NaNoWriMo 2003

That's too cool. Noone in my neighborhood want to meet up, except IN November. What on god's green earth makes them think that I'll have an hour left to socialize then?
perdita said:
I'm excited - meeting SF NaNo's tomw. afternoon at a cafe only 6 blocks from my flat. Yay! Wish you all could be there.

Perdita (firmly committed after tomw., haha)

Have fun!

Nothing's been organised in my locallity yet. The nearest meet to me is in London, and I can't justify a six hour round trip, not just now anyway.

Loulou :kiss:
Bout the same sort of timescale from me to you as well, Lou
Not convinced I agree with a lot of those, but also not convinced I have enough literary knowledge to effectively argue the point....

Some of it just doesn't feel right to my uneducated eyes, and I very much got the impression that the author was being intellectual for the sake of being intellectual. Some of it, yes - Other points, I'm not so sure, especially the ones that the average reader isn't even going to notice.

Is John Doe on the street really going to notice that you've used 'abraded' (or variations thereof) 4 times within 70 pages?

Is he really going to think that saying "It's absolutely wild. I love it." makes the speaker sound fey, spoiled, superficial..

Either way, the entire article came across as very superior, supercilious and condescending. Very much a case of 'This is my opinion, and if you don't agree with me, then you're a crap writer'...

With respect to 'dita

Raph :rose:
Hey, Raffo, sorry to have disappointed. I liked the article because most of the comments struck home, i.e., they are things I do unconsciously when I write and for which I have rec'd good constructive criticism.

As for the 'tone' you perceived, that hit a nerve as I receive such labeling m'self right here on the AH. Ouch. I'm trying not to appear that way, mostly by staying away from 'serious' threads now, but it's difficult.

'dita (appreciating your respect)
Response from other writers

I plugged NaNoWriMo at a meeting of writers this afternoon.

They were assembled for a poetry and prose afternoon and to announce the results of the open competition.

Result on:

I explained NaNoWriMo to as many as I could. Universal response was "You (the competitors) must be barking mad". Takers: Nil.
Horrified shudders at the mountain we must climb: 100%.

Quit reminding me, Ogg. I'm hoping that Nov. 1st will roll around and I'll just sit down at my computer and it will all flow out nice and easily. Head-in-the-sand Raph, that's me.

On the upside, my latest lit story is about 2.5k words and I wrote that in about 3 hours in one sitting the other day, which bodes well for my potential productivity, assuming my muse is actually taking calls that day.
San Francisco checking in

I met 4 NaNo mates today at Cafe Muse, a few blocks from each of our homes. One woman is a NaNo 'exec', she's in charge of all the liaison coordinating and works directly for C. Baty (NaNo founder) who sounds like a great guy.

I was the newbie, the others had done NaNo one to three times! It was wonderful to be spend time talking about books, writing, film etc. with four complete strangers. We plan to meet, w/lapdogs, once a week. That's what's been done in the past, "cafe writing" it's called.

One guy procrastinated last year and wrote his last 19K words on Nov. 30 and submitted with just a minute to spare before midnight of Dec. 1. He was at a cafe for last night writing so everyone helped cheer him on.

Also found out the largest NaNo populations are in SF, L.A. and England. I hope all of you can somehow meet up with other NaNo's, I know it's going to be a big help to me, plus our Lit. forum.

cheers, Perdita
Is now a good time to mention that I get to start a day ahead of you lot? :D

Trouble with that is I have to finish a day earlier no doubt. :mad:

Perdita, I'm so happy you enjoyed your writerly visit! How awesome! I wish to heck I could find a local close to me that I could sit in a cafe and write with. Hmm *thinking*
Re: Response from other writers

oggbashan said:
I plugged NaNoWriMo at a meeting of writers this afternoon.

<... partial snip ... >

I explained NaNoWriMo to as many as I could. Universal response was "You (the competitors) must be barking mad". Takers: Nil.
Horrified shudders at the mountain we must climb: 100%.


I'll try this at my evening class tomorrow. I know there are at least two others in the class with novels on the go. Could be interesting.

Re: San Francisco checking in

perdita said:

Also found out the largest NaNo populations are in SF, L.A. and England. I hope all of you can somehow meet up with other NaNo's, I know it's going to be a big help to me, plus our Lit. forum.

cheers, Perdita

Purrditta, great to see that your NaNo meet-up was a very positive experience.

I'm not sure if there will be any meet-ups in my locality, but I do know that there are at least 8 of us in the Bournemouth area. If I get the time I might try to organise something.

Loulou :kiss:
Yes! I did it! I finally managed to bring another lamb to the slaughter!

A friend of mine, whose normal creative outlet is stage directing, went all bananas when I told him about the setup, and will be signing up as soon as he get home, which will be, well, just as I type this. So now we will both be anti-social pricke for a whole month. But at least we can be anti-social pricks together. :)

/Ice - corupting the innocent, one by one
Good on you, Ice!

It's nice to know there are many out there spreading the word, and the insanity.

12 days to go!

Lou :D
Goddamn, Lou, your new AV's great! =)

Raph, panicking a bit about NaNo
Icingsugar said:
So, if I posted here tomorrow that I "left the biyatch to take care of them critters alone", I'd be in a world of pain?

Not that that's ever gonna happen, just asking. :rose:

I'd advice you to take really good care of the big twins, or your wife might just "take care" of your small twins, if you get my drift...
Well, I told my evening class

and at least three of them - plus the tutor - jotted the URL down. Half-term next week, so I won't know until after NaNo has started whether any of them joined in!

Re: Well, I told my evening class

Alex De Kok said:
and at least three of them - plus the tutor - jotted the URL down. Half-term next week, so I won't know until after NaNo has started whether any of them joined in!


Here's hoping, eh? What a great bonus it would be for you to have people at your writing group join in, you would have a great support structure going on then!

11 days to go! (It is where I am, anyway) :D

Lou, jumping up and down.
Re: Re: Well, I told my evening class

Tatelou said:

11 days to go! (It is where I am, anyway) :D

Lou, jumping up and down.

Can I start on English time, and end on US Eastern?? ;)

Love the new AV, by the way!

Re: Re: Re: Well, I told my evening class

sailorm72003 said:
Can I start on English time, and end on US Eastern?? ;)

Love the new AV, by the way!


Nope. :p

Thanks, honey. :kiss:

I've been thinking about the time difference thing a lot (my mind often takes me to wierd and wonderful places). Us in the UK (and the rest of Europe) are actually at a distinct advantage, to those on the East Coast of the US. (WSO is at an even bigger advantage). We're 8 hours ahead of them. So, we do the right thing and start at a minute past midnight on 1st November, and finish by a minute to midnight on 30th November, GMT. Whereas, in fact, we've actually got until 8am on 1st December to get our 50,000 words completed and submitted. If we get desperate, we could pull an all nighter at the last minute. I'm not going to do this, of course, because that would be cheating. Then again, it wouldn't be if I didn't start until 8am on 1st November... ;)

Lou, thinking too much. :D
Well, if we were being strictly honest with the rules we'd start and finish on Eastern time (or Pacific, wherever the NaNo is run out of) ..
It's run out of San Fransisco (both Mike and Perdita's hometown!) which is the Pacific Time Zone. However, the rules do state that all participants should start at local time.

I just realised, I made a boob in my other post. I meant to say "are actually at a distinct advantage, to those on the West Coast of the US". DOH!

Lou ;)
I'm not feeling any disadvantages out here in the far West. I've got some nervous jitters, as I'm sure everyone else does, but it is mostly from all the anxious energy I'm building up.

Since I plan to average 2,000 words a day, I will be finishing with plenty of time to spare.

Techincally, since this is a self-challenge, you wouldn't be cheating anyone but yourself if you give yourself more than the allotted 30 days. But on the flipside, I can't honestly see any problems with starting at 12AM Nov 1 your time, and finishing at 11:59PM Nov 30 PST. So you gain a few hours, no big deal. The point is participating in the challenge.

As I've said before, I hope you all thoroughly enjoy the experience.

-Mike B.