new poems

New poems, Monday 22nd December

Act 2, Scene 2

First the Solstices.

Best start with Champagne1982. Her poem caught my eye, with its use of Coyote as a central image. Darkmaas is rather partial to coyotes
Coyote has stolen Sun's light so fine,
And left us here in the dark to whine.
Earth Mother strives to bring Her children light,
She pleads in the dark to see Dawn's bright line.
There is a rhyming scheme that shouts "poetic form", but alas I cannot put my finger on which one. (Seems it's a Rubyiat, according to Viola). Read and send feedback for a challenge and poem well done.

HomerPindar gives us a less straight forward solstice. Seems he's pining for the streets and fresh air of Philly. Well worth a read.

Then Maria writes feeding the winter solstice. I am so tempted by the use of food imagery to be flippant, but Viola is frowning at me. "It's too nice a poem." she mutters.

Then whammo! a double reverse acrostic by Tristesse. "So what?", says Violetta. Well it's also a good poem. (darkmaas, who has just bought bifocals, didn't need his dictionary.) Read and vote.

Linbado's Solstice plays on the "light" theme and is so refreshingly positive, I am inclined to disbelieve her Nordic roots.

Solstice by The Fool is not light. Read it anyway.

A sonnet! *Catbabe* blesses us with a solstice sonnet. I'm personally not partial to chickadees but the second stanza made me forget the little blighters. She understands winter!

Thanks to Icingsugar for some very nice wordplay.
even the tiniest sparkle,
any personal sun,
as well as the light
that barely shines
anyway from above,

breathes blank Celsius
down necks, into eyes
through cloth and skin.

Angeline kindly assisted this humble reviewer by identifying the form that her poem followed. Unfortunately, Violetta, being hermaphroditic and apt to flaunt herself, hunted vainly for a hidden sapphic meaning until Viola spoiled the fun. Read this poem and then vote!

Summer Solstice by Senna takes a look at the opposite phase of the solar cycle. In many ways summer solstice is just as bad for one's health as the winter solstice. I was in Yellowknife NWT (very near the Arctic circle) one summer and we were in a bar. It was late and we were tired. We stepped out into sunlight, and one could feel one's internal clock resetting. The choice was a sleepless night or a return to the bar. We chose the latter and paid a heavy price the next day.

Lauren, gives us not one, not two, but three solstices. I personally liked III best. The granitic imagery acts as a kind of bedrock for the poem. Seems her recent award was no fluke, lol. read all three and vote. (No, do not divide your vote!)

Then last but not least, Perk's sudden solstice. It's perhaps unfortunate to end on a tragic note, but it's such a beautiful poem. Read it. Then if you are like me reread it ... several times.
Thanks for the mention darkmaas.:)

Too bad the ability to shorten winter didn't come with that understanding;)
Re: Eggnog

darkmaas said:
There's a debate raging chez darkmaas as to the correct spirit to add to the eggnog. Seems that the universe is divided into three camps, rum and eggnog, whiskey and eggnog or, brandy and eggnog. We are testing all three variations. A full report will no doubt follow... right back...
Must have rum or brandy to be real nog, but I think it tastes best when you use both! :)
New poems, Monday 22nd December

Act 2, Scene 3


The non-solstice poetry for today:

Read The Postcard by annaswirls. It has everything I like; an ambiguous plot, nice imagery and a subtle intelligence.

Then take a look at Dead of Winter by Eve. For a southern belle, she has an uncanny feel for snowy imagery.

I have never forgiven denis hale for his use of ursine incontinence as a metaphor. But that was long ago and Violetta has a soft spot for his poems, so I would be remiss if I didn't suggest you read Death Looks Like A Lady. An extended metaphor (is this a conceit, KM?) of "woman as death" is laid out for us as only denis can. Not for the faint of heart, lol, but not to be overlooked either. Read and vote! (You can open your eyes now, Viola.)

I think I'll stop. I see that Rybka is suggesting another Nog variant that I have to try. What's the expression... drink like a fish?

I may be back,

Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

darkmaas said:
Linbado's Solstice plays on the "light" theme and is so refreshingly positive, I am inclined to disbelieve her Nordic roots.
On the contrary. That's about as old time Nordic as it gets. Huddling together around the fireplace in the croft while meter high snow closes in and wolves howl in tune with the cold wind outside.


ps. I root for Cat's Solstice. It made me like winter again.
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Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

darkmaas said:
Lauren, gives us not one, not two, but three solstices. I personally liked III best. The granitic imagery acts as a kind of bedrock for the poem. Seems her recent award was no fluke, lol. read all three and vote. (No, do not divide your vote!)
Thank you for the triple mention, Dmaas. :rose:

Also, thank you for not mentioning my non-Solstice poem. Gives me a change to be shameless. It's been a while. (Like 5 minutes, almost...)

Blue-Green Blues :D
Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

darkmaas said:
Act 2, Scene 3
Then take a look at Dead of Winter by Eve. For a southern belle, she has an uncanny feel for snowy imagery.
Hey, I'm looking out the window and the ground is white -- snowy imagery only a few feet away. ;)
Then whammo! a double reverse acrostic by Tristesse. "So what?", says Violetta. Well it's also a good poem. (darkmaas, who has just bought bifocals, didn't need his dictionary.) Read and vote.

Thank you Darkmaas.
Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

darkmaas said:
Act 2, Scene 2[. . . ]
Best start with Champagne1982. Her poem caught my eye, with its use of Coyote as a central image. Darkmaas is rather partial to coyotes There is a rhyming scheme that shouts "poetic form", but alas I cannot put my finger on which one. (Seems it's a Rubyiat, according to Viola). Read and send feedback for a challenge and poem well done.
Yes, a Rubáiyát. We can thank The_Fool for this form, he brought it to our attention in the Another formal poetry challenge thread.

Thankyou for the mention Mr D'maas, I too love the coyote, but that's probably because of the northern boreal forest environment I'm prone to spend my time in. (We believe our beloved mutt is, at least in part, of coyote geneaology).

And dear Icing on the cake guy: As far as the fable goes, I am pretty sure there's a Native American myth that covers the story, I just don't know if they blame Coyote or if perhaps it's the Raven. The ravens are winter's birds and are partial to bright treasures, at least around here.
Re: Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

champagne1982 said:
And dear Icing on the cake guy: As far as the fable goes, I am pretty sure there's a Native American myth that covers the story, I just don't know if they blame Coyote or if perhaps it's the Raven. The ravens are winter's birds and are partial to bright treasures, at least around here.
Ah, I see, I don't know much about Native American mythology more than that there are ancestors involved. Got to read up...
Re: Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

Icingsugar said:
I root for Cat's Solstice. It made me like winter again.

Thanks Ice.:kiss: What a nice compliment.

I was just doing my duty as a Canadian chicky. We either learn to love winter or become American and move to Florida.;)
Thaank you deaar darkmaas for your kind words. Tell Violetta that I regretfully inform her that the only thing Sapphic in my poem is the style of verse. :)

Truth to tell, it's not totally correct--there are a few lines where the stresses are off so the meter isn't consistent throughout. It's rather a tough meter for a 21st c type like me. I found myself wondering if the meter isn't more conducive to the Latin in which such verse was originally written. But, my cheesy American public school foreign language education means I speak a little French (badly), and can only recall now how to say really implausible stuff like--

"Did you break your leg at the library last Tuesday?"
Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

darkmaas said:
Act 2, Scene 1

I see that neo is already into the eggnog. There's a debate raging chez darkmaas as to the correct spirit to add to the eggnog. Seems that the universe is divided into three camps, rum and eggnog, whiskey and eggnog or, brandy and eggnog. We are testing all three variations. A full report will no doubt follow...

Before you file your report try some Amaretto di Saronno... you'll swoon!
12-23 new poems

Impression 101
by Icingsugar ©

A perfect clear image
down trusted synapses,
a streaming deciphered,
demanding attention.

A streaming deciphered
and matched in the riddles
from memories sunken,
now lured to ascension.

I'm assuming this the completed "Bob." :)
It's wonderful to read. Very smart and smooth.


Bar Steward
by jonteD ©

All alone in the bar,
Beer, whisky, some old cigar,
Happen to mention wife has gone,
He says he knows, he took her on.

Just give a grin and not a frown,
Don’t let the bar steward get you down.

The story told here and the refrain make me smile. As far as poetry, it could be improved upon. There's an area of reversed syntax that's a bit glaring and the cadence needs work. Though, still a cute read.

A solstice straggler:
by thunderf64 ©

Deep in the forest at Hectar’s Glen
Dark figures gather numbering ten
Barren trees in cold moon light
Only witnesses to this fright
As the build an alter, pilling higher
The wood for the sacrifice fire.
For it’s the Winter Solstice, the winter rite


this is the miracle of flight
by steve porter ©

banking hard to the southwest now
a series of twists and turns that are
executed with a sexual artistry and
the simple twitch of a skilled wrist…

climbing spinning into the sun
curling above the clouds
inverting positions upside down
as chocolate earth hurtles past…

steve porter offers a new way to join the mile high club -- no plane needed. ;)


by jonteD ©

Jeds hand on Lucy’s mid wicket,
Ball hits Jed’s head and rolls into thicket,
Lucy cries “this isn’t cricket!”,
But Jim smiles, just the ticket.

Another poem by jonteD that needs work on its cadence and reversed syntax. I mention this poem because it's original, interesting and has potential.


hating things
by 2rivers ©

toilets, they catch shit
self deprecating porcelain
a thing of beauty
to an engineer

it is art for engineers
a joke

that artist’s loft is noisy
too much glass and clanking steam

This is an interesting poem and probably better than I think it is. It's just that I ... um... missed the bowl on that first strophe. 2rivers, you would have to post this on my review day. Why ya always givin' me shit?

Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

darkmaas said:
Act 2, Scene 2

First the Solstices.

Best start with
Then Maria writes feeding the winter solstice. I am so tempted by the use of food imagery to be flippant, but Viola is frowning at me. "It's too nice a poem." she mutters.

Dear Darkmaas, please thank viola ( and yourself) for me. I appreciate your mention of my poem in yesterdays thread. You also have my permission to be as flippant as you wish about the food imagery, you know that I enjoy your humorous takes on my work... if it is the line, about drinking alone, I left out a line originally in th epoem, it went like this...

sometimes I drink my wine alone
( i think this should be quiet obvious...)

there, I did it for ya ;) :kiss:
have a great day, and kiss that viola right on the tip of her velveteen leaves for me, okay?
thank you for mention, we

There are artists and there are artists.
Some machines are offensive/welcome but necessary.
Toilet as McGuffin.

I hate resolutions.
smoking is wonderful.

There was a story about a silver bear with a turquoise goatee.
Don’t you hate secrets?

oh, sorry, thanks for mention
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Looks up

Brandy and Nog, wine...this drinking thing looks like something to check into. Somehow don't think it's the same as making stew with Brandy though...

By the way,

Anyone reading a poem titled Dismantling Home, please give it another look in a day or two. That's the wrong version. A slightly edited (hopefully, improved) version should be appearing soon. It was late; I had too much coffee and cold medicine, and got click crazy on the submit button.
Re: 12-23 new poems

WickedEve said:

I'm assuming this the completed "Bob." :)
It's wonderful to read. Very smart and smooth.
Yeah, it's the Bob, alright. :) Thanks for the holler.

/Ice - lord of Bob hmm...
Thanks for the mention on the Solstice, D' Glad the system agreed to take it after all :)

