new poems

Welcome abord, Iceman! - I agree with almost everything said by D'maas, and the most recent posters. - About poetry and about the flu. I apologize for not telling you to at least wash your hands after reading poems that I have touched. (Rybka ducks and swims behind a giant clam.)
I hope the evil bug does not affect your muses as mine did. Mine turned into muse'cus I was so sick and ran off the end of my nose and hid. All that's come back so far are a few bad puns (see "More Medicine thread) when I blow my nose. ;)

Regards, Rybka
Monday 15 December, New Poems (again)

Back again and full of cheer,
I see there's been a scene,
It seems that I'm in trouble
For picking on Angeline,

Seems nothing rhymes with kopf
Which you know is rather saad
The baastaard says he's sorry
Please tell me you're not maad.

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Respectfully duh'maas
New Poems, Monday 15th December, (third try lucky)

Sorry got carried away by the muse of rhyming couplets.

Who let the damn bananas out of the box?

Todays new poems:

Lets start with jthserra's Distant Light. Who says there's nothing poetic about the petrochemical industry?

I should have had a rule about Christmas parodies. But then we might have missed the one by theowlandtherose which made me laugh and spill my cup of bile.

Then I read Art Fucks Science by annaswirls. Nasty title, but the poem is loaded with nice touches.
A black sharpie marker scrolling 26 digits of Pi
in a permanent spiral around her sex.
Laws of Thermodynamics
scratched into hardened wax
dripped hot across her belly...
That did it. How could I, (a recovering high temperature thermodynamicist), remain bummed?

There are eleven poems by zell19861986. They are unhappy poetry, sharing an extended theme. They deserve a read and some feedback.

Enough for the moment. My eyes hurt. I may be back for a fourth kick at the cat...

Back again and full of cheer,
I see there's been a scene,
It seems that I'm in trouble
For picking on Angeline,

Seems nothing rhymes with kopf
Which you know is rather saad
The baastaard says he's sorry
Please tell me you're not maad.

It's a darn good thing I'm sick
or I'd write a poem chock full of saass
and rhyme some rhyme with sick
oh never mind, you know I love your
aass. :)

but watchit on those dancin nanas; you know how disturbing I find them. :p

oh god ee, don't encourage him.... :kiss:

Feeling Slightly Better,
A, who raises her poetic hat to the Icy one :rose:
Champers said:

I would never take "umbrage".

Well, I have to say, that judging from your AV, a little "umbrage" looks quite good onya.

Sorry if I overstated your case. The use of "umbrage" was irresistable, given your lattitude and the approaching solstice.

Better quit before I get in really deeply.

Re: New Poems, Monday 15th December, (third try lucky)

darkmaas said:
Sorry got carried away by the muse of rhyming couplets.
So is that what those little thingamajigs are called?

/Ice - t o t a l l y non scholar :)

No, seriously, is there a reference for all of those forms and meters that I know jack shit about, but just write?
Re: New Poems, Monday 15th December, (third try lucky)

darkmaas said:

Then I read Art Fucks Science by annaswirls. Nasty title, but the poem is loaded with nice touches. That did it. How could I, (a recovering high temperature thermodynamicist), remain bummed?
Just wanted to second the vote for "Art Fucks Science." It's a pretty fresh spin on some old debates, and there's plenty of fun language play to keep it moving. Nice job, annaswirls. For what it's worth. ;)

12-16 new poems

I always approach new poets with some trepidation. Many of them tend to offer crude screwing poetry, awestruck subbie poetry, or some other subject that makes me cringe. But when I saw the title Doppler's Illusion, I knew there had to be some intelligence behind this. So, I read it and was pleased. I assume this is a fairly new poet to lit, or just a new name for an old poet. You never know.

Doppler's Illusion
by annaswirls ©


Heavy questions splash into silent reservoirs,
concentric ripples expand outward.
Answers turn back in towards the center
and tumble over awkward honesty.


I read this next poem twice and decided I liked it. It's difficult to read a poem like Doppler's Illusion and be satisfied by anything else afterwards.

by pointless ©

The smell of roses burning under the heat of our new sun.


Even though this is a simple rhyming poem it's still pretty cute.

Fore Play
by Fable ©

A multi-colored peacock
Catches her eye
Until my cock
Causes her to sigh

We fly
Off to the dorm
To emulate animals


Nicely done, and I bet many moms (and dads) can relate.

Some things never change, but I pray
by echoes_s ©

It wasn’t that
my mind
was filled with
children’s voices
raised in anger,
yelling my name repeatedly
in repute over
some game or song,
foot stomping foot,
shoulder thumping each...
I forgot the road.

Also by echoes_s: Complex Christmas


This is as interesting poem by Icingsugar, and well worth a read.

Spikes and Holes
by Icingsugar ©

Glances dances, bar to table,
bar to hazel, same old jazz.
Those tentative small advances
welling up from smoke and glass.


This is such a nice, easy poem to read early in the morning. I feel like having my green tea and reading more of this.

On Thinking of Anchorage or a Poet
by jthserra ©

And to think, such wasted
the cold day
dripping on windows.
I write your name
with my finger
and watch you
drip – drop by drop


Another nice poem by Razz -- a poet you can rely on to offer some good words.

Un- minded one
by RazzRajen ©

her form is aflutter,
her throat arched in supplication

They all walk and she passes them by,
Nary a glance , nary a thought

Hello great encouragers of new poetry--

I wanted to thank you first for the wonderful poetry-- I am becoming addicted and need a daily fix! I also wanted to thank you for the encouraging feedback. Rest assured, I am new, not only to literotica but to public display of my writing, so I am still getting my feet wet (wet in what is the question!)

I got a heads up via email that my poem was mentioned on this list, along with a handy link-- could she make it any easier for me! Thanks Mella. Now that I know this place exists, I will most certainly return!

I almost typed have a great weekend
It is Tuesday.

Hope it is a good one--

thanks for the mention, wickedeve. i plan on writing more than i have been now that i'm finally in a place where i can write in relative peace. hopefully i'll get better.
Re: Introduction

annaswirls said:

I almost typed have a great weekend
It is Tuesday.

Hope it is a good one--
Indeed it is, I got fed some great breakfast poetry, yours included.

And Eve thinks I write interresting. :) Thanks for the bleep, O wicked one.

/Ice - on a tuesday afternoon
Re: Introduction

annaswirls said:
I got a heads up via email that my poem was mentioned on this list, along with a handy link-- could she make it any easier for me! Thanks Mella. Now that I know this place exists, I will most certainly return!

you're welcome, sugah. Welcome to lit. Btw, here, on the boards, you can call me perks. In pm or email you can use my given name.

I keep coming back to say thank you, start clicking links to read poetry first and get side tracked...*sighs* then the phone rings and disconnects me.
Before the phone rings again, Thank you! :rose:
Re: Re: Introduction

Icingsugar said:
Indeed it is, I got fed some great breakfast poetry, yours included.

And Eve thinks I write interresting. :) Thanks for the bleep, O wicked one.

/Ice - on a tuesday afternoon
It's a very good poem. Interesting doesn't do it justice, but I couldn't come up with anything better between 6 and 7 a.m. I was up all night with sick kids. So, interesting sounded fab this morning. :)
Re: Introduction

annaswirls said:
Hello great encouragers of new poetry--

I wanted to thank you first for the wonderful poetry-- I am becoming addicted and need a daily fix! I also wanted to thank you for the encouraging feedback. Rest assured, I am new, not only to literotica but to public display of my writing, so I am still getting my feet wet (wet in what is the question!)

I got a heads up via email that my poem was mentioned on this list, along with a handy link-- could she make it any easier for me! Thanks Mella. Now that I know this place exists, I will most certainly return!

I almost typed have a great weekend
It is Tuesday.

Hope it is a good one--

Great to have you here. I'm looking forward to more of your poetry.

Just When You Thought. . .

It Was Safe to Go Out In The Hale. Along comes another new poet that you just have to love! :rose:

First read French Roast by annaswirls. Then go vote and comment and, if you haven't already done so, go read annaswirls' other poems.

I thought of you today-

Dropping cold beans
into an old wooden grinder.
Metal teeth crush and pause-
Muscles weak with distraction.

I thought of you today-

Fingers scorched
by steaming coffee
spilled over the countertop.
Untouched carafe waits by the sink.

I thought of you today.

HEY! Do you suppose we could get Denis and Anna together, watch the Hale swirl around a bit and maybe raise us up a bunch of Uber-poet kids? :) :rose: :)

Regards, Rybka
Re: 12-16 new poems

Tnanks W.E. for the mention - This time of year is always too busy to be prompt in reading the boards. And replying..

thank you


thank you for the kind words.

I picked up a book by Olena Davis (the poet from Anchorage) and was inspired.

jim :)
Fri 19 Dec



*tap tap tap* this thing on?
Oh, goody. So, here is my first attempt at this. Let me know if I screw up.

The powers that be seems to have decided to go easy on the debutant, and given me a quite manageable set of 14 poems to play with. Of those, a handful was really enjoyable:

Politics of poetry is Tangerine Sex Dream's reflection over what we poets and posters here spend outr time with. Rather shaded and ...well, angry, but I don't have to agree with her conclusions to see that it's very well written, with a strong voice, and well worth a read.
EDIT: I reread this now, and I see what others hacve pointed out to me, this is not as black and white as I intepreted it at first. It's written with a sparkle in the eye and is to be read with it.

Flying, finally by RazzRajen is of familiar high standard, but does actually stand out as one pace and distincton above the average.

I couldn't play the audio poem Sonographs by Tristesse, because Realplayer and I had a disagreement, and it is no more on my 'puter. So this recommendation is for the text itself, which is a quite simple, but really beautiful maritime theme. If the read version makes it better or wirse, I have mo idea. Can someone please go listen, and report back?

Honorable mentions:

Citsorca01 by JUDO and Paradigma by Linbido did both bounce directly out of challenge threads here on the board. They are quite different and quite good, but I get the impression that one tries too little, and the other tries too hard here...

A Master's Gift - Christmas 2003 by St-James. Not because it's particualry good, but because it's ambitious. It's a good (well told, and probably exciting if you're in to Ds stuff) story-length erotic scene that rhymes well, all the way. Must have been kind of boring to write, though. :)

There you have it, go read em all and vote, scribble comments, fend feedback, get inspired, worship, giggle, groan, or whatever is your cuppa.
But puhlease, react.

signing off,
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Re: Fri 19 Dec

Icingsugar said:


Politics of poetry is Tangerine Sex Dream's reflection over what we poets and posters here spend outr time with. Rather shaded and ...well, angry, but I don't have to agree with her conclusions to see that it's very well written, with a strong voice, and well worth a read.

signing off,

Thank you for mentioning my poem . I assure you, it was not meant as an angry poem
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