new poems

Re: New Poems on 01/18/04 (part the last)

Rybka said:
Among today's interesting poems I find that Champagne1982 has performed an alliterative experiment with Greener Greenish Green She wrote a poem and began most of the lines with three variations/forms of the same word or homonym The other lines all rhyme. It is an interesting construct, but does it work as poetry? Go read her effort and decide for yourself.

steve porter claims you would have loved me then but says so solely in lower case and with no punctuation except one period and a bunch of ellipses. Perhaps he needs a date with jthserra's Steffi. I just hope Steve's punctual affectation is not anfectious. :)

I love Slivovitz and it goes so well with poetry and story telling. I thought I might learn more from echoes_s' poem of the day Polished Wine but no such chance. I am just glad that I did not earlier completely devour all of annaswirls' poem. I would not have room for all the food in this one. As usual echoes_s teases and plays with her food/words before she twists the fork at the end. :)

Finally for the day I paraphrase Gracie Slick and "Go Oxalis". :)
Read 'im and vote. start

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. These choices and comments are just the views of one person and I may have overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka

phew Rybka! Do you not stop? :rose:
please don't :D

thanks for mentioning my poem, happy you enjoyed the meal, it was most certainly of these the wax melts and light dims...:heart:
BooMerengue said:
Tristesse- someone went thru my whole story page and low voted all my stories and poems. Thats why I closed the voting. Public comments will have to do.

Boo -

Someone did the same to my poems. Every poem's rate was suddenly dropped by an alarming amount. All my "H" rates disappeared, and all my poems dropped from the toplists.

Either I am as lousy a poet as I suspected, or someone doesn't like me.

Either way, it doesn't make that much of a difference to me. I don't pay much attention. I simply find it oddly mean-spirited, since I don't know *who* I could possibly have offended.


Cordelia said:
Boo -

Someone did the same to my poems. Every poem's rate was suddenly dropped by an alarming amount. All my "H" rates disappeared, and all my poems dropped from the toplists.

Either I am as lousy a poet as I suspected, or someone doesn't like me.

Either way, it doesn't make that much of a difference to me. I don't pay much attention. I simply find it oddly mean-spirited, since I don't know *who* I could possibly have offended.



Well whomever it is, I'm on the list too. I notice that as soon as I get in the top list, someone knocks my score way down. It happens with such consistency that I know it can't be coincidence. I assume it's the same person. And it is really petty (and rather pathetic when you think about it), but doesn't particularly bother me because I really just care about feedback. :)
17th January 2004 : belated recommendations

I am sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, but there were some unforeseen circumstances that kept my mind away from the new poetry list for most of yesterday.

No point in beating around the bush, 'cos I'm late enough as is, so here are my recommendations:

by TheFrenchGuy ©


All along the Grand Canal
where the Martians once took a dive
stand my dead pieces of work
rusting like they never were alive.


It's a cute, romantic poem, with a great concept behind. It's a shame the author tried to force rhyme.

Cold'n Love
by Rybka ©

A beautiful short poem that should go with this image. Why didn't you post the illustrated poem, Fishy? :)

Lust Supper
by neonurotic ©

Instead of me she lay,
splayed, naked on an altar.
Light filtered through stained glass,
bathing my beauty in a red glow.

Divinus domina—
displayed to devour.
one last time,
Eucharist of Mistress.


The most erotic offering of the day.

Ode to Her
by Colleen Thomas ©

Black hair, to shame the raven’s wing.
Blue eyes, deeper than the sea.
Dark skin, softer than the finest silk
Red lips, outshining the dew covered rose


A bitter-sweet love poem. A solid effort that must have made someone very happy.

invisible monster
by RisiaSkye ©

I am not who I am.
This mirror doesn't reflect me
back to me, only
an image to stand in
my place
so there's something to see.


An introspective, piece. Not her best, in my opinion, but the work of one of the best poets in Lit is always worth a careful read.

She taught me red
by Middleagepoet ©

What do I know of colors?
    Rainbows fade to gray clouds,
and I walk in a strange haze
as soft pastels seem to fade.


Very mature piece, pleasently dense.

Path of a Child
by *Catbabe* ©

A truly great haiku. Perfect.

Johnny Rocco's Lament
by Toward A Word ©

Johnny Rocco
Johnny Rocco
biggest bully
on the block-o
have you nothing
left to knock-o?
is there no one
left to shock-o?

A fun read.

by jthserra ©

aching on baud-waves,
carpal searching tunnel
in synthetic syndromes,
reverberating whispered wisps
of ecstasy.

Key callused fingertips,
quick click tete-a-tete
in a breathless wish
of something more
than digital

Hi-Tech love. Sexy. ;)


Have fun.
I must be stupid - but how can any one do that? It's a bit more power than a non-mod should have, IMO.

I seldom look at my votes - now I'll start. It's neither here nor there to me either but I dislike the idea of anyone doing such a mean spirited thing.
In Cordelia's case it was a particularly vicious attack, I think, because it robbed her of nominations for two Awards. Only a couple of weeks ago, aprendo a bailar and Dark Feel in Yellow Skin were virtually assured of them. The Awards may not mean much, and we all know the value of her poetry, but this was just evil.
Same thing happened to me with Sweet Surrender, it was knocked completely out of top 100 list within a couple days and one message was left on there with 0 vote. Maybe there was some truth to the fact there were too many adverbs in the poem, but I felt it deserved more than a 0. I also noticed Jims poem went from #1 by one vote, down 10 pts or so (dont know how the votes work) but it had to be a low low vote and his poem did not deserve this either. I didnt agree with this seeing other poems staying up there or moving higher without mentioning names, and not half as good as his or any of yours.
Yes, I have seen it.

Echo's took a tumble, then one of Ice's, I had two immediately fall off the top list each with a single vote. Maybe we need to go to the system they use with some olympic scoring where you drop the high and low marks and then average the rest. I bet that would be fun to program...

jim :)
With all the talk of votes and top list, I took a look. I haven't seen the list in about 6-8 months. Yeah, it takes me awhile to get around to things. At least, all of you are on the list. At least, enough readers like your poetry to put your there. It's creepy to get voted down but I can hardly remember being on it. I was a long time ago when I wrote truly awful poetry. But now it's not that bad and I'm lucky to get votes. I thought my new one to Prattle with madness was pretty good--5 votes. lol And that's about all it and my other ones will ever see. So, I'm just thankful to get any votes and any feedback. I get so little. Anyway, just remember that the alternative to getting those one votes from jerks who want to bring you off the list is... being me. :rolleyes:

(if anyone is feeling like totally sorry for me remember that my poetry will be available for votes for the rest of the night, and public commenting is turned on, I accept PMs, email, letters to my home...)
Oh my! Yes, mine were voted down down down as well--- of course, the ones that were not were my two joke ones which are pretty darn horrible! I can understand rating going down once they are on the top list, seems the standards go up in a way.

We could work on this-- I will go back and vote for the ones that were out there before I got here, that got bad votes.... I feel badly that a jerk can take you out of the running, not fair.
Hello all,

I only check this forum infrequently, so forgive me if I am late to this conversation. Prior to my last submission I only had one poem posted and it has hung right around the edge of the red H. It had one and then someone dropped a one on it within the last couple of days. Didn't surprise me and I thought nothing of it until I dropped in here and saw what was done to Coredilia. It seems possible someone went through hammering the top lists and anyone who had an H, possibly concentrating on poets they felt to be a threat or had a vendetta against?

Has anyone here thought to ask Laurel to take a look and see if there was a sudden rash of malicious votes? I don't know if she can check such things, but I do know she occasionally removes spurious and double votes from the story's scores. It couldn't hurt to ask.

me three

Angeline said:
Well whomever it is, I'm on the list too. I notice that as soon as I get in the top list, someone knocks my score way down. It happens with such consistency that I know it can't be coincidence. I assume it's the same person. And it is really petty (and rather pathetic when you think about it), but doesn't particularly bother me because I really just care about feedback. :)
It's been happening to me also, 5 poems... but unlike Ang, I do care.. [pouts] ;)

No seriously.. I have to be honest. It kind of pisses me off.. must be that cayenne pepper that burns through my veins.

- neo
;) Lauren thanks for the mention of Lust Supper, I know it's not everyone's flavor of latté... I muchly appreciate it

- neo
Well, wouldn't you know it? Now it has happened to me too. Two of my three H-marks in the poem section decided to call it a day last night, and switch themselves off.

BUT, I also know who my "antagonist" in this case is. It's (drumroll please) Laurel! :)

My "A bumblebee of poetry" and "Spree" had 11 and 10 votes each, and a high enuff rating, but now the vote count has gone down to 9 for both. So I lost my H tags and gracefullty dropped out of the toplist. My third H-poem had 13 votes before, and is now hanging on by a tread at 10.

But the rating for all three are actually equal or better than before. So it seems to me that a low vote or two have been deleted, and that in my particular case, it did more bad than good.

Now, despite of my lengthy analysis here, it doesn't really matter to me. I still know that I kick ass. ;)

humble as ever,
Gosh everybody isn't this fun? I love a good snit, don't you? And neo, what's up with the cayenne pepper in your veins? Does this make you "a hottie'? Is it like "ants in your pants"? (I don't have either...I'm more the "rocks in the head" type.) :)
If I read spree, then I will have to read 2,3,4.... sighs...
will mean a few more coffees, no dental appt this morning and screw the housework. Gawd decisions! :p

psst, snowing like heck and one school cancelled, so my dental is off the list anyways...housework?....ahahahahaha

It really hurts me ;) :heart:
Rybka said:
Who have you else to blame if you have antagonized a CT or created your own personal SNERT?

What is a CT? and I'm not sure you're being fair. I would be a dull person if sooner or later someone didn't disagree with all I say.

With reference to dogs it means one that bites down too hard when it carries something in its mouth. - In this instance I was referring to blunt speaking with little thought to tact or sugarcoating remarks with smarmalade. ;) :rose:

Yes- you're right about blunt speaking- but you're wrong about the thought that goes into my words. And sugarcoating?? You're not serious!?!? I thought this was an adult site?

You know I like your writings and enjoy your PM, but at times online you seem to not have the pelt to go with the palaver. You are outspoken and have interesting POVs. Why are you surprised when you upset some people who disagree with you and they attack because they cannot defeat your arguments or get you to agree with them? - "Whomever strikes the first blow has lost the argument."

I have to know I've upset some one in order to try and fix something. I'm surprised because I know who I talk to here. And I can't remember having an argument with anyone. Point me to the post, would you?

Regards, Rybka

P.S.: You also protect your work from my comments. :) I do not mention poems that I cannot vote on. [/B]

(Funny you brought that up- I hadn't mentioned that at all)

Your prerogative, dear- but since the Public Comments Form has been introduced all my work has been available for comment.

Now methinks the Vile Voter may be a bit closer to home than I thought. Using 2 different nics it appears. hhmmmm....

I've never had a flat out argument with anyone on this entire Bulletin Board. Had a few in chat, tho! lol But not with anyone who's name I recognize here. I had disagreements with both you and Angeline about certain of my poems. I'd hardly call that reason to sabotage a person tho. A mystery it seems... tho like I said- I thought I knew who was low voting me. But after reading these other posts I wonder.

My votes don't matter to me all that much. You all know that. It's my stories I care about. And thats why I turned off the voting. To make whoever it is speak out in Public. But I'm blown away reading these other posts! Theres a really evil person doing this. Is there not a better way to vote?
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Ode to Her
by Colleen Thomas ©

Black hair, to shame the raven’s wing.
Blue eyes, deeper than the sea.
Dark skin, softer than the finest silk
Red lips, outshining the dew covered rose


A bitter-sweet love poem. A solid effort that must have made someone very happy.

Thanks for the mention Lauren. It succeeded beyond my wildest hopes in getting a smile from her and so I thought I would share it, even though I am no poet.

Re: New Poems on 01/18/04 (part 1)

Rybka said:
My third of this segment is by Alana Edgar, a brand new Lit poet who has her first two poems on view today. High School Spanish Teacher is a cute and fairly short open read that will bring a smile or two. Later on this poet to keep an eye on gets a little harder with Though His Head Never Spun Around, an Xtaabay reminiscent title. :) Go read this writer and VSF&PC

Thank you for the kind mention. :)
Colleen Thomas said:
Hello all,

I only check this forum infrequently, so forgive me if I am late to this conversation. Prior to my last submission I only had one poem posted and it has hung right around the edge of the red H. It had one and then someone dropped a one on it within the last couple of days. Didn't surprise me and I thought nothing of it until I dropped in here and saw what was done to Coredilia. It seems possible someone went through hammering the top lists and anyone who had an H, possibly concentrating on poets they felt to be a threat or had a vendetta against?

Has anyone here thought to ask Laurel to take a look and see if there was a sudden rash of malicious votes? I don't know if she can check such things, but I do know she occasionally removes spurious and double votes from the story's scores. It couldn't hurt to ask.


ya'll arent alone--- but I wrote politics of poetry for someone who never even posts anymore ( yes, I am tangerine sex dream)...but I think it sort of applies here

my poem red flannel shirt made it to the top list with 12 5's and then it got 2 or 3 ones, and when laurel ran the anti fraud software or whatever its called last night, I got some of my other poem scores retrieved, but not flannel shirt, or oh, so tempting or 28... and feeding the winter solstice lost 3 votes but is back now to a 5

all the ones i had make it to the top 10 ( except solstice) are still buried at the middle of the list somewhere and 28 was knocked off totally,,,
Im with Boo on the malicious thing..its not fair and my feelings were hurt when 28 was knocked off only cause I wrote that about my moms death

so I try not to let it get to me now, cause I see it has happened to people with better poems than mine and that upsets me even more..Boo, I doubt thats its personal, only someone wanting that top spot so badly they need to cheat to get it and if and when they do, what could it possibly mean to him/her?? probably not much at all...
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Angeline said:
Gosh everybody isn't this fun? I love a good snit, don't you? And neo, what's up with the cayenne pepper in your veins? Does this make you "a hottie'? Is it like "ants in your pants"? (I don't have either...I'm more the "rocks in the head" type.) :)

neo dont need cayenne pepper in his veins to make him a hottie!!but if I were a cajun vampire, I would be a lookin' for me some tasty neo for lunch :D < giggles> and ange, the rocks in your head are all probably diamonds, aquamarine, rubies and emeralds... you rock, sis!! :p

hey Rybka, I wrote a poem about a fishie :) hope it doesnt scare you :devil:
Maria2394 said:
ya'll arent alone--- but I wrote politics of poetry for someone who never even posts anymore ( yes, I am tangerine sex dream)...but I think it sort of applies here

my poem red flannel shirt made it to the top list with 12 5's and then it got 2 or 3 ones, and when laurel ran the anti fraud software or whatever its called last night, I got some of my other poem scores retrieved, but not flannel shirt, or oh, so tempting or 28... and feeding the winter solstice lost 3 votes but is back now to a 5

all the ones i had make it to the top 10 ( except solstice) are still buried at the middle of the list somewhere and 28 was knocked off totally,,,
Im with Boo on the malicious thing..its not fair and my feelings were hurt when 28 was knocked off only cause I wrote that about my moms death

so I try not to let it get to me now, cause I see it has happened to people with better poems than mine and that upsets me even more..Boo, I doubt thats its personal, only someone wanting that top spot so badly they need to cheat to get it and if and when they do, what could it possibly mean to him/her?? probably not much at all...

I wasn't at all worried about my score on my poem. I am not a poet and was frankly shocked that it even got any notice at all. I don't have a grasp of rhyme, metere, allegory, and am just marginally competant with metaphor and simile. That said I can appreciate an author who does have command of these skills. From my point of view none of the people who post here in the forum ever submit anything deserving of a one. That is a subjective opinion, someone who has mastered some of the skills neccessary to write good poetry may grade harder because he/she is better able to see fault. Still, it seems a rash of one's delivered to a single poet in a short period of time would appear suspicious.

If a regular reader reads one of your poems and feels it deserves a one, what are the odds he/she would go read all the others? Even people who like my stories don't neccesssarily go read them all, I can't see someone who was so dissappointed as to deliver a one vote taking the time to bomb the rest of your works. It would seem to me that Laurel might be able to review the votes dropped on high scoring artists and if there is a pattern be able to discount the votes as spurious.

I'll admit right away I am nearly computer illiterate and have no idea how difficult it would be to do this, but it seems blatantly obvious that someone with an axe to grind has done a hatchet job on at least a couple of you and if there is anyway to prevent it it should be explored.

Maria2394 said:
neo dont need cayenne pepper in his veins to make him a hottie!!but if I were a cajun vampire, I would be a lookin' for me some tasty neo for lunch :D < giggles> and ange, the rocks in your head are all probably diamonds, aquamarine, rubies and emeralds... you rock, sis!! :p

hey Rybka, I wrote a poem about a fishie :) hope it doesnt scare you :devil:
Angeline said:
Gosh everybody isn't this fun? I love a good snit, don't you? And neo, what's up with the cayenne pepper in your veins? Does this make you "a hottie'? Is it like "ants in your pants"? (I don't have either...I'm more the "rocks in the head" type.) :)
;) Ang, close, but
more like: :devil:

Maria is just a perv :rose:
makes notes about cajun suckin' vamps.

- neo