New People, say hello. We don't bite, well some of us do.

heh, that doesn't surprise me... gets downright sweltering here.
That av has changed about 10 times today... I can't keep them straight. :p

I just want one!!
It needs to be resized I'm sure, I don't know what the stats are for Avs on this site.

Hehe, yes I am... Master registered here this morning, he was getting such a kick out of my reactions to some of the posts here, he had to see it for himself. :p
bound said:
Hehe, yes I am... Master registered here this morning, he was getting such a kick out of my reactions to some of the posts here, he had to see it for himself. :p

Shit, guess I better tone down the flirting. What did he say about the naked pics?
WriterDom said:
Shit, guess I better tone down the flirting. What did he say about the naked pics?

Ack! I actually forgot to ask him, I will this evening when he gets home, I promise. =)

He doesn't mind flirting, He knows where I lay my head at night.
Pretty sure you and Kajira are the only ones that noticed it. :p
bound said:
Pretty sure you and Kajira are the only ones that noticed it. :p

well, do another one when it drops off the first page. You'll get some followers. Right Kajira?