new poems

I don't usually spend enough time on my poems to get attached to them, but I feel that way about prose. I create characters that I enjoy being. I live their lives, and I'm sad when I have to leave.
WickedEve said:
I don't usually spend enough time on my poems to get attached to them, but I feel that way about prose. I create characters that I enjoy being. I live their lives, and I'm sad when I have to leave.

yeah, I don't spend near enough time with mine -- I guess it is just the poems that have been brewing in my subconscious, or festering, decaying? ripening?
Angeline said:
Well said, 'dita. I do "need" to write, but I love the process--it fascinates me. I feel happy and totally engaged in it when I write. Sort of a cross between sexual release and triumphing over a really hard crossword puzzle at once. Ok, that sounds pretty weird, lol. But, you know what I mean...I hope. :)
Yes, I do know what you mean. I would have used other metaphors, but then that's why I write. :kiss:

perdita said:
Yes, I do know what you mean. I would have used other metaphors, but then that's why I write. :kiss:


Yes. If we all used the same metaphors, there would be nothing interesting to say. I like my cultural world with Shakespeare and Kurt Vonnegut and Langston Hughes and Piet Hein and Margaret Atwood and Basho and Bukowski in it and on and on. :) :kiss:
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Saying It Better Than I Did. . .

Rybka said:
Ravishing my Dear,
You MUST be new to poetry if you think that writing is always enjoyable.. :) To often it is closer to passing a kidney stone than finding a pearl.
Almost always it is something that MUST be done, not something that you do in a moment of joyous abandonment. If you haven't learned that yet than you are not yet a poet. - Wait until you cannot even generate the pearl, nevermind pass the stone. :)
Maybe no one else feels the pain of needing to expel a poem as much as I do at times. Perhaps passing kidney stones is too rare an occurrence. Would it make any more sense to call it "brain constipation" with the related pain of not being able write/shit until you rip a new larger sized brain/asshole, and then the joy/relief when the crap finally begins to freely flow? :) :p :)

Anyway, today Icingsugar describes the pre-shitflow I know all too well in far more elegant terms. :rose:

Glass Bubble Feedback Loop

Contained in a glass bubble of
equal self loathing and hubris
the poet curls up to a primal
ball weeping his spiteful
sulphuric acid onto a still
by pen unmolested paper square
that could become either grandeur
or the carefree crayon sketches
of an infant in a grown man's body.

Combined efforts of muscle and mind
grips the too expensive lead and
pearwood pencil shaft
between a trembling thumb
and an unwilling index finger
as a paper dry whispering hiss
through clenched jaws proclaims

come on come oooon
you motherfucker

over and again but to no end
because a held pen is just another
impotent penis extension
until it bleeds coal and starts
scratching the surface.

Scratching the surface with unarmed
nails bitten down to the elbow
the poet mimes and mimics his dream
into the nothingness of twitches
unregistered and ideas fleeing
faster than the impossibly small
patch of geist roaring at his
tortured temples

shut up you man shaped travesty
take a break and smell the roaches
wake up and smell the coffin.

But the poet clenches his fist
in a Gollum dwarfing snarl
around his own his presscioussss
golden black lead and pearwood
powerless dumbass dildo

that could never write the
mumbling of that tambourine strung
heart echoing too much inside walls
of a glass bubble becoming
too distorted to decipher

unless the poet listens
with an honest open mind

that this very moment threatens
to break his skull from the inside
with the nail and glass
Molotov Cocktail bomb
that his held back pinned down
unattended unfed muse
soon will detonate
just to leave that wasteland
once and for all.

She is just behind his shoulder
if only he would turn and
chance a glance,

but the poet's shoulders
are higher than his head
as he rocks his fetal shell
back forth back forth

and such a degradation
takes too much dedication.

Still the paper,
corner torn surface worn
crumpled to a ball
rocks beside the poet,
empty as ever.

Regards, Rybka
Rybka and Ice: good grief, I think I finally get toilet humor. You're both too hysterical for me. And no, I've never felt like 'that'.

I don't know if there is anyone in particular that does todays poems, but I can't afford to wait and see. I just had to reccomend three great poems:

Enough, in which echoes_s fills the world with warm, loving and very resolute determination.

Jthserra's Coyotes that are not quite coyotes, but something quite more sinister.

And finally:

BooMerengue's A Delta moment that brought a cold Northretn girl like me straight into the hot and sweaty delta to a wonderful scene.

That's all for now. Good night, poets! :rose:
Toilet Humor and the Genders

perdita said:
Rybka and Ice: good grief, I think I finally get toilet humor. You're both too hysterical for me. And no, I've never felt like 'that'.

Dearest Per,
Perhaps (as I recently wrote to another Lit. poetess) it is due to your lack of a prostate gland. - Believe me, there comes a time in a man's life when "going" is almost as pleasurable as "cumming". (And I will state to younger male poets that if you disagree now, someday you will understand.)

I still don't understand why you women think "fart jokes" and farting aren't funny. Eructations from either end of the alimentary canal are funny. Most honest men will tell you so. ;)

Regards, Rybka
Thank you...

Linbido for the kind words about my poem Coyote. Coyotes are a particular type of problem here in the southwest. Too many of their "clients" have died on their journey.

Watch for my follow up poem titled Migra, another obstacle to the undocumented people flowing into our country.

jim :)
Ryb, I am in awe. You may just have pin-pointed the very fundamental differences between the sexes.

best, Per :rose:

It's as simple as.... an understanding was reached.

Now though, I'm going to return to lurking, whatever good day I might have been able to have was ruined by a comment made somewhere else. I do hope everyone here at Lit. Has a better day than me. I wouldn't wish how I feel on anyone.

~ R ~
In some cases...

I have to agree with Rybka. While some poems are an absolute joy to write, there are other ones, sometimes deep dark ones that need to be written, but then simply refuse to appear when I sit down to write. I can get obsessive about things and unless I can walk away from the poem right then, it will continue to nag at me, often to the point that it is useless to write anything else.

Occasionally I can fool it by making some notes in my pad, notes that one day I will come back to, but other times it sits there, shutting me down completely. I have not had the occasion to pass a kidney stone, and I don't want to imagine what that feels like, but that poem does hurt.

jim :)
BooMerengue's A Delta moment that brought a cold Northretn girl like me straight into the hot and sweaty delta to a wonderful scene.

Thanks, Lin!

Thank you, all of you, for the PC's and the feedback! Even the one snide one was fine! It's just a shadow picture I saw out the corner of my eye...

Ryb? Aren't you the one told me not to let it get to you? Shake it off, go pee. shake it off again, and come back with more of your wit! It's a necessary thing!

thank you to everyone who left PC's on my new poem. once again the crowd at Lit is extremely helpful and supportive.

i have one question: what does the little "e" mean? it's green and kind of ominous.

Re: keen

mojo_cat said:
thank you to everyone who left PC's on my new poem. once again the crowd at Lit is extremely helpful and supportive.

i have one question: what does the little "e" mean? it's green and kind of ominous.


Be proud. It's good. It mean's you're the Editor's choice. :D

edited to add.......your also "hot" well done! An H and an E!
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What pisses me off is when we go off to do these same title challenges and I start with a nice tidy little tidbit that I want to write and some other poem strongarms its way into my brain. Usually they are way better than my first idea which goes to show that somebody else had to have written them and held me down screaming until they poured them into my brain....

Yeah, whatever the fuck I said.

Oh yeah, sorry to whomever gets to do poems whenever all my shit shows up....:D Be gentle, and kiss me when you're done.
The_Fool said:
What pisses me off is when we go off to do these same title challenges and I start with a nice tidy little tidbit that I want to write and some other poem strongarms its way into my brain. Usually they are way better than my first idea which goes to show that somebody else had to have written them and held me down screaming until they poured them into my brain....

Yeah, whatever the fuck I said.

Oh yeah, sorry to whomever gets to do poems whenever all my shit shows up....:D Be gentle, and kiss me when you're done.

Eggzactly! That happens to me too. It's not bad though, is it? Something else gets born because of the STC?
Tristesse said:
Eggzactly! That happens to me too. It's not bad though, is it? Something else gets born because of the STC?

Never bad. I honestly feel that some of my best stuff as come out of the STCs. Okay, the best stuff written by that alien that slimed my brain. And no, there were no anal probes involved....:p
Haiku Part V

Jthserra posts the fifth part of his discussion about haiku today and focuses on the natural and seasonal aspect of the traditional form. Click on More on Haiku: Nature & Kigo to go and read it.

explaining haiku
Jthserra drains kigo
last of the fifth
Re: Too late

Icingsugar said:
Too late for me to wait up for the promised second coming of Eve (yeah I know Lauren, I'm a wimp), I'm going to chip in with a recommendation.

Here is a poem with the title Fingered by a woman calling herself FuckDoll. The name and the title immediately triggered all my defensive reflexes, and solemnly, bt dutifully I clicked the link, expecting yet another cliché loaded cock/cunt/cum poem.

I was surprised. Delighted even. Seductive, in a direct, relaxed, conversational way.

Faded blue jeans are my comfort,
seeing them always means home.
Guaranteeing my success would be trivial
in hindsight, (besides I only spent a quarter.)

The painted face
means I'm up for anything,
don't you know? Lost in decadence,
bewildered by certain alluring spices.
I saw you once underneath the magic moon.
I was the girl with the curious stare.

I looked though her older stuff and found that it seems like this girl found a poetic strain somewhere lately. Much of the older stuff is in the over-the-top department. But some more recent stuff (from -03) really kicks ass.

hehe... thank you... I appreciate the mention... :)
Phew. I haven't been my Lit-poet-pestering self lately. I've been up to my elbows in equal amounts of snot and work. I hope you haven't felt all too lonely here without me.

Rybka, thank you for the mention of my stone-passing angst poem. I for one know that feeling all too well.

I'll have to take your words for the "coming" vs "going" business. I'm still young and dumb enough to prefer the former. :D

Thank you...

Rybka for the mentioning and commenting on my article: More on Haiku: Nature & Kigo. I appreciate the nod.

Keep an eye out for my next in the series... What is Senryu?

jim :)
new poems 2/5/04

There were 34 new poems today.

Considering the high quality of the poetry here lately, I was a little disappointed in today's offerings. Even the regular (not in that sense, Rybka) poets whose work I enjoy seemed to be not up to the usual standards (though my standards may not be yours, of course...).

But here are my picks:
The_Fool had several poems. I liked Smoke and Dark Disguises, but my favorite of his today was Cine. A splendid image.

I liked jthserra's followup to his coyote poem.

Migra paints a stark picture of the southwest.

And annaswirls gives us an unexpected view of joy in Philadelphia.

And I really loved finding out exactly what they share. But svelte walker never fails to loosen my jaw.

And last, I am pleased to see HomerPindar back among us mere mortals. While I enjoyed his lovely sonnet, The Lady Beside Me, his other poem is my pick of the day.

Go read Eternal Jack & Roma because I couldn't stop re-reading it for passages like this:
where mosquito's wings beat with
dramatic stillness
passes by in a blurr
Welcome back, Homer. I've missed you.


Now go read, give comments and vote if you wish. And let me know if I missed anything or if you found something I might not have wished to comment upon.

Thanks Cordelia for the mention, it's good to be back :D

A small note about The Lady, I posted it as erotic, but only because there wasn't a catagory for Romantic.

