My wife did it again!!


First off thanks to everyone who waited patiently for this. I had intended on this sooner. But before I sat down to get this done I did a bit of thinking. Thinking about our lifestyle and the steps I wanted to take next. So I decided to take said step before my next update. If you've been following our little saga here, thanks again, and you won't be disappointed!!

Our post Greg time when my wife got home was fantastic! She left me home at maximum horniness so I was eager to enjoy that just fucked naked body myself. She started to tell me of her time with him. I pretended I was interested in the mundane stuff lol. Then as she got to the good stuff I was groping her tits and unbuttoning her pants! In his bedroom she sucked his cock and he licked her pussy. No surprise but still so hot! But he did it -"He tongued me there!" That's Mrs.Screwher speak for "He licked my ass!" This didn't exactly halt our activities, he's enjoyed that part of her before. But it certainly changed my focus to that.

We discussed what was going to happen in the future regarding Greg and anal sex. We had a somewhat lengthier conversation. Some of it bordered into very private talk between two spouses. In the end I reiterated what I wanted out of this. I think I'm closer to it now!!

After eating her ass he turned her over again onto her back. Then he fucked her! Not wanting to be all night, they only did it once. While I admit I love the idea of my wife getting laid all night, I'm glad she intentionally made sure she was home with plenty of time. I was ready to burst the whole evening. Honestly, I didn't last long when my hard cock entered her used pussy!

As I mentioned there was something I wanted to discuss with my wife. The following evening we had a little chat. It's no secret to her (and everyone here) that I want to watch her have sex with another man! At an appropriate point in our evening I laid all my cards on the table. She seemed a bit apprehensive still. Hemmed and hawed a bit and mentioned it would "Be weird you sitting there watching as we did it." We discussed some more. She agreed to it but said that Greg obviously has to agree as well. So as we stand it's basically decided on our end. The next time they use our bed, I'm going to get to watch!!

So if you'll excuse me- "Oh boy Oh boy Oh boy Oh boy....!!"
Unless I miss my mark on our mrs. Screwher it would be weird if she wasn't hesitant.

She has been hesitant every step of the way but continues to enjoy more and more I'm sure this will be no different.

Mrs. Screwher and I are on our way to the gym soon. We are meeting up with Greg there. But she's said they "haven't planned anything yet." I'm liking the "yet" part.

I'll update as I have something.

Mrs. Screwher and I are on our way to the gym soon. We are meeting up with Greg there. But she's said they "haven't planned anything yet." I'm liking the "yet" part.

I'll update as I have something.

Why am I getting a feeling that something big is about to happen this evening - maybe something we haven't seen before.....

Mrs. Screwher and I are on our way to the gym soon. We are meeting up with Greg there. But she's said they "haven't planned anything yet." I'm liking the "yet" part.

I'll update as I have something.

Hopefully you will be “in the room” whole it happens soon.

Sucking her clit as she is fucked?? A good husband would offer!

We're home now after an enjoyable workout. Greg did indeed catch up with us. It was great seeing him again, not only because he's a great guy, but honestly I just love seeing them together. Even in a non sexual capacity. Of course it can be argued how sexual the gym is. That's where they met. But that's for another day.

For the most part I let them work out together and socialize. It was then Mrs.Screwher invited him over tonight. He accepted! He said he had a few things to do this afternoon after the gym then come to our place. So I've got a couple moments here to give a quick update before I start preparing dinner.

Once again I'm excited already!

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.
I agree. You should tell her How you really feel about her infidelity and how much it turns you on. It should ease her guilt and open up a whole new world of fun and exciting times for you both

It worked wonders for me and her after We got past me finding out about her infidelity. It was not long after that I realised I had an SPH fetish. Whole new vistas opened up for both of us. She got her cake and I thoroughly enjoyed watching her eat it or should I say it being given to her by a proper baker. I can only offer a mini roll or Twinkie the other guys were more triple layer cakes with extra icing.

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.


What a monumental post! Congratulations, my friend! Now the sky's the limit! Anything is possible! I had a feeling this was going to be an incredible day for you - Papa knows best!

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.

What a fantastic development!

My wife won't know what got into me later... 😏

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.

Congratulations! The reclaiming and the heart to heart afterwards will be just as rewarding.

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.

Holeeeeee shit, man! I can’t wait to hear details!

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.

That's awesome news. Congrats to you both. Can't wait to hear the full details.

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.

Wow Screwher, what an update!! I hope you all enjoyed the rest of your night, looking forward to hearing more!!

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.

True milestone! As with the rest, we await the details. Did Greg tease her a bit for the "show"? Did she tease him?

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.

That is FANTASTIC news!! CONGRATS!!!! I can't wait to hear all about how the evening went..

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.

Fantastic! I've been working up to posting on this thread for a while now and this seems like the time to do it! Congratulations on getting what you've been looking forward to for so long!
Oh my dear friend! I cannot express my excitement for you. Our Mrs. Screwher in her full glory sights and sounds and scents all right there for you.

I am dying to know all the details so I can do a slow read and stroke. (I wonder how many men Our Mrs. Screwher is going to get off with that just the thoughts of that one night?)

How did Greg respond? What was your approach. Tell us about his dick. Did you touch or just watch. Did Mrs. Screwher ignore you or look at you? (I'm not sure which turns me on more)

So many questions. So many questions.
Good questions subby !! Yes, we are all curious as to how this developed and then went down. If that was part of the action. Pun intended

With a pounding heart short breathing and a throbbing cock, I'm going to make this update that's been far too many years in the making...


My wife and Greg are still up in the bedroom. I've retired downstairs to give them their privacy now. And quickly fire this off. Hopefully they do it again. As for me I'm going to stroke my own cock now with all that through my head.

Longer post to follow.
Damn, this was sudden!!! Congratulations! I hope to hear all the juicy details soon :devil:

First off once again thanks to everything who's been following us along on our adventures for their patience with this update. I also want to say "Wow!" and that I'm overwhelmed by all the responses both here and all the PMs I've gotten over the latest developments in our hotwifing lives. Even now as I get to doing this most important update ever it's quite late in my neck of the woods. Let's just say I've been having a hard time keeping my hands off her. This is a new height that definitely going to be hard to surpass. More than likel it never will. This really is a very, longtime fantasy come true.

As we prepared for our evening, I worked into the conversation what I'd like to happen tonight. We both were on the same page that sex with Greg was going to happen again. I reassured her how exciting it is that they're sex has been brought to our house and bedroom. I also worked in (as a reminder too) that it doesn't have to stop with Greg. "If you happen to meet anymore guys that you take a liking to, they're always welcome as well." She said she appreciated that. As we progressed I brought up my desire to watch them having sex. She said she knew that was coming. When she had the opportunity she was going to speak to Greg about it. Just talking about it was getting me worked up I don't mind telling you.

Greg arrived to our place as the finishing on dinner were happening. Mrs. Screwher and him sat in the living room with coffee and spoke for a bit. It was mostly just about unimportant stuff; the gym, work, sports. Then we had dinner. I was hoping that maybe during then the conversation would steer toward what was going to happen soon and we could work in my wanting to watch as they got busy. But it wasn't til a little later yet. After dinner I let them return to the living room. We don't have a particularly huge house but it's big enough to afford some privacy. I could tell my wife had brought up our idea. A few moments later she came into the kitchen and said softly "It's OK with him." I hugged and kissed her. Really fighting the urge shall we say. She returned to him and I soon followed with fresh coffees. They sat together on the couch. The closet I've ever seen them sit. We socialized but I could feel the tension. All three of us were ready to get on with it! Soon I made an excuse of having to go to the rec room leaving them alone. That was basically my cue. Soon I could hear some shuffling around upstairs. They were heading up to the bedroom!!

I gave it a few minutes then I made my way up. I was hoping to maybe see their clothes all about the area of the couch, better yet a nice trail of the clothes leading to the bedroom, but nothing. I got to the top of the stairs where I could see the bedroom door. It was closed but not shut. I took that as a sign and gently pushed it open. If eyes took have heart attacks...!!! They were naked and embraced and softly kissing. Greg's cock was fully erect. My wife had it in her small hand as best she could. This alone was amazing. Just seeing her naked with another man and touching his cock.

They never acknowledged me but obviously knew I was now there. I wanted to pull my own cock out that was now hard in my pants! But decided against it. We probably aren't at that point yet. He laid her down on our bed, kissed her some more then worked his way down. He kissed and licked her tits, his fingers found her pussy. Then he went right down on her. Another first as I watched Greg lick her pussy. From my position it was hard to make out details (our room was dimly lit) but looked like he concentrated on her clit. Her orgasm was exhilarating!!

As she caught her breath, Greg sat up and at that point gave me a glance. I gave a slight smile as if to say "No problem. This is cool". As Greg fiddled with the condom It was then my eyes caught my wife's. I gave her a bigger smile. When Greg was ready he got back into position. My wife spread her legs wide again (Oh God! That was hot!). Again from where I was (and not wanting to get too close to the bed...just yet) I didn't make out a lot but I could enough as he slid his hard cock into my wife's pussy! They paused for a second as he fully penetrated her. Then he started to fuck her. (I don't mind saying this that as I type this I'm now hard again. My cock is out and stroking). Their screwing didn't last very long as I remember it now. But this being everyone's first time in this scenario it wasn't surprising. But what I got I loved every second. Most of the grunts, groans, and sex noises came from Greg. But my wife did let out a few moans and a "Mmmmmm". One last big grunt some Greg, his body tensed, he came! It was when his body softened I slipped out of the room.

I went downstairs. Quickly fired off my update. I couldn't wait to share that!! I took off pants and released my hard cock! I started to masturbate with the sheer joy of what I just watched. But careful not to cum. I heard some more activity upstairs, the bathroom being used. Then the bedroom shut all the way. That in itself was hot! It was if they were saying "Ok this is our time now". At this point I was more than happy to give it to them. Maybe an hour and a half later they emerged from the bedroom. I quickly composed myself too. They stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Again she was just wearing an overly long Tshirt she lounges around the house in. They kissed good night and she went back up the stairs. I escorted Greg to the door. Thanked me for a great night to which I returned it, "No, thank you for everything tonight." A slight emphasis on "everything".

I joined Mrs. Screwher upstairs! More than eager to enjoy her myself. It wasn't long before I had her naked and we were getting on the bed. Normally at this point it's my wife doing most of the talking. But this time it was my turn. During our sex I kept telling her how hot it was watching her anf thanked her profusely. "Seeing you touching his cock...Him licking your pussy...Seeing you orgasm...Oh God! His cock in your cunt!!" Then I came!

She then told me they did indeed do it again. This time she went down on him. I'm not surprised she didn't suck his cock in front of me. I kind of figured our first time doing this she'd be somewhat inhibited and just let him work on her. She said they screwed again missionary then "from behind again", meaning doggy style. We then proceeded to discuss the events before going to sleep. A conversation that I'm going to leave in our bedroom.

Once again thanks to everyone for their interest in his momentous ocassion. Words can't really fully describe how I'm feeling.