new poems

A Quicky to Start Your Day

There aren't that many new poems today, but Wicked Eve has some good ones to report on.
I just want to mention a really short one by mia Moore, a new poet to Literotica. Her opening image just grabbed me hard enough to make me have to repeat it for you.
your doors, like mine
have two knobs
but mine aren’t both
on the same side, . . .
:) :rose: :)

Go read Encore by Mia Moore and V,F&PC.

Regards, Rybka
Re: Okay, I am back again with more New Poems...

jthserra said:
SummerMorning brings a short, odd poem that I really liked. Take a peek:VI.

jim :) [/B]

Annaswirls and jim - thanks for the feedback! I got the notification a bit late (I'm the compulsive-irregular type of bad...
I want to say Thanks to all who voted and commented. I feel like I might finally be getting it, sing songy notwithstanding! (can someone explain that to me?)

I like these challenges- hope theres another soon!

edited for spelling- *hand slap with a ruler*
Last edited:
Re: A Quicky to Start Your Day

Rybka said:
There aren't that many new poems today, but Wicked Eve has some good ones to report on.
I just want to mention a really short one by mia Moore, a new poet to Literotica. Her opening image just grabbed me hard enough to make me have to repeat it for you.

:) :rose: :)

Go read Encore by Mia Moore and V,F&PC.

Regards, Rybka
I just read her lover's triangle. Interesting and brief.
I'll be back soon with reviews. :)

Only 15 new poems and most are, at least, decent if not good.

Rybka has already mentioned Mia Moore. She has only 3 poems, so check them out.

One of my favorites of the day is escape by svelte walker.
not only party dancers
we leaned against the fence
standing still tanguillo

Do Not Go to Venice without Me by perdita is stunning. A bit too many details for me, but I truly believe the majority of you will read this poem and wish for more. Please do not miss out on perdita's Venice.

Next is Numbers Theory by annaswirls who has become one of our regular contributors of good poetry.

I hope to return later today and mention a few more. Please explore the new poems thread and tell us which poems you would suggest.
Re: I am back, but

jthserra said:

Before I close, I do have one other Still to feature. My favorite of the Still poems and with apologies to alan hale's fruit, I think my favorite of tonights poems was written by perks She features a wide open style that grabbed me and would not let go as I was spinning with WH Auden and Dylan Thomas. Everyone, go read: still . A tiny title for a big poem. Well done...
jim :)
wow, thank you for this. I haven't struggled this long and hard over a poem in awhile. I think maybe it's my emotions that are struggling, and the end product of that comes out everywhere, especially my art. Thank you for your kind words.

I wanted to tell you, and I've been meaning to do it for some time, that ever since you came back after your New Year trip, all the poems you posted, including those in the 'all of a sudden passion suddenly' thread, have been completely mind-blowing. 'Still' was no exception. I just wanted to thank you for them. :rose:
Re: A Quicky to Start Your Day

Rybka said:
There aren't that many new poems today, but Wicked Eve has some good ones to report on.
I just want to mention a really short one by mia Moore, a new poet to Literotica. Her opening image just grabbed me hard enough to make me have to repeat it for you.

:) :rose: :)

Go read Encore by Mia Moore and V,F&PC.

Regards, Rybka

a :rose: to you Rybka, for mentioning my poems, and also to Wicked Eve :rose:
thank you
justify your existence

A suggestion

Reading the New Poems thread/reviews is always an enjoyable part of my day.
Typically the Reviewers do not mention their own work.
I would love to hear a little about the reviewers stuff. We rarely learn how a poem came to be or what it’s true meanings may be.
Please, reviewers, take a little of that space to let us know what’s up with your poem or poems that day.
Re: justify your existence

smithpeter said:
A suggestion

Reading the New Poems thread/reviews is always an enjoyable part of my day.
Typically the Reviewers do not mention their own work.
I would love to hear a little about the reviewers stuff. We rarely learn how a poem came to be or what it’s true meanings may be.
Please, reviewers, take a little of that space to let us know what’s up with your poem or poems that day.

how much time you got? :D
Re: justify your existence

smithpeter said:
A suggestion

Reading the New Poems thread/reviews is always an enjoyable part of my day.
Typically the Reviewers do not mention their own work.
I would love to hear a little about the reviewers stuff. We rarely learn how a poem came to be or what it’s true meanings may be.
Please, reviewers, take a little of that space to let us know what’s up with your poem or poems that day.
Yes, I have a new poem that's not too bad but it seems not to be many people's cup of tea. If anyone is interested in a tedious terzanelle: Sarah Strayed
Thanks Tess and Cordelia for the PCs. But perhaps I should have put more time than one evening (of children screaming, toons blaring) into the poem. Any suggestions on revisions would be appreciated.
Boo... I forgot

BooMerengue said:
Here, Jim... and anyone else- it helped me a lot!

HTML for Beginners

to thank you for the help... thank you. I am working a little bit of HTML into some fiction I have been posting and this link will help alot.


jim :)
Re: Boo... I forgot

jthserra said:
to thank you for the help... thank you. I am working a little bit of HTML into some fiction I have been posting and this link will help alot.


jim :)

yes boo--this is very helpful. i've tried other html tutorials but this one is easy to use and navigate. thanks, sweetie. :kiss:

and if i get confuzzled, i'll bug eve :)
Hey you guys! No problem! Anytime I can help just holler!

Here's another tool I can't live without and its free.

Carrie sent me this link and I use it constantly. Sometimes we find pics we HAVE to use in our posts but when we open them they're humongous! If you don't have a pisture resizer, this one is tops!

BUT... after we resize and save it to a file (you can also change any pic to jpg with this) we can't get it in a post without using attachment.

Just make yourself a webpage- most ISP's provide something free-save your pic there and then rt click it. It goes right to fav's and then all you do is use the thingy, and Voila!

The person who is writing the Bedazzler- Tower Room story told me these tricks. Go look and see what I mean.[/i]
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Eighteen new poems appear today. I enjoyed reading them all (yes, even my own, Nymph's Song, smithpeter).

annaswirls delights us all almost everytime we click. She offers us two poems Desire describing an unspoken want so aptly that when you read on down the list you're delighted to find Desire Extracted. Go read both, they're not long and they may help you discover what it is you really need -- yet another annaswirls poem.

Losing Faces by thenry is deserving of your vote, I gave it top ratings, but I just don't know what to say. Beautiful imagery and subtle feeling. I feel as gray as the day he describes.

There's a title challenge afoot on the forum, Tossing the Salad -- Somewhat of a STC and Angeline answers with admirable skill and takes us through a day of Caesar Dressing.

SexyJennaInk hands us two poems describing moments in a relationship, in a life. Inexperience & The Ignorance of You and Sign Off & Save Yourself almost have titles longer than the poem, take a moment and have a read.

I know I missed ones you'd like, so of course, go read the new poems and comment and vote and do that thing ya do.
Re: Wednesday, January 28, 2004

champagne1982 said:
There's a title challenge afoot on the forum, Tossing the Salad -- Somewhat of a STC and Angeline answers with admirable skill and takes us through a day of Caesar Dressing.

Thanks for the mention and the pc, Carrie; they're both appreciated. :) :rose:

And smithpeter, per your kind request yesterday, I'll just mention that when I was an undergrad English Lit major (in the erm 17th century--or so it feels some days), I was lucky enough to study two semesters worth of Shakespeare with a fantastic professor, Penelope Scambly Schott. She taught us to appreciate plot and dramatic import, yes, but being a poet herself, also to love the music and flow of the language. I loved all the plays we read that year, but Caesar was always my favorite. :)
Thanks Champ and Maria! I'm glad you liked it. But I have to be honest- the hard part was NOT sharing the emotion, but in trying to fit it into a villanelle. Thats my 1st- and quite possibly my last!!roflmao
Re: Re: justify your existence

WickedEve said:
Yes, I have a new poem that's not too bad but it seems not to be many people's cup of tea. If anyone is interested in a tedious terzanelle: Sarah Strayed

Ms. Eve!
It may have been tedius to write but certainly not to read! I was impressed with your skill in the form, but even without the acrobatics, the poem was filled with beautiful lines.

Tedius indeed. Cup of tea, bullocks! It is beautiful.

Go read it if you haven't. Now. lol dont even finish reading this post.

I agree whole heartedly with Mr. SmithPeter's thoughts that reviewers work should be noted, but if the reviewer is too humble to toot his or own horn, it is our job to step in. I have tried to do this as have others.

Ms. Anna
Re: Wednesday, January 28, 2004

champagne1982 said:
annaswirls delights us all almost everytime we click. She offers us two poems Desire describing an unspoken want so aptly that when you read on down the list you're delighted to find Desire Extracted. Go read both, they're not long and they may help you discover what it is you really need -- yet another annaswirls poem.


Thank you so much for your kind words. Seriously. I feel that my writing has improved since coming to lit 2-3 months ago, and it is because of the encouragement and the suggestions that I have gotten.

They almost make me feel better about a special someone who thinks my writing sucks so badly that it deserves zeros across the board, no wait, not across the board, only the "good" ones, the ones that suck, well, those did not get any vote at all, just anything with a little red H next to it hmmm--- perhaps the unknown rate was looking for a negative category for the REALLY bad ones and just gave up.

Last time mine got bumped I did not really mind because honestly, I thought they kind of sucked anyway.

If whoever did this really believes that my poems suck so bad (and a 0 does not mean "oh I didn't like that one" it means "What the FUCK that SUCKED!") please take 1/10th the time it took to vote down my work to let me know what I can do to improve my writing or at least why it sucked. I don't think I pissed anyone off.

I hate to bring up this subject again, but it really is hurtful, and I remember the last time it was discussed, it was said to "bitch about the 5's if you are going to bitch about the 0's." Well, I know who gave me the 5's. They also give me PC's and PM's and email feedback....

and my tits are big enough, I don't need padding.

but why would someone want to do an involuntary breast reduction? Make their itty bitty titties look more acceptable?

wah wah wah so sad for a girl who says that numbers don't matter

AnnaSwirlseversoslowly off on vacation for a while....................
No, Anna, don't swirl away, stay...:rose: As I said in pm, if you left, your voice would be greatly missed and who else would make us write about what's in the fridge?;)

As much as it stinks, we have no control over people who will give ones without a second thought and neither does Laurel, as long as they aren't duplicate votes.

There is no easy solution for down voting except for the rest of us to vote diligently and fairly on the works displayed on the site.
*Catbabe* said:
No, Anna, don't swirl away, stay...:rose: As I said in pm, if you left, your voice would be greatly missed and who else would make us write about what's in the fridge?;)

As much as it stinks, we have no control over people who will give ones without a second thought and neither does Laurel, as long as they aren't duplicate votes.

There is no easy solution for down voting except for the rest of us to vote diligently and fairly on the works displayed on the site.

I started to think I was tossing 5's around too easily but not any more.

I really think that someone (Laurel?) should get to the bottom of this points stealing.

I didn't bother to watch the movement of points until this controversy started and I still don't see why low voting drags the sum of the points down.....colour me green.

PS - anna if you take a break - please hurry back.
I wanted to sincerely apologize for bitching here about it. It really is no ones problem at all, and I am sorry for bringing it up in public.
Re: Re: Wednesday, January 28, 2004

annaswirls said:
Thank you so much for your kind words. Seriously. I feel that my writing has improved since coming to lit 2-3 months ago, and it is because of the encouragement and the suggestions that I have gotten.

They almost make me feel better about a special someone who thinks my writing sucks so badly that it deserves zeros across the board, no wait, not across the board, only the "good" ones, the ones that suck, well, those did not get any vote at all, just anything with a little red H next to it hmmm--- perhaps the unknown rate was looking for a negative category for the REALLY bad ones and just gave up.

Last time mine got bumped I did not really mind because honestly, I thought they kind of sucked anyway.

If whoever did this really believes that my poems suck so bad (and a 0 does not mean "oh I didn't like that one" it means "What the FUCK that SUCKED!") please take 1/10th the time it took to vote down my work to let me know what I can do to improve my writing or at least why it sucked. I don't think I pissed anyone off.

I hate to bring up this subject again, but it really is hurtful, and I remember the last time it was discussed, it was said to "bitch about the 5's if you are going to bitch about the 0's." Well, I know who gave me the 5's. They also give me PC's and PM's and email feedback....

and my tits are big enough, I don't need padding.

but why would someone want to do an involuntary breast reduction? Make their itty bitty titties look more acceptable?

wah wah wah so sad for a girl who says that numbers don't matter

AnnaSwirlseversoslowly off on vacation for a while....................

Please don't go, Anna! Your poems are an inspriation, and we're all learning from them. I love the way you write, think you have a real gift. People rate poems the way they do for any number of reasons, I've discovered. You're as likely to get score X because "I want my friend to be number 1," or "I'll show that bitch," as you are for the quality of the poem for the reader. I don't worry about people like that, and you should't either. I focus on the ones here (or elsewhere) who read carefully and offer considered suggestions. And fortunately there are lots of those. ;)
I am sorry
it was stupid to make promises of vacation
I am going right now to submit one

ready go!