new poems

An Article Worth Noting

Not a new poem, but rather an article on a form a poetry, jthserra has contributed a basic yet enlightening essay on Haiku to the general Lit. public. I don't know how many of you read or even glance at the Literotica New Stories but sometimes there are articles (or even stories) of worth there. Today is such a time.
I find it unfortunate that an article on poetry first appears grouped with erotic stories, but perhaps it is beneficial in that it will be exposed to a much greater and presumably less enlightened audience than it would on the New Poemspage. Anyway, go and read it if you would like to know What is Haiku?.
Jan 15 passed by...

Sleepless in Stockholm

Since the poems for the 16:th is already up on the New list, and I have a bad case of insomnia anyway, I hope noone minds that I churn out some recommendations from the Jan 15 roster.

Because there was quite a few:

*I never by dr_mabeuse
An top notch story writer with a track record of three IMO not all that impressive poems takes a quantum leap, and gets rewarded with an E. It's a really good poem, so I won't argue. But that bloody good? Eye of the beholder, as they say...

*neon nights and 5, 7, 5 by Croissant
Here's a poet that haven't posted anything in months, but has been around for years, it seems. This is the first I've seen of him, and there is a whole bunch of his poems today. Some good, some less good. Those two are the best. One dreamy ode to the nightlife. And one Haiky-esque little wink.

*Che Sara Sara III by Odeee
Won't even try to guess on that title, but the poem inside is well worth the read. Especially if read out, fast.

*The Poet Begs..... by annaswirls
If you only read one poem today, make it this one. It a shameless laugh from start to end. I knew annaswirls had wit aplenty, but DAMN.

*I knew you when... by Man Ray
Epic philosophy on warfare, spanning over history. Really cool.

*Sweet and Liquid by jthserra
Opinions divide the PCs about the eroticism in the word "throbbing". I don't know where I stand, but the rest of the poem is hot as hell on a sunny day.

*Signal By The Shore and A Room With A View by Linbido
The first is slightly altered from a post in maria's bi-polar thread. I'm biased about the second, since I know the story behind it all too well. I hope and believe it speaks to a general reader too.

*destiny by Angeline
Sensualism in a sunrise.

*if perfection exists by E-Nymph
Not a newbie, but a new name to me. A good flow and direct, sensual language.
Re: Jan 15 passed by...

Icingsugar said:
Sleepless in Stockholm

Since the poems for the 16:th is already up on the New list, and I have a bad case of insomnia anyway, I hope noone minds that I churn out some recommendations from the Jan 15 roster.

Thanks for doing the review, Icing. I just got home from work. (The joys of being an accountant in January...)

I am exhausted, but I will go read the new poems and see if there are any not mentioned by the Sweet One I feel should be mentioned.

Again... my gratitude, Icing :kiss:

aka tower of babble


Thanks Ice for taking the time to do a *real* review unlike some sleepless poets

eh hem, Anna, me h-he !!

Ah! My first unplanned Annagram

Thanks Ice for the mention-- I am glad you enjoyed it, I have a lot of paying back to do for all of the wonderful work I get to read here. And thanks to the PC'ers, I had fun with this glad some of you did too, and I do, really do, appreciate that lit is a free site and bless the sponsors for without them we would be um I guess not a porn site...but something else and

which came first anyway? the sponsor or the word?

in the beginning there was the word
and the word was in us
and we were the word

and it was good
and it was expensive
to maintain

so came the sponsor

and Anon, I really do try to ignore them, I really DO, but am a bit on the ADD side, right now, the froggy tongue on the smilie selection window has me quite distracted.... and wondering when my man will be home...

So yes, the new poems were posted early, too early, I went to steal mine away pre-mature posting regrets..... errrrrr.... oh well, I understand this is a forgiving crowd

please think sleepy thoughts for me, I really want to sleep tonight.....

Only one more I must mention...

I loved svelte walker's poem:

be there soon

There's something about this line I couldn't stop re-reading:

slow tango dancers entwine
short fused candles
spiced rum, heel threatened

A lovely poem... though I think it should have been classified as erotic...

Putting in my 2 cents,

thank you Rybka

For the kind comments on my article "What is Haiku?" It is part of a series I have coming on haiku. I started the articles with one titled "Not Seventeen" when I got tired of explaning over and over again why my haiku were not 5/7/5 syllables. After writing the same thing over and over again, I finally saved what I wrote, dressed it up a little, and I could simply cut and paste my answer.

Thanks again Rybka for finding it amid everything else...

And thank you Icing for mentioning my Sweet and Liquid. It's an older one of mine, back when things still throbbed for me.
Ads? What Ads?

annaswirls said:
. . .
Thanks Ice for the mention-- I am glad you enjoyed it, I have a lot of paying back to do for all of the wonderful work I get to read here. And thanks to the PC'ers, I had fun with this glad some of you did too, and I do, really do, appreciate that lit is a free site and bless the sponsors for without them we would be um I guess not a porn site...but something else and
. . .
which came first anyway? the sponsor or the word?
You might check out a shareware program calledAd Muncher. It does what the title implies. Somebody here first mentioned it when this topic came up before.
*if perfection exists by E-Nymph
Not a newbie, but a new name to me. A good flow and direct, sensual language.

Thanks for the mention, Icing.
I don't tend to post as often as a few of you. ;)
I may use this for my first poetry slam next month. :D
Re: New Poems of 01-11-04 (part three)

Way way late on this, but thank you Rybka, and for Anon for sending it to my email letting me know poem was mentioned. Was having problems with computer, could log in, but shortly after would be booted off Net. Was able to get maybe at most 3 emails sent out in total over last week and half. Downloaded antivirus and spyware, only thing turned up was I had 39 different spyware/parasites (not sure if this would do it) no viruses. Problem seems to be ok right now...please don't let computer start acting up again! hmm, I seemed to have lost my AV too :(

Rybka said:
Part three, the last, echoes_s is Fading to Grey, but playing with rhymes and words all the way. A cute little poem worth checking out.

Regards,                 Rybka
Jan 16

Good Shit Today.

Yes, I'm here again. When I'm supposed to this time. A manageable batch of 18 poems, so this won't take long...

(Sorry about the occational misspelling and shortness of reviews. I have one of those days :rolleyes: )

From top to bottom then:

*The Efficacy of Your Whine by jthserra
Not at all what I expected from reading the title, but go ahead, it will all make sense in the end.

*The Blank Invitation by dr_mabeuse
Another one from the doctor. Secudtive words about total abandon and devotion. I sense a hint of a dominance relation somewhere behind this.

*In One Sense by annaswirls
Um... tasefully sexy? No, I really don't know what to say about this. Just go read the damn thing. It's good.

*Escape by Toward A Word
A simple, but sincere reminder of what really matters. Go read.

*Make her Not Mad by RazzRajen
Words that blossomn on my screen with the sweetest, freshes scent, but also a darker strain.

*Odyssey by PVodogaz
PVodogaz's poetry often wrestle cosmic, religious motives that I can niether understand nor appriciate. But this one I really liked. It's more philosophically quirky than grand scale, and quite spiffy.

Well, that's it, folks. Read all, vote, comment and have a jolly good day. :)

I need a nap, see ya later!

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Having to deal with some personal, time consuming issues, today, so i couldn't read all the new poems, but if you guys can be patient, I will post my review tomorrow. :kiss:
Review Schedule

Does anyone have a complete schedule of what poet is reviewing which day?

I gather Lauren Hynde is doing Saturday.
Icingsugar does Friday.
I am covering Sunday (but would gladly swap with anybody who might be interested).
Now what poets have the other days?
Who is reviewing on:

Regards, Rybka
I would offer help, but don't think I am qualified or knowledgable enough yet to be able to put in any decent or respectable reviews. :(
Re: Review Schedule

Rybka said:
Does anyone have a complete schedule of what poet is reviewing which day?

I gather Lauren Hynde is doing Saturday.
Icingsugar does Friday.
I am covering Sunday (but would gladly swap with anybody who might be interested).
Now what poets have the other days?
Who is reviewing on:

Regards, Rybka
I've still been doing Tuesday... after my one week break.
I don't think anyone has dmaas' Monday.
We have many new poets who would do a good job of reviewing. annaswirls for one.
anna, which day can we put you down for. :)
Anyway, I've lost track. What about cordelia, maria, boo, destiny? I know they've reviewed.
Personally, I'd love to have Senna do one of the days.
echoes_s said:
I would offer help, but don't think I am qualified or knowledgable enough yet to be able to put in any decent or respectable reviews. :(

(This reply is not directed "at you", echoes_s, it's more of a soapbox public service announcement :D )

nope. That just doesn't fly around here. The only qualifications for doing reviews is that ... well, come to think of it there are none. It's mostly a time and energy commitment. If you read, have an opinion, and a willingness to share that opinion, then you can review.

By convention, this thread is to draw attention to the better poems of the day. Better is subjective.
If the title, a line, a word, or the whole darn thing appeals to you in one way or another, then simply post that opinion here.

All who read are encouraged to post reviews. The "regular reviewer" is way to insure that this forum and board show regular signs of life.
Sorry, y'all! Yes, I have mentioned some I REALLY liked. But there are a lot more that I really don't. My bluntness steps on people's toes even if they say it doesn't. And since I have no background or qualifications to say what I liked or disliked I have no business opening my mouth. Besides, I won't even READ bdsm stuff and certain writers ... and it seems like that's 50% of it some days.

I don't have much 'puter time anyway- so I will just continue to mention the ones I love when I get a chance.

Tristesse- someone went thru my whole story page and low voted all my stories and poems. Thats why I closed the voting. Public comments will have to do.
The current list of reviewers is, if I'm not mistaken:

Sun: Rybka
Mon: darkmaas
Tue: Wicked Eve
Wed: destinie21
Thu: Cordelia
Fri: Icingsugar
Sat: Lauren Hynde


I'm still gonna come back today with yesterday's recommendations. ;)
darkmaas isn't doing reviews anymore. He posted about that a little over a week ago.
BooMerengue said:
. . .
Tristesse- someone went thru my whole story page and low voted all my stories and poems. Thats why I closed the voting. Public comments will have to do.
The problem with that (besides being too concerned with a demonstrably erroneous system) is that you are locking in the "bad" votes and not giving the golemic software any chance to glean the goodies from the gook. :)

If you are being hard mouthed under your own banner (and not just at poetry sites) you might expect to be followed home by cyber-terrorists and the mass of the generally unwashed pubic. :) :p :)

Regards, Rybka
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If you need someone

To cover Darkmaas' spot, I'd like to give it a try. It sounded as if his departure was a temporary one, and if so, I'd certainly abdicate upon his return.

Let me know...

jim :)