new poems


Look above! Three virgins all in a row! Now thats a sight you don't often see these days! :nana: Now, I wonder who will be the first to lose their cherry? :devil:
Thanks Jim! :rose:
Like Leonard Cohen once said
"I aimed them at the stars but like rainbows they were bent..." ;)
Feb 3

Isadora Danced
by Tristesse ©

I couldn't help thinking of jthserra's Isadora Fall when I read this.
Both wonderful poems.


Temptation's Dance (an epic)
by champagne1982 ©

Yes, it's of epic proportions and I have the attention span of a kitten. Champagne bubbles, I'm still reading it.
But you do have my attention with the lusty snake chick:

"Be mine," she said, as the wind whipped through the black tendrils of her hair.
"You're worthy of my attention," she hissed, "Come with me to my lair."
Too late he'd realized that this twisted answer to his prayer,
Was a serpent, dark and sinuous, and not the asked for maiden, fair.


Oh, this is good!
No excerpt. Read the poem in its entirety.

in the keep
by oxalis ©


Okay, this is it for now. I don't feel like reading anymore poetry until later. I'm suddenly moody and I want something sweet. No, I want sex. No wait, I want sex and chocolate at the same time. Forget it. I want to go shopping for new shoes.
Re: Feb 3

WickedEve said:
[...] Temptation's Dance (an epic)
by champagne1982 ©

Yes, it's of epic proportions and I have the attention span of a kitten. Champagne bubbles, I'm still reading it.
But you do have my attention with the lusty snake chick:

"Be mine," she said, as the wind whipped through the black tendrils of her hair.
"You're worthy of my attention," she hissed, "Come with me to my lair."
Too late he'd realized that this twisted answer to his prayer,
Was a serpent, dark and sinuous, and not the asked for maiden, fair.
Thanks for the mention WEve. There's more goin' on over at Boo's Epic Challenge, Anyone? thread.. please enjoy!
Moth or Hummer?

While Eve is away doing wicked things I found one that I really like. Our new friend Liar has caught the little tragedy of an unexpected and unneeded death. Go give him support for DJ Buzz Crucified
Don Juan scans
the field of sweet
nubile nectar
and quivering leaves

this flower deflowerer
lover of amaryllis
aviation acrobat
cruising his reign

where stains of sun
escape through
the lush to blush
the cheeks of a single
swooning lily
so nervously swaying
her virginal beauty

and Don Juan
. . .
Thanks, for covering my butt, fishy. I just read DJ Buzz Crucified. Definitely one of the best today.
I better go see what else I missed.

By the way, I did nothing wicked. :eek: Well, just a little.
Thanks Jeff for the mention and heads-up email.

and thanks to the readers who've left comments, it's made fighting my cold that much easier :)

Comment made by jthserra
Aside from the experiments I ran across a submissive's poem that I thought felt a cut above most. I found it passionate, yet subdued... worth a read, comment and vote:

Owned by Ravishing.

While I'm pleased it got noticed. I'm in no way submissive. It was written for my love's roleplay channel, as a opening to the website. It was done with two characters in mind. Perhaps why it is, the way it is when I completed it. But I thankyou all the same.
Anna Spits by annaswirls

Certainly erotic, bringing images to life in a wonderfully unique, if odd way. I don't think all would enjoy the 'feel' of it, but it's certainly enough of a taste to her style for me to delve into her previous works for a peek.


Ad Mission by Toward A Word

Loved it. It's that simple, and it's so true.
Ravishing said:
Anna Spits by annaswirls

Certainly erotic, bringing images to life in a wonderfully unique, if odd way. I don't think all would enjoy the 'feel' of it, but it's certainly enough of a taste to her style for me to delve into her previous works for a peek.

Thank you Eve and Ravishing for your mentions here, :heart:
and for the kind and/or disturbed PC's etc. on my AnnaSpits poem.

I was taking things too seriously :rolleyes:
and I feel SO much better and had so much fun writing this.

Wonder how long it will take for me to reach saturation again
and have to squeeze out

"Anna Swallows"

So glad..

that you had fun in writing it Anna, after all writing anything should be all about enjoyment. Otherwise I'd feel there's little point.
Re: So glad..

Ravishing said:
that you had fun in writing it Anna, after all writing anything should be all about enjoyment. Otherwise I'd feel there's little point.
Ravishing my Dear,
You MUST be new to poetry if you think that writing is always enjoyable.. :) To often it is closer to passing a kidney stone than finding a pearl.
Almost always it is something that MUST be done, not something that you do in a moment of joyous abandonment. If you haven't learned that yet than you are not yet a poet. - Wait until you cannot even generate the pearl, nevermind pass the stone. :)

Regards, Rybka
Old fish person, speak for yourself. Writing is always and only a joy for me.

Perdita :)
Re: Re: So glad..

Rybka said:
Ravishing my Dear,
You MUST be new to poetry if you think that writing is always enjoyable.. :) To often it is closer to passing a kidney stone than finding a pearl.
Almost always it is something that MUST be done, not something that you do in a moment of joyous abandonment. If you haven't learned that yet than you are not yet a poet. - Wait until you cannot even generate the pearl, nevermind pass the stone. :)
Well then, Rybka, I humbly thank you for mentioning the works of this Not Yet Poet yesterday. :)

Pearls, stones and poets. I write when it feels good to write. When it doesn't, there are always other outlets.

perdita said:
Old fish person, speak for yourself. Writing is always and only a joy for me.

Perdita :)

Well said, 'dita. I do "need" to write, but I love the process--it fascinates me. I feel happy and totally engaged in it when I write. Sort of a cross between sexual release and triumphing over a really hard crossword puzzle at once. Ok, that sounds pretty weird, lol. But, you know what I mean...I hope. :)
I half agree with all of you. It's always a pleasure to write, even when it hurts like passing a kidney stone. ;)
You little masochist you. :)

Anyway, that was not why I posted:

Did anyone but me notice that there was a batch of today's new poems up recently? But when I looked again after lunch, they were gone, and yesterday's list, starting with Anna, is back again. A system hiccup? A glitch in the matrix? A "shut up and don't ask so many questions"?

Liar said:
You little masochist you. :)

Anyway, that was not why I posted:

Did anyone but me notice that there was a batch of today's new poems up recently? But when I looked again after lunch, they were gone, and yesterday's list, starting with Anna, is back again. A system hiccup? A glitch in the matrix? A "shut up and don't ask so many questions"?


yours is not to question why....

I never know, I just go back to home and start over usually things reset.

if only life....
Rybka said:
Ravishing my Dear,
You MUST be new to poetry if you think that writing is always enjoyable.. :) To often it is closer to passing a kidney stone than finding a pearl.
Almost always it is something that MUST be done, not something that you do in a moment of joyous abandonment. If you haven't learned that yet than you are not yet a poet. - Wait until you cannot even generate the pearl, nevermind pass the stone. :)

Regards, Rybka

Actually I've been writing for years. Even the most hardest pieces to write, the ones that are written on the toughest subjects your mind can dredge up from those darkest of hours in your life, is STILL ultimately a joy. For it is an achievement, an accomplishment. Something that no matter how hard you worked, how many tears fell while you wrote it, YOU still wrote it. You survived, not only the writing of it, but the memory it may have brought to the forefront of your mind. So, ultimately, writing is a joy for me, it is also a release, a moment of mental climax, a pleasure to have experienced.

But, maybe thats just me. I've always been told I am 'different'. And, for that I am glad.


And now, for the New poems I read through.

The Next three are by BloodyBunny:

Venus Orchestra : Oooo I liked. Nice imagery, nice wording, sensual most certainly.

Slutty Schoolgirls : Once again, liked, loved, adored.

Vampire's Embrace : Damn, very, attention grabbing.

Unsuitable Suitor by WickedEve : Simply a fantastic read.

Fuel by Liar : Just simply wow.

My comments may not be considered much by some, if because of the lack of words. But they are still my verbalism of the emotions the poetry made me feel.

~ Ravishing ~
Lauren Hynde said:
I half agree with all of you. It's always a pleasure to write, even when it hurts like passing a kidney stone. ;)

lol. you crack me up ana banana. ever the diplomat. lol. :p
I have so much fun writing, I do, but I think I know what Rybka meant. It is not the writing that is painful so much as it is:
...being a writer and not writing?

When I finish a poem I have been living with, I often go through a period of grieving-- isn't that silly.

I feel like I have lost a lover
and damn now I have to invent a new one.

When there is nothing cooking,
it is very cold

and there is the pain that comes from not sleeping
and bumping into things

Also to be a poet, you must be very sensitive
to everything around you, and shit,
that can hurt like hell,
a raw nerve that everyone can touch

and writing is putting yourself out there
naked, when no one notices
or laughs and points
or does well other things
one might do to you
when you are out there naked
well that can you know
can also be nice
it is a risk

where is my therapist
takin it out on these kind folks

shut up and write a poem about it crazy bitch