new poems

well Anna, I am glad you arent leaving because that would only hurt those of is who enjoy your poetry, I am one of those people, despite the fact that I speak first think later :) forgive me for that ignorant sentence in that PM? I'm really not a hateful, malicious, whatever-typeperson, really, sometimes things just pop out when I meant something totally different..I am sorry
Anna, what was that titty rant about? What did I miss? lol
Good grief, people. Get over the vote thingy. It's been that way for years. It's a compliment, Anna. It means your poetry is good enough to be recognized by the oners. I swear, poets are a vicious lot. Just think, some poet is sitting there and getting off on the fisting banners, when he/she suddenly clicks on poetry and sees that annaswirls has an H. What's an envious poet to do? Well, first get right to the edge of cumming and then 1 you! Talking about cumming hard. Ohhhh, that felt so good for the oner. And then to celebrate, the poet waits for his/her "I'm burnin' with desire for my own body" poem to move into the #1 slot. And it can happen! Because this is literotic where anything can happen.

By the way, I'm 1ing all you bastards as soon as I get on the top list. Oh yeah, I'm just sitting here with my dildo and my finger on the mouse. :D
LOL Eve!

Coitus interruptus!

I regretted the post the second I closed the door unfortunately had to take the kid to gymnastics

what comes around goes around, payback karma for my stupid as shit cum poem last month lol

I will be paying for that one.

Maybe I will start a Rant Thread so PMSing wenches like myself have a place to go where no one will get hurt by having to read it.....hmm

Maria, it was nothing, no worries. I wasn't planning on leaving, just for like, an hour or so, shit!

WickedEve said:
Anna, what was that titty rant about? What did I miss? lol
Good grief, people. Get over the vote thingy. It's been that way for years. It's a compliment, Anna. It means your poetry is good enough to be recognized by the oners. I swear, poets are a vicious lot. Just think, some poet is sitting there and getting off on the fisting banners, when he/she suddenly clicks on poetry and sees that annaswirls has an H. What's an envious poet to do? Well, first get right to the edge of cumming and then 1 you! Talking about cumming hard. Ohhhh, that felt so good for the oner. And then to celebrate, the poet waits for his/her "I'm burnin' with desire for my own body" poem to move into the #1 slot. And it can happen! Because this is literotic where anything can happen.

By the way, I'm 1ing all you bastards as soon as I get on the top list. Oh yeah, I'm just sitting here with my dildo and my finger on the mouse. :D

I for one LOVE a good tittie rant and hope to see more of them in the future ;)
WickedEve said:
Anna, what was that titty rant about? What did I miss? lol
Good grief, people. Get over the vote thingy. It's been that way for years. It's a compliment, Anna. It means your poetry is good enough to be recognized by the oners. I swear, poets are a vicious lot. Just think, some poet is sitting there and getting off on the fisting banners, when he/she suddenly clicks on poetry and sees that annaswirls has an H. What's an envious poet to do? Well, first get right to the edge of cumming and then 1 you! Talking about cumming hard. Ohhhh, that felt so good for the oner. And then to celebrate, the poet waits for his/her "I'm burnin' with desire for my own body" poem to move into the #1 slot. And it can happen! Because this is literotic where anything can happen.

By the way, I'm 1ing all you bastards as soon as I get on the top list. Oh yeah, I'm just sitting here with my dildo and my finger on the mouse. :D
;) Thanks WE, you just put the 'oner' in a prespective I hadn't thought of yet and it's the right one of course.

- neo
annaswirls said:
Maybe I will start a Rant Thread so PMSing wenches like myself have a place to go where no one will get hurt by having to read it.....hmm
OH! You mentioned PMS! To a certain someone: SEE! I'm not the only one who openly has the balls to mention my period! Well, I don't actually have balls. If I did, then I would have to mention my period...
You want some chocolate, anna? huh? Yeah, how about those new poems!
Rants and Such

We have a troll folks. Someone doesn't love us, sob. I just got the following feedback for my Still poem:

This message contains feedback for: Angeline
About the submission: Still
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Not really that great! Enjoy the mark...

Enjoy the mark? Lol. So that's pretty obvious malice aforethought.


Dear Anonymous:

I don't care. You are shallow indeed if you think that your childish comment or your "mark" has any bearing on me or my life. Go read some poems. If not mine, then someone's who you think *can* write. It's a better use of your time.

Tristesse- I think you're right. Laurel could probably devise a way to track who votes what when. Theres software for everything these days.

Anna! I'm glad you're not going away! I love reading your poems when I have time- they soothe me. And never apologize for ranting- it's one of the few perks of being a woman! Watch! I'm gonna rant right now!

What would you say...

I worked REALLY hard on this. Tristesse, Maria and Champagne were kind enough to PC on it, but no one else. Did it suck that bad? Did it make y'all too uncomfortable? What? It does me no good at all to only hear nice things about my poems- I don't learn anything from that.

The LowVote Lizard hit me yesterday; but to me thats not as offensive as getting 'No Comment' from writers you look uo to and want to learn from. It's this that makes me want to quit writing.

OK! Rant over!
BooMerengue said:
Tristesse- I think you're right. Laurel could probably devise a way to track who votes what when. Theres software for everything these days.

Anna! I'm glad you're not going away! I love reading your poems when I have time- they soothe me. And never apologize for ranting- it's one of the few perks of being a woman! Watch! I'm gonna rant right now!

What would you say...

I worked REALLY hard on this. Tristesse, Maria and Champagne were kind enough to PC on it, but no one else. Did it suck that bad? Did it make y'all too uncomfortable? What? It does me no good at all to only hear nice things about my poems- I don't learn anything from that.

The LowVote Lizard hit me yesterday; but to me thats not as offensive as getting 'No Comment' from writers you look uo to and want to learn from. It's this that makes me want to quit writing.

OK! Rant over!
BooMerengue said:
I worked REALLY hard on this. Tristesse, Maria and Champagne were kind enough to PC on it, but no one else. Did it suck that bad? Did it make y'all too uncomfortable? What? It does me no good at all to only hear nice things about my poems- I don't learn anything from that.

The LowVote Lizard hit me yesterday; but to me thats not as offensive as getting 'No Comment' from writers you look uo to and want to learn from. It's this that makes me want to quit writing.

OK! Rant over!

Sheesh. Give those of us who are working 12-hour days a few days to comment.

I'll read and comment soon, Boo. I promise. :)

Cordy! Sorry hon- I wasn't talking about you. There are a few here who always comment right away, and except for the 3 mentioned have NOT commented on this one.

I know about the 12 hr workdays- they're the pits!
BooMerengue said:
Cordy! Sorry hon- I wasn't talking about you. There are a few here who always comment right away, and except for the 3 mentioned have NOT commented on this one.

I know about the 12 hr workdays- they're the pits!
Boo, I'm not saying this to hack on you, so please don't take it personal. :rose:

But if you had already gotten three comments, and still expect even more, I think you're aiming a bit too high. I haven't looked too close at how many comments you usually get, but if three comments makes you wonder where the reast are, consider yourself lucky.

Most of us are glad to get even those three on any given poem. My own submissions are generally in the 0 to 4 comments range (with a few peaks), and I'm overjoyed with even the single piece of private or public feedback.

(who will read up and comment on two days worth of poems tonight...)

ps. anna, Angeline et al. I missed the whole shebang with the new troll roaming the poety ranks, but I agree with Eve there: Who cares? There are always small cowards out there who gets kicks out of picking on others because they can do it anonymously. But they only hurt us if we let them. Do like I do. Laugh, shrug, ignore. They're just jealous, of our poetry? Maybe, but most likely of our community.
I just wanted to say

I know I haven't been reliable or consistant with these boards or my votes and comments. I apologize for this. I am not going to give reasons for what is going on in my life. They are my problems to deal with alone, but when I can, I do read everyone's poems, and when I can, i do vote and comment, even if it is an ineffectual small, I loved this..which I did or I wouldn't have said it.
Again, sometimes I don't understand what is being said. Anna your new one today for example, I liked it, but it could mean AT LEAST two things, both of which I chuckled at, but both which I am not sure. My mind and focus isn't always with me and I struggle. Sometimes I am not even sure if I should stay on any boards because of my inconsistancies and unsupportive ways. Sometimes I just vote instead of commenting...4's or 5's mostly. A 4 would be something not quite right or feeling in the poem to my understanding, but I wasn't sure what it was.
Again, I apologize for not being as supportive as everyone else and as I should be. I don't know if this will ever change but I do keep trying. Perhaps it is best to step away until I can contribute more. I know I don't deserve your comments and encouragement.
Anna dont leave, Eve, your poems are mystical, some dificult for me to understand, but again today I loved your poem Mercury, Icingsugar...spree 6...whoosh! WOW hey, huge and helpful comments :( But I did enjoy them.
my best
Lin... it's not the number of comments that rankles. I AM lucky that I get as many as I do. I guess I'm just a bit miffed, and maybe some whine thrown in. I kinda expected to get Wow! She wrote a villanelle! (I'm deliberately studying form and trying to learn as many as I can). But after I posted last night I got an email saying the subject matter was inappropriate- that I was writing down to teenage fatalists, and that took away from the form. I disagree on this - I think suicide is on the minds of many ill or disillusioned middle age folks and I was writing for them.

In answer to SmithPeters request- I have a very good friend who is a nursing student and works the ER at St Thomas'- a huge cardiac Hosp here. She mentioned in passing that attempted suicides get treated a bit less than cordially in the ER, and I think thats just wrong! Who can really say whats in a person's heart and mind at any given time, and who are ANY of us to judge? Both my parents were suicides- 1 passive, 1 active. This poem was written for them... not for teens.

(but I DO love this discussion!) :rose:
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Hello everyone, if you don't mind, I'd like to add my thoughts to the pile on voting and commenting.

Echoes, no need to apologise for anything. And that goes for all of you. Do what you do when you can and when it feels right. I'm sure noone expects any more than that from the rest of us. I mean, this is supposed to be fun, right? If someone here does things (write poems, read, give feedback, organise challenges...) because they feel the pressure to do so, then it's not for fun anymore.

Personally I'm not really the most active member of this board, and I'm not the most productive writer either, which both is fine by me. I do poetry in small doses, both reading and writing, and when I'm absent, I usually don't even have any good excuse. I probably just wanted to watch TV that day instead. :) The same thing goes for fedback and public comments. Those days that I read the new poems, I vote on everyone of them. But if I don't have anything specific to say, I usually refrain from just writing a "Uuh...yeah...good one.". Maybe I should, I dunno.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm new to all of this, and thrilled everytime I have an indication that my poetry have been read at all, and feedback even moreso, the six spontaneous comments on my Still-poem was overwhelming. But since I know that it's not always that easy to skeak one's mind about a specific poem, or at a specific "bad-hair-day", I do understand that not everone can be a dutiful reader/voter/commenter all the time.

Peace, love and donuts for everyone.

BooMerengue said:
Lin... it's not the number of comments that rankles. I AM lucky that I get as many as I do. I guess I'm just a bit miffed, and maybe some whine thrown in. I kinda expected to get Wow! She wrote a villanelle! (I'm deliberately studying form and trying to learn as many as I can). But after I posted last night I got an email saying the subject matter was inappropriate- that I was writing down to teenage fatalists, and that took away from the form. I disagree on this - I think suicide is on the minds of many ill or disillusioned middle age folks and I was writing for them.

In answer to SmithPeters request- I have a very good friend who is a nursing student and works the ER at St Thomas'- a huge cardiac Hosp here. She mentioned in passing that attempted suicides get treated a bit less than cordially in the ER, and I think thats just wrong! Who can really say whats in a person's heart and mind at any given time, and who are ANY of us to judge? Both my parents were suicides- 1 passive, 1 active. This poem was written for them... not for teens.

I liked your poem Boo, but I wouldn't know a villanelle if it jumped up and bit me on the butt :rose:

(but I DO love this discussion!) :rose:
Boo, can't remember if I commented on your poem or not. But Eume and I were on the phone and I read it allowed to her. I gave you a five. It's a tough structure, and I Think you pulled it off. I don't think the subject matter was sophomoric or trivial. I think the structure gives reverence to the horrid ordeal and the constant barrage of thought is repeated in a suicidal brain just like in your poem. I liked it.
Wow, Perks! Thats exactly what I wanted to accomplish. Too many times I've been there after a suicide succeeds and watched the chest thumping and brow beating- "Ohhh! Why didn't I know???" Cuz you didn't ASK, you moron, I want to scream.

I read Dylan Thomas-"Do not go gently..." awhile back. Thats why I chose the villanelle- cuz the form does sort of hammer it home.

Thanks Mia! I think the discussion is important. I just told Anna, maybe I'll start a thread where a poet places a poem and itwill be praised or slammed- with the reason included.

I feel somewhat redeemed now, tho I hate I whined to get there.

Thanks tons Perks!
BooMerengue said:
Thanks Mia! I think the discussion is important. I just told Anna, maybe I'll start a thread where a poet places a poem and itwill be praised or slammed- with the reason included.
Definitely. I think we should do more of what they do in the Story Discussion forum. But instead of what they do over there, which is most often the experienced writers helping the inexperienced ones with the basics, I think that with poetry, and the difference in style and expression, the diversity of it all, would be much more interresting. Having a poem for free in-depth debate could be really cool.

We would need some kind of self censoring though, so that the ongoing discussions are kept manageably few. THe system over at SDC is quite good, with a moderator triggering new threads at a manageable pace.

/Ice - who wouldn't recognise a villanelle either if it kicked him in the nuts :) a good poem nonetheless

ps. I'm cramped with work right now, so I haven't read any new poems since "Still" monday. It seems I've missed quite a few gems... I'll try to go through them, but now I'm tooo tired.

(& thanks Maria and Rybka for the comments on Spree 6. I suck so bad when it comes to replying to comments and feedback...)

I am not sure who is reviewing today, don't want to jump the gun, but I just had to put in my

hey you gotta check this out

my beach mamas by sandspike ©

an incoming tide
various shapes and sizes
all with soft centers
a caravan of candy

The word choice
wonderful honesty
incredible perception

Go take a look, you will be pleased I believe
Well done spike of the sand

annaswirls said:
I am not sure who is reviewing today, don't want to jump the gun, but I just had to put in my

hey you gotta check this out

my beach mamas by sandspike ©

The word choice
wonderful honesty
incredible perception

Go take a look, you will be pleased I believe
Well done spike of the sand

Glad you mentioned this one. I just left him a comment. It is a good poem.
It's me!

Anna... I'm doing the review today, and I appreciate all the help I can get.

The review is forthcoming. I am west coast time, and I am just home from work. It'll get here. I promise.

new poems 1/29/04

Whew! Forty-two new poems today. And I read each... and... every... one... of... them...

Here are the ones I recommend.
Two good ones by annaswirls.


I nearly busted a gut reading "Doggy." I highly recommend it for reading after a long hard day. Heck. I recommend reading it any time.
Mercury by WickedEve.

Another reason I consider this woman a genius poet. Inspiring. (And I use the word deliberately... this poem had me running to go scrawl several pages of poetic fodder.)
parts of speech by svelte walker.

An amazing poem.
your swallow tail skirt,
the slim slit I requested waves free
in the wind
down your left outer
silver stocking thigh
black against gray sky
Spree 6 by Icingsugar.

I love the Spree series. And this one is one of the best.
bare flame by 2rivers.

Wow. One of those poems I can't stop re-reading.
And my pick of the day:

Demon Thy Name Is Doubt by denis hale.

I keep thinking I am going to open up one of his poems and say, "Well, that one isn't up to his usual standards."

But that never happens. Each poem denis writes is better than the last one. This one's no exception.
And a few more to check out:
my beach mamas by sandspike.

Of an Angel by Odeee.

I wish I danced ballet by jthserra.

Go read, vote, feedback. And tell me any I missed.

Thank you Cordelia,

for the mention...

I appreciate the time and effort you spend on the new poems.

jim :)