new poems


I am very fortunate to be mentioned in your list of the day. Everyone else on that list are the hardest acts to follow, as yourself. Thank you for the encouragement.

Chris (Ancient117331) does not post as often as he used to, but I think his Whispers... of today is well worth reading. Check it out.
. . .
Echoed whispers
of all the lives
dreams -
that ever were
or are to be -
timeless touchings of infinity -
are the nows we pass
through all our days,
our nights,
our presents
as each of our whispers
Villa-what the.....?


Thank you for the inspiration, I decided to look up Villanelle and try it out. Eek! I cheated and used one of the free verse poems (actually the one I talked to you about a bit) It isn't hard to notice I do not do form. But I figure why not try.



Cordelia, thank you for your dedication to getting home from work and working on the poems-- if you need help around tax time, let me know. Thank you for mentioning my you call this a poem? (lol) "doggy" and "boy." I had fun writing both of those. Most of all I had fun reading all of the comments! Even the one that was meant to be mean made me laugh! :p



I need a sleeping smileyzzzzzzzz
Thank you Jim for waking up some dreams I believed I snuffed out long ago.

Reading and rereading "Ballet" transported me to days past, and . . . enlivened a resolve to try once again for destinations I had given up on.

Thank you Cordelia for the mention. Feels strange to me listed right below svelte walker's perfectionism. :)

Now to today....

Laurel on a caffeine kick?

Since I went to bed last night, the new poems's list have been filled up with both the 30'th and 31'st.

I'm off for sone bizniz, but will dig into the 30'th-poems whenI get back...

Today is the last day of the Lit Awards nominations, so maybe she's expecting to be too busy tomorrow. I'll go take a look at the ones from 31th but won't post anything till tomorrow, just in case there's more to come.
Thanks for the nice words

"My Beach Mamas" received some kind words. I appreciate
that. I can only promise to send in poems when I think they
are ready and I will vote on poems I understand.
Thanks again, Sandspike
Haiku Part IV

Jthserra has posted the Fourth of his series of articles on Haiku, More on Haiku: Books. This time he has earned the magic editor's "E" with essentially a recommended compilation of books on the subject of Haiku. Well done Jim!
(I hope the rest of you poets are following this series and learning from it! When is one of you going to write an article on another poetry form that you like?)
Thank you

Rybka, for the mention. I am honored by the E, though I am scratching my head a bit about it. Oops... that's just my dandruff.

You mentioned other forms... I plan the work my way into some brief explanations of other Japanese forms. What is senryu is written and will be coming pretty soon. I then hope to touch upon haibun and possibly tanka, but I need to study those a little more.

Watch for: More on Haiku: Nature & Kigo... coming to a topic near you...

thanks again,

jim :)
New poems Friday Jan 30'th

26 poems today. A whole bunch of them which were illustrated, and a fair bunch of them which were really good.

(This was a really annoying day today. I really wanted to be that great nurturing-mew-poets guy who could present one or two new talents. But although I really tried to read every new poem with a blank slate free of preconceptions, I ended up with the conclusion that it was the familiar faces that failed to dissapoint. The only resonably fresh names here are Mia Moore and Liar, and I already knew what they were capable of.)

Oh well, on to the poems then. First, five outstanding:

* Masterpiece by echoes_s
My absolute favourite today come from echoes_s, who has a whole bunch of good poems posted today, many of them displaying that unforced elegance that I've come to love about her writing. But this one was three notches above the rest. It makes me want to linger on every word just for it's individual potency, and the sum is greater than the parts. Yes, it's a Materpiece indeed.

* paphiopedilum by Liar
This is listed under Erotic Poetry, but it is about a guy and his orchids. Still I think it belongs there. The delicate precise sensualism in the writing is staggering.

* Chronic Exhumations by jthserra
Jim did just as last week, and shares four illustrated poems. The other three are not bad at all, but this one blows them away. Strong, slightly skewed imagery of things that feverish nightmares are built of.

* with rod in hand by Maria2394
A strong, down-to-earth poem on such an odd thing as a blacksmith theme, with a touch of old time chivalry even. Much care has been poured into the reading rhythm here, and it lifts the bottom line to make this one of the best poems today.

* respite by Mia Moore
A heartwarming portrait of a son of a bitch. And his sisters. And their momma.
Ok, it's about a dog nursing her puppys. But it's also an intelligent contemplative insight into the human nature.

...and five more worth mentioning...

* Savor - A Villanelle by annaswirls
A very well written villanelle about wines and vines.

* Girl Indigo by jthserra
The second best of his illustrated ones today.

* Mood Swing by Linbido
A description of something quite difficult with the greatest of ease.

* Stolen Tears by echoes_s
* Sea Smoke by echoes_s
Alot different, and almost as good as the Materpiece.

Go read those, then go read them all. I claim no possession of good taste, so I may have missed something fantastic. If I did, post it here and shame me. :)

And hey,

Last edited:
Missed one

Icingsugar said:
I claim no possession of good taste, so I may have missed something fantastic. If I did, post it here and shame me. :)
So before you do, I'd like to add that this also kicked some serious bottom.

some lots by 2rivers

Read it. Just wanted to say that.
Thank you...

Icing for the kind comments of Chronic Exumations and Girl Indigo...

jim :)
Re: new poems 1/29/04

Cordelia said:
Mercury by WickedEve.

Another reason I consider this woman a genius poet. Inspiring. (And I use the word deliberately... this poem had me running to go scrawl several pages of poetic fodder.)
Thank you, Cordelia.
I almost overlooked this comment.
Yes, I'm a genius and inspiring.
Ouch! My hat suddenly got way too tight. ;)

Two of our poetesses have contributed stories to the Literotica Valentines Day Contest. Both also manage to sneak in a little poetry! Who knows, maybe their efforts will even begin to raise the literary tastes of the Literotazzi. :D

Our little swirly-whirly gives our heads a curly-wurly with Meet Me in the Middle Go read and vote on annaswirls' entry.

And while you are story reading you also must read and support champagne1982 and her Winsome Romance with a bubbly lover's toast.

Re: New poems Friday Jan 30'th

Icingsugar said:
displaying that unforced elegance that I've come to love about her writing. But this one was three notches above the rest. It makes me want to linger on every word just for it's individual potency, and the sum is greater than the parts. Yes, it's a Materpiece indeed.

* respite by Mia Moore
A heartwarming portrait of a son of a bitch. And his sisters. And their momma.
Ok, it's about a dog nursing her puppys. But it's also an intelligent contemplative insight into the human nature.


Thank you Icingsugar :rose: for mentioning my poem respite. Dogs are such special people and fun to write about too
Re: SUPPORT Your LOCO Poet!!

Congrats to both of you. I have read and commented on yours Anna. Champagne, I have to tend to kids and supper, but will be back for yours. Signed comments with an e. from anon...I don't know that Literary world.
Again, congrats both of you. :rose:

Rybka said:
Two of our poetesses have contributed stories to the Literotica Valentines Day Contest. Both also manage to sneak in a little poetry! Who knows, maybe their efforts will even begin to raise the literary tastes of the Literotazzi. :D

Our little swirly-whirly gives our heads a curly-wurly with Meet Me in the Middle Go read and vote on annaswirls' entry.

And while you are story reading you also must read and support champagne1982 and her Winsome Romance with a bubbly lover's toast.

Re: New poems Friday Jan 30'th

Icingsugar said:
26 poems today. A whole bunch of them which were illustrated, and a fair bunch of them which were really good.

with rod in hand by Maria2394
A strong, down-to-earth poem on such an odd thing as a blacksmith theme, with a touch of old time chivalry even. Much care has been poured into the reading rhythm here, and it lifts the bottom line to make this one of the best poems today.



thanks for the very kind mention :)

Re: New poems Friday Jan 30'th

Icingsugar said:
* paphiopedilum by Liar
This is listed under Erotic Poetry, but it is about a guy and his orchids. Still I think it belongs there. The delicate precise sensualism in the writing is staggering.
Thank you for the mention, Ice.

It got filed into the Erotic category by mistake, but since it seems to make people randy, I'll keep it there. :p

blinded by the light

Rybka said:
Our little swirly-whirly gives our heads a curly-wurly with Meet Me in the Middle[/B]

"....and asked me if I needed a ride"


okay thanks now will be singing "blinded by the light" all night wondering all over what the hell it means....

Thank you for the mention, Rybka, and please forgive my story...

it is not it's fault that it's writer has such a lack of experience and training....
Hey, I have gotten some wonderful advice, learning that there are also writers of prose on this site who are willing to help out a novice....
and my next one will be better, I PROMISE.

I still think that the next competition should be in the form of a poem---
let the prose writers have to swing the other way for a change.....

Thanks to anyone who read my story!


Re: blinded by the light

annaswirls said:
"....and asked me if I needed a ride"


okay thanks now will be singing "blinded by the light" all night wondering all over what the hell it means....

Thank you for the mention, Rybka, and please forgive my story...

it is not it's fault that it's writer has such a lack of experience and training....
Hey, I have gotten some wonderful advice, learning that there are also writers of prose on this site who are willing to help out a novice....
and my next one will be better, I PROMISE.

I still think that the next competition should be in the form of a poem---
let the prose writers have to swing the other way for a change.....

Thanks to anyone who read my story!


Anna, you can read all of the words of "Binded by the Light" in the "Poem-a-Thon" thread. - Maybe we can get everybody singing it! :)
Re: blinded by the light

annaswirls said:
"....and asked me if I needed a ride"


okay thanks now will be singing "blinded by the light" all night wondering all over what the hell it means....

Thank you for the mention, Rybka, and please forgive my story...

it is not it's fault that it's writer has such a lack of experience and training....
Hey, I have gotten some wonderful advice, learning that there are also writers of prose on this site who are willing to help out a novice....
and my next one will be better, I PROMISE.

I still think that the next competition should be in the form of a poem---
let the prose writers have to swing the other way for a change.....

Thanks to anyone who read my story!



Don't get me started on Bruce now. I'm a Jersey girl, you know--been to the Stone Pony and Asbury Park, plenty of times. And yknow, sometimes it doesn't matter what the words mean, right? It just sounds good. :)

And here's where I go to read the Essential (not Lenny) Bruce.

Re: Re: blinded by the light

Angeline said:
Don't get me started on Bruce now. I'm a Jersey girl, you know--been to the Stone Pony and Asbury Park, plenty of times. And yknow, sometimes it doesn't matter what the words mean, right? It just sounds good. :)


Hey Ange, you sound like me!

remember my baton teacher trying to explain it to me, the poor girl!
A few mentions before January is done---

I've been pretty busy of late and have not had time to read and comment on new poems. That's likely to continue but I started to read the new poems just now and had to recommend

Solo by RisiaSkye.

Let me smile,
making you laugh as though
innocent and unafflicted, like before
this recent shaking told me
I was addicted
to the pain. The heartbreak
of loving you is that it's just like being
seen, and loved, and accepted
and wanted for myself
from behind glass.
Just another striptease for
a buck, the fantasy play
of a down & dirty fuck, an embrace
that can't hold me.

Risia is wonderful, and consistently so. She writes fluidly, fluently and with insight and sensitivity. (I love her writing. Can you tell? lol.) Read this poem, and if you haven't discovered her yet, do so. You'll be moved by her poetry.

And the very next poem I see is neonurotic's Flasback to Ropongi, which is--imo--one of the best-writ poems I've seen at Lit.

I want dirty sex on clean sheets,
get nasty with Natsu and her
plum sweet sister, Setsu.
They teach me kinky can be endless
with twins in lotus position,
disappearing into ivory skin,
a double happiness, bliss out.

This poem has to my ear a perfect pace and incredible narrative power. I defy you to find anything redundant or unnecessary in it--it's lean. Couldn't let it go by without a mention, neo. Just wow! :)

There's more that's very good from today, but these two just grabbed my attention. Please give them some of yours. :) :rose:
