My wife did it again!!

My wife hasn't been naughty with anyone else for quite a while. But yesterday with the cold weather and all we decided to eat in and invite our new young single neighbor over for dinner.

We all got a bit drunk and the conversation started to get a bit risqué. Before I knew it, this guy was making out with the guy on our sofa with me watching. Eventually, she looked over at me as if to say "please let him fuck me." And so I did.
Please go into more detail 😋
What would we like to know?

Were you watching? How did the "fucking process" go down?

I'm sure you have plenty to share about this!!
I would be happy to. What would you like to know specifically?

Just the basics. Did he fuck her on the couch or take her into your bedroom? Did you get to watch? Did she suck his cock? Did he eat her pussy? Which positions? How many times?

First off sorry this update really isn't anything to get to excited about (although I admit I am). But the potential may be there for things to get really interesting.

I'm back home from the gym alone. I'm able to join Mrs. Screwher at the gym on the weekends. We take certain classes together and she has some she does without me. She'll also do cardio while I'm hitting the weights too. One of her Saturday classes is what's known as Body Pump. I don't care for it but my wife enjoys it. Today I was taking a breather near the class room as her class ended and people started coming out. She was the last to emerge a good minute behind the others. She was talking alone with one of her male classmates! A good looking guy maybe mid to late 30s. I don't know him but the face was familiar. I knew I'd seen him around the gym before. They walked together toward me. He smiled a quick "Hi" and continued past. My wife stopped to chat with me. She told he was Greg. I said I recognized him. He's been taking her class the past little while and they started talking a bit as they put their gear away. I quickly looked around and asked what she thought of him. She said:
"He seems nice. We had a nice talk"
She knew what I was getting at though but probably didn't want to go there right away. So I asked "Do you think he's attractive, you know physically?"
She said she thought he was. Then told me hid plan was finishing his workout in the cardio area and she said she'd join him. Then I hit the weights.

A little while later she came up to me in the weights area. She said Greg was done and asked her if she wanted to join him for coffee. She added "he said if you don't mind".
"Oh, for coffee huh?" I responded. To which she quickly said "No not like that" knowing that "coffee" is code for hooking up. So I told her to have fun. When I was done with the weights they were both gone.

So right now as I type I don't know where she is. The nearby coffee shop by the gym. Or... maybe she's on her way to his place right now! All I know I'd right now I'm hard and horny again. Feeling all the same emotions and angst I feel when my wife's at Roger's place!
Mate it IS exciting!
Greg, eh? He could teach her some new positions, eh? ;)
My guess then: within the week you'll have MUCH more to say to us mate. :)


First off sorry this update really isn't anything to get to excited about (although I admit I am). But the potential may be there for things to get really interesting.

I'm back home from the gym alone. I'm able to join Mrs. Screwher at the gym on the weekends. We take certain classes together and she has some she does without me. She'll also do cardio while I'm hitting the weights too. One of her Saturday classes is what's known as Body Pump. I don't care for it but my wife enjoys it. Today I was taking a breather near the class room as her class ended and people started coming out. She was the last to emerge a good minute behind the others. She was talking alone with one of her male classmates! A good looking guy maybe mid to late 30s. I don't know him but the face was familiar. I knew I'd seen him around the gym before. They walked together toward me. He smiled a quick "Hi" and continued past. My wife stopped to chat with me. She told he was Greg. I said I recognized him. He's been taking her class the past little while and they started talking a bit as they put their gear away. I quickly looked around and asked what she thought of him. She said:
"He seems nice. We had a nice talk"
She knew what I was getting at though but probably didn't want to go there right away. So I asked "Do you think he's attractive, you know physically?"
She said she thought he was. Then told me hid plan was finishing his workout in the cardio area and she said she'd join him. Then I hit the weights.

A little while later she came up to me in the weights area. She said Greg was done and asked her if she wanted to join him for coffee. She added "he said if you don't mind".
"Oh, for coffee huh?" I responded. To which she quickly said "No not like that" knowing that "coffee" is code for hooking up. So I told her to have fun. When I was done with the weights they were both gone.

So right now as I type I don't know where she is. The nearby coffee shop by the gym. Or... maybe she's on her way to his place right now! All I know I'd right now I'm hard and horny again. Feeling all the same emotions and angst I feel when my wife's at Roger's place!

Waiting for the next update with bated breath!! :)

Thanks everyone for your responses here and the PMs I received. I appreciate the interest in what May or may not be an exciting new development. I guess it would all depend on your idea of what exciting is.

My beautiful wife got home a few hours after my update. Needless to say I was pretty excited. The whole vibe felt like she was getting home from a date with Roger. After putting her stuff away we sat and chatted about everything that just went down. She told me they did indeed go the coffee shop not very far from the gym location. I never hide the fact that I'm a kind of a wise guy and added:
"So 'coffee' did mean 'coffee' "
She responded "yes" and I quickly followed up with "Does he know about us?"
"He did ask again if you were ok with me being here. I obviously didn't tell him but told him you didn't mind us talking like this". To which I had to ask "So do you consider this a date?" She thought about it a second and said "Yeah I think so." I found that very encouraging. By now that familiar and very nice feeling was stirring in my pants.

We talked some more about their date. She told me they exchanged info on each other. Told each other about themselves and kept the conversation light. Apparently a lot of talk of the gym and their mutual sports interests. Of course there was that big old elephant in the room. Personally I feel by now we've made some pretty big strides in our hotwifing relationship so I just came out and asked it "So what about you and him? Do you like him, think he's attractive? Are you going to have sex with him?"
"Yes I think he's kind of hot. And I don't know right now about the rest. I don't know if he wants to".
I didn't say it but that last part was laughable!

Of course it wasn't long before we gravitated to the bedroom. She knew I was horny and I like to think that Greg was getting her wet too. But this time I decided it best to keep his name out of our bedroom. For now. We are going to the gym again later today. But it wil be a different location than yesterday. I'm not anticipating seeing him there but who knows. Either way I think working out today is going to be more fun as usual!
Mate it IS exciting!
Greg, eh? He could teach her some new positions, eh? ;)
My guess then: within the week you'll have MUCH more to say to us mate. :)

You got me thinking maybe they'll start attending yoga classes together. I'm sure that would be very interesting between them!

Yes I'm hoping you're right. By this time next week she'll be telling me all about their new positions!
Sounds like a trend is in play here. Can't wait to hear the details of their first date. For me the first time entering a new pussy is always memorable.

Sounds like you're very experienced.....and fully loaded. Maybe you swing by and show my petite blonde wife how a new firm stud feels inside her.
We can't wait for the next update. Mrs. Screwher seems to be really getting into this lifestyle. Good on you both!!
Wow amazingly exciting! I really love the d velopment of a new relationship like this!
I hope I can do this with my lady one day, for now I live vicariously through you. Can’t wait for more

In case anyone was wondering, Mrs. Screwher and I hit the gym today. It was a different location than we've seen Greg at so we weren't anticipating seeing him today. Which we didn't. I did notice she would periodically lift her head from her book and look around. I'll take that as a good sign.


In case anyone was wondering, Mrs. Screwher and I hit the gym today. It was a different location than we've seen Greg at so we weren't anticipating seeing him today. Which we didn't. I did notice she would periodically lift her head from her book and look around. I'll take that as a good sign.

The bigger question might be how Roger reacts to her having another fuck buddy.
The bigger question might be how Roger reacts to her having another fuck buddy.

Honestly I'm really not that concerned with his opinion. It's none of his business. Besides I'd say he's got a pretty sweet deal here with my wife. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't do anything to mess it up!!
"Waiting for the next update with bated breath!!"

Is this what happens when a guy edges and slurps his own seed?

In case anyone was wondering, Mrs. Screwher and I hit the gym today. It was a different location than we've seen Greg at so we weren't anticipating seeing him today. Which we didn't. I did notice she would periodically lift her head from her book and look around. I'll take that as a good sign.

Congrats! Sounds like you really loosened her up to this new lifestyle ;) Can't wait to hear how this guy is in bed!
Honestly I'm really not that concerned with his opinion. It's none of his business. Besides I'd say he's got a pretty sweet deal here with my wife. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't do anything to mess it up!!

Spot on mate. Spot on. Frankly, if I was Roger and things progress with Greg and if I got to know about it, I'd be proud about playing some small part in loosening her up to go for more fun with other dudes.