new poems

Sky-Marshall Fish attempts to Thwart Threadjackers!

There are an awful lot of very readable poems today. I guess I should not complain about Sunday always being the day of the flood. There are many that I am sure will be mentioned, but I would like to refer you to two poets with whom you may be unfamiliar.

The first is Ronde who gives us his third poem Following Paths today and shows us the different byways and side trails one follows as we meander through our lives.

In the still quiet hours of morning
When the house creaks and pops in the cold
I lay thinking of a life gone by
A life of following unknown paths

I was an explorer of the vast uncharted lands of the forest
Following cowpaths through the trees to see where they led
Reading the signs and guessing their makers
Choosing which fork to follow, pressing deeper into the unknown
Looking back to make sure the barn was still there

I was carried away on cattle drives by a pony named Trigger
Following my herd through the sprawling plains of the pasture
Stopping stampedes and driving the herd to water
Bringing them safely to the rail head in Abilene
When she had to be milked and I had to wash up for dinner

I embarked on the sea of life, a boy pirate in a sloop of dreams
Following the girl I loved in fourth grade who wouldn’t kiss me
Following the girl in seventh grade who did after the dance
Seven years later, following the path into another unknown
When we walked arm in arm from the church
. . .

Secondly, a longtime Lit writer deluges us with 14 new poems today. Many of them, and older ones as well are worth your reading. Go read the poems of SexyJennaInk.

These choices and comments are just the views of one person and today I have purposefully overlooked a poems that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
Maria2394 said:
ya'll arent alone--- but I wrote politics of poetry for someone who never even posts anymore ( yes, I am tangerine sex dream)...but I think it sort of applies here

my poem red flannel shirt made it to the top list with 12 5's and then it got 2 or 3 ones, and when laurel ran the anti fraud software or whatever its called last night, I got some of my other poem scores retrieved, but not flannel shirt, or oh, so tempting or 28... and feeding the winter solstice lost 3 votes but is back now to a 5

all the ones i had make it to the top 10 ( except solstice) are still buried at the middle of the list somewhere and 28 was knocked off totally,,,
Im with Boo on the malicious thing..its not fair and my feelings were hurt when 28 was knocked off only cause I wrote that about my moms death

so I try not to let it get to me now, cause I see it has happened to people with better poems than mine and that upsets me even more..Boo, I doubt thats its personal, only someone wanting that top spot so badly they need to cheat to get it and if and when they do, what could it possibly mean to him/her?? probably not much at all...

TSD!!! Wondered where you had got to! Welcome home, Lovey!
A lot of poems today...

Be patient all... I've read about 75% of the poems... I'll be back soon...

jim :)
I have a little something to say to you all about "1" votes.. [rant]What the hell is it an option for if we can't use it as an opinion? If you don't bitch about the 5's you get, stop bitching about the 1's. No one, not even Laurel, should be able to change the votes. If she does, can we say that any of the contests and lists reflect the readers' opinions or just laurel's and her helpers?[/rant]

Hi everyone. Enjoy the new poems!
champagne1982 said:
I have a little something to say to you all about "1" votes.. [rant]What the hell is it an option for if we can't use it as an opinion? If you don't bitch about the 5's you get, stop bitching about the 1's. No one, not even Laurel, should be able to change the votes. If she does, can we say that any of the contests and lists reflect the readers' opinions or just laurel's and her helpers?[/rant]

Hi everyone. Enjoy the new poems!

if the first 10 votes had also been ones, it woudnt really make a difference at all, I am not knocking that anyone has an opinion, I dont think anyone else is either... just that I am glad not everyone who votes says,

gee, lets see who is on the top list that I can grace with my ONE fucking presence of opinion
IF anyone out there thinks I ever wrote anything so badly that it deserved a 1, they should at least tell me what I did wrong and how to make it better the next time, its only decent ...let them share their wisdom of why and how it sucks to that extent.. that is what the voting system is about, right? hhmm, obvioulsy not--- please, dont anyone ever give me another five, my poor heart just cant take it!!!

have a nice day!!!
champagne1982 said:
I have a little something to say to you all about "1" votes.. [rant]What the hell is it an option for if we can't use it as an opinion? If you don't bitch about the 5's you get, stop bitching about the 1's. No one, not even Laurel, should be able to change the votes. If she does, can we say that any of the contests and lists reflect the readers' opinions or just laurel's and her helpers?[/rant]

Hi everyone. Enjoy the new poems!

You've totally missed the point--at least my point, in any case.

I don't care what score someone votes on my poems--if someone really thinks my poem is a 1, so be it. I do, though, have little respect for someone who votes frivolously (i.e., my poem is not the issue, but the voter is mad about his poem not getting score X or whatever). I also think that if someone thinks a poem really sucks enough to give it a 1, either say nothing or be willing to send feedback and defend your position. I have received negative anonymous comments--I find that cowardly and would not do it myself.

However, I recognize that people are petty and do things--like give low scores--for arbitrary reasons. That is why I put less stock in votes than constructive criticism.

I'm here to share and learn, not play games. Life is too short--and too good--for such silliness :) :rose:
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Re: A lot of poems today...

jthserra said:
Be patient all... I've read about 75% of the poems... I'll be back soon...

jim :)
Poor Jim. There are about 50 poems today. Just pick out a few of your favorites, and then tell us to go read the new poems incase you missed something. That always works. lol
Re: Re: A lot of poems today...

WickedEve said:
Poor Jim. There are about 50 poems today. Just pick out a few of your favorites, and then tell us to go read the new poems incase you missed something. That always works. lol

and don't forget jthserra's poems---especially Shh! whisper beat--it's about jazz (sigh).
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ill just chime in...

since when did an attempt at artful practice become like a diving competition?

"she splashed just a little too much-

her poems must suck."

smile folks...

write it like ya mean it.

and worry not.

eagleyez said:
ill just chime in...

since when did an attempt at artful practice become like a diving competition?

"she splashed just a little too much-

her poems must suck."

smile folks...

write it like ya mean it.

and worry not.


I :heart: you, zen boy. lol. :)
eagleyez said:
ill just chime in...

since when did an attempt at artful practice become like a diving competition?

"she splashed just a little too much-

her poems must suck."

smile folks...

write it like ya mean it.

and worry not.


ahh the wisdom of an eagle!! you are so right :) and now I remember why I hated high school :eek:
eagleyez said:
were you on the diving team?

;) :rose:

nope, track team, latin club, french club,chem club...I was the little quiet one that got picked on cause I was there to learn and not play little nic was the *braniac* up until the day I told them all to go fuck themselves and left :D
Maria2394 said:
nope, track team, latin club, french club,chem club...I was the little quiet one that got picked on cause I was there to learn and not play little nic was the *braniac* up until the day I told them all to go fuck themselves and left :D


I was like that. Got in trouble for refusing to salute the flag of a country that "persists in pursuing illegal military activities."

What a dope, huh? haha. :D
Maria2394 said:
nope, track team, latin club, french club,chem club...I was the little quiet one that got picked on cause I was there to learn and not play little nic was the *braniac* up until the day I told them all to go fuck themselves and left :D


champagne1982 said:
I have a little something to say to you all about "1" votes.. [rant]What the hell is it an option for if we can't use it as an opinion? If you don't bitch about the 5's you get, stop bitching about the 1's. No one, not even Laurel, should be able to change the votes. If she does, can we say that any of the contests and lists reflect the readers' opinions or just laurel's and her helpers?[/rant]

Hi everyone. Enjoy the new poems!
Didn't know there was a rant-tag. Could be useful. :)

You are, of course, right on the money. Especially since when it really comes down to it, ratings don't mean shit.

Ok, a good rating might make one or two more readers read your poem. But that's marginal in the poetry sections. (I get 50% of my poem reads from people who scan the New list, and the rest from people who have read and liked my stories, of friends who click on my sig.)

If I just get a personal confirmation that (and how) I've reached through to the occational reader, that's a bigger high than any toplist placement or H tag could ever give.
Angeline said:
I was like that. Got in trouble for refusing to salute the flag of a country that "persists in pursuing illegal military activities."
Ah, a militant pacifist.

Just like me then. :)
Wow... the new poems today...

Rybka, Ice, Eve, Angeline, Destinie, darkmaas, and Lauren, wow, I now have a better appreciation of what you have been doing here. Wow, with about 50 poems, all kind of bleeding together, I must compliment you on your continued sanity.

Actually, just about the time I was ready to scream, I would come across something really special and I was back in the groove again. One that really grabbed me, and (talk about dessert first) my favorite of today's poems was:

Diet of Colors by Alana Edgar ~~ Like the title would imply, is a wonderful taste of color:

I'm not a blue room.
I taste bittersweet coral,
ardent as the sun.

Just a small exerpt from a short, but enticing poem.

Alana has another poem, also colorful and well worth reading. Go now and read: blue whether Short, but very good...

Okay, short... yes there is short. One of my first calculators was a Texas Instruments Scientific... so annaswirls makes the list with a hell of a poem... literally: Texas Instrument

and another that had to have a fragrance of its own:
Ode to Cole-Ridges No albatross would turn it down.

Sexyjennaink posted a sizable percentage of the poems today. I thought the best of them was: The Legions are Empty, but My Inten... The title was cut off so I will have to ponder on the mystery.

Another of my favorites was Icingsugar's: By Your Altar I loved the wonderful rhyme and wordplay throughout this poem.

Give me insanity,
take my humanity,
take what you will,
spit me praise and profanity,
power me up just to
wrestle me down
pinned to the image
of that fallen gown,
laid to kneel with me
awed at the altar
of those arched
amorous ankles.

Amorous ankles indeed! go quick and read this one...

Odeee brings us
Che Sara Sara V I'd enjoyed Che Sara Sara III and like this one too. I wonder about 1,2,4...

2rivers has two poems I recommend. The first pip gets lost has some wonderful off-beat phrasing and includes some "stage" directions reminscent of Vachel Lindsay. Included on the page is a reprise where pip is found.

His second poem: rahsaan was simply odd, and musical and had me tapping my feet.

Slipping from odd, musical, off-beat, Vachel Lindsayish stuff to a warm, beautiful poem, Echo_s features Eiderdown a wonderful down comforter on a cold night. Soft and appealing.

More to come... I am being run off the computer... but I'll be back to finish...

jim :)
Okay Jim, I am taking one for you--

by SummerMorning ©
caught my attention.

Summer AM is relatively new with I-VI

This poem sounded familiar and I realized why. It looks a lot like many of mine in the past. So I have to take it on for sentimental reasons, especially with its reference to time trips.... and then I must go look at Summer AM's others.

In my oh so very humble opinion,

I like this poem, even though it seems to have a little too much of a good thing going in the play with words (shatter pratter smatter)
but the idea is there
which is what matters matters matters.

"a glassy morning walking time"

is brilliant, yes? morning walking time. that one will stick.

"dust gathers on the mirrored pieces
memories of times that never were "

wonderful, haven't we all felt that?

Looking forward to some more roman numerals....or any alphanumerics for that matter

Go check him out if you haven't already!

[COLOR=sky blue]VI. by SummerMorning © [/COLOR]

and of course, check out the others too.....

Okay, I am back again with more New Poems...

Today's entries opened with a handful of audio poems. The audio adds another dimension to the poetry. I first read the poems, then listened, then came back later and read them again.

My favorite of these poems was: My Gift to You by Crimson Maiden. The poem offers a tender subtlety which is enhanced in the audio. Read and listen to this one.

Cerulean_ink offers a short but fascinating poem:fate's escape

And Yet Again by Razzrajen featured an overwhelming bit of wordplay, in a poem I need to go back and read again.

Wickedeve lit up the night with Beauty Parlor Light in a wonderful display of color that only a hairdresser could know for sure. I always liked her hair (from her AVs), but now I like it even more...

In a more somber note, CharleyH, in her first poetic submission here at lit, offers a gentle but sad poem of loss. Often, in poems like this, the emotion will get away from the poet, but Charley is well restrained offering this tribute: Janiece

Your departure is too young, early, yet late
late, broken, too bright, I saw it all, saw too much.
As every pain crept over you, through you
fracturing more than you,
I saw your body crumble, mind stumble to a shadow
of what you were, of who I am in you.

SummerMorning brings a short, odd poem that I really liked. Take a peek:VI.

And last, but certainly not least, Denis Hale is explosive in his machine gun of a poem: Fleeing the Foxhole

Such abject terror
in the waking moments
of the work-a-day

where diminutive spectral
slant-eyed snipers
in the ceiling joists
shove frenzied tongues
into spent shell casings
with fresh death,

thumb-rubbing and
finger fucking
the spit-shined
seam of trigger guards...

Snipers in the ceiling joists? Take cover... a frienzed poem. Put on your body armor and read this dangerous poem.

And in conclusion... wow, those were poems... and there were others well worth reading on the list. These were the poems that jumped out at me. Please, give everyone your votes, comments and a round of applause.

Thank you for bearing with me on these.

jim :)
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Re: Wow... the new poems today...

jthserra said:
Rybka, Ice, Eve, Angeline, Destinie, darkmaas, and Lauren, wow, I now have a better appreciation of what you have been doing here. Wow, with about 50 poems, all kind of bleeding together, I must compliment you on your continued sanity.

Slipping from odd, musical, off-beat, Vachel Lindsayish stuff to a warm, beautiful poem, Echo_s features Eiderdown a wonderful down comforter on a cold night. Soft and appealing.

More to come... I am being run off the computer... but I'll be back to finish...

jim :)

Thank you Jim, Great work! I tried to make my way through them today but son was home all day and had to concentrate on him so it was very distracting and broken, kept forgetting where I left off and gave up by the time my daughter came home. :heart: :rose:
Re: view the reviewer

annaswirls said:
Come to my senses!

Don't forget to check out these two
which had me reeling in the rhythm and even momentary sensory hallucinations--- and it was not the nutmeg, I swear....

and yes, that is oregano

Go check them out
quite a trip

Shh!whisper beat by jthserra©

Spice Rackby jthserra ©

LOL, I forget which one I had to stop reading and said to myself...stop Jim! I think it was Spice Rack....couldn't handle the heat in the kitchen :devil:
Re: jthserra review


Thanks for the kind words on my poem.
Foxhole Sequel in the works!

