new poems

Lauren.Hynde said:
I'm sorry, everyone. I was up till 8AM yesterday/today and was out all day since I woke up two hours later, so haven't had a chance of looking over the new poems yet. Thanks for covering for me. Tomorrow I'm having a day off, so I'll take a look at today's flood and help out with tomorrow's.

What's one more day? We've waited almost a week with bated breath knowing the flood would come.

Better you're rested to face the deluge. :)
Angeline and Maria, thank you both for the comments. I regret to inform you that I may not be here much longer. My poetic life has been threatened. The wicked poet who owns Tammy Cant has tired of me. Even now she writes my eulogy, with a gleeful expression that I find most disturbing.
Though, I do believe she may allow me my last poem, and then I shall live in the shadows of her envious eve.

wicked good post, Tammy. :cool:
I'll just take a break from digging my car out of *alot* of snow to recommend these (Homer, you bum, you missed it lol--we got 10 inches of snow!)

bwhahahahahahahah! I planned it that way, of course...

(and now I've no doubt cursed myself with being stranded in toronto for fifteen hours when the next snow fall hits next week :rolleyes: )

8 Dec

Guess what, I happened to pass by, and spotted some new wordchunks in the list:

There are more ones than those that are noteworthy, but I'll leave some for the rest of you. Just thought I'd butt in and assist darkmaas, who got the wonderful task of doing the boogie of Disco Inferno (I think?). All I can say is, they're pretty cool. (too lazy to link, they're all here)


* WickedEve got an E and deserved it. Nuff said. Read Not Nearly Heaven right about now.

* Smithpeter sings a big little song.

* Although the title Petting pussy by My Erotic Tail made me :rolleyes: , the actual content proved to be quite a delight. Until proved otherwise I claim that this is about a cat.

* I'll also recommend DM's yummy Tampopo Noodle, since I'm sure he's too darn modest to do it himself.
Re: Seven Poets A-Boogieing

Angeline said:
And here they are--the magnificent seven discoing poets (the others, including Foolie and Wicked Eve (!), were, presumably carried off by crispy shambling John Travolta zombies. :p

and Homer if you ever call me the Maalox Queen again I'll clock ya one. ;)







I knew I forgot something. lol I mean, yes, I was carried off by a travolta zombie.

and "e" means you must send naughty wicked eve porn to all posting poets.

well done.
I knew I forgot something. lol I mean, yes, I was carried off by a travolta zombie.

lol. uh-huh, that's what I figured--I *knew* it wasn't anything mundane, like forgetting....



and "e" means you must send naughty wicked eve porn to all posting poets.

well done.

ditto on the well done; Eve's poem is gorgeous as is yours.
New Poems Monday

Lauren, bless her soul, has kindly volunteered to help with the reviews. We are both beavering away. (Do they have beavers in Porto? Eve don't even think of replying!)

Be patient.

I second that vote for Wicked Eve. Read Not Nearly Heaven if only for the lines:
Impressions silk whisper our rapture,
No winged hollows on tangled sheets.

Reports of Tommy Cant's premature demise are ... er ... premature. She has a poem Wake that deserves a read.
Slip of childish feminity,
bring forth your tiger.
Let him burn against the dusk.

Then read Champagne's Agonies . You may have already seen it as a glass bead post but it deserves a vote (only 5's please).

In telecope seeds 2rivers goes all astrophysical on us. Made me smile.

That should keep you reading for a bit.
I've left the Disco Hell Poetry for an in depth analysis later. There are also a few poems I want to savour but I must run. Thanks again Lauren.

I'll be baack!

darkmaas said:
[. . .]Then read Champagne's Agonies . You may have already seen it as a glass bead post but it deserves a vote (only 5's please)[. . .]

Thankyou, dear sir. I in turn must praise Xtaabay's poem that inspired my words. I take the liberty of quoting that poem now:

Originally posted by Xtaabay
Blood, barbarity, and night
gushing in tranquil arcs of
air, civility and light.

Birth, suffering and death
secretly, openly steal
age, joyfullness and breath

Free, liberated through flight
craving fulfilled escape from
blood, barbarity and night.
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8 Dec 2003

To help Darkmaas in today's 50 poems barrage, took the bottom half the list. No jokes, please.

Of the non-Disco Inferno poems (and in case anyone's wondering why I didn't write one, may I remind you that I wasn't born till 1983 and have absolutely no recollection of anything prior to break-dance and fuck knows why I even remember that...) the ones that caught my attention were


by samadhi ©

Actually, at first this poem completely eluded my attention, but on a second reading, I found the way she uses the language to be on par with the best of today's submissions. It's a short poem, but here's a peek:
There will be no slashing and burning today
only the tender leather pruning and delicate
binding of trunk and limbs
to protect these tiny buds
as they fade first to yellow then away

Thelma & Louise
by jessy19 ©

This is a strange poem. The first 2-4 stanzas are great (a la Wicked), but then it starts deteriorating, loses some freshness and gets a bit contrived. Still, it's well worth the read.
Let's pull a Thelma and Louise
And shoot your dad for being such a sleaze.
No one will find out if we bury him right
We can do this late at night.

We can lure him somewhere far away
Maybe to the woods or by the bay.
We can laugh and pretend to be happy
And then, Boom! We'll shoot pappy.

why time is important
by 2rivers ©

'Why time is important' could very easily be my pick of the day. I'm not going to quote it, because much its beauty lies in the change of pace and structure, but you check it out.

by Eumenides ©

A touching piece, and a well crafted homage. Well done. :)

Sunday Slipping By
by Angeline ©

It's Angeline's! What else is there to say? Her poems are getting more complex, more intricate, and they seem to flow from here with ease, better each day. This is no exception.
you say--this art is ours, too.
This is us peeling off banality.
This is us unlayering to truths,
no longer hidden in some forgotten
corner of the heart, but freed,

unlocking private doors to voices
in rooms where courtly knights
joust with their imperfection,
but are redeemed by persistence.

by dharma_bum ©

Now this poem I must mention. I agree with everything Rybka said about him yesterday. This is a good, intelligent poem, as are his others. The reason why I said I must mention it is because this would ordinarily be an automatic back-click trigger, with its choppiness and offensively disrespectful use of puntuation. What the hell does ,,,,,,,,,,, stand for? Still, I urge you to read the poem.

Re: 8 Dec

Icingsugar said:

* WickedEve got an E and deserved it. Nuff said. Read Not Nearly Heaven right about now.
Thanks, Ice. I think it got that E because it was saturated with heaven, angels, paradise, etc. Oh yeah, and rapture. You have to have rapture!
darkmaas said:
Reports of Tommy Cant's premature demise are ... er ... premature. She has a poem Wake that deserves a read.
Tammy is now gone. She went peacefully. Well, a few gasps and a groan, but peacefully enough.
Tristesse said:
My personal choice is Perks' Disco Inferno - but, like yesterday, there are so many great poems. I refused to get drowned in excellence.

WTG Perkie. :kiss:
ahhh, thank you, thank you.

as for me, maria's poem was the one that did it for me. It was so reminiscent of the bold lines drawn between the two cultures, like that show freaks & geeks. I think she actually writes for that show. What insight!?!
Homer, Angeline and Eume were in the running for second. I liked them all for different reasons. Angeline had the humour content, homer had the pyro love gone wrong vibe, and eume's had a particular brand of making you do what the person's perspective was doing. I mean, how could you not look at that ass. It was just there, in yo' face! I was mesmerised.

All the poems were great, lots of work. I just have to say a special thanks to Angeline for this particular contest, but when is it going to be the 80's challenge, cause I want your sex. *smirk*
Tuesday morning mull

It's almost a relief to find a manageable field to day. :)

My morning coffee pic is this one (read it out loud - it's a treat) with this one for my second cup.
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Manageable, yes, but lots of good stuff today.

What Tess said about Burning Jante--love the refrain that ties it all together--and Morning Glory, which is sexy-melodic simple.

And Razz dear? You seemed to have misclassified your poem, Morning Moons, as non-erotic. Ah no. But it is my favorite today. :)


Oh and a big :heart: for Steve Porter's Fifth Grade. You said it dear man. I wish every teacher conveyed as much love for their kids as your poem does. :)
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and Homer if you ever call me the Maalox Queen again I'll clock ya one.

I promise to only ever quote this line again. :p


Hi, I just bounced by new New-list.

Read this...

and tell me you didn't at least .

I normaly don't vote - but that one's a 5.
I want a girlfriend so I can get that poem printed on a t-shirt and have her wear it.
it is difficult even for the best to write to a prescribed title. Disco Inferno, indeed! Bur Perks got the point, displayed her part in it and her connection to it and won the only 100 worth giving.

I humbly submit my feelings
Angeline said:
Manageable, yes, but lots of good stuff today.
And Razz dear? You seemed to have misclassified your poem, Morning Moons, as non-erotic. Ah no. But it is my favorite today. :)


Oh and a big :heart: for Steve Porter's Fifth Grade. You said it dear man. I wish every teacher conveyed as much love for their kids as your poem does. :)

Thanks Angeline, I have never been a subscriber to the usual blatant and overt kind of erotic poetry you see so much of. and so I never consider any of My own to ever fall into that category. Eroticism in my view is less about stating the obvious and more about bringing the senses alive to thoughts , prospects that tantalize and linger in the pysche for a long time.

I am pleased that some enjoyed that and to those who have sent feedback Thank you for taking the time and sharing your thoughts.
