new poems

here are a few reviews for poems

posted today in addition to anna's swirly and terrific poem, already mentioned by Rybka.

svelte walker returns with the world is invisible, a lovely musing on the uncertainty of life. I love the images in this short rather ambiguous piece--is it god or a woman who has that long black hair? And how well I know the foolish feeling of thinking I know what I'm doing only to trip and fall.

Ice, I must know how you mean the word "spree," now that I've read four of your poems with this title. Spree 4 moves as fluidly as the river that I suppose is a metaphor for life flowing in concert with our struggles to accept its twists and turns. Only a poet with a powerful sense of language can move so musically through all this abstraction, and Ice nails it. It's rhythmic and so alliterative.

I liked both of jthserra's posts today, but preferred Spiced (the other is Primal Thanks), an erotic offering that reads like jazz to me, full of improvisational dips and turns. It's real beauty though is the extended metaphor that is the poem--exploring the erotic senses in sprinkles and scents and stirs and simmers. Delicious!

And thanks all for public comments on my post. The Yiddish/Hebrew references are not, I think, necessary to understanding the poem but I'll be back with definitions in case you wondered. :)

and maria, if you ever suggest to me again that you're not a *real* poet--and a wonderful one at that--I'll...uh...well--I'll throw a matzoh ball at ya! :rose:
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Maria2394 said:
Rybka quoting Pink Floyd!! Oh you ever sit and listen to them for hours and hours? I used to...;)
I am actually an unreconstructed Zappaista! :p

Originally posted by Maria2394
you make me wanna go dig out The Wall and turn on the umm, lava lamp hehe :rose:
Now Big George is going to come and wash your mouth out!
You know how I feel about those spawns of Satan!! :devil:
A Thought For Xtaabay

Thoughts of An Odd Fish

Regards, Rybka
Sweetsubsarahh - Twas the Day after Christmas


Sweet spirit, singing of XXXmass' yet to come (I hope) ...

I know it's a few weeks into the new year ... but thanks for writing, sharing the hilarious, delicious and tastefully
irreverent redo:
the Day After Christmas

Just recently came upon it. Shared it with my wife, as the tears streamed from our laughter. She enjoyed it nearly much as I did, only wishing for "His, Hers and His". But I would change nothing.


MY currently posted poetry: a light-hearted Valentines Day message to my wife ...

My Favorite Things, SouthSkyEyes
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Re: here are a few reviews for poems

Angeline said:
Ice, I must know how you mean the word "spree," now that I've read four of your poems with this title.
Hehe, I just submitted another Spree that starts with the lines "This is a spree." It should explain everything. :)

Thanks for the mention Angel. :rose:

EDIT: and it's up already! Went through the submission process in less tham 5 hrs. Who sprinkled Laurel's coffee with stardust this morning? :)
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50 new poems.... my, my, my.

Well, this may take time. I do want to first mention the poem that's at the top of the list. It's the only one I've read so far. Spree 5. I need to read the other sprees if they're as good as this one.

Spree 5
by Icingsugar ©

Watch the poet flee
into a dark comfortable corner
where a warm muted nothing
lulls him to sleep,
while muse and soul,
paper, hand and pen
grind bare, bold,
bloodrush beautiful,
in their own
Closing Time Redux
by Angeline ©

But I came here at this late date
for one more bar,
for one more night,
at this late hour.

Still, it seems it's not too late.
There's someone in a booth alone,
staring out one window,
staring at the moon,
head full of song, of poem.

This poem comes with audio and a rude public comment to Angeline from Angeline. At least, she apologized to herself. Yes, she's that sweet and polite. :)
I like this Ange. It's simply written, but smooth. I was immediately drawn in. I could feel it altering my mood. Nicely done.

I hate to do one poem at a time, but I'm doing ebay at the same time (that's how this single mommy makes money.)
Pantoum #69
by denis hale ©

Another dh poem for the dh fans. Yes, I like denis' poetry, but this one talks about being on the rag and I'm PMSing and so... Oh, go read it if you want.
Don't hate me for this review, denis.


cut from roots
by annaswirls ©

I consider removing
the clear plastic sleeve
they slid over the stem
of my sun fire Gerbera Daisy

Her head, bent with heaviness
and the passing of the day
forced into a chin up old girl posture

I lower the noose
She lowers her head
We both sigh and move on.

It seems everyone loves anna's poetry. If you don't know why, then go read and find out.
Thank you for this poem.


Yes, I'm still reading down through the list. I would do all this in one post, but you'd be waiting a long time... like waiting while I feed my kids, and pump tylenol in the sick one, and while I satisfy my time of the month chocolate binge.
jthserra gives us two very nice poems:
Flamenco touch, fire kiss
Jet black
cascading curls
to the rhythm,
as castanets
echo into the night.

Could It?
It must be that –
the -ish of a
definitive ilk
when a dubious one
crosses into


all that night
by svelte walker ©

there was a circle on the ceiling
like a hole for climbing up into

Enjoyable poem. I was fascinated with the imagery in the above lines.


earth whispering
by Angeline ©

shifts plate tectonics thrusting
canonical extrapolations erupt
shaking new forms so the world

Angeline places the above words in an erotic poem and makes it work.


by annaswirls ©

i did not see him the three days
we fell below zero
i worry

and think of his coat
sewn for spring baseball games

Some poems with this subject matter come across a bit sappy, but this one is honest and real.


Okay, I'm finished!

I hope your babe is feeling better, it is the worst.....

Many chocolates to you for the straight to the point reviews, I enjoy your take on things. And thanks for the kind words and encouragement, always welcome.....

WickedEve said:
Closing Time Redux
by Angeline ©

But I came here at this late date
for one more bar,
for one more night,
at this late hour.

Still, it seems it's not too late.
There's someone in a booth alone,
staring out one window,
staring at the moon,
head full of song, of poem.

This poem comes with audio and a rude public comment to Angeline from Angeline. At least, she apologized to herself. Yes, she's that sweet and polite. :)
I like this Ange. It's simply written, but smooth. I was immediately drawn in. I could feel it altering my mood. Nicely done.

I hate to do one poem at a time, but I'm doing ebay at the same time (that's how this single mommy makes money.)

Yeah, it's a cross to bear that sweet polite thing; even when I'm mean I'm not that mean. Of course the price to pay for it is my mother's voice endlessly yammering in my head about manners, lol. :D

And thanks to you for the mention of both poems--and to those of you who sent feedback and commented.

(P.S. You look awfully cute in that AV.) :rose:

and thank you eaglemuse for inspiration :heart:
Three more from today

Here are three more poems from today that I really liked:

Destiny calls by BrokenSoul1000
(the best of his of five millions entries today ;) )

The Bells in August 1966 by jthserra
(eve mentioned two good jthserra, but not IMO his best today)

The Essence of the Ecstasy by ronde
(classic glamour erotica, a little over the top but not too much for me)
Re: Three more from today

Linbido said:
Here are three more poems from today that I really liked:

Destiny calls by BrokenSoul1000
(the best of his of five millions entries today ;) )

The Bells in August 1966 by jthserra
(eve mentioned two good jthserra, but not IMO his best today)

The Essence of the Ecstasy by ronde
(classic glamour erotica, a little over the top but not too much for me)
That's odd. I didn't see the third poem by jthserra. There were so many, I'm not surprised I overlooked some. :eek:
Angeline said:
Yeah, it's a cross to bear that sweet polite thing; even when I'm mean I'm not that mean. Of course the price to pay for it is my mother's voice endlessly yammering in my head about manners, lol. :D

And thanks to you for the mention of both poems--and to those of you who sent feedback and commented.

(P.S. You look awfully cute in that AV.) :rose:

and thank you eaglemuse for inspiration :heart:
It's my "Come take me" av. I haven't been taken (to bed, the store, anywhere!) in such a long time. Weep for me, damn it! :D But I'd still rather be (almost) divorced than be with that creature! Speaking of creatures, this is the second night in a row I've walloped that possum with a broom. Ugly varmint keeps coming up on my porch and going after the kitty's food. Have you ever seen a possum up close? ewww! Now if I had a man here, I could have him wallop the possum for me... you know, afterwards.
WickedEve said:
It's my "Come take me" av. I haven't been taken (to bed, the store, anywhere!) in such a long time. Weep for me, damn it! :D But I'd still rather be (almost) divorced than be with that creature! Speaking of creatures, this is the second night in a row I've walloped that possum with a broom. Ugly varmint keeps coming up on my porch and going after the kitty's food. Have you ever seen a possum up close? ewww! Now if I had a man here, I could have him wallop the possum for me... you know, afterwards.

you're chasing possums in that get-up? And please--it was bad enough I had a vole in the fireplace the other day...shudder.
Well, the possum and I now understand each other. He just came back and I walked outside. He took one look at me and ran. I assume it was the earlier broom slap or I look like hell tonight.
No, I was wearing shorts. Yes, I wear shorts in the Winter and walk around in my bare feet. I'm a hick. I mean, I'm eccentric.
Eve and Ange-
speaking of possums and other assorted creatures... ;)
last year I read an article about a woman who has a kitty she doesnt have to get up in the middle of the night and let her precious snookems out ( like I do for mine several times a night)...anyway, she woke up one night, thought her pet was being a bit more aggressive than usual, well, it was a raccoon!!
the bad part is, it bit her on the toe and it had rabies :confused:

now I'm wondering... oh hell, forget it... we get possums here all the time, when we first moved here, my dogs would get frenetic every night around three or so, I was determined to see what was in my yard, turns out, it was a doe with a taste for my zinnias :)

just gotta love that wildlife, huh... oh and Angeline, when my grandma was a young girl, her mean old aunt would lock her in the closet for punishment, well, she would scream, swearing there were snakes in there..finally one day, her dad decided to check it out, there was an active nest of timber rattlers... she never hot over it and was afraid of snakes and anything resembling a snake till she died last august..poor lady

i think as disturbing as some of the critters are, we just need to remember that they were probably here first... dont mean any harm, are just being pushed from their habitats by all sorts of urban sprawl and stuff :(
Oh God, maria. After that snake story, I should go hug that possum.
I had a cat that used to sleep with a possum. I think they knew each other in the biblical sense. Actually, my cat looked like a possum. I'm pretty sure he was a cat.
Is that me reading?

in my poem Closing Time Redux? A few people asked me this, so yes, that's me. And I dunno about those hisses--I don't usually walk around hissing.

And neo are you suggesting I have an accent? Hmmmm, Cajun guy, are you of all people? Lol. :)

(I don't think I have an accent but if I'm tired or stressed out I start tawking like a New Yawker.)
Re: Is that me reading?

Angeline said:
in my poem Closing Time Redux? A few people asked me this, so yes, that's me. And I dunno about those hisses--I don't usually walk around hissing.

And neo are you suggesting I have an accent? Hmmmm, Cajun guy, are you of all people? Lol. :)

(I don't think I have an accent but if I'm tired or stressed out I start tawking like a New Yawker.)
What do I know? You all speak Foreign anyway. :)

I finally found a computer that could play the audio properly, and tried some different poems and stories. The sound quality is questionable for all, but some sounded much better than others. How did you record it?


ps Thnx U Eve 4 mentioning my 5:th spree. :rose:
Thank you Eve...

Eve and Lin for the kind mentions on my poems.

As a student at The University of Texas just seven years after the Whitman shootings, I always had an eerie feeling about the bell tower. The feeling intensified as they closed down the observation deck during the years I was there (not because of Whitman, but because of a procession of sucides). Anyway, The Bells in August finally helped me verbalize the feeling a bit. I believe the observation deck is again open at UT (with barriers preventing jumpers).

thanks again for the kind comments,

jim :)
Re: Is that me reading?

Angeline said:
in my poem Closing Time Redux? A few people asked me this, so yes, that's me. And I dunno about those hisses--I don't usually walk around hissing.

And neo are you suggesting I have an accent? Hmmmm, Cajun guy, are you of all people? Lol. :)

(I don't think I have an accent but if I'm tired or stressed out I start tawking like a New Yawker.)
You do have an assSsscent... :D

- neo

4:30 am new poems are awake
and yesterday's, are they still new?

This is not much of a review,
these are the poems that have me here
half dressed
half asleep
and all the way out of bed
at 4:30 am

Sorry for the monochromatic cut and paste format I am sleepy and I know I will fuck it up if I try to do anything fancy schmance

So if you have not yet read the poems of 1/14, go on back, there are a lot of sweet ones on the 15th, but the 14th was a good day too.....

off to the new day......a few hours of sleep left

lovely readers, lovely poets,
who do so much,
here is a little for you--


by denis hale ©
by jthserra ©
first time again
by svelte walker ©
Iambic Rain
by Angeline ©
no small peccadillo
by svelte walker ©
by gauchecritic ©
by Petme ©
Her Celestial Show
by poetboy824 ©
shara song
by eagleyez ©

The Pies We Despise
by jthserra ©
Your My
by BooMerengue ©

Re: Re: Is that me reading?

neonurotic said:
You do have an assSsscent... :D

- neo

lol. nononono, that's an asssset; i have no accent. :D

and thank you, dear anna, for the mention of iambic rain. :kiss:

and thank you, darling eagleyez, for your poem. ok poems. ok the songs, too. ok, all of it. :) :heart: