new poems

Thank you eve for reading me…lets take her out for a spin, what do you say…have you ever seen clouds upside down…steve.
Thanks for the mention DM.

As for Egg Nog. Forget the egg, just give me the Nog.....:D

It can be Brandy, preferrably Cognac, it can be Rum, preferrable Mount Gay, it can be Amaretto. For those that are not feint of heart. Try the Amaretto and Brandy a snifter...slightly warmed...

Cheers, Salute, Happy Holidays.

Soon to be Drunken Fool.
The new poems I found notable IMHo are as folows (ps if I seem pissy it's because I have pneumonia)

Even if by by annaswirls

Gesellschaft by jthserra

[url]]A bird view of Utah by Senna Jawa [/URL]

I loved the use of language and imagery in all three poems the styles are very diffrent and I liked that too.
Read all the poems posted today and form your own opinion then just for the hell of it post it here for all to see or in public comments.
Christmas is on Thursday...

New poems 12/25/03

I wasn't sure if they were going to post any today. But not only are there some new poems, but there are some good ones.

Start with perks' illustrated poem:

personal jesus

which, for some reason is under "erotic poetry" and not under "illustrated poetry." Go figure.
And speaking of illustrated poetry, go read this delight by Tristesse:

Winter's Passing

Wonderful imagery. I had to pull a blanket around my shoulders...
More to read:

Odds and Ends and Means by Rybka.
More musing from my favorite fish.

Evergreen by poetboy824.
A nice little poem. Seems there should be more...?

Hot Date at the Equator by Maria2394.
You go, Old Lady Winter!

blue jay by 2rivers.
A great holiday vignette. I love this poem!!

the woods are full of secret lovers by steve porter.
Nice reflections...

You Don't Know Jack by jthserra.
A fine nod to Kerouac.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

Now read, ponder, give feedback, and vote.


Public Comments - Why?

I have been reading the public comments (at times with more interest than some of the poems) and I have found one thing that strikes me as disquieting. We have all proclaimed vigorously at one time or another that it is the quality of the poem, not the familiarity of the poet to which we respond. But the very frequency distribution of the comments appears to belie this claim. (No, Virginia, I am not Senna Claus!) Look at today's new poems for example. As of this moment only Linbido has commented on a poem by an unfamiliar (and brand new) poet. And almost all of the poems by familiar contributors have multiple comments by participants of this forum. - Why is this?

Perhaps it has something to do with the quality of the poems or that most of us refrain from making negative attacks in public, particularly upon unknown writers. We do damn with faint praise (and often justly so) "This very readable poem by "xxx" is not among, IMHO, the best of this very talented poet . . .", :) but this interpretation of our motives seems to be weakened when a familiar poet defends/explains some other's work. Do we ever defend the submission of an unknown author from attack by another unknown? - (BTW, all this diatribe is just for your postprandial rumination and musing.) :)

I do thank those who commented on my shorty of today (which has almost as many mentions as lines :) ), and for the mention in this thread by Cordelia.
Odds and Ends and Means by Rybka.
More musing from my favorite fish.
I would mention in closing that things to ponder or muse upon are all that I have at this time. My muse is hibernating and thus I lack ponderous or amusing thoughts. So please bear with me until the breeze in my ears freshens and the buds of poems may spring forth once more. :rose: :p :rose:

Regards and Merry Christmas, Rybka
I will vote on many more poems than I comment on. I find it hard to muster interest in the Master/sub genre or the "cum-buckets" and tend to pass lightly over any.

One thing I noticed is that most non-constructive negative comments are made by Anonymous - a rather cowardly person (s).

If a poem doesn't grab me I will vote but not comment. If my comments are for the same few poets I can't help it. :p
And speaking of illustrated poetry, go read this delight by Tristesse:

Winter's Passing

Wonderful imagery. I had to pull a blanket around my shoulders..

Thank you, Cordy. I have to edit the picture when I figure out how. [steering into the learning curve]
Dec 26

Ok, I'm back from the spinach of my parents' home, and straight onto the new poems of the day.

Moderate flow in the holidays it seems, 14 new ones, and a handful or keepers:

* First a non-regular aquaitance. LostNlove has been around for a while, but writes sparsely. Here she offers a seductive wink by the name of Mmm, Yummy. As the title suggests it is not to be taken too seriously, but it's actually

* jthserra met a snake and wrote a Venomous poem about it. He manages to pull both elaborate lines and a slice of drama out of the event for us to read.

* Linbido is being maternal again. Like Rybka already pointed out in a comment to it, the title Unravel seems to have very little to do with the poem itself. I'll have to ask her. The poem however, is simple, sincere and bursting with warmth and optimism.

* 2rivers gives pure old-fashioned love a spin, and the result, purely spiritually, is sweet, straightforward and uplifting. To quote the poem itself: "love doesn’t get any younger either". I say it doesn't get any younger at heart than this.

And to the two top scorers today:

* We have Angeline's Windfalling, which is all that I've come to love about her poetry. It reads like running water, tells a serene snapshot story without trying to drown me in poetry technicalities, and warms me from the inside without hitting me over the head with hows and whys. I was a little worried with her last few offerings (which some of you called a leap forward), because it missed that enigmatic magic. I'm worried no more.

* And last we have Utility Deposit (another title I don't get at all), where denis hale tells a simple wonderful story of two people in the middle of the reality, who simply love each other. Sometimes it doesn't have to be more complicated than that.

That's my sifting, now go do your own. :) Vote and comment. Puhlease?
Last edited:
Tristesse said:
I will vote on many more poems than I comment on. I find it hard to muster interest in the Master/sub genre or the "cum-buckets" and tend to pass lightly over any.

One thing I noticed is that most non-constructive negative comments are made by Anonymous - a rather cowardly person (s).

If a poem doesn't grab me I will vote but not comment. If my comments are for the same few poets I can't help it. :p
I agree with the first paragraph and recognize the truth in the second, but do not think it is due soley to cowardice, but rather at least as much to prudence. This is the internet. Who wants to open themselves up to vengeful "flamers", hackers, etc. on an open forum? - Now sending an anonymous feedback is different in my opinion. :)

Regards, Rybka
Rybka, I see what you mean about the comments. I seems to fall into the same trap when I set out to comment on the new poems, and here's why.

1. I don't comment (or send feedback mail) on things that I have nothing to say about. That applies to all the poems that we see come in that has that audience on one: Cliche porn or cliche sappy romance that I can't judge the same way that I judge other, (elitist warning!) 'real' poems. That also applies to other that can be technically good, but not interresting enough.

2. The regulars here all write pretty reliable poetry. Good enough to read, unique enough to comment.

3. Maybe I'm a coward, but I find it hard to be brutally honest to people whom I don't know.

No excuses, but that's why it happens in my head when other poets doesn't get commented.

/Ice - trying
I have to say, that personal jesus is my new favorite poem. Not because it is a particularly well written haikuesque<only 5-7-5, nothing else>, but because it is so thorougly commented on.

Thank you to all who voted and commented, even anonymous. I'm feeling a bit Maplethorpeish, and wonder if I can get a poetic subisdy from the NEA.

It was all just my perkticular, brand of blasphemous humour...

and on Christmas! Surely that should rack me up some bonus purgatory points. If only I were catholic.

And yes, poetry is art is life.
We have Angeline's Windfalling, which is all that I've come to love about her poetry. It reads like running water, tells a serene snapshot story without trying to drown me in poetry technicalities, and warms me from the inside without hitting me over the head with hows and whys. I was a little worried with her last few offerings (which some of you called a leap forward), because it missed that enigmatic magic. I'm worried no more.

Thanks Ice guy. (And no, Rybby, I was not hung over when I wrote it, lol.) :) :rose:

A few comments. I have, as you note Ice, been fooling with some different styles of late. For example,Ten Ways of Falling was written after reading Wallace Stevens' poetry, particularly this piece. I like the idea of writing about one thing from numerous perspectives--just as a poetic exercise, a practice method, I think it's good. I also think one grows as a writer by trying on different styles and adapting the pieces that fit, so yes I do hope to evolve from it, though I know my natural poet's "voice" is more narrative.

And Rybby my "fretless bass" reference was to drifting like notes played on a fretless electric bass guitar, which to my ear sounds more fluid and unbounded--Eagleyez describes it as "drifting over the tonic note." And this all worked for me because the poem is really a lyric (and thank you Eagleyez, who is writing the music to it even as I type).

Thanks all, too, who sent feedback and made public comments.
When I first joined and began reading, I thought I was simply out of my league just from reading the poems here, (many I won't even begin to place names on) and still being a new poster here with a long long way to go, I post my poems in hopes of hearing honest feedback to become more effective with my writing, to be able to learn and do more. There is no other way to improve if things not known arent pointed out or shared. Thank you.

When I read comments, I am not sure if I should be sending thank you's, but I do say thank you inside for the time spent reading and trying to decipher what I am trying to say in each poem, or what you read out of each poem. For taking the time to comment.

Sometimes, when reading others' poems, I don't understand the format they are written in, or their meaning. So what does this leave me to say? Is it a good poem? How can I even vote on it?
I time and practice, reading and reading more.

the way I look at it is this. What is the thing you know most about in the world? How did you get to know about it? You had to start somewhere, right? And there are different levels of knowledge along the way, and sometimes, there is someone that is just pure genius with the subject matter even without knowing the entirety of the subject. Do you get what I'm saying?

Yes, read. Yes, write. Bottom line, liking, in general, no matter what it is, is subjective. We can get philosophical about the whole thing, or we can be scientific. The poets here run the whole scope of the spectrum in poetic theory and taste. I say, go with what you know for now, go with what you like, and keep reading and learning about different types of poetry, keep discussing, keep writing. Can anyone do more than that with any subject?
Well, lets just say that up until about maybe two years ago, all my poetry have been dark and very depressing. Not what I would want to post here or have read. More closet or sealed poems. I rather have that side of the language instinctual, "A leaf in the midst" was one of my lighter ones from then for example, except for any discipline in formatting and verse on poetry :rolleyes:

The mould has been broken though, thank goodness!
So yes read, write, listen, and look about! Look at everything with new eyes, and a different perspective!
Tuesday Review Day is up for Grabs

I know we have lots of poets here now, so there should be no shortage of volunteers to take Tuesday.

It's been fun.

Later guys,
Re: Tuesday Review Day is up for Grabs

WickedEve said:
I know we have lots of poets here now, so there should be no shortage of volunteers to take Tuesday.

It's been fun.

Later guys,
I'm leaving on tuesday the 30th and will be gone until January 6th.

I'll miss y'all.
No More Eve Tuesdays?

Not that I can complain--after all I dropped back too. But even though I'm sure she'll be around--if not we'll all just follow wherever she goes--I for one ain't letting her leave without a shout out.

You're the best my Wicked friend. I don't think anyone has given more to this forum than you--certainly not in the time I've been here. Your poems set the standard for quality for most people here, your challenges keep people thinking, you've probably done more informal reviews than anyone else here, and you're pretty damn funny, too. Every writer who posts here should bow down to your wicked self (ok, I said that last bit to amuse you, but you know what I mean).

your good girl foil, big damn lie, that. lol
Hope I am not intruding here, but is Wicked Eve going and really hope everything is ok. I don't know you, but I know your writing is Awesome. I love how your website is set up, I am not very knowledgable of them, get lost easy too. It was easy to get to your poetry though. :) Not all of it though, anyway, rambling.
Hope all is well
ok, I just realized that she meant every tuesday and not just this one...

what gives?

huh? huh?
27th December 2003

Not too many new poems have been posted today, so my recommendation is you go read them all: New Poetry list

My favourites were:

The Ghosts of North Beach
by jthserra ©

In Washington Square Park
    the poetry sells
        for a dollar a page
          rough handed manuscripts
          faintly echo a beat
as recollections of martyrs, saints
    and ancient superstitions
        seep through windows, doors -- and more.


I've never been there, but almost felt like it. Very provoking.

fleeting art
by jthserra ©

the brush strokes
   that skin paints
               on skin
      its moist hues and blues
  of eyes, breathless skies
            blush of sensation
         in moments
     to dry in white residues
                     and a whisper
                a name

Ethereal, light, beautiful.

Even's Ether Psalm
by Rybka ©

I can't quote from it, but I can tell you it's well worth the read. It's a complete experience.

Letter to Jonas
by Icingsugar ©

Tell me Jonas, will it end?
Will you see the sky above?

Will you lower your
barrel and handle,
empty the carousel
of its kisses of death
and bury that impotent metal
along with the need
to flash it around?

A very emotional poem, very well constructed.

Read, vote, comment.
perks said:
ok, I just realized that she meant every tuesday and not just this one...

what gives?

huh? huh?
What gives is that if she tries to leave she'll have to deal with us. :mad:

Quick, grab her and tie her down to the board. :D
well, since Tammy is already logged in...

Eve wants to give up Tues reviews because her reviews leave much to be desired. It's not one of her strengths and she thinks it's unfair to not step down and let a better reviewer take over. It would be better for anyone posting on that day. She will still be around, though... like mildew or sunrises... take your choice.

She is also taking down some of our poems that need more polish. She realizes her limitations in poetry. Personally, I think she's a perfectionist and a bit of a pain.

The Habit may be removed from online when it is time to renew in Feb. She doesn't feel as though there is much interest in the site or her poetry. Perhaps, she's in her usual winter funk, feeling sorry for herself. She can be so tedious this time of year.

But she does thank you for the kind words just expressed. She is not seeking attention, she's simply realistic. (She does like attention, though.)

Ange, L, and perks, you guys have known me for a long time and you have to say nice things. lol But there is no excuse for echoes. :)