new poems

First snowfall of the season in Helsinki was on 7.Oct and left 20000 households without electricity for a few hours.

<< Had to do some research.
yeah well i'm about 60 miles from new york, and i'm expecting to see a polar bear roam by any time now. :D
Angeline, if you meet one while shoveling the driveway or whatnot, roll over and play dead. Unless you smell like a seal, then run like hell.

Lauren, what have i misssed? What's with all this Finland obsession? Aren't you a southener gal?
Yes, but having a winter story with a temperature of 19ºC and a light drizzle at best doesn't feel right... :eek:
Icingsugar said:
No, let me instead.

New poems of 12/4:
No new poems today.

(fanfare, applause)

That'll be $2.95/poem, thankyouverymuch.

Thanks, Icingsugar.

<hands over the cash>

Dec 7

Holy metaphor, Batman, the dam done broke and there's many many many new poems! Flounder not, Rybka--I just made a pot of coffee (it seemed like the right thing to do after eyeballing that list), and I'm off to do some reviews.

Cmon you poets, help the nice fishie! :) :rose:


Oh that's right, Rybby, I forgot you and Lauren switched--and she's not around till later today--well, help Lauren, everyone! :D
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New Poems on 12/07/03

There are too many new submissions on this Sunday, for me to count, and I am glad someone else is doing today. (Thanks Lauren!)
Not only are there a lot of poems today, there are a lot of good poems today, by known and unknown writers! I will leave their discovery to others and instead warm up this cold thread with one poem from the past.
For today's Golden Oldie I present a poem from August of 2001 by Qwitecontrary. I choose this work because it was the first poem by this author, and today she has presented us with her second gift, an excellent lamentation/eulogy. Read the first one right below, and then go read: May's Lament, My Lesson
Butterfly Memories

Everyday brings us memories
some of them fond
some of them heavy
but still
each and every memory is a precious thing

Like the fragile wings of a butterfly
they need careful handling
Keep your butterflies around
Make a field in your mind
where you can store them

And when things seem more than you can handle
Open the gate to your private field
and view all the splendid memories
that life has provided you
See that they are something that enriches your life
and cherish them

See the field filled with butterflies
Each one a part of your life
Each one flitting by
making you smile
making you happy

Don't put your memories away
for as a butterfly
there were meant to be free
flying across the sunlight
not kept locked up
Such memories will wilt and crumble
and be lost forever in time

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. There are plenty of good ones to choose from today! Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
a few dec 7 reviews

I'll just take a break from digging my car out of *alot* of snow to recommend these (Homer, you bum, you missed it lol--we got 10 inches of snow!)


Think Tammy Cant? She can and quite consistently, too.

Tattoo Animal is a tiny wisp of a poem, and yet it paints a powerful erotic image. Think it's easy to do that? I don't, but Tammy is quite good at it.

Then there's manequin and shalimar hank,which I don't really understand, but one of the great things about poetry is you don't need to know exactly what the poet means--you can appreciate interesting language and technique, both of which are present in skillful abundance here.

Tammy's third poem Two Days After, is my favorite of the group and my pick of the day. I believe it's a memorial--feels like that to me--but it's all stated so delicately and metaphorically that you almost want to hold your breath. Read this one, give it some time to sink in, then read it again. Very understated and moving.


There are two submissions from poetboy824. I'm so glad he's posting again. I find his poems to be subtly sensual and, often, quite beautiful. Do read A Waste of Time, which includes this stunning little except--

That day you said you loved me.
Disarray described my state of mind.
You’d confiscated all trace of reason left.
You’d illustrated my mind’s dull book
With a colorful display of dazzling, primal, passionate figures

Lovely eh? Then read Dawn for a lesson in how to blend metaphor and personification into a simple piece that's simply beautiful. Way to go, pb! :)


Maria2394 continues what appears to be a series on an unfolding relationship with elements of being: progression. Maria is one of my favorite poets here and this piece is a darned good example of why--it's sensual, moving, evocative in the way it juxtaposes desire and vulnerability. Reading it, I was struck by what a powerful writer Maria is--what range she has. This is one of her quieter poems. Enjoy it. :)

2rivers gives us talking through hats, a gentle meandering poem that I found very soothing and full of heart.

I'm going to leave it there although there are other wonderful poems posted today including stunners from jthserra, champagne1982, denis hale, and razzrajen, not to mention other terrific poems by new and less-frequent posters. I sadly, must boogie off to (sigh) write a disco poem (someday I'll learn not to dare Wicked Eve, lol), but I'm sure Lauren and others will comment on more new poems.

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Angeline, of course, can't tout her own poems, so I will.

All of her submissions were very good, but two struck me as especially so. First I read, You Are Whole Constellations and thought it couldn't get better. She mixes three ideas (music, writing, astronomy) into a poem that is vibrant with imagery.

But then I readLady Be Good and I was proven wrong. Maybe it's because I'm an Ella fan, or because Onomatopoeia makes me drool, but this poem grabbed me as my favorite of the submissions today.

Dennis Hale's poems always get me where it counts. (Don't worry, perks, I'll let you feed him. :p)

A voice in my head said: "Oh you know she is both
plateau and limbo stick
bending time itself back
upon itself, but you will never,
ever know her soul, no matter
how low you go!"...

Just a snippet from his Time Capsule.

Liar wants to turn back time in Slowtime Sunbreath.

Ok, that's it for me.

Hope I didn't step on any toes. :)
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Poets in the Blizzard

I broke down and counted them. There are 45 new poems today. Since Angeline has already pitched in and pointed out a few of the good ones (She forgot several by a person whose name begins with "A", and by the way it is still snowing/blowing here and we must be close to two feet.), I will stick to discovering new poets! My second finding of the verbiage deluge is a Liar. Truly, this poet is! That is the sobriquet chosen, and Liar has just contributed a fine first poem to Literotica. It is titled, Slowtime Sunbreath.
Bring back the slow,
because sharp tire marks
and streetlights' cold
cones of faux day
shines an overrated
script on the asphalt
of a strained city's
conceptual overflow.
Go read it and vote! . . .And then read a few more and vote on them too.

Regards, Rybka
Angeline, of course, can't tout her own poems, so I will.

All of her submissions were very good, but two struck me as especially so. First I read, You Are Whole Constellations and thought it couldn't get better. She mixes three ideas (music, writing, astronomy) into a poem that is vibrant with imagery.

But then I readLady Be Good and I was proven wrong. Maybe it's because I'm an Ella fan, or because Onomatopoeia makes me drool, but this poem grabbed me as my favorite of the submissions today.

Thank you Eu! :) :rose: Ella personifies joyous strength to me, and for a few years I've been thinking I want to write about her, but somehow got so focused on Billie and others that I didn't for a long time. But she is just beautiful in every way to me, and I tried to express it in that poem.

*Gasping in awe - it's Christmas on the poetry board! *

well save your paper and ribbons and go write a disco poem! :p :heart:

Since Angeline has already pitched in and pointed out a few of the good ones (She forgot several by a person whose name begins with "A", ...

;) :rose:
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Re: a few dec 7 reviews

Angeline said:
I'll just take a break from digging my car out of *alot* of snow to recommend these (Homer, you bum, you missed it lol--we got 10 inches of snow!)


Think Tammy Cant? She can and quite consistently, too.

Tattoo Animal is a tiny wisp of a poem, and yet it paints a powerful erotic image. Think it's easy to do that? I don't, but Tammy is quite good at it.

Then there's manequin and shalimar hank,which I don't really understand, but one of the great things about poetry is you don't need to know exactly what the poet means--you can appreciate interesting language and technique, both of which are present in skillful abundance here.

Tammy's third poem Two Days After, is my favorite of the group and my pick of the day. I believe it's a memorial--feels like that to me--but it's all stated so delicately and metaphorically that you almost want to hold your breath. Read this one, give it some time to sink in, then read it again. Very understated and moving.


Maria2394 continues what appears to be a series on an unfolding relationship with elements of being: progression. Maria is one of my favorite poets here and this piece is a darned good example of why--it's sensual, moving, evocative in the way it juxtaposes desire and vulnerability. Reading it, I was struck by what a powerful writer Maria is--what range she has. This is one of her quieter poems. Enjoy it. :)


you are so kind, thank you :rose: oh and as for a relationship, its only in my wishful heart. I do want to say, that Tammy Cant rocks, and her After the Fall, is what tugged the poem of mine, twenty-eight, out of a place I thought I wanted it to stay, forever... she is great, as are you.

To everyone who has been sending FB, I apologize for not replying, my email is being very contrary and will allow me to read but not respond..ghosts in the machine? who knows :D

PS, I submitted my disco poem already, hehe, poor d'maas ;)
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New Poet Safari

There is one more poet brand-new to Lit. today that (IMHO) deserves mention. His name is dharma_bum and he posts three works today. While not as polished as some of the others, I believe he has talent and deserves to be encouraged. With dharma_bum it is a question of tightening and discarding unnecessary words. His images and metaphors are quite strong, but sometimes his prose gets in the way of his poetry, and I do not think he is trying to write "prose-poems". If he joins us here on the poetry forum I am sure that many here will be happy to pass on some of the writing tips that they themselves have learned from others who have preceeded them. The Spar~~~ is dharma_bum's fist poem in the list. The poet uses the well worn ship/sea/life metaphor, but manages to make some of it seem new and zesty.

Actualization creeps in,,, slowly...
Like a cup of Tea that warms your hands..
For every Sea of Upheaval,
there is a Starry night by yourself,,,
in which you meet the great judge...
And She judges you...
Along with the Jury of yourself..
And the verdict is realized,,,
the warmth of it in Knowing....
You ARE self assured,,,
And you sentence yourself,,,
to a life of Sunrises,
and maybe even a Kitten or two...
And you relax,,, and enjoy the Sail home...
The answer to the Great question,,
is not the destination,,,,
but the Journey Itself..........

Number two is The River~~~ another water metaphor. This time the river is life and this is a love poem. Parts might use some work, but I like a lot of it. I would wager that if dharma_bum continues to read and write poetry, and if he came back to this one in a year or so when he can see it "objectively", he could turn this into a very nice poem of the genre.
There is a River,
Below my surface,
It flows between the banks,
Of my Mind, and,
My Heart..
Down it flows the Waters of,
My Dreams,
My Soul,
It drains the watershed,
Of my Humour.
My Intensity,
My Ability,
Carrying away,
Sediments of My

It's lower reaches,

It's Headwaters,
No one comes here..
No one is
dharma_bum's third presentation of the day is titled Truths~~~ and is another love poem and seems meant, as such most often are, for a very limited audience. It is the kind of heartfelt offering that is frequently too personal for the author to ever be able to take an objective pen/knife and whittle down to a work for a wider audience. We all have written such (and I pity you if you have never been in love enough to do so). I have one that is 40 years old, and I still can't face up to rewriting it. :)
I do like the theme of the first part

There are certain truths arising in me. Mainly things I wish were,,,,
"True".... I wish,,,
That I would have been the first boy,,
to want your attention..
The first to be brave enough to hold your hand......
To put his arm around you at the Show....
To dance with you,
while all the other boys, nervously,
Made comments to embarrass me...
I would have kept dancing with you..... Anyway.....
Now go and read the rest of these poems, make up your own mind, vote and send feedback. - Then post up here and tell me which other new poems you think deserve to be brought to my attention (and why, if you are feeling verbose, or stuck inside by a snowstorm as I am). :) :rose: :)

Regards,                 Rybka
Re: a few dec 7 reviews

Angeline said:
. . .
There are two submissions from poetboy824. I'm so glad he's posting again. I find his poems to be subtly sensual and, often, quite beautiful. Do read . . .Dawn for a lesson in how to blend metaphor and personification into a simple piece that's simply beautiful. Way to go, pb! :)
. . .
I really liked this one too, except that the rhyme fell down in the next to last stanza. :(

Regards, Rybka
I just finished the new poems. All I can say is - WOW! Not just the volume but the calibre.

There are some above average works in there but my choice is Time Capsule by denis hale.

I loved the imagery and the atmosphere he creates.
Angeline and Maria, thank you both for the comments. I regret to inform you that I may not be here much longer. My poetic life has been threatened. The wicked poet who owns Tammy Cant has tired of me. Even now she writes my eulogy, with a gleeful expression that I find most disturbing. :eek:
Though, I do believe she may allow me my last poem, and then I shall live in the shadows of her envious eve.
Re: Poets in the Blizzard

Rybka said:
I broke down and counted them. There are 45 new poems today. Since Angeline has already pitched in and pointed out a few of the good ones (She forgot several by a person whose name begins with "A", and by the way it is still snowing/blowing here and we must be close to two feet.), I will stick to discovering new poets! My second finding of the verbiage deluge is a Liar. Truly, this poet is! That is the sobriquet chosen, and Liar has just contributed a fine first poem to Literotica. It is titled, Slowtime Sunbreath. Go read it and vote! . . .And then read a few more and vote on them too.

Regards, Rybka
Thank you for mentioning Slowtime. I was worried it might had been rejected since it took forever to be published. But I read about the log jam in another thread, so I just hope it didn't cause it. :)

#all love
#L i a r
Holy macaroni! Did I miss the flood? And I promised I'd help out. Instead I went out for a grandiose dinner. Feeling a bit ashamed now. ;) I guess I owe someone something.

Or maybe I'll just shut up and go vote and stuff.
I'm sorry, everyone. I was up till 8AM yesterday/today and was out all day since I woke up two hours later, so haven't had a chance of looking over the new poems yet. Thanks for covering for me. Tomorrow I'm having a day off, so I'll take a look at today's flood and help out with tomorrow's.
Lauren.Hynde said:
I'm sorry, everyone. I was up till 8AM yesterday/today and was out all day since I woke up two hours later, so haven't had a chance of looking over the new poems yet. Thanks for covering for me. Tomorrow I'm having a day off, so I'll take a look at today's flood and help out with tomorrow's.
Extreme Exhaustion=Lame Excuse :p
I'm reading the new ones now and sending feedback, but it may take several days to do them all!