new poems

Thank you,

Cordelia: Any mention by you is a great honor. Having my name next to your picks for today is a privilege I blush at.

The shelf?
Nice and plumb.
Re: new poems 1/22/04

Cordelia said:
I am usually not a fan of prose-poems. They have to be exceptional for me to get all the way through them. I made it through this one three times. ... I can't wait for the rest of the Sestet...
Cordelia, thanks so much for the mention and especially for catching my error. Duh! I have now resubmitted the first 3 of the sestet. (Crap, I liked having sex in the term :( .)

best, Perdita :heart:
Re: Re: new poems 1/22/04

perdita said:
Cordelia, thanks so much for the mention and especially for catching my error. Duh! I have now resubmitted the first 3 of the sestet. (Crap, I liked having sex in the term :( .)

best, Perdita :heart:
I think a Sestet is a stanza or a poem with six lines. Sextet is a group of 6 [poems or anything else]. You might have had it right the first time...
Re: Re: Re: new poems 1/22/04

Lauren Hynde said:
I think a Sestet is a stanza or a poem with six lines. Sextet is a group of 6 [poems or anything else]. You might have had it right the first time...
Laurencita, gracias for the thought, but I looked it up. Maybe you were thinking of sestina? Anyway, for groupings it's duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sestet, etc. Then there's twins, triplets. quadruplets, quintuplets. etc.

sigh, Perdita :kiss:
edited: OK, earlier I looked up sestet. Now I've looked up sextet and here's what Miriam online says--

Main Entry: sex·tet
Pronunciation: seks-'tet
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of sestet
1 : a musical composition for six instruments or voices
2 : a group or set of six: as a : the performers of a sextet b : a hockey team

Yea! I've canceled my pending edits and am sticking with sex!
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Jan 23

18 new poems today
10 worth mentioning
I either have a low treshold, or this was a really good day.

(Btw, it's Picture Accumulation Day, so a few of those, and others not mentioned, are illustrated. Always a nice change.)

*The Twisted Hues of Survival, Molded Passion and Gracile Ice by jthserra
Jim has been spitting out more poems then I can shake a stick at lately, and have kept a pretty high standard all the way. Today we have two illustrated poems, and one regular one. The Twisted Hues of Survival with it's beautiful words and equally beautiful artwork stands out several notches above the other too, which are by no means bad either. One elaborate description of winter, and one wickedly fun tale of plastic pistoning.

*Sextet (2 - The Rose Maiden) and Sextet (3 - From the Real World) by perdita
The prose poetry series continues, and part two and three contains the same superbly crafted as part 1. Part 3 loses a bit of the exotic touch that I found so appealing with the other two, but not enough to be left out of this list. Go read.

*Suggestion by annaswirls
Anna's got a bunny. But bunny is not on anna's mind right now... A downright raunchy erotic poem about fucking a thought.

*A Woman, Too by Alana Edgar
Alana toss the Momma apron and go after getting her womanly needs a fix in this witty poem. There is a ton of recogniton in there, even for a bloke.

*Pencil Fight by zell19861986
A precise snapshot of the everyday drama of kids at school. Brought back memories.

*Descriptions, Thoughts, Wants by GoddessWithRedHair
A well written poem based on a good idea. One or two lines break the focus and could need to be worked on, but it's still worth a read.

*Grampa's Little Man by Boxlicker101
Oh, come on. It's bloody adorable. Although the tiled background saying "EROTIC STORIES EROTIC STORIES EROTIC STORIES" have never looked more...wrong.

Re: Jan 23

Icingsugar said:
*A Woman, Too by Alana Edgar
Alana toss the Momma apron and go after getting her womanly needs a fix in this witty poem. There is a ton of recogniton in there, even for a bloke.
Thanks for taking the time to recommend my poem to the rest of the poets here. :)
Re: Re: new poems 1/22/04

perdita said:
Cordelia, thanks so much for the mention and especially for catching my error. Duh! I have now resubmitted the first 3 of the sestet. (Crap, I liked having sex in the term :( .)

best, Perdita :heart:

No, perdita...

Sextet is correct. I typed it incorrectly because I was tired and getting careless.

A thousand pardons,

Thank you Icing...

for mentioning my three poems. Sorry that they piled up there, it's hard to tell when those illustrated poems come out.

The Twisted Hues of Survival was written about Frieda Hughes, daughter of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. I was inspired to write it after reading Frieda Hughes' book Wooroloo.

Molded Passion was just a little fun with a popular doll and her boyfriend...

thanks again,

jim :)
Could someone please go over the new poems today? I'm not in one of my best days. I'll trade review days with anyone, if you'd like. :)
Let me get a coffee and I could throw in my two P's Lauren if you like...haven't looked at them yet. :rose:
Lauren Hynde said:
Could someone please go over the new poems today? I'm not in one of my best days. I'll trade review days with anyone, if you'd like. :)

I can do it-- Perfect excuse to pawn the kids off on my husband.

Hope your day looks up for you Lauren. Don't think twice, it's alright.

Wow two simultaneous offers Lauren!

What do you say Echos, you want to split it?

I can take on the newer poets if you would like, and the ones that sometimes are of a genre that might not get recognized (how do I say this diplomatically???)
31 poems starting from Pathways, you take first 16...Pathway and up, and I take next 15? Whichever falls in the selected path...:rose:
Perfect! Ready, set go

No seriously I am so slow at this, I need pointers sometime. I am sure there is a better way.
pick of the litter

Almost half of top half of the new poems today seemed to follow a pet theme,

Lady -
Sweet ode to a pet cat

Unity - Submitted by irishcatsmeow

Two by MizTabby descriptive sex poems with a feline twist-- if that is what you are enjoy, please visit MizTabby

Petting -
Wet Pet -


(no puppy smilies)

In my opinion, the Poets Pets of the Pets Department is
Parchment Puppy Love - by E-Nymph ©

Maybe I am a sucker for poems about love and writing, but I love this poem-- please go check it out, I searched for some lines to put here, but I would have wanted to show them all, and I want you to go read and vote....

Parchment Puppy Love

Going back in for the rest..... which upon first look were wonderful

Recommendations for todays half of poems from my humble point of view would be a sad and inspiring growth from

Perdita with her 4th Sextet Ballet Lesson

Next a stomache punching, truth hitting, straight shooting poem
by Mia Moore
Ode to a Couch Potato

Wow, then a soft gentle visit to yesteryear from E-Nymph
Parchment of Puppy Love
one can envision holding in your hands...

Jthserra, I apologize, I am going to have to ask Anna to read yours, I cannot read illustrated poems. :( Would love if someone could send me a copy of the words though :rose:
blue sestina...

I am sorry the words are not that legible on the illustrated poem. In order for the words to overlay the image, apparantly they must be embedded in the picture and changing from a text to picture format, some clarity is lost.

If you can't read the words in the picture, here they are:

blue sestina

in the night
a lonely moon
and slow horn song,
played so slow
a trumpet moan
from long ago

so, so long ago
remember night
the slow horn moan
and midnight moon
we danced so slow
to every song

and one sad song
sang long ago
we sang it slow
that sad, sad night
and from the moon
a soft brass moan

I felt that moan
deep in our song
beneath the moon
those years ago
the very night
that went so slow

but fast or slow
that bluesy moan
in the teardrop night
heard a crying song
of a time ago
and a far off moon

we searched the moon
so soft and slow
a melody ago
with an almost moan
a slow, slow song
that final night

below the moon on her final night
we sang a slow forever song
from lives ago to a trumpet moan.

In the illustration, the words are not all left justified, they kind of cascade across the page...

blue sestina
reviews 24/01/04

Ok *grins* starting from the bottom...

Icingsugar seems to be a bit tired and grateful to be home in loving and caring arms with Exit Rome

Out of 5 posted by Senna Jawa my two favorite picks would be i-terated-magination
and once...

Tristesse entrancs', waltzing gently with Ghostly Lovers

2rivers gives a questioning twitch with patriot

More coming...How are you doing Anna?
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Anna's picks for the top half......


I am not sure what is in Jim's drinking water but I want some. Please go check it out, for the words and the illustration. I would love to dive in.

Blue Sestina
by jthserra ©

Blue Sestina


Alana is becoming one of the first names I look for when I come on line. I love her post today, showing the sensitive side to the tough guy with grease under his nails.

Boone's Garage
by Alana Edgar ©

Boone's Garage

Another one that caught my attention was Greed by RazzRajen

Something about eating minds makes me say "yeah"


aahh often
does the urge to sup
at mysterious minds


Aztec Pagen is new here to Lit. Welcome. He has posted several poems today with some strong messages on the big questions of life.

This is the one I would recommend out of his postings

World of Faces


Please go read them all, there are some gems in there... Read, comment, vote, send flowers, whatever keeps the poets happy and coming back to share their wonderful talents with us.....

And this is just my humble, untrained, sleep deprived opinion.....

Peace out,

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