new poems

Tammy, I already said something similar to this in an email yesterday, but tell Eve that if she doesn't keep the Habit online I will personally fly over and slap her.
No! Eve can't go! And she certainly can't take her website down.

Let's put up a human chain around it so she can't take it down! *nodsnods*

:( Tammy, tell her that the winter blues aren't worth it. They fade.
I too...

will hate to see Eve stop with the new poem reviews, and will truely be sad if she removes her web page. Though I only discovered her page a short time ago I have remained a frequent visitor and have been honored to have some of my poetry displayed there.

And I mean truely honored... her site is so much more than the normal sites I come across running poetry and art links. The interface is simple, but what she displays is powerful and complex.

The melding of the poetry and images throughout her site is stunning. I go on and on, but bottom line: Eve -- if Eve's Habit goes offline, I will have a huge hole in my favorite places and I will have nowhere to go when I crave inspiration.

I can understand if time constraints or other priorities leave you no time to continue with the site, but please don't con yourself into thinking your site or poetry lacks merit or substance. Please stick around....

jim :)
Re: Tuesday Review Day is up for Grabs

WickedEve said:
I know we have lots of poets here now, so there should be no shortage of volunteers to take Tuesday.

It's been fun.

Later guys,

Eve just needs needs to be spanked.....several times.:mad:

How is that for not being all fluffy nice....:D

Get your shit together and start writing more. I am the only one around her that can think my stuff sucks.:p
To Eve:

Cheer up ya ol' coot!! :p

Ok, everybody, when she comes over here to kick my arse, jump her!

Re: Re: Tuesday Review Day is up for Grabs

The_Fool said:
Eve just needs needs to be spanked.....several times.:mad:

How is that for not being all fluffy nice....:D

Get your shit together and start writing more. I am the only one around her that can think my stuff sucks.:p

umm, Im with Fool on the spanking thing Eve..actually, spanking does have its scientific merits as well as..the other kind...
imagine the sting of a firm palm on your delishous hind parts...hmm? and your reaction to the endorphins as they increase your pleasure levels...then can you feel the release of the seratonin as well? see? all it takes is one lil ol spanking to cure the winter a day ;)

seriously though Lady, I wouldnt be here if YOU hadnt reviewed my very first poem I didnt say it was good, you said, "I want to recommend...for the story it tells..." maybe its a mixed blessing, as I know im not everybodys cup o' tea or whatever, but you have inspred several poems from deep inside me and I am eternally grateful..I wish I could make you see how much we all obviously love you :kiss: maria
Fly and slap, human chain, huge hole, spanking, ol' coot, and endorphins will be must-use-words in the next poetry challenge.

By the way, I have a bday coming up in a couple of days, but unfortunately Homer won't be having any more birthdays. :devil:
Re: I too...

jthserra said:
will hate to see Eve stop with the new poem reviews, and will truely be sad if she removes her web page. Though I only discovered her page a short time ago I have remained a frequent visitor and have been honored to have some of my poetry displayed there.

And I mean truely honored... her site is so much more than the normal sites I come across running poetry and art links. The interface is simple, but what she displays is powerful and complex.

The melding of the poetry and images throughout her site is stunning. I go on and on, but bottom line: Eve -- if Eve's Habit goes offline, I will have a huge hole in my favorite places and I will have nowhere to go when I crave inspiration.

I can understand if time constraints or other priorities leave you no time to continue with the site, but please don't con yourself into thinking your site or poetry lacks merit or substance. Please stick around....

jim :)

What he said...
If Eve leaves
We'll all grieve.
I'll use my sleeve
to wipe the tears
Don't go - please.
Eve, surely you just mean that you're offering up the review Tuesdays, and not that you're leaving the boards for good. Right? Right? We con't be having that kind of stuff going down, no siree, that would leave us sad n lonely, and that is no fun at all.


ps. Thank you Lauren for the mention of my Letter, and thanks everyone for the warm comments on it. I was worried about keeping the voting and commenting on on something that personal. Glad I did now.
Don't You Dare!

Tammy Cant said:
Eve wants to give up Tues reviews because her reviews leave much to be desired. It's not one of her strengths and she thinks it's unfair to not step down and let a better reviewer take over. It would be better for anyone posting on that day.
I think we all will disagree with this statement. Anyone who can create and maintain a site as fine as Eve's Habit, or write as well as she does, can certainly review and make meaningful comments, and Eve does!
It may be true however, that having to review on a certain day every week can eventually become a job, not a labor of love. Perhaps we should have each day's commentator review for a limited period of time before handing off to someone else? When we first revived this thread, there were fewer daily forum posters. So it was to ensure at least one person would read all of the new poems on a given day and give the rest of us a heads-up on what to be sure not to miss, that we created the "daily reviewer". The forum has evolved a bit since then, and that is all to the better. - Perhaps we should rethink the format of our reviews and reviewers??
I certainly wouldn't mind giving up Sundays and occasionally doing another day. Who's got what day now anyway? I don't even remember. Do we have enough willing reviewers to divvy up the days more equitably, or for a fixed number of weeks? - Any suggestions???
I am sure that those who now review will continue to do so, and perhaps with more verve once they are not obliged to. And isn't that what we want, more and better reviews? :) :rose:
I would far rather read a comment by Eve or anyone else when they feel they have something to say than when they feel they have to say something!

Originally posted by Tammy Cant
She is also taking down some of our poems that need more polish. She realizes her limitations in poetry. Personally, I think she's a perfectionist and a bit of a pain.
A number of us have poems on Lit. that would better be displayed on another sites, and many have been posted without proper objective contemplation. - We do have Senna Jawa if Eve thinks that all they need is more Polish. :) :p :)

Originally posted by Tammy Cant
The Habit may be removed from online when it is time to renew in Feb. She doesn't feel as though there is much interest in the site or her poetry. Perhaps, she's in her usual winter funk, feeling sorry for herself. She can be so tedious this time of year.
Now this I forbid Eve to do!
As I said above, a lot of my poetry would be better off at places other than Literotica. The "other places" currently consist primarily of Eve's Habit! If Eve's Habit goes down it will leave me virtually (pun intended) homeless. And I am not enough of a web-fish to build one of my own. :(

Eve, you are forbidden to dismantle your site or to leave us here unprotected! :rose: :p :rose:

Regards,                 Rybka
RE: Even's Ether Psalm

Thank you for the mention Lauren. It is just a simple love poem with a touch of God thrown in for seasoning. ;)

As for my use of spacing that some have questioned or wondered about, it does serve a purpose. It allows not only for pauses in reading and emphasis without using punctuation, but at times for several different or multiple readings/meanings depending upon where and when you decide to read across or down the page (or this is at least the poet's aim). ;)

Regards,                 Rybka
A homeless fish? That's really sad.

Those of you who have been here for a long time should remember that about a year ago, maybe longer, I said I was leaving. There was a fuss made over it. So, this must be an annual thing for me. My once a year "I'm leaving" pout.

Okay, I'm over it. I feel the love and fondling fingers.

Same time next year,
Those of you who have been here for a long time should remember that about a year ago, maybe longer, I said I was leaving. There was a fuss made over it. So, this must be an annual thing for me. My once a year "I'm leaving" pout.

Okay, I'm over it. I feel the love and fondling fingers.

Same time next year,

Woohoo, let's party. (Breaks out the chips and salsa.) Wine cooler, anyone? (Hey, poets are poor.) Lauren, you're were in charge of bringing toys this year, right? :D

I suppose you'll want the Tub 'O Lube again this year, too? :rolleyes:

Angeline said:
Lauren, you're were in charge of bringing toys this year, right? :D
And I'll make sure they're all in perfect working conditions. I'm beginning extensive tests ASAP.

edited to add: Angeline? Yahoo. Now!
I suppose you'll want the Tub 'O Lube again this year, too?

I am really really hesitating over this one, but hell....tub 'o lube???

I have a huge dusty bottle of red wine given to me years ago, but where I don't, or didn't drink til this can be tossed in there as tribute and cheer :heart:

echoes_s said:
I suppose you'll want the Tub 'O Lube again this year, too?

I am really really hesitating over this one, but hell....tub 'o lube???

I have a huge dusty bottle of red wine given to me years ago, but where I don't, or didn't drink til this can be tossed in there as tribute and cheer :heart:


hey echoes..I think that us sorta newbies have to bring cookies, stand back and watch this time around, right? :D I like to thats okay with me
OH GOD TOYS! :eek: TUB O LUBE! uhmmm

yes watching is very good for newbs!
do we get to drink while we watch? :D
edited to add: Angeline? Yahoo. Now!

ok, my love, I'm here now, yahoo is on, and you are......???

oh wait. i forgot, you're testing. 1, 2, 3, 4. testing. testing......hey (tosses Rowdy Ted over shoulder), this thing's been broken since last year. what the hell?

and maria, echoes? stop hanging back or we'll tell Perks on ya! :D
Re: well, since Tammy is already logged in...

Tammy Cant said:

Ange, L, and perks, you guys have known me for a long time and you have to say nice things. lol But there is no excuse for echoes. :)

*this is hysterical*

when have I ever had to say anything nice? heh. so NOT my MO!

She's a funky butt. I have to say I went to her site the other day for the first time, after she asked me if she could post my poem. I thought it was well done. I just didn't see where I was supposed to interact. The poetry and the pictures are orignal and well done, though...

I think eve should maybe listen to those who watch her instead of letting the voice of self-loathing dictate her actions. We all go to that dark, doubtful place, that's when we should turn to our friends for support, not withdraw our art, our true selves from anyone.

Eve, go get the book The Artist's Way STAT!
New Poems on 12/28/03

There are 18 new submissions on this Sunday after Christmas, and I bring one "Goldie" as always.

For today's Oldie I cheated. Since Wicked Eve has been threatening to leave us and take her poetry with her, I decided to show you a sample of what we would be missing. - What she thinks need polishing. So here is a Wicked Eve work from this November. All the earlier ones are already gone. :(
Taking Life In Stride by WickedEve

In rain, through leaves, toward sun
She walks past my window always
Winter and summer melt into one

I watch her form shift these days
Stone by stone rebuild the temple
She walks past my window always

To see her now, the change is simple
Though voices tell of no ease
Stone by stone rebuild the temple

Not for him, herself to please
She has tread upon those years
Though voices tell of no ease

Down the path again she nears
Fading ever away and distant
She has tread upon those years

I know her only for an instant
In rain, through leaves, toward sun
Fading ever away and distant
Winter and summer melt into one
Of the 18 new poems few stand out above the others. No new poets catch my eye today, and the efforts of most of our regulars smack of post holiday lethargy. Their offerings are worth reading, but not among their best works. It is a disappointing day, this last Sunday of the year. :(
In fact I have chosen to comment on only one poem and I even have unsettled feelings about it. Perhaps it is me, not the rest of the world, that is experiencing a let-down. :)

Maria2394 has written a prose poem I suppose. In a sense, it reminds me of my Maui Jim piece. I enjoyed reading Maria's piece, but almost at once felt that it was someone talking to me; not as Frost's "You come too.", but certainly not like someone writing or reciting a story. It is more personal and interesting than that, but at the same time almost too common and chummy in speech pattern for my taste. It reminds me of an elderly schoolmarm talking to an old friend (or a therapist).
I like this piece and I recommend it, but I never could have published it as written. It is either too revealing of self or superficial, and I do not think the latter. :rose:
grieving the loss of fear

It made me rather sad, her passing
but I often think of my spider friend
and how I was taught to be afraid

Sometimes I find that I miss her
but God, what a bittersweet feeling it is
to grieve the loss of fear
To avoid favoritism; other frequent forum or poetry board contributors who posted today include in alphabetical order:

wind has slowed by 2rivers

jthserra (2 poems)

Breached, yet again by RazzRajen

Silver Lining by Senna Jawa

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. These choices and comments are just the views of one person and I may have overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote, comment and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
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