My wife did it again!!


A plan is set! Basically what it comes down to is Greg wanted to see Mrs. Screwher before the holidays kick in. Next week is obviously going to be crazy busy. So a Sunday evening at home before it starts would be ideal. She said he'd also like to see our humble abode.

Of course I asked her what she had in mind. She said the idea was for us to have "dinner together and hang out for awhile." I addressed the elephant in the living room. "I don't know for sure if we're going to be doing that." I did her that I was onboard with the idea of them having sex in our bedroom.

I understand her hesitation. If that happens it'll be the biggest step we've ever taken in our lifestyle. So I decided to play it cool and act casual (but not aloof) about it. Even though my insides are going haywire!!

Before bed we had a fantastic sex session! The whole time all I could think was (hopefully) the next time my wife makes love on this bed it's going to be with another man!!!


The three of you are having dinner together? What will you be doing while they are playing? Do you get to watch?
Congratulations, I envy you so much. Will you be present in the room? If not may I suggest listening in on your open phone line or possibly a baby monitor. I always found listening to be the most exciting.

Honestly, I don't know where exactly I'll be if my wife and Greg take the evening into the bedroom. Ideally I'll be sitting right by the bed. It depends on if my wife is comfortable with my being there. I'll understand if they don't want an audience their first time in our bedroom.
Honestly, I don't know where exactly I'll be if my wife and Greg take the evening into the bedroom. Ideally I'll be sitting right by the bed. It depends on if my wife is comfortable with my being there. I'll understand if they don't want an audience their first time in our bedroom.

I'd wait outside.

We're getting close to that time! It's funny, around we're preparing the house as if we're just having regular guests over. Regular as in no one is going to be having sex with my wife (Honestly though, it's still not 100% for sure that my wife's getting naked with Greg tonight). The house is immaculate. We're going to start preparing dinner. And I specifically made the bed. It's ready for action.

Without putting pressure on her I told her how I'd like the evening to. At some point after dinner together I'm going to make myself scarce. Find a reason to adjourn to the rec room. She responded with a hesitant "OK. But remember I don't know if that's going to happen. I reassured her The balls in her court.
I asked her if she was nervous. She said she was a bit hoping he'd like the meal and that he wasn't nervous about being here tonight. That's not what I meant, but I took it as that's what she's offering up right now. I know my insides are churning! And I've got that pleasant feeling in my cock already!

I don't know when I'll be able to update next.

Just a quick update here. Greg is here. We've had dinner. Now I've excused myself from the living room. I'm going to give it awhile to give them some time alone. Then go back upstairs.

Oh my god!! Just having Greg here is fucking intoxicating!!

Just a quick update here. Greg is here. We've had dinner. Now I've excused myself from the living room. I'm going to give it awhile to give them some time alone. Then go back upstairs.

Oh my god!! Just having Greg here is fucking intoxicating!!

Amazing. I can’t wait to hear more....🙂

After giving my wife and Greg a decent amount of time alone I made my way upstairs. They were still sitting together on the couch. They were just talking but we're sitting very close. Mrs. Screwher's clothes seemed looser, a little disheveled, not much though. Her breathing more erratic. And a very guilty look on her face. Which was both amusing and arousing. A telltale sign of something physical happening. I asked how everything was going. They responded "Just great'" and "Real good".I made like I was doing something in the kitchen then went back down to our rec room.

Soon after I began to hear the sound of movement along the floor. I again made my way up to the living room. This time it was empty! I quietly crept up the stairs to the top floor. From the top stair I could see our bedroom door closed!! I softly walked to the door as quiet and as close as I dared. I couldn't really hear anything. But oh my god!! I have no doubts they're screwing in there right now!

So now I'm back down in the rec room. I'm bare ass naked. My cock is hard and I'm slowly masturbating. I can't fucking believe it. My wife is getting laid in our bedroom right now!!
Go turn the doorknob, slowly. 😉

Trust me it's taking all I've got to fight that urge! It's the first time for us doing this. Maybe I'm being overly cautious here. But I dot want to accidentally disturb her. It might freak her out. Then everyone's good time is ruined.
Wow!! This so hot! I’m so excited for you. I can picture it all in my head, slowly creeping towards the door, being nervous, scared, and so turned on!

I hope we get another update soon!
Wow!! This so hot! I’m so excited for you. I can picture it all in my head, slowly creeping towards the door, being nervous, scared, and so turned on!

I hope we get another update soon!

Thank you, yes it's so fuckin hot! Greg's cock is in my wife's pussy right now!! On our marital bed!!!
Are you able to hear anything at all? I'd be sitting near the top of the staircase hoping to hear voices, bed noises, anything really!
Are you able to hear anything at all? I'd be sitting near the top of the staircase hoping to hear voices, bed noises, anything really!

Right now I'm back in the rec room on our basement. But I'm seriously considering another trip upstairs. Maybe I didn't hear anything because they may have just been getting really going.
Maybe they are waiting for you...... You,re the only one holding back. Turn the knob , see if it's unlocked, or open for you
You have more self control than I! I'd be as close as I could, desperately listening to hear any sign of Greg in the mrs. I'd wonder if he'd lick her first, or let her go down on her knees to get him ready? Will he take her from behind, or put her on her back, spread her legs wide and slide himself inside so she can see him penetrate her? Curiosity would have me close by hoping to hear something that would indicate what's going on behind closed doors!
You have more self control than I! I'd be as close as I could, desperately listening to hear any sign of Greg in the mrs. I'd wonder if he'd lick her first, or let her go down on her knees to get him ready? Will he take her from behind, or put her on her back, spread her legs wide and slide himself inside so she can see him penetrate her? Curiosity would have me close by hoping to hear something that would indicate what's going on behind closed doors!

I'll be getting those details when he's gone, I'm sure.
WOW.... I'm offline for a couple of days and THIS is what I come back to.....

Congrats Screwher... Hi 5's.. fist bumps all around and all that shit... Sounds like you are getting one of the best Christmas presents ever!!!
Congratulations, I envy you so much. Will you be present in the room? If not may I suggest listening in on your open phone line or possibly a baby monitor. I always found listening to be the most exciting.

You are so right. I have listened twice now on the phone when I have been away on a business trip and my wife has been with Steve, her ex-boyfriend.

I'm a little late in getting this update out. My apologies as I'm pretty sure there's a few guys on here eagerly awaiting this. Needless to say the past twenty hours have been hectic. Mrs. Screwher has finally hit the hay giving me an opportunity to share this huge moment in our sex lives. The delay makes it all the more appropriate as it's Christmas Eve. I feel. I got an amazing present early last night.

When.I heard my wife and Greg coming down the stairs, I made my way up. Greg was dressed as it was time he was on his way out. But my wife looked soooo fuckin sexy!! All she wore was a long Tshirt just covering her fun parts. The fun parts Greg just enjoyed again. Greg thanked me for a great night. We shook hands. He turned and full on kissed my wife good night! Right in front of me! I guess at this point there's no point in being coy about everything. After all, he just fucked her! And Mrs. Screwher for her part looked rather vibrant. A little of that "just fucked" look!

I'm thinking the kiss in front of me is very telling. Like he's saying "I'm comfortable now intimately touching your wife in your presence".

When Greg left she told me of what I didn't see. I asked her to start after I went down stairs the second time. She said they continued. They kissed. He felt her up, meaning he fondled her tits. Then "we put our hands in each other's pants!" Needless to say at this point I'm boiling over! We made our way up to our bedroom. The room had a faint scent of sex in it! Beside the bed I saw her clothes on the floor. Especially hot seeing her bra and panties. I had to know - "Did Greg take those off you?" She said no. That that point he sat on the bed and she stripped herself for him. He then got naked and they layed together naked on the bed. The bed looked ruffled, like there was definitely some physical activity on it. But the sheets were still basically intact. Meaning they just screwed on top of the sheets. I find that hot! She said she sucked his cock. Then he licked her pussy. Then he got between her legs and he fucked her!! Then he "wanted to do it from behind"
"So you did it doggy style?"
"Yes" she responded. Then told me that it feels so good that way with him!!
I pulled my clothes off and tore her shirt off. Then I got onto our bed with my wife. It wasn't long before I had my cock in her pussy. That same pussy, extra wet and gooey, that Greg just had his cock in. On the same bed that Greg just fucked her on! As we screwed I told her how exciting it was that they did it in here in our bedroom, on our bed. And that I want it to happen again. She just said "Yes!" But she said it a number of times!!

Seeing the used condom in the trash pail nearby the bed was exhilarating!! Actual visual evidence that another man fucked my wife.

When we were done I took it upon myself to reassure her that I loved everything that happened. But to her credit she did seem more confident than I was expecting seeing as it was the first time in our bed with another man.

This morning we made love again. I was super horny having slept in what is now our new marital bed. A bed that was shared with another man!!
Did you ever talk about why she was ready for this? I think that part makes me curious, what the trigger point was that they should do it in the bed you've only shared with her?

My mind is blown - Merry fucking Christmas to you, my friend!
Did you ever talk about why she was ready for this? I think that part makes me curious, what the trigger point was that they should do it in the bed you've only shared with her?

My mind is blown - Merry fucking Christmas to you, my friend!

Merry Christmas to you too. I can't say we've discussed anything like that just yet. But you're right, it's something we probably should.

I'm a little late in getting this update out. My apologies as I'm pretty sure there's a few guys on here eagerly awaiting this. Needless to say the past twenty hours have been hectic. Mrs. Screwher has finally hit the hay giving me an opportunity to share this huge moment in our sex lives. The delay makes it all the more appropriate as it's Christmas Eve. I feel. I got an amazing present early last night.

When.I heard my wife and Greg coming down the stairs, I made my way up. Greg was dressed as it was time he was on his way out. But my wife looked soooo fuckin sexy!! All she wore was a long Tshirt just covering her fun parts. The fun parts Greg just enjoyed again. Greg thanked me for a great night. We shook hands. He turned and full on kissed my wife good night! Right in front of me! I guess at this point there's no point in being coy about everything. After all, he just fucked her! And Mrs. Screwher for her part looked rather vibrant. A little of that "just fucked" look!

I'm thinking the kiss in front of me is very telling. Like he's saying "I'm comfortable now intimately touching your wife in your presence".

When Greg left she told me of what I didn't see. I asked her to start after I went down stairs the second time. She said they continued. They kissed. He felt her up, meaning he fondled her tits. Then "we put our hands in each other's pants!" Needless to say at this point I'm boiling over! We made our way up to our bedroom. The room had a faint scent of sex in it! Beside the bed I saw her clothes on the floor. Especially hot seeing her bra and panties. I had to know - "Did Greg take those off you?" She said no. That that point he sat on the bed and she stripped herself for him. He then got naked and they layed together naked on the bed. The bed looked ruffled, like there was definitely some physical activity on it. But the sheets were still basically intact. Meaning they just screwed on top of the sheets. I find that hot! She said she sucked his cock. Then he licked her pussy. Then he got between her legs and he fucked her!! Then he "wanted to do it from behind"
"So you did it doggy style?"
"Yes" she responded. Then told me that it feels so good that way with him!!
I pulled my clothes off and tore her shirt off. Then I got onto our bed with my wife. It wasn't long before I had my cock in her pussy. That same pussy, extra wet and gooey, that Greg just had his cock in. On the same bed that Greg just fucked her on! As we screwed I told her how exciting it was that they did it in here in our bedroom, on our bed. And that I want it to happen again. She just said "Yes!" But she said it a number of times!!

Seeing the used condom in the trash pail nearby the bed was exhilarating!! Actual visual evidence that another man fucked my wife.

When we were done I took it upon myself to reassure her that I loved everything that happened. But to her credit she did seem more confident than I was expecting seeing as it was the first time in our bed with another man.

This morning we made love again. I was super horny having slept in what is now our new marital bed. A bed that was shared with another man!!

So proud of her and you. :kiss:
So many significant steps here - it was indeed an incredible evening.

1 - The fastest you've ever reclaimed her, which means that as you entered her, she must have still be experiencing some tingling in her pussy from Greg's cock when your cock took over. Which also for her means the shortest amount of time ever between two cocks for her. She must have really enjoyed that!

2 - Blatant sexual contact between the two of them in front of you. I wonder if they discussed doing that before they came downstairs - maybe something like this..."Do you think I should kiss you in front of him?" "Why know - he knows you fucked me, so seeing us kiss shouldn't be a surprise!"

3 - The used condom left in a visible spot. I think this is the the biggest, because it is actual evidence of what they did in your bed, and they had no desire to hide that from you.

Huge steps - what a great present!