new poems

Re: Fri 19 Dec

Icingsugar said:


*tap tap tap* this thing on?
Oh, goody. So, here is my first attempt at this. Let me know if I screw up.

Flying, finally by RazzRajen

signing off,

Thanks Icing for the mention....Appreciated that you took the time.,..

Thanks so much for the mention, Ice.

As Angeline says in her PC [for which - I thank her] - there's a lot of static (and , no Ange, it wasn't intentional - glad you think it adds a certain je n'est sait quoi - :) ) I was a bit disappointed.
Piercing Poem

I posted this poem awhile back, in honor of my 2nd piercing anniversary. It's not one of my better works, but it's funny and it tells a true story. Hope you enjoy it. Cheers, Skip :)

Piercing Poem
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Re: Fri 19 Dec

Icingsugar said:

A Master's Gift - Christmas 2003 by St-James. Not because it's particualry good, but because it's ambitious. It's a good (well told, and probably exciting if you're in to Ds stuff) story-length erotic scene that rhymes well, all the way. Must have been kind of boring to write, though. :)

great overview of the poems, cakeboy.

I'm guessing you didn't mean rhymes well, but rhymes, well, all the way.

I hope.
Re: Re: Fri 19 Dec

perks said:
great overview of the poems, cakeboy.

I'm guessing you didn't mean rhymes well, but rhymes, well, all the way.

I hope.
You are so right. :D
Backup, Backup, BACKUP!

Lauren Hynde said:
Ah, fuck. I just lost my entire post.
I feel for you,
:( but at least it wasn't ALL of your data like some fool of a fish recently lost. :( :mad: :(
20th December

There are poems, go read. Sheesh.

Ok, let me warn you that there are 2 poems posted today with the wrong date. One is Angeline's beautifully crafted and even better illustrated she rings, with yesterday's; and the other is jthserra's Caveat Emptor, the most elegant piece of poetry I've read in a while, with tomorrow's.

Jthserra has another great new poem (To a Poet Who Commented Kindly), as do many board regulars:

perks - rubáiyát junky
neonurotic - Undress Blues
Icingsugar - A bumblebee of poetry
steve porter - eyes screaming in anger, how many more times and have we lost our sense of wonder
RazzRajen - His face

2rivers has two new poems, both very interesting and certainly worth reading: rolling and satisfying curse.

Tangerine Sex Dream has a good, intelligent submission, tabula rasa.

Recent arrival annaswirls has another impressive piece of writing, The First Crack.

Ok, now go read. :kiss:
Sorry, I was scavenging for presents most of the day. I'm sleepy.
Re: Backup, Backup, BACKUP!

Rybka said:
I feel for you,
:( but at least it wasn't ALL of your data like some fool of a fish recently lost. :( :mad: :(
Well, computers and water don't go well together, so it was hardly a surprise... :D

*hugs the fish* Sorry about that, Rybka. I hope you at least had some in print...
Re: Re: Backup, Backup, BACKUP!

Lauren Hynde said:
Well, computers and water don't go well together, so it was hardly a surprise... :D

*hugs the fish* Sorry about that, Rybka. I hope you at least had some in print...
I lost over a gigabite of data, not just poems. :(

Thank you, LH
a big Thank You to you,
I mean it!
Really do.
Look out for the rein, deer.
A New Poet!

I love finding new poets whose work I can read without flinching. Today "uncorrupted" posted his first two poems on Literotica, but from reading his work I would hazard that he is only new to Lit., not to poetry. The one that I like best is paradox.
It is the rain of a funeral march,
The silence of the open grave,
It is the bending of sorrowful trees,
It is all of this and none.
It is the roar of thunder,
And the silence of a moonless night,
It is wonder at life’s beauty,
As well as the sadness of loss in death,
And yet it is none of these.
It is winter snow on green grass,
Rotting leaves in the late fall,
It is the windy summer night,
And the harsh chill of the vacant winter sky,
But still we pursue,
Give chase,
Battle through tragedy and furious failures,
For the singular chance to know them all,
And to hope we never know them at all.
It is life,
It is death,
But most importantly,
It is ours,
To do with as we choose,
And to ultimately lose through our having gained.

The second poem posted, tides of passion is another interesting read although it could do with a bit of editing. :) Go read, vote, and comment on this new Lit. poet.

Maybe I will be lucky and he will post more for my regular review day, tomorrow. :)

Regards, Rybka
Re: 20th December

Lauren Hynde said:
id=121202]satisfying curse[/URL].

Tangerine Sex Dream has a good, intelligent submission, tabula rasa.

. [/B]

Thank you for the mention Lauren :rose: and Icingsugar, the poem was not about sex at all ( even though the word sex does appear), it is an apology... nevertheless, thank you for your comments on the PC and all the feedback everyone has sent, it is very much appreciated :)
Re: 20th December

Lauren Hynde said:
There are poems, go read. Sheesh.

Ok, let me warn you that there are 2 poems posted today with the wrong date. One is Angeline's beautifully crafted and even better illustrated neonurotic - Undress Blues

Ok, now go read. :kiss:
Sorry, I was scavenging for presents most of the day. I'm sleepy.
Thanks for the mention Lauren, I much appreciate it. :)

- neo
obviously taking myself out of the running for the solstice poem, for some reason I thought the deadline was yesterday, not today.

I was wondering where everyone else's poem was.:rolleyes:

I'm such a duh, sometimes. I get the blond from my mother's side. :D
I really think having it posted today would be more appropriate, but someone mentioned darkmaas would be commenting (and I haven't written mine yet) so I decided to play along. Don't worry, Perks. I'll save yours to read tomorrow. ;)
i'll read it tomorrow, too. :)

and thank you, lauren, for mentioning She Rings--the number of votes jumped after you did. :kiss:

I hit the wrong button! :(
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New Poems on 12/21/03

There are 21 new submissions on this Sunday, and I bring one "spinner" as always.

For today's Oldie I present, on the first spin, a poem originally from 1991. Belfast by Oasis690 is a simple poem with a certain ring of truth about a clash that we in the States don't hear much about anymore.
Without a sound,
The soldiers march on.
You, you stand watching,
Waiting for the fall.
Once it's started
We can't turn the lights
Back on.
It's a simple twist of fate -
It's the mystery of hate.
What's mine is yours -
What's ours is yours.
Please inform us when our blood is enough.
When have tanks and guns
Ever proven right?
We've died for our freedom
Yet still you make us fight.
When night comes
It will never be dawn.
Take in the scenery
Before it is all gone.
It's a green paradise,
Why must we fight?
Lay down our guns
Let's make it right.
Of the new poems, only one is a "Solstice" contest entry. Did anyone else wimp out as I did? I tried, but I guess my muse still has the flu. All I could come up with read like a Wiccan New Year's chant stolen from Macbeth. :(
"Go away
Go away sun
Autumn's over
Winter's begun

Go away
and stay away
Darkness rules
This shortest day

Solstice come
And Solstice go
These next months
Are meant for snow"
After that I gave up on the contest for obvious reasons. :)

First of the new works that I want to mention today is Fade Away by zell19861986. Zell's poem is not as dark as most of his past work and deals with life passing, a topic that has suddenly become very popular. (Is it because of the approaching year's end or did I miss a contest on the topic?) This piece of Zell's also seems to have more poetic style than some of his earlier poems. He is growing as he learns. After you read it go vote and give comment and support.
(There is one typographical error.) :)
Years fade away
They yours or mine?
All the laughter
All the love
Memories surface
Good times
Sweet times
Times never to be forgotten
At the end of all of it
The on you love is there
Sitting and waiting
Smiling and loving
perks presents us sudden solstice The first of the contest poems and one with an
unusual pov and a twist at the end.
It was a brisk fall
as I recall,
late at night
when I’m caught
in tangled sheets
billowed about by
bed memories
of them surprising me
with their intimacy.
A new poet for today, Dingus Guy posts Old Oak Tree. While uneven, parts of it read as if it was written by a student of traditional forms. Anyway, it is a cute piece on a currently popular subject by a new arrival, so go read it and give encouragement.
Old Oak Tree

Old oak tree from the middle of my yard
Stood firm and tall as if on guard.
One day when the storm broke loose upon the land
The wind took my tree from it's rooted stand.

Hear Ye oh sky of blue-ist intention
Open up your doors and grant me my haven.
That flower of wood you took from my life
It was childhood, growth, it had no price.
The memories I'll have until the day I fall
Are the memories cherished by my boyish soul.

Damn, I loved that tree
I loved it's shade
I loved the way it looked and the way it swayed.
I climbed it's limbs
I sat on it's perch
I sang with the birds like a hymn in a church.
As I sit on it's stump
And remember it's glory
I've realized I'm the last leaf
To this sad, sad story.
Damn, I loved that tree.
Another new poet, uncorrupted sets some headstones for us today. He also gives us the song of the muse something I have recently needed to hear, and proclaims something that every poet knows.
to hear the song is to know life,
But to sing it is to live.
After reading and voting on today's poem go read the uncorrupted poems of yesterday. This poet has talent.

Finally I bring you MY"pick of the day ( :p ), jthserra's Caveat Emptor Read it, comment, and vote. :rose:
But, to call it living would be a lie,
when you expect so much more
than you let yourself have.
It's your decision, yours alone,
you burst a bubble, tore a sphere
and screamed, wanting more, always more.

To avoid favoritism; other frequent forum or poetry board contributors who posted today include in alphabetical order:

2rivers (4 poems)


jthserra (3 poems)



As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. These choices and comments are just the views of one person and I may have overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
Thank you Rybka for mentioning my poem

I will not confess to know much about poetry, but I did write that poem uneven on purpose. The rhythm changes midway through it and I wanted it that way. I appreciate the publicity , have a nice day all!
Re: New Poems on 12/21/03

(There is one typographical error.) :)

sorry must have missed the e in one when i quickly looked it over. thank you for the praise and those other poems are awesome
New poems, Monday 22nd December

Act One

Well a fine crop of poems today. No fewer than 14 Solstices. Take a bow Champagne. Your challenge seems to have hit the spot.

I am enlisting the help of Viola and Violetta in these reviews. They, (being tropical creatures), hate my northern clime and are turning a bit brown on the edges and have declined to flower since November. Viola is stoically accepting of her fate but Violetta whines every time someone enters the bathroom about low humidity and hybrid vigour. We promise to shower more frequently in an effort to restore her flaccid leaves. Viola merely harrumpfs and mutters about pink hussies.

While we read today's poems, take the time to write one yourself. We'll be back as weather and Christmas festivities allow.

In the Pink,

Re: New poems, Monday 22nd December

darkmaas said:
Act One

Well a fine crop of poems today. No fewer than 14 Solstices. Take a bow Champagne. Your challenge seems to have hit the spot.
Arg... Dippy me forgot to post mine yesterday.

- neo blames the eggnog (nix the egg and) all that rum
New poems, Monday 22nd December

Act 2, Scene 1

Well, that took longer than expected. Not to worry though, there's nothing like a bit of pre-prandial reviewing to get the digestive juices primed.

I see that neo is already into the eggnog. There's a debate raging chez darkmaas as to the correct spirit to add to the eggnog. Seems that the universe is divided into three camps, rum and eggnog, whiskey and eggnog or, brandy and eggnog. We are testing all three variations. A full report will no doubt follow... right back...