new poems


in the future, please leave me off your lists unless you care mention a specific.
oxalis said:

in the future, please leave me off your lists unless you care mention a specific.

I'm only assuming since today is the 30 and you have a new poem for the 30 and Rybkka is doing the 11/30 review the poem in question may be Naked Necks

I will grant that my assumption is based on circumstantial evidence though.

Mrs D (super sleuth)

oxalis said:

in the future, please leave me off your lists unless you care mention a specific.
You have been removed as requested. :rose:

Regards, Rybka
destinie21 said:
I'm only assuming since today is the 30 and you have a new poem for the 30 and Rybkka is doing the 11/30 review the poem in question may be Naked Necks

I will grant that my assumption is based on circumstantial evidence though.

Mrs D (super sleuth)
Mrs. D, Since I (personally/just myself alone) was not moved to single out any of today's postings by a lot of writers that I enjoy reading, I decided to post an active link to their Lit. hompages so readers could go read any of their works if they so desired.
If anyone besides oxalis objects, I can remove their name/link too. - It was meant as a positive thing, not negative.

(DAMN FLU!) - Regards, Rybka
Rybka said:
Mrs. D, Since I (personally/just myself alone) was not moved to single out any of today's postings by a lot of writers that I enjoy reading, I decided to post an active link to their Lit. hompages so readers could go read any of their works if they so desired.
Datz very nice of you. Just too bad my Lit ID contains one of the dreaded Fobidden Digits of the Lit Board, so it clicks you out into the big nothingness. It's a curse I'll have to bear I guess.

So, if anyone can be arsed to care, there is a working one down in my sig.

One more thing: For those of the regulars (and others who might read here) who sent feedback on Road Trip. Thanks! and sorry that I don't reply. I'm on borrowed machinery right now - my computer is fried. This means I can read, but not reply to mail at the moment.

bst rgrds,
"the blues" by Jenna Grey

I like the way this poem feels on my tongue. I wish there was more consistency in the use of colloquial language, but the idea is there, and I like the blue imagery. This is my favorite snippet:

i got this thing about blues.

losin' myself in the cool feel of Levi’s
losin' Levi’s
findin skin against skin.
meltin like the horizon.
like sky blue on tourmaline seas.

always searchin night skies.
midnight blue.
always hopin
for a blue moon
that for just once
"the blues" by Jenna Grey

I like the way this poem feels on my tongue. I wish there was more consistency in the use of colloquial language, but the idea is there, and I like the blue imagery.

good call. i really like it, too. thanks for the heads up! :)
prose poems

I wanted to pop in and say thanks to Rybka for her weird email (what on earth does '& n b s p ' mean? "and no birds sang, please?" it was a weird way to start my day, but i dig that)

The poem "on the lake" was actually submitted originally as a story, and rejected for being too short; then under "letters and transcripts", and rejected for the same reasons; so I had no choice but to submit it under Poetry. It wasn't meant as a daring move towards prose-ifying lyric work; but I do believe the concept of prose poetry is one that bears merit and further explanation.

I've argued in the past that works of fiction like "A Haunted House" by Virigina Woolf and most of the works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez are basically poems in long form.

Heck, even Paddy Chayefsky's "Network" reads like an epic poem of Beowulf-ian struggle, with words sewn together in a glorious robe, like blinding beautiful armour.

I appreciate the mention, though, as the support of you people for my last poem stirred me out of a long depression and back into writing. I'm working on my freelancing now and having some, if not overwhelming success. The comments I was mailed were lovely and thoughtful and very appreciated.

Have a nice week!

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My cup runneth over...

New Poems Monday, 1st of December

A red letter day today, my poets! Eighteen poems and so many good ones. Where to start? This may take two posts but bear with your humble scribe.

Let's start with Angeline. Those of you who read the board will have noticed that a little love is in the air. Anyone afraid that this may detract from the serious business of poetry will be relieved at today's three offerings. My personal favourite is Eating the Full Moon. A love poem with moon as the third word should be destined to fail, but no ... Angeline pulls it out of the fire (if I may mix my cliches). Her next poem, she rings, is also a love poem - a sly and graceful play on guitars with just a touch of sexy. The last of the three, don't even bother, is ... er ... less than a love song, but probably a better poem that it's mates. I loved the way the last word of the stanza hangs and then pulls meaning from the next. Read and be impressed.

From the sublime to the less sublime, but on the subject of poems that should not work, take a look at Merry Little Herb. Poems that rhyme and are about marijuana are usually one toke over the line. But this little bit of doggerel made me smile. The last stanza saves it ...
It's not polite to "just say no"
_to a potted plant you barely know..

I am blessed with a smithpeter. Afterword is no doubt the mate to foreward of a couple of days ago. Read them both.

Cordelia also chose today for a gem. In elements of nearness she plays on sight, sound and taste and gives us a wistful love song. (Something in the water at Lit.? It's almost like spring!)

Read all three by 2rivers. If you like smithpeter you will feel like you've settled into a comfy chair. My favourite is or full fist but read them all.

Damn. I only half way through but I have to go. I shall return, to finish the job and expose my pick of the day.


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Back again.

Razz has stepped up with Fractured Thoughts. The fjord metaphor reappears, followed by an interesting play on krill (of all things!) Enjoy.

Tammy Cant's poem Wild Berry caught my eye. There's juniper imagery again! (It's growing wild in today's poems). Add Tammy to your "watch-this-poet" list.

Jthserra's poem a streetcar's called a trolley made me smile.
what neon menageries
trek the night alone
as I wait for the sound
of arc-spark electric
and the bells spells

Which brings me to Three Different Ways by Linbido. My pick of the day. It's not a pretty poem but it's full of tightly wound emotion. Save it for last, read it a couple of times, then vote.

That's it for today.

JJust found this thread and read

So many pages! If I have any typos tis because my 13 lb, 11 year old sweet kitten is taking up 3/4's of my lap, and though huffs about being used as a desk top, he does grudgingly put up with me.
Yes I did try to sneak in, but now that I have been caught, thank you for reading my poems. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
To be truthful I am still trying to wade, without getting lost, through topics, forums, poems, I havent hit half of them!
Nevermind reading stories yet!
When my children get home, I am grounded off the computer for they require it and of course the phone.
A second line will be my second request from Santa this year I believe! Shhhh...not telling you my first! :devil:
Let's start with Angeline. Those of you who read the board will have noticed that a little love is in the air.

Whatever do you mean? I can't imagine how you came to this conclusion. Just because I'm running around with some guy, sharing AVs, writing highly metaphorical ten-word poems back and forth (and for this I totally blame Icingsugar, who started the thread), and writing goony, moony love poems is strictly coincidental. Really. Everyone who knows me know my heart belongs totally to this man.

ok i'm lying through my teeth. and i love you too darkmaas, but you know that.

Anyone afraid that this may detract from the serious business of poetry will be relieved at today's three offerings. My personal favourite is Eating the Full Moon. A love poem with moon as the third word should be destined to fail, but no ... Angeline pulls it out of the fire (if I may mix my cliches). Her next poem, she rings, is also a love poem - a sly and graceful play on guitars with just a touch of sexy. The last of the three, don't even bother, is ... er ... less than a love song, but probably a better poem that it's mates. I loved the way the last word of the stanza hangs and then pulls meaning from the next. Read and be impressed.

Thank you. And for the record, it's one guitar. A Martin, to be exact.

I concur with all your choices. I especially loved Cordelia's poem, and linbido? That darn lil schcandivaian mama--she snuck in a poem that totally blew me away. What a bitch. :) :kiss:
Angeline said:
I doubt there is anyone on the planet who hates disco more than me (no offense Razz, you I like alot :)), but you post the challenge and I'll sign up. so will The_Fool; he's dying to write a disco sestina--I just know it. heehee.....oh yeah and darkmaas--he'll sign up. this is his payback for the Lachrimae Challenge.

Thank you so much, DM and Ange. :heart:

It was one of those that I almost didn't write. I'll have to thank perks for that, her just another midtown addict was what finally made me dare to tap into those thankfully gone years 'better left untold'.

Another thing, if RazzRajen's poem of today could get a 6, it would get it from me. It's a absolutely beautiful, and I have a very soft spot for fjords. I guess that runs in my blood. :)
Makes me wonder where Razz sits and creates that poetry magic.
Mr. Mass,
Thank you for your kind remarks.
I am very honored that you have enjoyed mine and so many of the poets that I also admire.
Re: My cup runneth over...

darkmaas said:
New Poems Monday, 1st of December

Cordelia also chose today for a gem. In elements of nearness she plays on sight, sound and taste and gives us a wistful love song. (Something in the water at Lit.? It's almost like spring!)

Thank you, darkmaas.

I haven't been posting much here lately, but mostly because of time constraints. I am trying to evolve my poetry, too.

I have been attending regular open-mic poetry readings in various places around my little town. Surprisingly many for such a small city! I highly recommend these as a place to hone your poetry.

I posted this poem because it caused three (THREE!) men to slip love notes to me at various poetry readings. One of the "men" was exactly half my age. heh heh (Maybe there's a fountain of youth in love poetry?)

Anyhow, thanks for the mention, darkmaas.

And Angeline? I just got done wiping drool from my keyboard over she rings. Wow. You rock.

Taking notes on all the wonderful poety,

Linbido said:
Another thing, if RazzRajen's poem of today could get a 6, it would get it from me. It's a absolutely beautiful, and I have a very soft spot for fjords. I guess that runs in my blood. :)
Makes me wonder where Razz sits and creates that poetry magic.

Thanks so much for mentioning the fjord...I like them too - If I knew how to upload a link to an image I would show you the pic that inspired the poem.

Many thanks to the DarkMaas one for bringing attention to it and to those who sent feedback. I really appreciated the comments.

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new poems 12-02

Lots of great new poems. I'm short on time right now, so I gave each one a quick read.

I enjoyed Isadora Fall by jthserra ©, especially:
you lived, you tossed your flowing scarves
your cascading hair and shined with a crown of stars
as the day, the month, the fall turned bitter black.

There are two new ones by Angeline:
Ocean Sesto
What is this form?
Lean Too
A night can warm
a whole winter's worth
of poetry, spoken
in gentle voices, tipped
and giggled then touched

by Tangerine Sex Dream ©
I saw a few places that I'd change, but still a good poem.

That's all I have time for. I hope to come back later and mention some other good poems that I glimpsed. Feel free to let us know what you like!

Re: new poems 12-02

WickedEve said:
Lots of great new poems. I'm short on time right now, so I gave each one a quick read.

by Tangerine Sex Dream ©
I saw a few places that I'd change, but still a good poem.

Thank you Eve. I also would appreciate you showing me what you might change, if you have time. PM me, my email won't let me in without freezing my computer up

Thanks again :)
thank you for the mention, your wickedness. :)

the sesto (six) is a sestina (I think, lol, it might be a paradelle--I forget).

will someone be so kind as to tell me what the heck I wrote?
Angeline said:
thank you for the mention, your wickedness. :)

the sesto (six) is a sestina (I think, lol, it might be a paradelle--I forget).

will someone be so kind as to tell me what the heck I wrote?
It looks familiar and I think I've written one. I just couldn't remember the name.