wife) defined — A wife who stays committed to her husband but takes advantage of the agreed upon freedom within her marriage to enjoy sex with other men.

The hotwife (technically known as a solo nonmonogamous wife) may enjoy the attention of men, the freedom to pursue sexual partners, the excitement associated with new sexual experiences, and as a married women the "forbidden" nature of what she's doing.