new poems

sweetsubsarahh said:
It only has one.

The vowel sound in 'boy' comes from a diphthong. (Vocalists have to worry about those little bastards quite a bit!)

A diphthong is a combination of two vowel sounds. For example:

I = ah + ee

day = deh + ee

boy = baw + ee (and there are others)

But about the southern dialect? I'm not going to touch that!


what she said....

when using it in verse, i'd rhyme it as one syllable and not worry about the reading of it. after all any poem can be read any number of ways aloud--depending on all kinds of variables related to the reader's voice. the writer can never anticipate all variations.

anyway, my daughter is always right. just ask her. :)
Angeline said:
what she said....

when using it in verse, i'd rhyme it as one syllable and not worry about the reading of it. after all any poem can be read any number of ways aloud--depending on all kinds of variables related to the reader's voice. the writer can never anticipate all variations.
Unless written in phonetics, I guess.
Ohgod... I guess it would have been better if I'd been wrong. Her response? "What the hell do they know? They're just people on the internet." Grrrr....

never mind, I should have known. I remember when my Mom was dumb as a rock... but my Mom was never in a million years as dumb as I am!

Anyway- TY for your answers! lol
hehe, I am getting close to this stage with my daughter, I can see it in her eyes and hear it in her tone every once in a while.
She introduces me to her friends as crazy...but my son loves me still! :p

Crazy is good.....:devil:
Angeline said:
it could be another new form....joe this time? :D
I'm thinking Ernie.

Actually, I'm not thinking very well at all right now. 6 in the morning and I was dead tired and ready for bed five houurs ago. Then my muse refilled my coffee mug. :rolleyes:

/Ice - sleepy sunday
BooMerengue said:
Ohgod... I guess it would have been better if I'd been wrong. Her response? "What the hell do they know? They're just people on the internet." Grrrr....
:D I'll have to remember that next time I think I have an intelligent thought.
Icingsugar said:
I'm thinking Ernie.

Actually, I'm not thinking very well at all right now. 6 in the morning and I was dead tired and ready for bed five houurs ago. Then my muse refilled my coffee mug. :rolleyes:

/Ice - sleepy sunday

I want Ice's muse. Mine never gets me coffee.;)
*Catbabe* said:
I want Ice's muse. Mine never gets me coffee.;)
It happens rarely, and always when the last thing I need is more caffeine.

I do have a more physically present muse too, but she tends to tell me to get my own damn coffee.
Your muse looks a lot like mine, Ice. It's 6 AM and I've been ready to go to bed for the last twelve hours, at least. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Your muse looks a lot like mine, Ice. It's 6 AM and I've been ready to go to bed for the last twelve hours, at least. :D

my muse just went to sleep (no coffee), and I am *not* staying up till 6 am est. :eek:

Dear Poets
over the past three or so weeks, I have noticed a trend on the many people stressed and depressed, I worried about all our fates. Then I realized, hey, we write, we spillour guts out onto the screen everyday and we are expected to NOT have feelings to deal with on our own? thats just crazy...

I would say that it rather feels like being in a room filled with chronic PMS and Dt's at times and then other times its utopia with a kink. I love this place and the great people I have met here :)

I guess I'm feeling all sappy, but I want to say how much I appreciate the feedback I have gotten lately. Most of it very kind, too generous... and the comments on my ghost poem showed me where I went <wink> you explained it purr-fectly, thank you :rose:

Boo, Rybka, Neo, Ice, Jim,Steve Anna, poet chick ( smile angel).. everyone who left comments on the PC --- thank you so much!, you make me feel so loved. ( I am sort of scatterred sometimes, cant remember who I wrote to or didnt) hehe, Lauren <smoochies> for the wink and damn, I love you guys!!! have a beautiful day!!!

oh yeah, and ANON!!! I am not a flirt....:D
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Maria, I kept reading your Red Flannel shirt, thinking I have a new one in my closet, waiting to wrap around someone just to get that scent, that feeling...then wear it myself, but it's hard to write that as a comment. I loved your poem, just couldn't think how to express it other than this.
Stop calling yourself sappy...nevermind, we all get sappy :D
loves you! :heart: :rose: :kiss:
echoes_s said:
Maria, I kept reading your Red Flannel shirt, thinking I have a new one in my closet, waiting to wrap around someone just to get that scent, that feeling...then wear it myself, but it's hard to write that as a comment. I loved your poem, just couldn't think how to express it other than this.
Stop calling yourself sappy...nevermind, we all get sappy :D
loves you! :heart: :rose: :kiss:

thank you echoes_s :rose: sappy isnt a bad thing, attracts all sorts of interesting birds...:D
echoes_s said: calling me a bird??? :confused: :heart:

of course not!!! but if I were, it would be a compliment :)

maria has only a few modes, there is
1-self doubt and horniness ( sorry ya'll)
2-write about it
3-sit in the garden and watch all my feathered friends enjoyng the bird bait, ..umm, seeds I put out
6-self doubt and horniness( sorry again) hehe

i think you have a great sense of humor and a lot of talent, echoes, and I wouldnt dare call you any names, but a vision of a yellow belly sap sucker popped into my mind as soon as I saw the word "sappy"...had nothing to do with you, only the fact that its about 75 here today and I can hear the birds begging on my front porch...see ya later :kiss:
Sooo...what kind of bait do you put out and what kind of cats do you have before I swoop over?
hehe, I am not on your front porch but could be :p

I am more swamped by purple and yellow finches, chickadees, humming birds, (warmer weather of course) morning doves, and my endearing pileated woodpecker.:rose: :heart:

Have 3 cats myself....ahhhh!:devil:
New Poems on 01/04/04

There are 32 new submissions on this Sunday of the year, and I bring one "spinner" as always.

For today's Oldie I bring a poem from late October of '02. It took 7 spins to find this one by Xtaabay, Whom I hope will soon join us again (if she ever stops being such a pain-in-the-ass). :) :p :)
The second half of Butterfly Sky does what a good poem should and makes the reader strongly feel the experience and the yearning.
. . .
Myriads of powdered wings
clinging to the ground,

and black-veined yellow
dancing paper,
clouds of them,

miniature kites
on thermal lifts,
swirling towards the sun.

Gasped words,
fluttered from my mouth
joining them.

And me, without my wings.

Of today's new poems and poets I suppose I should start with the most prolific, if nor proficient.
Out of 32 new submissions, 11 are by PVodogaz an Australian from Sidney. I love Australia and have had several friends from the underside. I would like nothing better than to welcome a good poet from Oz. PVodogaz has submitted 41 examples of his work in five days. Unfortunately I have not been able to find one worth enthusiastically recommending. All are either banal or average at best, and most could be substantially improved by a heavy edit or rewrite. This writer has a certain charm of innocence in his approach to poetry. A naiveté of form and theme that you want to love, but just quite can't. He normally eschews metre and rhyme, and many of his poems seem more like notes on a thought in a journal. An example of his work for today is: A Journey Less Begun....
Have you ever stared up at the night sky,
and wondered, about Life?
To feel emotion, to show that emotion,
how does one learn when to take a chance?

I have learned one thing early in my life,
that life is a journey on a road,
often wrought with hills of pain,
mountains of fear and valley's of hurt.

Life is a journey spanning the complex immensity of
hurt and love, pain and happiness.
Life is a journey of hope and dreams,
of fate and destiny and its often cruel turns.

Life can be what you make it,
you can live alone as like a hermit would in solitude,
or you can live with a loved one and start a family.
In the end it's these choices that make life worth living.

Life is a many splendoured tapestry,
it is the the filaments and the fibres,
of our hearts and minds that turn a tapestry unfinished
into a roadmap of our journey.
I guess secondly I will pick on sweetsubsarahh's parody of The Night Before Christmas, Twas the Day After Christmas. It seems everybody has a variant within them (I got mine out at the age of 12). Sweetsubsarahh's version is one of the better to have appeared on Literotica this holiday season, but that does not make it a superb work to rave on as her followers have apparently done. As of noon it had already received enough high votes for it to have an H attached to the title. This is an excellent example of ballot stuffing for a friend and of why Lit. votes mean little or nothing with reference to quality. Sweetsubsarahh is one of Lit.'s better authors, but this is not one of her better works, and certainly not a poem worthy of such excessive praise.

The first of the new poems that I do recommend is BooMerengue's The Aging Process, But I won't tell you why. You will have to go read it to find out. BooMerengue, also prolific today, has 5 other short poems posted as well, all worth reading. My favorite perhaps is Missed Opportunity.
The rain came for me tonight.
I saw it over the trees, its sound
like a stiff breeze.

I walked out to greet it
but it was cold.
I hid.
It went away.

I’ll have to wash my soul
another day.

A new poet posts his second poem today. Middleagepoet shows an erotic poem, Your Savage Passionate Eyes which gives us a glimpse of his potential. Could it use some editing and tightening? Yes, but it does demonstrate this poet's powerful command of words. Go read it and comment/vote.

Prophets I have known by jthserra is today's must read. This poem fully displays the poet's word skills which are formidable. Here is one that any of us should be proud to have written. My pick of the day! :rose:

twist at the ambulant ambiguity
angular words oddly muttered
with the wave of a hand, a sleight
of the wrist, left and right
before my face, then shuffled cards
a jack of hearts, queen of diamonds
a dreaded ace buried with a spade
(fewer tips if the patient dies). I patiently
await the verdict, the prophecy
the judgement of my life to come -- or not
as she taps on the table, deep breath
she shuffles and deals, again and again
as anguish awaits in an ardent ambush
another deep breath and she speaks….

Maria2394's three tears for a narcissist is another must read, as was her poem of yesterday. It would tie for my pick of the day except for the tp ending which I find off-putting in such an otherwise fine poem. (Note: There is one apostrophe in the quote below that cries to be moved.) (Remind me never to get sweet Maria mad at me.) :) :rose: :)
you laugh a fountain of strawberry
and ginger ale
all over me when you smile

I like being sticky
with your sarcastic wit
and almost funny jokes
about the whether and why's
of lows and highs
and poems about mad cows

you are a field
of summer squash
in mid march,
a letter to the editor
of a defunct magazine
but you are you
and thats more
than good enough
for me

. . .

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. These choices and comments are just the views of one person and I may have overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
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Thank you...

Rbyka for the rose... I think it's my first. Thank you for taking the time to read and remark on the poems each week, this place would be nowhere near as fun without this thread.

jim :)
pain in the ass???

Thanks for the lovely mention!!!! (even if you do think I'm a pain in the ass) :D


And yes, I'll be back to reading stuff here tomorrow. Promise. I hear there's lots of good poetry lately. I'm looking forward to it.
Re: New Poems on 01/04/04

Rybka said:
There are 32 new submissions on this Sunday of the year, and I bring one "spinner" as always.

Maria2394's three tears for a narcissist is another must read, as was her poem of yesterday. It would tie for my pick of the day except for the tp ending which I find off-putting in such an otherwise fine poem. (Note: There is one apostrophe in the quote below that cries to be moved.) (Remind me never to get sweet Maria mad at me.) :) :rose: :)

Dear Rybka
thank you so much for the mention,
very much appreciated:rose:...
and you should know I almost never get mad at anyone..the "tp ending" is meant with much affection (despite the crassness of the line) because his quality as an ass*** is what I love about the guy... he is genuine and beautiful even if arrogant and all that other stuff ;)

also--your suggestion about the apostrophe right, I truly didnt notice and I read it about 20 times before I submitted it...
thanks again, maria
Re: New Poems on 01/04/04

Rybka said:
The first of the new poems that I do recommend is BooMerengue's The Aging Process, But I won't tell you why. You will have to go read it to find out. BooMerengue, also prolific today, has 5 other short poems posted as well, all worth reading. My favorite perhaps is Missed Opportunity.


Rybka! Thank you! You make me feel good about my writing- in fact I've named the book of poems today- "The Unwilling Poet" (tho I don't call myself a poet ever) I want to write stories but these darned things just pop out. Please continue to be upfront w/ me- it's important!

btw- I had to say 'hid'... had I said went away or turned my back it would have nullified the title. But I welcome suggestions!
Rybka!!! lol..I slept on dear fish are in no danger of being fed to my kitties!! they are terribly spoiled on meow mix, and they both drink from my daughter's fish bowl..ozzie doesnt seem t o mind, but he has bitten me several times... ( now is when you ask why I stick my finger in the fish bowl I guess :rose: )

Boo, poems have a way of doing that- popping out without warning, when youre right in the middle of a great story idea!! maybe you wont call yourself a poet, but I will..poet, POET--- :D :heart:

echoes- i feed my feathered friends black oil sunflower seeds..on occasion I even get wood peckers at my feeders..and way too many cats are shockingly uninterested in the birds and I cant figure out why, but Nick is always after the squirrels., sophie sits and watches.....animals are really weird sometimes, arent they :devil: