new poems

Thanks Angeline, I have never been a subscriber to the usual blatant and overt kind of erotic poetry you see so much of. and so I never consider any of My own to ever fall into that category. Eroticism in my view is less about stating the obvious and more about bringing the senses alive to thoughts , prospects that tantalize and linger in the pysche for a long time.

I am pleased that some enjoyed that and to those who have sent feedback Thank you for taking the time and sharing your thoughts.


Yup, I agree. Stating the obvious is, to me, too pragmatic to work usless using sparingly. Then it has real impact. :)
dude, did anyone do the poems today?

I'll take it. Boy were there some delicious entries today!

Let me just talk about the two that rocked my world.
the standard he said she said song

I've already posted my comments just underneath his poem, in the public forum, but wow!

so not standard, something that could so easily be cliche, and icings sugah just made it smooth complete and fresh, even while using rhyme. I'm quite impressed. loved it *snap snap snap*<bad eighties moment>

and another poem...

if all the grays were lilacs by poetboy824

oh *melt* could this poem be more gorgeous in its simplicity? Reminiscent of emily dickinson with a bit of picasso fractured coloring. So wide and expansive with so few words, adding a bit of rhyming structure petal by petal. lovely!
Albigeois said:
it is difficult even for the best to write to a prescribed title. Disco Inferno, indeed! Bur Perks got the point, displayed her part in it and her connection to it and won the only 100 worth giving.

I humbly submit my feelings
and uh, thanks!
Wow, I'd never thought some actual song lyrics (and it is a song, will get recorded for a band's demo this winter) in old skool rhyming iambic whatevermeter (?) would appeal that much to anyone. It once again proves my personal thesis: I know squat. :D

Thank you perx! :rose:
now, about those pompoms...

To the list of poems from today I'd like to add two:

this gift thats from the heart by steve porter.
Tasteful, elegant, flowery poetry at it's very best.

how softly glows the spirit
how brief this light
the illuminated shadows
that silently shift
and pensively suppose…
not often am i near it
you know the flight
is a fleeting thing at best
thats rarely seen
but see how soon she goes.


Chameleon by fairly fresh poet Liar.
With a name like that, a poem like this makes perfect sense. Not technically perfect, but the best description of social masks since Elanor Rigby.

I am
a candid mirror
seamless, askew,
slightly altered,
familiar view.

I make you think
you sense nexus,
perfect match,
pegs and holes,
a gemini union.

But no,
there is
no uplink,
not a twin
only me;

your customised

And this ain't too shabby either. ;)

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I have to concur with perks. Those were two of the three I was torn over. Perks' being the third poem.

All three are unique and fluid. Each uses a different type of imagery. I loved them all.

Can I just say that Poetboy's poem was so rich (and I usually am not a fan of short and sweet poems) that I wanted to devour it?
Sorry about missing Tuesday, but I saw that poems were already mentioned, so I played hooky. :) Which came in handy. I'm living a freakishly busy life at the moment, and then there was the whole court thing to take up my time. Damn that ex of mine! The judge was sweet, though. There's now a court order for the ex to be nice to me. :D

I wonder if the spirit of this thread has been lost sometimes. The main purpose was to ensure that the new poems were read by at least one person, I think. This is happening and with fantastic results.

Another wonderful task our reviewers do, with admirable tact and flair, is to sort through the chaff and give us all an "IDEA" of what they think may strike our fancy in the new poems posted that day. By no means do any of them presume to tell us the others on the New list are not worth our attention though.

I'll hie unto my point. Lately, I've noticed a spirit of competition here that would be better served on a different thread perhaps. Who cares who your 'TOP' pick is poets? Give me a list of jewels and not just the title of one that you deem worthy. I can guarantee my taste is not always in line with yours.

Sadly, my visits to this thread, as a point of reference, have dropped off and after consideration, I think it's because the reviews have become too personalized and too narrowed in choice. Maybe there are only a few good poets out there, but guess what? I know they write and submit and I will seek out their work without everyone telling me that they've produced another gem. Save your fingers the work of typing it out day after day.

Ho HUM, I want fresh blood dammit.

Due to some really annoying spyware I still can't get rid of (already ran 3 different types of software)... It takes me forever to load up *any* page from Literotica. So I can't do my poetry reviews for a while.

But since I see you all are reviewing anyhow, maybe no one will notice if I drop out until I get this problem fixed...

Anyone want to do Thursdays for a while?


champagne1982 said:
I wonder if the spirit of this thread has been lost sometimes. The main purpose was to ensure that the new poems were read by at least one person, I think. This is happening and with fantastic results.

Another wonderful task our reviewers do, with admirable tact and flair, is to sort through the chaff and give us all an "IDEA" of what they think may strike our fancy in the new poems posted that day. By no means do any of them presume to tell us the others on the New list are not worth our attention though.

I'll hie unto my point. Lately, I've noticed a spirit of competition here that would be better served on a different thread perhaps. Who cares who your 'TOP' pick is poets? Give me a list of jewels and not just the title of one that you deem worthy. I can guarantee my taste is not always in line with yours.

Sadly, my visits to this thread, as a point of reference, have dropped off and after consideration, I think it's because the reviews have become too personalized and too narrowed in choice. Maybe there are only a few good poets out there, but guess what? I know they write and submit and I will seek out their work without everyone telling me that they've produced another gem. Save your fingers the work of typing it out day after day.

Ho HUM, I want fresh blood dammit.

Interesting perspective, but I would have to respectfully disagree. I think that what people are saying is, "this poem spoke to me the most of all." If you notice, people aren't *just* posting the one they deem worthy. They submit a list, and yes, perhaps they plug the one that they favored that day, but that is hardly exclusionary. I also don't see it as competitive. If my poem is mentioned, it gives me the same thrill as a good vote or a nice feedback, but it doesn't make me set out to "beat" everyone that day. Poetry is subjective, and everyone is going to have different favorites because of that nature. It is more in the perspective the reader has than the perspective the reviewer has. Perhaps you thought some poems were not recognized that should be? Then it is up to you to mention them. You want fresh blood? Bring it to the forefront.

Sometimes, as we're wading through the day's poems, we miss the subtle brilliance of a poem in the first read through. So make us pay attention to it. We may or may not agree, but that is what makes this wonderful.

Ok, enough soap boxing for one day.
De gustibus non est disputandum.

champagne1982 said:
I wonder if the spirit of this thread has been lost sometimes. The main purpose was to ensure that the new poems were read by at least one person, I think. This is happening and with fantastic results.

Another wonderful task our reviewers do, with admirable tact and flair, is to sort through the chaff and give us all an "IDEA" of what they think may strike our fancy in the new poems posted that day. By no means do any of them presume to tell us the others on the New list are not worth our attention though.

I'll hie unto my point. Lately, I've noticed a spirit of competition here that would be better served on a different thread perhaps. Who cares who your 'TOP' pick is poets? Give me a list of jewels and not just the title of one that you deem worthy. I can guarantee my taste is not always in line with yours.

Sadly, my visits to this thread, as a point of reference, have dropped off and after consideration, I think it's because the reviews have become too personalized and too narrowed in choice. Maybe there are only a few good poets out there, but guess what? I know they write and submit and I will seek out their work without everyone telling me that they've produced another gem. Save your fingers the work of typing it out day after day.

Ho HUM, I want fresh blood dammit.
I agree with a lot of what you say. I try not to mention crap by name and I actively look for new poets to praise. I also hold our regulars to a higher standard than the average Lit. poster. I often mention their names just so that those who do not read the new poem list every day will know when one of their favorites has a new work posted.

However as you state, your taste is not mine. All the poems I choose to mention are because I think them worthy enough to recommend to others. And, If I like a poem better than all the others, I see nothing wrong with my saying so. It is after all my review. Further, I always tell everyone to go read the new poems and make up their own minds. And finally, picking a favorite of the day may incite others like you to speak up and join in with your own choices.

I think that we have done a good thing, and a good job of it, in bringing this thread back from the moribund. :rose:

Regards, Rybka
I've never seen this thread as anything more than a list of recommendations by individuals saying what *they* like. I think we (by whom I mean the regular reviewers) have been pretty careful to say that our recommendations--including individual favorites--are our own.

I also understand what you're saying Carrie because in spite of what I've just stated I, too, cringe when I see someone pointed out as the *best*, the *star*, whatever because I agree that some people like one style, some another. There's a big stylistic difference between Robert Frost and Basho and Charles Bukowski, but they're all good and they all have followers who'd say "he's the best."

I'm glad this thread has become so democratic; there was a time (not long ago at all as most of you know) when the five "regulars" were the only ones who made recommendations. Now lots of people say what they like, which is a better way to go. I may be opinionated and pretty darn verbose--that's just me--but I am well aware that my opinions are simply that, opinions.

And I recommend a poem because I like it. Fresh blood is good--the most recent injections of it have (again, my opinion) set a higher standard of quality for this board that is in everyone's best interest. To disregard a good poem because it was written by a "regular," not only assumes it was chosen instead of an equally good one by a less-frequent poster (does anyone here do that?), but also strikes me as a weird kind of censoring. Good is good; it doesn't matter who wrote it.

I think those of us who want to be part of the solution will keep making recommendations and they probably won't agree with each other and that's diversity. Diversity is good. :)
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Once again I somehow forgot it was wed. right up until this very moment, the progression of my days is as such that knowing what day it is never seems important. Anywho the poems that struck me today are as follows in no particular order

Dec 9 2003 by Bacigalipo

The gift that's from the heart by Steve porter

Dandelion Whine by Eumendies
(love the title) BTW

Microscopic men in my mind by perks

Standard he said she said song Icingsugar

As always check em out and comment hell leave a public comment just to try it . Good on all of the above for your use of languge and imagery to all the rest good on you for putting pen to paper or finger to keyboard such as the case may be :)

Regards The Mrs
dandelion whine was delicious, and so completely apt. The style and word selection was so perfect for the subject matter.

I lurved it.
did you ever post something that really wasn't what you meant but when you thought about editing it, you said fuck it... it's gonna live? ..

thus the source of my little blurt earlier..
champagne1982 said:
did you ever post something that really wasn't what you meant but when you thought about editing it, you said fuck it... it's gonna live? ..

thus the source of my little blurt earlier..

usually, it just bugs the hell out of me, and I want to blot them from my vision, but they still pop up anyway. I wish I could remove several poems and stories. ugh.
champagne1982 said:
did you ever post something that really wasn't what you meant but when you thought about editing it, you said fuck it... it's gonna live? ..

thus the source of my little blurt earlier..
Actually, that was a good little blurt, and I kind of agree with you.

Basically it said "Hey guys, don't just post links to 1 or 2 poems that you personally lurve, but to all that you found good. And take extra effort to look up the new talents."

But with more melodrama. ;)

Or did I misread you?

I post to what I like, I'm not going to post about something that I don't particularly care for. If I love it, I love it, no matter who wrote it.

I think if I take time out of my day, to write anything about anyone it's a good thing. I'm not blowing sunshine up anyone's ass. I tell it like it is for the most part.

I'm tired of writing critiques for poems that completely suck and having to defend those reasons. They're fucking logical. Why would I write about those poems? It's a waste of time.

yesterday there were several poems that I liked and didn't like. I was on the phone with another litster and we actually read each poem from the entire list. There were some that were so completely difficult, I didn't/couldn't even finish. I see no need to write about such poems. However, I would rather not squelch their need to write, just because I don't care for it.

But I will not stop talking about the things I do like because a few people seem to think the same people are always being mentioned. I happen to disagree.

If the same people are always mentioned, then why did we find denis hale recently? or even half of you? I've been here for a long time, poets come and go. I'm impressed at the general upkeep of this thread, it's a thread for what each poet likes and other things.

There is room for your opinion, and what you want to post, but don't censor other's postings, because you feel they're posting only to rub elbows with their friends. That's so completely senna jawa of you.

I think you have every right to say what you did, but really. I know what I like, as do you... if you want to see something new mentioned, a new poet mentioned, then use your post to do it. I know I do... when I like them.

PS. I do happen to look at the poetry by the regulars that post here, because I do believe, because of their loyalty and dedication to this forum they deserve at least my awareness. However, that does not automatically get a mention. It just makes me read through a poem of theirs even if it kills me. :D

PSS. I don't hate you, this is just my 2 cents. Usually I have to clarify, as I come on as a ton of bricks, specially at 5 in the morning.

Don't sweat it sugah, everyone has their opinion, that's why everyone gets to post. Use your posts for what you think is the appropriate way to respond to the new poems.
As a lurker I've followed this thread for sometime, and I just finished reading the last "blurts." I then started checking out some poetry on my own from today (11th). A line jumped into my head, which conformed to a particular poem style that Angline had introduced sometime ago in her Parallelismus Membrorum thread. So, I post this little ditty and go back to reading some new poetry. I come across a poem by Energizer Bunny, Yes, I Hate You and wouldn't you know it, this sounds like a poem for Angelines Parallelismus thread, even though it's not written in that form, the subject matter sounds like it was meant for this form.

I noted Rybka had on some thread or point earlier posted comments about some new poets and their poetry, inquiring what we readers thought of this work. Perhaps then this is an alternative to "what you like."

There appear to be fewer people willing, able, capable, be it as it may, offering the intense critques that use to be done on the forums. Or, at least, fewer threads on the subject of critques. Then again, such critiques take alot of work (and, as I recall, I was hardly the most constructive at offering such work) but perhaps a sense of that is what's felt to be missing.

Ok, I'm going back to lurking now...

New Poets of 12/11/03

I will leave all the regular poets' postings to those who dare to brave the wrath of the wraith. I will just mention "en passant" (that's for SJ :) ) that I am glad that the rumors of Tammy Cant's passing appear to be fallacious if not salacious. :p
I instead shall just mention a couple new poets.

Molly T. C. is a brand new poet whose first Lit. offering is Weaving an Endless Tapestry. She definitely needs to use a spell checker, and a friendly editor would only help her improve more rapidly. Molly possesses a good vocabulary and a lot of verbal energy, but her talent is undisciplined as of yet. I hope she joins us here and learns to apply what she reads to her work.
What i will never forget
Was the drug that satiated all my needs.
That infectuous feeling of purpetual ecstasy.
The one thing i cannot remove from my mind,
Those crystaline orbs.
Those endless seas of comfort and affection.
Those truly amazing and beautiful eyes,
They will follow me into eternity
And once there, i will welcome him again.

Energizer Bunny is not new, but is an infrequent contributor to the poetry board. Her Yes, I Hate You is very strong, but like many of the beginning/infrequent poetry writers, she will greatly improve as she learns to discipline her raw energy and talent with some techniques of convention.
I hate that the sound of your voice makes me wet.
I hate you because you are arrogant,
and more so, because you have reason to be.
I hate you because of how you look, and how you look at me, into me, through me.
"Damn Your Eyes", Thrill. Boy, does that song tell the story.
I hate the way you wear your clothes, smell, taste, smile, kills me.
I hate that.
I hate you because you are to me what most people
never find,
and are doomed if they do.
I hate you for being here...and for not.

There are others, but these two are the only new contributors that caught my eye today. I won't tell you what my favorite poem of the day was because I don't want to get my ass chewed. :D So go read the new poems of the day and make up your own mind (only don't tell anybody but the author via feedback. SHHHH!) :p

Regards, Rybka
spell checking??

I really appreciate the notice to my work. That happens to be one of my favorite pieces. I appreciate even more comstructive criticism of my work. I have to admit, my spelling skills aren't exactly polished and my typing skills are a couple steps below that. To my dismay, my best fried (spell checker) had disapeared as the program had been disabled.... I was using windows note pad. I did my best in stumbling through my spelling with out it. Most importantly I hope everyone enjoys my poetry, and for those that can't get through it due to gramatical errors, sorrect me!!! Thank you all!!!!
Thanks all

I'm not going to be doing new poem recommendations anymore, though I'll continue to use the public comments board to mention poems I really like, as time allows.

Thanks to all who read my comments and found them helpful. :rose:

Re: Thanks all

Angeline said:
I'm not going to be doing new poem recommendations anymore, though I'll continue to use the public comments board to mention poems I really like, as time allows.

Thanks to all who read my comments and found them helpful. :rose:


Re: Thanks all

Angeline said:
I'm not going to be doing new poem recommendations anymore, though I'll continue to use the public comments board to mention poems I really like, as time allows.

Thanks to all who read my comments and found them helpful. :rose:


I'm sure you have your reasons, but I wish you would reconsider...

Sad Fool