new poems

deliciously_naughty said:
Thank you so much for mentioning me :)

I should have seconded it, but was busy earlier--your poems today were just terrific; I really enjoyed them, especially Seeking God, which has such lovely, simply stated wisdom.

Angeline said:
I should have seconded it, but was busy earlier--your poems today were just terrific; I really enjoyed them, especially Seeking God, which has such lovely, simply stated wisdom.


Blush...thank you. :rose:

I'm still a novice at this poetry thing, so this encouragement really means something to me.
Oh my...

thank you Rybka for the mention of my haiku article. And with such a dynamic sized font (I still can't figure out how to get color working here).

jim :)
Re: Oh my...

jthserra said:
(I still can't figure out how to get color working here).

jim :)

Luckily I'm still awake..............

Above the message window are an array of options - B=bold,I=italics, u=underline - etc. the 6th on across is a drop down of a choice of colours. A window opens up at the top of the screen.
Write the word(s) you want coloured in ther, enter and bingo!

My misunderstanding, I guess. I thought the STILLDeadline was Sunday, the 25th.

But regardless- thank you so much for your wonderful comments! They make me so proud!

Tris :rose:

Neo :rose:

Ange :rose:

Maria :rose:

Ange- I didn't quite understand your comment... Enlighten me? PM's allright= helps me learn
BooMerengue said:
My misunderstanding, I guess. I thought the STILLDeadline was Sunday, the 25th.

But regardless- thank you so much for your wonderful comments! They make me so proud!

Tris :rose:

Neo :rose:

Ange :rose:

Maria :rose:

Ange- I didn't quite understand your comment... Enlighten me? PM's allright= helps me learn

Yes dear. :kiss:
Re: Re: Oh my...

Tristesse said:
Luckily I'm still awake..............

Above the message window are an array of options - B=bold,I=italics, u=underline - etc. the 6th on across is a drop down of a choice of colours. A window opens up at the top of the screen.
Write the word(s) you want coloured in ther, enter and bingo!


Jim..this is easier... when you want color just type {color=crimson]

then type what you want. Then break the color by typing {/color]

I used { instead of the proper [ to show you... here's how it looks when you use jthserra

Don't forget your break in the last part- the / mekes the html command to stop
Last edited:
my mind studying poetry

Thanks for the help

I'll see if it works here

Actually, I was trying to get the color in my signature line. I enter the color=red in the brackets and it doesn't work. The urls work fine, but the colors don't

jim :)
Re: Thanks for the help

jthserra said:
I'll see if it works here

Actually, I was trying to get the color in my signature line. I enter the color=red in the brackets and it doesn't work. The urls work fine, but the colors don't

jim :)
In signatures you should put only the title inside the command brackets. Do not put the entire link command inside of the command that you want to affect the title.
It's okay...

I'm still reading...

Got to take a break, I'll be back in a bit to finish reading and begin posting...

As an appetizer take a taste of Icingsugar's Wild MonkeySex . Steaming and funny...

jim :)

ps. Thank you Rybka for the hint on the color in the signatures.
While jim reads I'd like to say what an incredible harvest of poems "Still" produced.

I had no idea that a) so many poets would take the challenge and b) that the works would be so wonderfull diverse and so GOOD .

I've been tossing out fives as if they were confetti.

Thanks everyone.

I am back, but

I'm still spinning. Forgive me playing with my crayons here. I just figured a few of those colors out.

Okay, if I counted correctly, there were 50 new poems tonight. I'll relist my teaser for today: Icingsugar, with a big smile, I am sure, had me thinking of a long, lost first time... Anyway, read the poem and chuckle: Wild Monkey Sex

There were a couple of multimedia submissions and once again I found one intriguing. The poem read well, but when I listened to the poet read, it bloomed. It's a submissive poem, but several steps above what we often see. mwbs_slave brings us: Exploration

Palau had several poems, my favorite one featured some hep cat blues word play with internal rhyme, fun alliteration and a driving rhythm. Read this one aloud:

Stewart Green

take of time down the dime
to Memphis fleas floss
damaged gender never
leaves the premise unless
a guilt is five and given

slap that honey a spot
for spitting her open
view to us all peering
news guys and* gals
leaning for a shot of
her up the ladder queue

The next poem was part 2 of a pair of poems. Both were some soulful looks deep into a middle aged mirror... actually the mirror's owner was middle aged. Odeee brought us a number of poems today but my favorites included: Dementia Praecox II . Read the first of the pair too: Dememtia Praecox. Also, read this bittersweet poem: Odessy to Nowhere .

You'll notice I'm ignoring the Stills. I'll touch on them in a bit...

Porn and Woman by Alana Edgar give us an interesting look at what a woman, perhaps a lot of women get out of porn. Read it, vote and comment...

I'll have you all know that I started on a low-carb diet today, that means no bread, now pasta, and for at least the next 2 weeks no sugar (including fruits). Of course this would also be the day that denis hale choses to post his: Offering . Well, if I can't have any fruit, he at least gave me a great idea of what to do instead of eat...

Peeling, for him,
is the hardest part
and he tears, at first,
into the tangerine,
with his teeth,

whining when it won't
come off
fast enough.

"Shhh," she goes, "we don't
ever wanna get there
too fast baby."
Not since Erica Jong have I read of such sexy fruit.

An erotic poem that showed tasteful restraint, but still got me interested... very interested was: His All by GoddesswithRedHair. It's often easy to go over the top with some of these poems, Goddess did an excellent job of toeing the line between just enough and too much. Read, comment and vote...

The last, but certainly not least of the non-still poems is: its only because i deserve you by steve porter. It's a stark, uncomplicated love poem.

Okay, the stills. Hundreds and hundreds of stills... and all good, better and best... To list them all, I'd still be here in the morning so I will only pick out a couple of highlights and oddities...

The first and only 200 proof still came from annaswirls in her: Still .

Other strong poems were submitted by and in no particular order: Cordelia, catbabe, Linbido, Liar, Echoes_s, OT, Rybka, THEDR4KE, Angeline, Icingsugar, neonurotic, Tristesse and several others from today and yesterday. And honestly, all of these need to be read... Go to the new poems and go down the list: New Poems .

Before I close, I do have one other Still to feature. My favorite of the Still poems and with apologies to alan hale's fruit, I think my favorite of tonights poems was written by perks She features a wide open style that grabbed me and would not let go as I was spinning with WH Auden and Dylan Thomas. Everyone, go read: still . A tiny title for a big poem. Well done...

I am fading fast here. I hope you will excuse me taking the easy way out on the Still poems. I was kind of stilled out as I got to the end. Anyway, one again, my applause to Rybka, Angeline, Lauren, Cordelia, Darkmaas, Eve, Icingsugar, and recently Annaswirls and Echoes_s, for the wonderful job you do.

jim :)
:rose: Thank you Jim for tackling a tough day! :rose:

Congrats to all the Still's--- it was a blast writing and reading.....and researching dag nabbit!

Thank you for the uplifting and entertaining PC's

jthserra, Icingsugar, Liar, Anonymous :)
neonurotic <---Muscadine wine now available at Starbucks :cool:
Angeline <---- lookin' for a taster in Bristol :D
WickedEve <---breakin' mah heart backin' down on 'er innuendo...jus' wait til the reunion, cuz :kiss: :eek:

Anna <-----somebody stop me before I get to the dancin' nana
Thanks so much Jim

An erotic poem that showed tasteful restraint, but still got me interested... very interested was: His All by GoddesswithRedHair. It's often easy to go over the top with some of these poems, Goddess did an excellent job of toeing the line between just enough and too much. Read, comment and vote...

Thanks so much Jim for that extremely flattering mention! Thanks much also, for the comment that you left! :D

Also thanks to annaswirls for her continuing encouragement of my writing.

Just want to say how extremely great it feels to have others read and appreciate my poetry. It means so very much to me.

All the best in life, writing and reading,

I'd like to thank all members who took time out to read my poems, and particularly those who posted comments, or sent me feedback.
Thanks Jim for the double nod on my Monkey. :cool:

And thanks everyone for mailed and public feedback. I don't think I've ever had poems so, shall we say, replied to. For a fun challenge- and a silly dare-poem none the less.

The Still collection I must say brought out some truly amazing poems. Actually, I think this was is one of the best poem days since I first started reading the daily batch back in August. A big YAY for you all!

My personal favoruites were probably perks, Cordelia and Boo. ... and anna and Liar and OT and .... dammit ....