new poems

I don't get a chance to read as much as I like...

but I did stumble across an excellent poem in the new poems...

Gifts by Murphy13 was a nice, though short bit of intriguing erotica. Take a look and enjoy.

jim :)
I want to thank those of you who posted public comments on my post - Solstice !

This was meant as an exercise-I wrote a journal entry of the event and then - just for the heck of it - I decided to see how much I could cut out and still have the sense come across. I guess I did okay, but I have to tell you... I was blown away by your words. Tears in my eyes, even! A first for me.

Can't think of a better New Years Beginning, and I needed that push. Thank you all!!

Hope all the magic you deserve is in your life this year, and then some!!
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I may have missed it - but did anybody mention Obituary by Arkontheroof? What a great introduction to this poet. Strong and very emotional, I confess it made me cry.
Re: I don't get a chance to read as much as I like...

jthserra said:
but I did stumble across an excellent poem in the new poems...

Gifts by Murphy13 was a nice, though short bit of intriguing erotica. Take a look and enjoy.
I don't normally like "me too" posts, but I'll just have to cast my vote in agreement. That was a delicate piece of erotic poerty.

I see that alot of interresting new names have emerged while I was away. I'll be keeping an eye on the works of PVodogaz (powerful but unpolished), annaswirls (oh yes, she does), bridgetkeeney (emotional no-fuss poetry) and Softlead, whose posts in this forum displays a rich imagination.

(and probably a handful more that have slipped my mind right now)
Re: 12/31

Thank-you all for the comments.

I wrote Obituary one September evening a couple of years back, and - with one word changed - only just got round to posting it anywhere. I was half expecting a wave of hostility - but I guess that the people who felt that way kept quiet!

Many, many thanks for all the comments on this thread and by email - to Ange, Echoes, Eagleyez, Tristesse, and all!
New poems, New year...

There are seven new poems posted today (and posted late, I might add).

Only two must-reads:
Ghost Dance by jthserra

A wonderful subtle tribute to those killed at Wounded Knee for practicing the Ghost Dance. Having grown up in Montana, and now living in the heart of Paiute country, the legend of Wovoka is close to my memory and heart. Great poem...
And another lovely poem -

Recipe of Dreams by echoes_s

A lovely love/lust poem... I read it several times...

And, as an aside, I can usually tell by the first few lines if I will enjoy reading a poem. I always read all of every poem when it's my turn to review, but I can often tell if a poem has potential or not.

Today, there was an erotic poem posted that started out well, but most of the rest of the poem was rather lacking in original thought. I thought I'd mention

Sixjets by Sixjets (go figure....)

which starts out:

my choice not yours to taste this rose
as nature did intend
with thorn and stem and petal

But go read and decide for yourself.

Happy 2004 to all the writers and readers.

That's most peculiar - I'm still only seeing poems from 12/31 in the "New Poems" list.
Tristesse said:
That's most peculiar - I'm still only seeing poems from 12/31 in the "New Poems" list.

I did, too. But Lauren showed me the light.

Try this link and see if that helps.

First off I wanted to say thank you all for your amazing comments and support for my poem Sweet Surrender.
If it wasnt for Jim, OT, and Rybka, it wouldn't have been half of what it is now. Thank you very much you three for your gracious help.

Thank you Cordelia for enjoying and mentioning Recipe of Dreams. :kiss: :rose:
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Thank you

Cordelia, and others (last week) for the mentions in this thread...

And congratulations Echo for a stunning poem, it was fun seeing it come together like that. You are a quick study...

jim :)
Jan 02

Many good poems today. First, the three most interresting ones.


3 poems by smithpeter
Yes, it's three poems in one page. This is the last of the three:

Sweetly Dreamt

sugar and incense, black smoke
pungent poetry too hot for
Literotica, a dash of spice
at hardwood’s edge
a twist, a drive, an arrow
feathered, tongued, grooved

(Poetry too hot for Lit? Gimmie!)


Drive-thru Debbie by Tangerine Sex Dream
A tantalizing peek into the backwaters of the western world, with two fingers firlmy on the pulse of a world just around the corner. And pretty damn sexy too.

Debbie struts with all the style
twelve bucks an hour can buy
she’s Benny’s lil honey,
his chica, his baby girl
and damn he thinks she’s fine

Low-rise, low rent, boot cut jeans
white leather, rhinestone
daddy’s girl princess belt, buckled around
her bacon double cheeseburger
hips that jiggle
like a slinky on the San Andrea’s fault


(btw, Ain't that Andreas' and not Andrea's?)


Giulieta's Ghost by Lauren Hynde
A bilingual poem which radiates wether you can understand all the lines or not.

Ti amo nel silenzio
and listen to your shallow
in the dark



Some other noteworthy ones:

The Inimitable Piledriver by denis hale
Wrestling, the weirdest slice ever of American culture.

Upon the New Year by IrishWolfhound
Gazing upwards. A starstruck New Year's poem.

Alone Together by Angeline
A grand scale life philosophy sewn together in words.

Aw heck, there are more. But I've got to run. Read them all, whydontcha?

Re: Jan 02

Some other noteworthy ones:


Alone Together by Angeline
A grand scale life philosophy sewn together in words.

Aw heck, there are more. But I've got to run. Read them all, whydontcha?


Thank you, Ice. :)
ice of sugar,
thanks from me.
your mention has me, you know, has me.
you are a good reviewer, not of me or anyoned, just a good one. we need more like you.
Re: Jan 02

Icingsugar said:
Many good poems today. First, the three most interresting ones.


3 poems by smithpeter
Yes, it's three poems in one page. This is the last of the three:

Sweetly Dreamt

sugar and incense, black smoke
pungent poetry too hot for
Literotica, a dash of spice
at hardwood’s edge
a twist, a drive, an arrow
feathered, tongued, grooved

(Poetry too hot for Lit? Gimmie!)


Drive-thru Debbie by Tangerine Sex Dream
A tantalizing peek into the backwaters of the western world, with two fingers firlmy on the pulse of a world just around the corner. And pretty damn sexy too.

Debbie struts with all the style
twelve bucks an hour can buy
she’s Benny’s lil honey,
his chica, his baby girl
and damn he thinks she’s fine

Low-rise, low rent, boot cut jeans
white leather, rhinestone
daddy’s girl princess belt, buckled around
her bacon double cheeseburger
hips that jiggle
like a slinky on the San Andrea’s fault


(btw, Ain't that Andreas' and not Andrea's?)


Giulieta's Ghost by Lauren Hynde
A bilingual poem which radiates wether you can understand all the lines or not.

Ti amo nel silenzio
and listen to your shallow
in the dark




Thank you Ice, for the mention. Debbie and I both appreciate your taking the time to read and review. Also, thanks to Tess and Neo for their PC :rose:
glad I could entertain hehe :) cuz thats what its all about..

oh yeah, I guess spell check let me down..I'll take care of that andreas' thing as soon as the edit will go through, thanks again :)

Tang ( love that nic, neo...:kiss:
A former era

I really enjoyed ronde's new poem . I am not a fan of rhyming verse, but this one works to "enchant" one.

There is still some polishing to do, but I actually re-read this aloud in order to fully appreciate it.

:rose: b
Question: My daughter says (swears!!) that the word 'boy' has two syllables. I say it's one. Who's correct?
welll.. it depends

According to the dictionary, it is one.

But if you live in the south it could be as many as 5.

:rose: b