new poems

Re: Thanks all

I assume that you'll still hang around at least? Just not doing this on schedule?

:rose: /Ice

I'm sure you have your reasons, but I wish you would reconsider...

Life demands and priorities have shifted.

Most of you know I have a book coming out soon. My end of the work on it is largely done, but there are things left to do, and I have several other writing projects that are languishing for lack of my attention. Between those, raising two kids and other personal stuff (besides the personal stuff chronicled on that *other* thread :D), my life is getting way too crowded. I need to get on with it as best I can.

This board is in such a good place now--so many truely gifted writers are here, and we all help one another and I think we have all grown from it--I know I have. I hope to continue to learn from all of you--I'm just moving more into *application* mode.


P.S. Yup, Ice, I'll be around. Every few years I make a concerted effort to be a grown-up. It usually fails, but I do like to try. :)
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All the best to you, Ange!! I wish you well in all you do... and when I get done w/ my 'Organization Angel' I'll send him to you!

and a sappy P.S. Thanks for being YOU!!

You have my wishes for the best of everything, from family life to professional success.

ohhhhh Ang, don't be a stranger, mmk?

I'm so happy for you, and understand completely how life works. *I'm in the middle of preparing gallery applications myself*.

Best of Luck to you. I'm going to miss your critiques, I have to say, some of my favorites came from you. I'll have to stalk you over on the poetry comments. <it's almost a board unto itself now>.

ohhhhhh, and can I still reach you in Pms? I have my dates for NYC?
ohhhhh Ang, don't be a stranger, mmk?

I'm so happy for you, and understand completely how life works. *I'm in the middle of preparing gallery applications myself*.

Best of Luck to you. I'm going to miss your critiques, I have to say, some of my favorites came from you. I'll have to stalk you over on the poetry comments. <it's almost a board unto itself now>.

ohhhhhh, and can I still reach you in Pms? I have my dates for NYC?

i'll be around and no doubt blah-blahing away in those public comments. And thank you. :rose:

And yes, yes--let me know about NYC. I'll take the A train (we'll have to meet on Sugah Hill, sugah, lol). No wait, I'll just take a train. We'll schmooze, bubeleh--maybe a lil Barney's, hehe. :kiss:
did someone mention the train?

ill carry the bags

play porter

Um yes. Porter no, but Library Hotel, right? We'll meet Perks for drinks at the Poetry Garden. :)

Tristesse said:
Senna Jawa as an adjective - I lurve it. :D

P.S. ....and I agree with you.

SJ:   total of   924   posts;   1.60/day

Perks: total of   23773   posts,   25.37/day


SJ: no av

Perks: weed up her ass, red ribbon).
Senna Jawa said:
SJ:   total of   924   posts;   1.60/day

Perks: total of   23773   posts,   25.37/day


SJ: no av

Perks: weed up her ass, red ribbon).

Damn, I was really hoping for a blue ribbon, or best of show.

As for narcissistic... no, I'd technically go with histrionic. *nods*

Thanks, armchair psycho.... er... psychologist, yeah, that's what I meant.
Senna Jawa said:
Perks: weed up her ass, red ribbon).
I think it's supposed to be smoked, but Perks is so damned adventurous.

What have I missed? Is Angeline going somewhere?
I think it's supposed to be smoked, but Perks is so damned adventurous.

What have I missed? Is Angeline going somewhere?

how do you know she's not?

i'm coming to your house, and i'm not leaving until i get a poem about boogying travolta zombies :p
Angeline said:
how do you know she's not?

i'm coming to your house, and i'm not leaving until i get a poem about boogying travolta zombies :p
Shut up about those damn zombies!
Pick of the Lit.

There are a number of fine poems today, but my favorite, and I don't care who objects to me choosing a favorite, has to be the sweet and gently illustrated poem in which Tristesse so masterfully captures what makes a young child fall in love with words and become a book voyager forevermore. She captures the ability of a good book to lift a reader above the ordinary and mind-sail them away over verbally tossed seas to the marvelous lands of their own imaginations. This poem, Between the Covers, makes me want to be young again so that I might make those initial dream-trips once more. Marvelously crafted in no more words than absolutely needed.

Go read this gem; burn your television, grab your kids, and teach them the magic of books!

Thank you, Tristesse. :rose:

Regards, Rybka
truly loved that

thanks Rybka


once again



(parent of young readers here)
13th December 2003

The new public comments feature really is great. Makes going through the new poetry list every day a lot more fun.

Of the poems posted today, my personal recommendations are:

Between the Covers
by Tristesse ©

It's an illustrated submission, and beautifully done. By itself the poem would be well worth the praise. An ode to the pleasure of reading in bed.


significant things
by smithpeter ©

After you finish your book, you may want to think twice about leaving bed. Smithpeter insists on calling it Non-erotic, but we know better. ;)


They Never Change
by JasperMan ©

It's a rap! May not be to everyone's liking, but it flows reasonably well and is worth the read.


Grown Man, Crying
by denis hale ©

A powerful piece with the strong imagery Hale has gotten us used to.


Rainy day girl
by Debbie ©

Angeline said it best: it's a fluid and song-like poem, and thoroughly enjoyable.


Fantasy of Eyes
by arousedquill ©

It's the sexiest poem of the day.
Senna Jawa said:
SJ:   total of   924   posts;   1.60/day

Perks: total of   23773   posts,   25.37/day
For a second, I tried to imagine how the world would be if those stats were

SJ: 23773 posts - 25.37/day
Perks: 924 posts - 1.60/day


Not so close to Christmas, please...

I think everyone just assumed you didn't know how to get an avatar...
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Thank you Rybka, ee and Lauren and thank you for the public comments - Boo, Angeline and Icingsugar. I'm sorry that the text is rather small but la-de-da.

Why has it been deemed "H" I wonder? I thought that honour was for erotica.
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Tristesse said:
Why has it been deemed "H" I wonder? I thought that honour was for erotica.
The red Hs are for all submissions with 10 or more votes and a rating of 4.50 or better.

There's nothing small about that text, Tess. It's just perfect. :rose: