NaNoWriMo 2003

Agreed, ODM (Or can I call you Mike?)

I actually have a confession to make. I'll be using NaNo to actually work on a novel that I've sort of started. Silver has maybe 4000 words already written.

I mean, this is probably considered 'cheating' .. But I've wanted to finish this for ages, and I know I need the proverbial kick-in-the-arse to get me motivated to finish it, and NaNo seemed to me to be exactly what the doctor ordered. So I'm gonna finish Silver with it.

Raph, hoping no one else thinks he's scum for cheating =(
Raph (is that ok, or do I need to add the "y"?),

I've seen many people posting about the same situation you are in. I, personally, don't see the harm in continuing a story that is barely started, especially if it is one that you are dusting off to start again.

Suggestions I have seen are:
1) Use the 4,000 words you've written as notes, and rewrite the beginning, and move on from there.
2) Put the 4,000 words aside to be added back in after Nov 30. If you start fresh and write 50,000 words, you can edit the beginning back in, or leave it out if you find that it is no longer necessary.

In either case, you are still following the spirit of the challenge. You are attempting to write 50,000 words of your novel in November. If you had written more than 10% of your novel already, then I would think that it is not in the spirit of NaNoWriMo.

I think the hesitation for people to bend the rules in cases like this comes from those who would take full advantage. The types who take a yard if you give them an inch. The fact that you have come clean about your intentions shows that you are trying to remain within the spirit of the challenge.

But that's just my opinion.

-Mike B.

PS/Edit: I forgot to add: You can use Mike or ODM, or even Meat, as you wish.
Well hell, if the story turns out to be over 54,000 words then it's all good anyway =)

p.s. Raph, Raphy, Raffy, etc - it's all good. I only had Raphy because Raphael was taken, and for some reason it wouldn't let me have Raph.
Exactly - if you work on a Novel in Progress and add 50,000 words, I think you've still 'won'.

Besides, 50,000 words is a bit short for an adult level novel. I feel bad for the participants who want to write something intended for the under-10 group - most publishers only want 20,000 words for them. I guess they have to write 2-1/2 books to 'win'.

A question to our mistress of the novel drive - how are we going to let each other know about progress during November? I don't think we want to make anyone feel bad (fast typists dump words faster) but I do want to encourage everyone as they go, we can all do it, with each other for support.

-FF (hey this is a form of S&M isn't it? maybe that's why after all that pain they call it a climax in writing too)
ps. raphy I like your Halloween AV.
pps. tatelou, I really like your new AV - looks good for the back-cover shot for your novel.
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I have a cunning plan

I've worked out my plot structure at last.

I'm hoping to write a series of episodes, starting with an introduction (of course), then 26 stories, then a conclusion. At 1800 words per part, if I write a part every day I should have a couple of days to spare.

I intend to make each part self-sufficient with a continuing link and then post all 28 chapters in Literotica.

There are two problems with my plan.

One: I have to write 28 stories all with some sex in them.

Two: The ideal length of each story should be 1800 words for NaNoWriMo but I don't write stories that short.

I think that I'm going to fail to write the 50,000 words in time or else I might still be writing the 28 episodes by NaNoWriMo 2004.

Real Life is the unknown. I try to keep at least two hours a day for writing but...

Best wishes to all the mad fools who have signed up.

It will be very easy to keep track of everyone's progress because each person's NaNo profile will provide an option to enter your current word count, which will show in your profile and next to all of your posts.

Seeing other people's progress shouldn't be discouraging to others, if anything it should have the opposite effect. This is about challenging ourselves, not competing with others. Though I'm sure there will be people who see it that way.

Just relax and prepare yourselves for the challenge, and enjoy the writing process.

-Mike B.
My eldest son has just signed up for NaNo. He is excited about it and explained the concept to me. I told him I have friends who are doing the exact same thing on 'a message board I frequent'. He has an 'eye for a phrase' and being a doleite has plenty of time too. Should do well if he keeps his mind on it.

gauchecritic said:
Should do well if he keeps his mind on it.
Spoken like a real dad, Gauche. I'm very glad for you. I thought my eldest would also like NaNo as he writes daily but I simply do not want him to find out I'm Perdita at Lit. (spoken like a real mum; yes, I regret using the same name).

cheers to you and the lad, Purr
otherdarkmeat said:
It will be very easy to keep track of everyone's progress because each person's NaNo profile will provide an option to enter your current word count, which will show in your profile and next to all of your posts.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I'm drawing up a table in Word, which I'll post in the LitWridoNaNoWriMo support thread. It will contain everyone's word count, as well as novel title, genre, etc. Of course, this isn't compulsory, some might find the added pressure of everyone in the AH knowing what there word count is, too much. However, others, like me, will probably be spurred on by seeing the word counts grow. I plan to update the table every two or three days.

otherdarkmeat said:
Seeing other people's progress shouldn't be discouraging to others, if anything it should have the opposite effect. This is about challenging ourselves, not competing with others. Though I'm sure there will be people who see it that way.

Don't count on it, buster. You and me will fight it out to complete first, physically if necessary. :devil:

otherdarkmeat said:
Just relax and prepare yourselves for the challenge, and enjoy the writing process.

Relax? I'm so on edge, not even a full body massage could help me. I must clarify, I'm not on edge through fear, but through excitement, anticipation and a desire for it to begin already!

gauchecritic said:
My eldest son has just signed up for NaNo. He is excited about it and explained the concept to me. I told him I have friends who are doing the exact same thing on 'a message board I frequent'. He has an 'eye for a phrase' and being a doleite has plenty of time too. Should do well if he keeps his mind on it.

That's great, Gauche! Let us know how he gets on. Good luck to him, and the rest of us brave (or stupid) enough to take this on.

Lou :rose:
I heard of this last year

I actually posted this as a separate thread by mistake, sorry I am learning folks. See to the left, under 10 posts. ;) Anyway, I still know how to copy and paste what I said...

I don't think I have the guts or the time this year, but I know I would love to try. The thread idea is a great one. Maybe Laurel would be interested in starting something for her site. That way it always stays on top and easy to find for newbies like me.

Also, just a small thought...perhaps this thread can post a topic on Oct 31. Then we all proceed to write a novel based on that topic. It could be fun to all attack it like a contest, that way no one starts early. (Note to ego, why would you start early if you are doing it for yourself) The topic could be just a word such as Diary, Blender, Lilacs or a phrase like, "Puzzle piece does not fit". Just an idea, nothing more.

I think I got it right this time, but who knows. :confused:

Dingus Guy

A Ghost of a Chance
Aha! I see you have already posted your message here, too. So I shall just add what I said in the other thread...

Hi Dingus Guy,

When I read through the first post I thought you were referring to NaNoWriMo. You could always post there, too (and I could copy and paste my response over to there). Doh! I was jumping the gun a bit, you've already done that. ;)

Your idea is interesting, but, as a lot of us will already be writing a novel during November, I don't think it would get many takers. Maybe it is something to think about and suggest again, once NaNo is a distant memory, ie. August next year. :D

Seriously, though, writing a novel is a daunting task, your idea might work better if it was done in the format of a short story. Your suggestion is something to think about, anyway.

Thanks for the support!

Lou :rose:
Not quite right

I believe you misunderstood me. I meant that the theme/topic should be a part of Nanowrimo 2003 just for the group here. I never intended for it to be a separate contest. I just thought it would be more interesting and fun to all attack it from the same starting point and see what we come up with.

For example, let's say the word we use is"PURPLE". We can use it as our title, character, theme, or whatever we chose as long as it is in the story itself. It might make it more interesting if we all start thinking about it the same day, rather than formulating a plan ahead of time. It's a challenge regardless. I understand that. Just thought it could be more entertaining to use this group thing and take it a step further.

Dingus Guy

A Ghost of a Chance
Re: Not quite right

Dingus Guy said:
I believe you misunderstood me. I meant that the theme/topic should be a part of Nanowrimo 2003 just for the group here. I never intended for it to be a separate contest. I just thought it would be more interesting and fun to all attack it from the same starting point and see what we come up with.

For example, let's say the word we use is"PURPLE". We can use it as our title, character, theme, or whatever we chose as long as it is in the story itself. It might make it more interesting if we all start thinking about it the same day, rather than formulating a plan ahead of time. It's a challenge regardless. I understand that. Just thought it could be more entertaining to use this group thing and take it a step further.

Dingus Guy

A Ghost of a Chance
Interesting concept, but do you really expect this bunch of ornery, cantantankerous, individualistic, ego-centric keyboard pounders actually to agree on something?

I do so like optimists . . .

Yeah, I know we all actually agreed to contest NaNoWriMo, but you have to admit that's a pretty ornery thought in itself.


PS: Besides, I can't stand purple!
Re: Not quite right

Dingus Guy said:
I believe you misunderstood me. I meant that the theme/topic should be a part of Nanowrimo 2003 just for the group here. I never intended for it to be a separate contest. I just thought it would be more interesting and fun to all attack it from the same starting point and see what we come up with.

For example, let's say the word we use is"PURPLE". We can use it as our title, character, theme, or whatever we chose as long as it is in the story itself. It might make it more interesting if we all start thinking about it the same day, rather than formulating a plan ahead of time. It's a challenge regardless. I understand that. Just thought it could be more entertaining to use this group thing and take it a step further.

Dingus Guy

A Ghost of a Chance

Ah! Ok, I get you know. That darn penny keeps dropping. (P. ;))

As Alex said, it is an interesting concept, however, most of us already have an idea what we will be doing for our NaNo novels. In fact, I think most have already drawn up plot outlines, character profiles, etc. I'm going to semi-wing it, but even a foolish one, like myself, who writes by the seat of my pants, couldn't be introduced to the idea the night before this begins, then get my head around writing a novel about it.

Having said that, have you heard about 'plot ninja's'? I'll let someone else explain it better, take it away Mike. ;) But, basically it's something (a theme, an object, or whatever) that everyone includes in at least one scene of their novel. On the NaNo board, in the Erotic Horror thread, we are using Tentacle Porn as a plot ninja. Your idea might work better like that.


P.s. Alex, I am so relieved I didn't go with 'purple' for Psyche Erotica, I almost did, but went with shades of blue instead. ;)
Too bad

Well if anyone wants to try it, I am game. Since I have no clue what I would write about anyway. Nor do I believe I have the confidence to finish. Nevertheless, if I take just one small step, I might start to travel on a path to a worth destination.

Dingus Guy

A Ghost of a Chance
gauchecritic said:
My eldest son has just signed up for NaNo.

Somehow, it freaks me out to consider that your eldest son probably is about my age - and I don't have any kids.
Svenskaflicka said:
Somehow, it freaks me out to consider that your eldest son probably is about my age - and I don't have any kids.
Flicka, I am guessing my sons are closer to your age (25 and 29) and that I am probably twice your age, haha.

Perdy :)
Plot Ninjas

Tatelou said:
Having said that, have you heard about 'plot ninja's'? I'll let someone else explain it better, take it away Mike. ;) But, basically it's something (a theme, an object, or whatever) that everyone includes in at least one scene of their novel. On the NaNo board, in the Erotic Horror thread, we are using Tentacle Porn as a plot ninja. Your idea might work better like that.

I first learned about the concept of "Plot Ninjas" from Lauren, our group's liason/municipal liason. She's been doing the NaNo thing I believe from its inception. Apparently. somewhere along the way someone decided to have a bit of fun and suggested that everyone include a non-essential plot device that would be common in all the NaNo novels for that year. The one they selected for their first year was ninjas. Hence, it became known as the Plot Ninja from that point forward. The following year it was Pirates. She couldn't recall examples from subsequent years, but this year they were discussing the possibility of the Plot Ninja being clowns.

The Erotic Horror thread started a discussion of tentacle porn as a goof, and it somehow evolved into being our own Plot Ninja. Since I plan to show my camraderie for that subgroup along with the overall NaNoWriMo, I plan to include clown tentacle porn as my Plot Ninja.

If you want throw this year's Plot Ninja into your story for fun, it could be anything as small as including a picture or statue of a clown into a scene, or have one of your characters interact with a clown at a circus or a child's birthday party. It's just for fun, nothing serious, and nothing meant to derail your plot or story development.

That's about it for Plot Ninjas. They are meant to be fun, but not disruptive.

-Mike B.
perdita said:
Flicka, I am guessing my sons are closer to your age (25 and 29) and that I am probably twice your age, haha.

Perdy :)

Nice one, I'm right in between! I'm 27.:)
Damn I'm feeling like a baby.

S'okay though 21 is an okay age.

Course my mother is still holding out for grandchildren though all the pressue seems to be shifted to me instead of the siblings. I may have to draw mom a birds and bee's map complete with a lesbian diorama :devil:

In any case getting back to nano business I can't wait for it to start I'm full of ideas and dialouge and my favorite :D character background and development.
perdita said:
Hon, I'd never think of you as a baby anythang (not a typo).

Perd :p

Good because I never think of you as being matronly. (it was a struggle to get the word on the same page as your name.)

The Mrs. who's just saying...
(I hope you know what I'm just saying:devil: )
perdita said:
Hon, I'd never think of you as a baby anythang (not a typo).

Perd :p

That's right. Only in the context of "Whoa, baby!" now and then.

destinie21 said:
Course my mother is still holding out for grandchildren though all the pressue seems to be shifted to me instead of the siblings. I may have to draw mom a birds and bee's map complete with a lesbian diorama :devil:


There are thousands of orhphans in the world, who deserve a better fate than drug dealing and prostitution.