new poems

Re: Re: Re: blinded by the light

annaswirls said:
Hey Ange, you sound like me!

remember my baton teacher trying to explain it to me, the poor girl!

I know. It's like bebop. Just shhh and listen. :rose:
Re: A few mentions before January is done---

Angeline said:
I've been pretty busy of late and have not had time to read and comment on new poems. That's likely to continue but I started to read the new poems just now and had to recommend

Solo by RisiaSkye.

Let me smile,
making you laugh as though
innocent and unafflicted, like before
this recent shaking told me
I was addicted
to the pain. The heartbreak
of loving you is that it's just like being
seen, and loved, and accepted
and wanted for myself
from behind glass.
Just another striptease for
a buck, the fantasy play
of a down & dirty fuck, an embrace
that can't hold me.

Risia is wonderful, and consistently so. She writes fluidly, fluently and with insight and sensitivity. (I love her writing. Can you tell? lol.) Read this poem, and if you haven't discovered her yet, do so. You'll be moved by her poetry.

And the very next poem I see is neonurotic's Flasback to Ropongi, which is--imo--one of the best-writ poems I've seen at Lit.

I want dirty sex on clean sheets,
get nasty with Natsu and her
plum sweet sister, Setsu.
They teach me kinky can be endless
with twins in lotus position,
disappearing into ivory skin,
a double happiness, bliss out.

This poem has to my ear a perfect pace and incredible narrative power. I defy you to find anything redundant or unnecessary in it--it's lean. Couldn't let it go by without a mention, neo. Just wow! :)

There's more that's very good from today, but these two just grabbed my attention. Please give them some of yours. :) :rose:


That poem Solo by RisiaSkye was quite amazing.
and I also loved Neo's poem too Flasback to Ropongi
I was going to offer a few comments, but couldn't remember if you did it on the weekends? Those two struck out
Lord_Joker, the devil in me kinda scared me

Thirst was very captivating and pure.

This you definately have to read from Toward a Word I Crave Me sublimely true.

and another one who has been trying... Completely Random by alias_the_archangel
there is one there, left nice images, flow of words, but I was missing something, You guys might want to look at it. Because I didn't understand doesn't mean you won't Motes, dust and detritus by RazzRajen

and thank you Ice for the mention of my three poems. Your comments helped.
...and to Everyone - I apologize for last slew of poems. I was at the lowest I have been in two years and felt a lot of defeat because it came back so hard. Yeah, I am a rapid cycler...Maria is going to make me do more work now, I heard her threat to Anna :) Gotta love bossy women :devil: I had better add "sweet, loving bossy" before she really gets mad :p
Anyway, when I posted all those, I really had a bad who cares attitude and didn't think it would hurt anyone. I was at the lowest low, pushing limits, now I starting my rushes up, might even out a bit now...back to normal again. please!
I kind of get negative too. Boo, hasn't been around. Hope you aren't mad and are ok Boo. I realized I was wrong after I posted it. The poem was coming from you, from your gentle point of view...and this was about your parents. I am truly sorry.

As I already told someone, next time, if it should ever get like this will but hopefully not as bad...I will refrain from posting poems and just read, vote when I can. I am a true nutcase :D :rose:
Re: A few mentions before January is done---

Angeline said:
I've been pretty busy of late and have not had time to read and comment on new poems. That's likely to continue but I started to read the new poems just now and had to recommend

Solo by RisiaSkye.

Let me smile,
making you laugh as though
innocent and unafflicted, like before
this recent shaking told me
I was addicted
to the pain. The heartbreak
of loving you is that it's just like being
seen, and loved, and accepted
and wanted for myself
from behind glass.
Just another striptease for
a buck, the fantasy play
of a down & dirty fuck, an embrace
that can't hold me.

Risia is wonderful, and consistently so. She writes fluidly, fluently and with insight and sensitivity. (I love her writing. Can you tell? lol.) Read this poem, and if you haven't discovered her yet, do so. You'll be moved by her poetry.

And the very next poem I see is neonurotic's Flasback to Ropongi, which is--imo--one of the best-writ poems I've seen at Lit.

I want dirty sex on clean sheets,
get nasty with Natsu and her
plum sweet sister, Setsu.
They teach me kinky can be endless
with twins in lotus position,
disappearing into ivory skin,
a double happiness, bliss out.

This poem has to my ear a perfect pace and incredible narrative power. I defy you to find anything redundant or unnecessary in it--it's lean. Couldn't let it go by without a mention, neo. Just wow! :)

There's more that's very good from today, but these two just grabbed my attention. Please give them some of yours. :) :rose:

:rose: Thank you Angeline and echoes for the time, the mention, and the praise. It means a lot to a poet like me who lacks self-confidence in their art.

Also thank you to the PC's, Maria and Anon. :)

- neo
"I kind of get negative too. Boo, hasn't been around. Hope you aren't mad and are ok Boo. I realized I was wrong after I posted it. The poem was coming from you, from your gentle point of view...and this was about your parents. I am truly sorry."

Yes darling- I'm ok! And it's ok if it made you negative. At least it made you feel something! Even anger is preferable to nothing. I'm proud of it- it provoked conversation and thats what makes me excited! And PERKS liked it!!! Whew!!! LOL So you just keep your moody self writing and sharing- we all love you and your echoes! I guess y'all know by now I'm a bit of the same. I think we all are! So be at home here, love! :rose: :rose:
New Poems on 02/01/04

There are 33 new submissions on this first Feb, Sunday, and I bring one non-erotic "spinner" as always.

For today's oldie I bring a poem from 7/13/03. It took only one spin to find this poem by RazzRajen. A poet who has shown growth as his body of work at Lit. has grown.

Growth unlimited
Equals begets the question
none have equals
all are unique each soul ,
each one; each One

and all when they join, encompass the other
who knows this , triumphs over the bonds of physicality
who doesn't, subsumes in the flare released
cinders burn, many claim to walk the abyss

how many even take the first step
faltering like Old men
I am an old man feeble and frail
who peers glaucously at the shapes, at the end of His arm
Guide His essence out and drink

The young grow on the bones of the elders
fallen down and mowed under,
fallow for the feeders, little maggoty thoughts ,
soupcons of desire
Take this bell and peal the heart,
show the gaping areas of nonsuch
where is the wonder and who is the fairy?

First on the list today is an E painted on a cave wall by Maria2394. Maria speaks of a time of ash and ochre. Much of her "time" and thought is twisted, and bad science. But when it come to her final strophe she has the truth.
. . .
she is agriculture,
she is speech, she is history
she is patience
and she owns her man
he just doesn’t know it

The second poem in today's list also deserves an E . No! In actuality it demands it! Laurel must have run out of them to miss this fantastic Denis Hale poem. She should buy a big box of Es and just ship them to Denis. This review of Sunday's new poems is going to pause now . . . the other 31 works will have to wait awhile. I am going back to carefully restart Flossing A Nerve With Pencil Lead again, while you go begin your daily mental hygiene.
Before breakfast
I log on
to the pornography portal
and watch a real time
streaming video
of a blonde girl shoving
six pieces of Almond Roca
with all the nuts sucked off
straight into her puckered
quivering bulls eye
of an asshole; then,

an Irish Setter
starts licking the candy out
one piece at a time
as she straddles the U-bolt
on a cherry red fire hydrant,
throwing her head back
with a Mary Pickford

When the dog
begins to do
the other
predictable things

I slap the laptop
firmly shut
and head right out
the front door

like a dessicated
. . .
JEEEZ! I need a drink. :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
(Hey Lucy. . . has the game started yet?)

Regards,                 Rybka
Re: New Poems on 02/01/04

Rybka said:
First on the list today is an E painted on a cave wall by Maria2394. Maria speaks of a time of ash and ochre. Much of her "time" and thought is twisted, and bad science. But when it come to her final strophe she has the truth.

Regards,                 Rybka [/B]

thanks for the mention Rybka...but as for being twisted time and bad science? <giggles>
how bout lets say,... ultra-condensed history OF time, which is sorts relavent cause not that much has changed :D

Im pretty sure its not all totally inaccurate :rose:
thanks again, maria
Re: SUPPORT Your LOCO Poet!!

Rybka said:
Two of our poetesses have contributed stories to the Literotica Valentines Day Contest. Both also manage to sneak in a little poetry! Who knows, maybe their efforts will even begin to raise the literary tastes of the Literotazzi. :D

Our little swirly-whirly gives our heads a curly-wurly with Meet Me in the Middle Go read and vote on annaswirls' entry.

And while you are story reading you also must read and support champagne1982 and her Winsome Romance with a bubbly lover's toast.

LOCO?? LOCO you say? Well, that's just nuts!

Thank You Rybka! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to acknowledge your plug. I read annaswirl's story and as usual, was rewarded with a wonderful taste of her style, this time in a different milieu. A marvellous first story effort anna!

Boo, your public comment made me want to hand you a bouquet too. :rose: :rose: :rose: Thank you for your support.

After reading Denis Hales' Flossing A Nerve With Pencil Lead I hope you took a break, brushed your eye teeth, and brain gargled before going on to the other new poems de jour. The flavor of remaining Hale may overpower the more subtle offerings of this Sunday's other sonic soufflés. :) I apologize to poems I would normally mention. :rose:

Liar, a recent addition to the Lit. poetry group, has a decent grasp on the words of science as he demonstrates with the third poem on today's list, iota of now.
no longer than
the nanosecond
in which a photon
bleeds encapsulated
energy signalling
presence and position
did I wait

no further than
the space between
now and then
where a thin
slice of present
splits history
into record
and uncertainty
did you get

no louder than
this thought
tearing grey matter
did I speak

no slower than
the carousel
of tides
and the swirl
of galaxies
did you turn

no longer than
this iota
did it take

to still
my panic

this time

Annaswirls and takes no backseat to anyone, not even Denis, but her Open is much less frenetic and much softer. While Hale is on speed today, Anna is a much gentler wine buzz. But she is still a great high. Go read, feed, vote, and comment.
local library parking garage
elevator rises over street,
monkeys in a glass cage

third floor, Rae
points to Matisse’s goldfish pond
frozen on concrete below
. . .

OKAY! OKAY! I give up. I can't do it!
There are many fine poems out there by many fine poets, but my palate has been ruined for the day by Denis Hale. When I am unable to bring myself to recommend the work of such fine Literotica poets as smithpeter, perks, oxalis, Tristesse, and 2rivers, not to mention the efforts of some of the newer or less frequent contributors like Odee, echoes_s, thenry, GodessWithRedHair, and even Svenskaflicka then it is time to put my scribbling pencil away for the day. :(

SO, today it is up to you to find your own favorite poems and tell the other thread readers what they should not miss. Denis Hale has written a work that should be immediately published by someone in hard copy and I cannot be objective today. - My advice to you is DO NOT READ DENIS HALE'S NEW POEM UNTIL YOU HAVE READ ALL OF THE OTHERS!! - Then go get ready for the Super Bowl after you finally do read it.)

Regards and apologies,                 Rybka
Doggy and Missionary- I stand corrected

Some of you may remember my Doggy poem....

(although if you check the more current public comments on such poem,
you will find that it is of the opinion of a certain someone
that many of you do not really even exist-- trippy huh?)


But THAT is not the reason for this post, I swear it--

upon researching a story I am writing (I AM going to finish it!)
I learned something very facinating,
debunking my anti-missionary sentiment
among the chimps at the zoo.....

In pygmy chimpanzees, every copulation is invariably preceded by female presentation, which takes two forms. In one form, the female stands quadrupedally, facing away from the male and thrusting her genitalia in front of the male; this is followed by dorso-ventral copulation. In the other form, the female lies on her back in front of the male, spreads her thighs, raises her buttocks, adjust herself, and shows her sexual organs; the male approaches and copulates ventro-ventrally." (Kano, T. (1992) The Last Ape: Pygmy Chimpanzee Behavior and Ecology; Stanford Univ. Press, Standord p. 140-1)


hmm I bet that even the bears would rather call it
"doggy" than "dorso-ventral copulation"

If you find this to be interesting at all,
please keep an eye out for my new story.
I have set Thursday night as my self imposed deadline....
This is not a pre-plug plug either yeah right!
Just an incentive to finish the ventro-dorsal-ante-posto copulating thing!!!

Re: A few mentions before January is done---

Angeline said:
I've been pretty busy of late and have not had time to read and comment on new poems. That's likely to continue but I started to read the new poems just now and had to recommend

Solo by RisiaSkye.

Once again darlin', your check's in the mail.
Thank you, very much, for the mention. This one was painful as hell to write, so I'm glad it came across.

Re: Rybka Review

Thank you Rybka,

for the enthusiastic comments
on my latest submission.

I really appreciate it.


Thank you Rybka, for having enough momentum to go ahead and mention my iota before you swooned out completely.

And damn you denis, don't be so f****g good. :D ;)

(will add some recommendations from yesterday's list later. I'm late for work...)

Last edited:
Looking for a life thought paradox type of poem to think upon. Any recommendations?

Great poems btw, I've reading Ms. Hynde for a awhile now. ;)

Re: New Poems on 02/01/04

Rybka said:
There are 33 new submissions on this first Feb, Sunday, and I bring one non-erotic "spinner" as always.

For today's oldie I bring a poem from 7/13/03. It took only one spin to find this poem by RazzRajen. A poet who has shown growth as his body of work at Lit. has grown.

Thanks Rybka for the mention of the poem. I had not quite realized how much time had gone by since I first started posting at lit. to have one of My poems show up in the spinner section.

Just to acknowledge a debt of gratitude to all those who devoted some of their time to read my poems, vote, post public comments, write to me, or mention me in the forum discussion.

Each one of you has helped a lot.


Thanks Liar for the read and mention :rose:
Poor Rybka...never saw a man or fish swoon before, but he had just reason to!
I have to go read poems myself, being side tracked last two days in a flurry of writing and Paint Shop...Woe! :devil:
I am still reading...

A lot fewer poems this Monday, but computer problems have put me a bit behind. I'll be back in a bit with this Monday's new poems. As a teaser, here are a couple of poems... following a sub theme in today's poems, two experiments:

experimental jedi passion by perks


Experimental Peach by Eumenides

I will be back...

jim :)
Monday's New Poems...

Okay, I'm back. After two Monday's in a row with 50 new poems, I had a relatively easy night with only 24. As I teased you with a couple of poems, I touch briefly on an interesting bit of poetic intercommunication and experimentation.

Perks and Eumenides treated us with some interesting experiments, or so the poem titles insinuated. Each posted three poems with a whirling set of poems using short lines and fast rhymes, each a tongue twisting delight to read. My two favorites are:

Experimental Peach by Eumenides

"I need the heat
The passionate beat
Of flesh against flesh
Slapping, slurping, sweet
Drinking the nectar
Of your private sector
So erotic, baby
Entirely hypnotic
The grinding sensation
Of pelvic vibration
As I dance
Dripping dew
As you lap from my peach
Just within reach..."

and it picks up steam after that...


experimental jedi passion by perks

"passionate perfection
lacy confection
delicious distraction
inordinate attraction
lips teasing mine
tasting of wine
and something divine
no pantyline..."

both fun poems to read...

And don't miss the others: "passion experiment' & "experimental breakfast" by perks and "Experimental Dollops" by Eumenides.

Aside from the experiments I ran across a submissive's poem that I thought felt a cut above most. I found it passionate, yet subdued... worth a read, comment and vote:

Owned by Ravishing .

While perks and Eumenides thrilled me with driving rhyme, echoes_s aroused my attention with three sensuous poems, with some lovely alliteration the poems were outright sexy to read. The best of the three, I thought was: Bathed , but don't miss "sensuous" or "on fire". With each poem she writes, you see the development of a new technique, a new idea, or a new vision. She's a rising star in my sky.

Tonight was a night of threes, as HomerPindar also brought us three poems. My favorite of these three was: Wyoming

"Off the road -
over by the barbwire -
there's a spot of grass I'm eyeing.
Should those colors run off without me
I suppose it's there I'll lie
to sleep, perchance to stay dry."

I could feel the oncoming storms...

Prose poetry often eludes me, leaving me wondering whether it is really flash fiction or poetry, however, Man Ray grabbed me with an echoing love poem that with ordinary words describing two ordinary people something ordinary could become extraordinary:
Two ordinary people

Seattle Rain with a minimum of words offers a great taste: flavors .

Then, tearing me from the minimal beauty of Seattle Rain's poem, Oxalis slaps me with a surreal look at yesterday's grand game, and the grey skies, and the absolute pornography of media and commercial hype in: hint of day

And, like last week, I save my favorite for last.

With an off-beat phrasing, that I so wish I could mimic, 2Rivers knocked me over with: womanly

"...hopefully clockwise
at my orientation
equator tango crossing, now it’s safe to
twist that counter way..."

The things he does to language is a sin, but if it's a sin lord, let me sin again and again.

Everyone, read, comment and vote on these and the other new poems. The above poems were my personal favorites for todays new poems, others I didn't mention you may find equally appealing to you, so read all the new ones...

And hey, take a peek at wow, she's got a lot going on over there.

Until next week...

jim :)

It’s kind comments from you that make this a warm and welcome place to fling our stuff.
I appreciate your notice. Your poetry is tops on my daily list .
Am enjoying your exploration of image and text.
My best to you and yours!
thank you

Thank you, Jtserra for noticing my little poem in the midst of so many big poets. I am amazed at what I have found here in this corner of literotica. Thank you for the welcome.
