NaNoWriMo 2003

I'm coming late to the party but having read the words of the wise this is going to be as good a way as any to throw myself in.

I have a story - its based around an artist's studio in the UK I stumbled across a couple of years ago. The artist was evicted for not paying his rent. The Studio told the story of his life. He had worked there for thirty five years; it was knee deep in accumulated debris, materials, work, paint, tools. You name it, it was there.

His 35 years in The Studio matches my adult life span. So I can more or less follow his career through my memories, experiences and life pattern. It helps that my wife is an artist.

I wanted to write this story as a piece for theatre - I figure multi-media backdrop projection would be a neat way of getting the significant events across to an audience. My daughter is in theatre production so it could develop into a family project.

Now the scary part. I've only just started writing. I thought writing for Lit. would be a way of getting started - we've all got one novel in us, but most of us have several erotic short stories.

Doing this will mean suspending my Lit. effort for the time being. I've got about 35k written as a series of linked diary stories + a spin-off story of 8k written over the last two days. I'm not boasting - just trying to psych myself up for this.

It would probably be good to drop the Lit. stuff and look again in a months time to see what physical residue remains! (Will I get a boner.)

I've put off starting The Studio for too long. This will make me write out the basic structure without being compromised by an immediate 'end game'; and give me the backbone for developing the project next year.

I've been following the threads for some little while before signing up this week. Your useful, witty and sarcastic comments have seriously helped me to come to terms with my ambitions.

Wish me luck.

Yours in terror.


Registration accepted as - Wills. Hurrah!
Hi Wills! Welcome to the AH, and welcome to the NaNo experience. :D

It is great to read that you have the courage to do this. I am certain that it will a rewarding experience for you. You're right, we do all have at least one novel in us. I love your attitude to it, and your story idea sounds great.

All the best, and stick with us all the way. We will all complete our novels. :)

Lou :rose:

Mike, thanks for the 'Plot Ninja' explanation, honey. I knew you'd be able to make a much better job of it than me.

Tate :kiss: :p ;)
Wills, I'm certain I told you somewhere else that I like your style or humour or something about you. This caps it. I am impressed with your thinking and resolution. Welcome. I hope you help support me as I hope to support you and the rest of the inmates.

best to you, Perdita
Welcome and g'luck.

PS Dita you said inmates but I think the more appropriate term might be patients :D

It appears that you have the correct mindset, ambition and reasoning for the NaNo challenge. Why would you need luck with all the working for you already?

Good luck, anyway. I hope you enjoy the experience and that it gives you the start you need for your novel.

-Mike B.

PS: You're very welcome, Tate. I'm always happy to help.
Dest, Ok, patient, whatever. I am mostly conscious that I committed myself but have this creepy trapped feeling, therefore - inmate.

Mike and Wills: I don't believe in luck having anything to do with success, I believe in giving credit where it's due; concerning NaNo it will be with me.

I just wanna wish all of you who are doing this luck. What an undertaking!

Raph turned me on to NaNaWriMo, but alas, I need to finish my dissertation (50,000+ words, hehe) instead of my novel...sigh. I'm perusing their forums, though, which is enlightening.

Good luck to you all! :kiss:
Hi all and welcome Wills :) Nice to see new victims. :D

Sorry I haven't been posting in here much. I've been trying to catch up and get ahead of myself, hoping to at least have a couple of less pressing jobs to do, thus avoiding pontificating. The theory sounds good eh? :D

Does it seem to everyone else that November 1 is taking such a long time to get here?
wildsweetone said:
Hi all and welcome Wills :) Nice to see new victims. :D

Does it seem to everyone else that November 1 is taking such a long time to get here?

Yes, it's taking forever. Who added so many extra days to October??

About luck

Many thanks Tatelou, Perdita, Mrs W & ODM.

Perdita is right about the luck tag. It's not appropriate. We make our own 'luck' in life by setting the challenge and striving to achieve it. Sometimes the result we achieve falls short of the original objective and it's the process of getting there that brings the reward.

Tell you one thing, now I've bitten the bullet I can't damn sleep for plot lines. Its going to be a long dark November! I'm determined to enjoy the experience and hopefully share something with you guy's along the way.

Yours, less terrified,

perdita said:
Mike and Wills: I don't believe in luck having anything to do with success, I believe in giving credit where it's due; concerning NaNo it will be with me.

I agree 100%. I don't think it came through clearly with my typo of "the" instead of "that" in my reply. By believing in your own capabilities, you can definitely conquer the NaNo challenge.

Wills, I'll repeat last year's NaNo slogan, "No plot? No problem". :D

-Mike B.
Blimey! You're up early. :p

I just wanted to add my agreement with Purrditta, Wills and Mike. Success at anything has nothing to do with luck. We get out what we put in, and with sheer bloody mindedness anything is possible, even something as madcap as writing a novel in a month.

Tate/Loulou :heart:
Wills said:
Tell you one thing, now I've bitten the bullet I can't damn sleep for plot lines.
Funny you should say that. Just about every morning for the last week I've woken about an hour before the alarm sounds its horrible tocsin. Unable to get back to sleep, I start thinking about NaNo. I've just about written my first chapter in my mind and characters come leaping at me from all sorts of directions. Some will fade again, of course, but I'm beginning to feel confident about getting a good start now. As for finishing, I just pray I get on a roll.

Welcome to the madhouse, Wills. I believe that is where one may find both patients and inmates, sometimes sharing the same id . . .

To quote one of the more annoyingly self-confident characters from my stories: "If I needed luck, I'd be doing something wrong."
Bah, fine. I don't wish any of you luck! :p But don't underestimate the power of being in the right place at the right time...whatever you care to call that.
Mhari said:
Bah, fine. I don't wish any of you luck! :p But don't underestimate the power of being in the right place at the right time...whatever you care to call that.

Happenstance or possibly serendipity.

gauchecritic said:
Happenstance or possibly serendipity.
or hazard, fortuity, kismet, fluke.

NaNo-ites: I have a NaNo tee-shirt. Yay me.

gauchecritic said:
Happenstance or possibly serendipity.


Yah, that's what m'mama calls it, too. I prefer..."luck". *grin*
Okay, okay, I'm in. A little late but what the hell. I've never written a story using an outline anyway. I always write off the top of my head. (And I wonder why I"m going bald LOL)

Name: Jefferson
Title: The story of my life. (it's a working title. I had to come up with one quick.)

PS: Did you all ever figure out how to get a nanowrimo support thread going on Lit? Just wondering.

Eidted to add: Or is THIS the support group?? :)
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Support Thread for NaNo

Hey Doffy,

as if joining Snippettsville Group wasn't enough, you've signed up with this bunch of optimists? Ah, well. Takes one to know one!

For the moment this is the support thread. The lovely Tatelou will be starting a fresh one on November 1, to be entitled (I believe) LitWridoNaNoWriMo - I might be wrong about the title, it's been a while :D
In that thread we can all boast about our achievement, complain about our misfortunes and generally cheer each other up.

There's also a Lit thread (in the Romance and Erotica forum) on NaNo.

Doffy said:

Eidted to add: Or is THIS the support group?? :)

God help us all...

Oh, and welcome aboard, mate =)

Raph, who just got another friend signed up to NaNo
Doffy said:
Okay, okay, I'm in. A little late but what the hell. I've never written a story using an outline anyway. I always write off the top of my head. (And I wonder why I"m going bald LOL)

Welcome aboard the NaNo train, Doffy. :D

This group gets bigger and bigger, which is great! On last count, there's about twenty of us now.

PS: Did you all ever figure out how to get a nanowrimo support thread going on Lit? Just wondering.

Yep, we worked that out quite a long time ago, and as Alex correctly stated, the thread will be titled: LitWridoNaNoWriMo

Eidted to add: Or is THIS the support group?? :)

I've been trying to run this as a pre-NaNo support thread, sometimes more successfully than others. ;)

As Nov. 1 is less than a week away, I was wondering where people stand in terms of story ideas, titles, outlines, etc. for your novel. I had planned on having an idea and rough outline by now, but have been spending time getting a Lit story ready for posting. I have some story ideas floating around, but nothing solid yet. How about the rest of you? Do you have a "plan" or are you just going to start writing on Nov. 1?