new poems

Thanks for the mention Cordelia--

I am so so sleepy and the kids are
sick again

and who has energy for writing in February?
Whatever happened to that doggone groundhog?
Isn't he supposed to be popping up one of these days?

screw these infernal shadows!!!

thank you for your kind words on my poem of the plight of many of the undocumented workers. Migra is short for another hazard for the people: Immigration Officers.

jim :)

Thank you, so many times even you would lose count.
long ago
a shrinking poem
met a flower
they cursed at first
then kissed fists
now discuss uncertainties
and the only bread recipe
they both know
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lovely poem there Svelt

I had a few minutes to check things out this icy morning and DANG I wish I could stay! The selection is AMAZING. Cordelia got the wrong day to review.... I hope you have a lot more time to enjoy them


somehow something went wrong
my Who's the Queen was just a rough poke at
Royal Treatment

So please forgive and ignore the Queen one!!

ahhh humble pie for breakfast...yum

Gosh darnit!

My new illustrated poem, I am the Poem, is posted but not linked correctly and therefore can't be accessed. I'm alerting the press! (Well, I'm pming Laurel to let her know. :D ) In the meantime, the link below accesses a copy of it. Feel free to comment (and Eve, bless your wicked heart for commenting on my poem even when it *isn't* there, lol.)


I am the Poem
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Re: Gosh darnit!

Angeline said:
My new illustrated poem, I am the Poem, is posted but not linked correctly and therefore can't be accessed. I'm alerting the press! (Well, I'm pming Laurel to let her know. :D ) In the meantime, the link below accesses a copy of it. Feel free to comment (and Eve, bless your wicked heart for commenting on my poem even when it *isn't* there, lol.)


I am the Poem
BLAME Xtaabay!! She broke it! Probably dripped mulberry colored lava lamp juice all over it while in a lugubrious mood on Groundhog's Day. ;) :p ;)

Regards, Rybka
Ok, now I just have to ask:


It's sounds like a pun. Like Terry Pratchett's Hogswatch Night.

Liar said:
Ok, now I just have to ask:


It's sounds like a pun. Like Terry Pratchett's Hogswatch Night.


Oh boy. Lol. There is no way to explain this arcane bit of Americana without sounding utterly stoopid. I'll be back with a link. :)
Re: Re: Gosh darnit!

Rybka said:
BLAME Xtaabay!! She broke it! Probably dripped mulberry colored lava lamp juice all over it while in a lugubrious mood on Groundhog's Day. ;) :p ;)

Regards, Rybka


Damn those lavalamps! Are they still around? I blame darkmaas entirely for this! :p

Angeline said:
Oh boy. Lol. There is no way to explain this arcane bit of Americana without sounding utterly stoopid. I'll be back with a link. :)

ok. i'm back with info--

Groundhog Day, February 2nd, is a popular tradition in the United States. It is also a legend that traverses centuries, its origins clouded in the mists of time with ethnic cultures and animals awakening on specific dates. Myths such as this tie our present to the distant past when nature did, indeed, influence our lives. It is the day that the Groundhog comes out of his hole after a long winter sleep to look for his shadow.

If he sees it, he regards it as an omen of six more weeks of bad weather and returns to his hole.

If the day is cloudy and, hence, shadowless, he takes it as a sign of spring and stays above ground.

The groundhog tradition stems from similar beliefs associated with Candlemas Day and the days of early Christians in Europe, and for centuries the custom was to have the clergy bless candles and distribute them to the people. Even then, it marked a milestone in the winter and the weather that day was important.

and for the full embarrassing provincal story--

stoopid picture here
Or, Liar, you could check out "Groundhog Day" the movie with Bill Murray. I liked it, for what that's worth, but besides being a comedy, it actually takes place in the same town in PA where the whole groundhog thing is REALLY far bigger than it probably should be.

It may or may not be Groundhog Day, I honestly have no idea, but it is Friday, and yet another batch of illustrated poems. It seems to be my curse. Did I say curse? Blessing, I mean, of curs...course!

22 poems today, that is not counting annaswirls' double take, and the two poems on top, which are dated for tomorrow, so I'll leave them for the next sucker. :)

Anyway, here are the tastiest bits of today IMHO (In My Hillbilly Opinion):

* Africa On My Porch by WickedEve
I want to have Africa on my porch too. In the words of Eve, it sounds like the best thing there is. A slice of the world upfront and personal in a warm, very real scene that is now permanently stuck to my memory.

* envy by 2rivers
Six short lines. But if you're the right poet, you don't need more to say everything there is to say about PDA's (that's Public Displays of Affection). And 2rivers is the right poet.

* Aftertouch by Liar
Where did this guy go to school? You can't write like that and get away with it. It's as delicate as cobweb, it's as smooth as silk and sensual as f**k. Aftertouch takes about a minute to read, and it describes a second that you just wish would never end.

* Lassitudes by RazzRajen
RazzRajen is one of those poets that I ever so often don't have to understand, just seeing their almost abstract word-scupltures is enough. With Lassitudes he hit one of those high-notes that he hits now and then, that just makes the sound of the poem soar all by itself.

More poems I'll pout if you don't read:

* I am the Poem by Angeline (illustrated)
A good poem. Spiffy graphical design. And a naked woman! What more can a dude ask for?

* Tête-à-tête with Clicker by annaswirls
A spicy, sexy and wickedly funny response to denis hales' Pocket Rocket poem from the other day.

* Royal Treatment by annaswirls
...and then she just get's over the top nasty. In a growling good way.

* La Guadalupana by Xtaabay (illustrated)
Too bad I can't see the illustration, but the poem is still remarkable on it's own.

* Your Fragrant Earth by Edwarlife
This was just too damn brutally charming not to mention. I think it's an ode to a hairy...

EDIT: Forgot this one...
* Last Dancers by jthserra
Haunting stuff about times passed. Go read.

Poets, you know the drill.


ps. Minor tooting of own horn is in my sig. I wrote a sci-fi story. Woo! ;-)
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you say very nice things,
thank you, very nicely


precious voice
slender purple vein
cocoa coffee
exercise wit
Icingsugar said:
It may or may not be Groundhog Day, I honestly have no idea, but it is Friday, and yet another batch of illustrated poems. It seems to be my curse. Did I say curse? Blessing, I mean, of curs...course!..........

Anyway, here are the tastiest bits of today IMHO (In My Hillbilly Opinion):.................

More poems I'll pout if you don't read:

* I am the Poem by Angeline (illustrated)
A good poem. Spiffy graphical design. And a naked woman! What more can a dude ask for?.................

ps. Minor tooting of own horn is in my sig. I wrote a sci-fi story. Woo! ;-)

Thank you, Ice, for the mention--tis appreciated. Thank you public commenters, and thank you Laurel for fixing the link--it works fine now.

And in response to the two pervy feedbacks I have thus far received (not from anyone here...uh...I don't think), it ain't a picture of me. I am a) way too shy and b) my Photoshop skills are insufficient to knock 20 years off myself, but I appreciate the "woohoos" nonetheless. :D

And Ice? You're a hillbilly? There are Swedish hillbillies?
Icingsugar said:
* Africa On My Porch by WickedEve
I want to have Africa on my porch too. In the words of Eve, it sounds like the best thing there is. A slice of the world upfront and personal in a warm, very real scene that is now permanently stuck to my memory.
"permanently stuck to my memory" is a wonderful compliment for any writer.
Oh my...

thank you Icingsugar for the mention of my Last Dancers. A kind of lament to the aging prima ballerina.

jim :)
Tristesse said:
Ahem! You forgot to mention one of the best posts of the day - IMHO.


What she said. I'm reading new poems now--read this first, and i'm laughing so hard I may not be able to continue. Sinuses are public enemy #1 in my house. Bravo, Ice! :)
Thanks Icing

you always take the time in your day to review the days poems. and that is appreciated.

To have you pick one of mine as worthy of mention in all the other fine ones posted is a treat.

Thanks for that. If I can make one person feel, reflect and muse about what I write then I have done well....:)

Poems Finally Fixed

Hi. Just a quick note to mention that LIT has fixed the formatting on my poems. Apparently it really was my own fault but they've taught me how not to do it again. Anyway, I think these are good poems that didn't get a fair chance when they first went up last month and I ask politely that all interested parties please revisit them. Thanx!
Icingsugar said:
* Aftertouch by Liar
Where did this guy go to school? You can't write like that and get away with it. It's as delicate as cobweb, it's as smooth as silk and sensual as f**k. Aftertouch takes about a minute to read, and it describes a second that you just wish would never end.

Woah. I'm a readhead with about as much pigment as a polar bear, so I blush easily. Nevertheless, blush I do at this review and the way too flattering PCs. Thank you everyone. :rose:

New Poems of 2/8/04 (PART I)

There are 32 new submissions on this second Feb. Sunday, and I have one non-erotic "spinner" as always.

For today's oldie I bring a poem from almost a year ago. It took 14 spins to find this poem by Tristesse, who has been around and contributing since late '01, and has some 60 to 70 poems to read when you have some quiet time. It is always interesting to read a poet/esse's work in chronological order and watch as themes change, imagery and metaphor deepens, and breadth/scope widens. Tristesse has grown among us, but she was not without talent upon arrival. This one is a midrange poem found at random. :) :rose: :)
A House Divided

Here we are together,

In a room
Stacked high with boxes.



Here are books that we once loved,
In so many dusty stores.
I see you still,
In pools of dancing sunlight.
Grinning over Leacock.

"Remember this?"

"Yes, I remember that."

Smiling faces,
Photographs from a time we have forgot
Stacked against the wall,
Waiting to remind.

Waiting to be held.

A china dog,
The Fowler's gift.
They watched as we unwrapped.
Our eyes had met and fled apart.
And afterwards
We'd laughed.

So hideous.

So kind.

Our love, once strong,
Grew weak, neglected and ignored.
We were not looking,
Had turned away.

Lives evolve in time and
Chemistry precipitates the preordained.
The tangle of our careless words,
Exploding in fluorescence
As our egos clashed,
Harsh words
That spoke of a divided house.

Laurel's computer is rejecting my review as containing to many vB tags. So I will break it here and break the new poems section into as many as I must.
. . .PLEASE STAND BY . . .

Poems of 2/8/04 (PART II)

I started reading from the bottom of the list today when I saw who had the first poem on the list. I am not such a dumb old fish that you can catch me the same way twice in a row! :p
From the bottom then, the first (or last?) to be mentioned is Elizabetht with almost a third of today's new submissions. Such productivity deserves a mention even if the individual works do not rise above the average of Lit offerings. Here are my notes as I read through all 10 of her poems:
9 poems today; first story - end of Dec. of '03
Tends to write in the annoying "i" "You" sub-Dom style/mind-set; mostly descriptive prose that might better serve as vignettes in a story; prone to okasional spieling errers. Some interesting descriptions but limited in subject and depth.

svelte walker tells us what was said when the Jazz Girls were visited by a little bunny-boy bitch. I find it a little mean and uneven, but "our" Jazz Girls will enjoy it I am sure. :)

Jthserra is next with the first 5 of the day. I hope just he not the bunny-boy bitch just because he is into ballet! :) He creates An Illusional Ballet that requires that you go and look at it. I cannot quote from it here. - Well done, Jim! :rose:

Another new poet today, not a bunny-boy, but a rabbott, brings us Neveremore as well as Lost Souls. The latter is interesting but with an unusual rhyme scheme, and the former more usual:
Barbed tongue slithers
sends a little shiver
down your spine
taste the wine
drink the madness
feel the sadness
of the beast within
under your skin
. . .

"Smart Bomb" - an oxymoron jthserra tells us about in A Thousand Voices. How can a bomb be smart knowing it kills kids? - But then it commits suicide too doesn't it? I wonder if that is why??
A Thousand Voices

In bombers named for girls, we burned
The cities we had learned about in school-
from Losses
by Randall Jarrell

Dark voices once echoed from the sky
Rolled through their valleys like thunder.
Born from the hands of oily fire
Palms greased in napalm burned under
The pure white, bright phosphorus blast.
And now an infinite wisdom:
Thinking bombs, air iconoclast
Sent in surgical precision
While the children die just the same
As roadways burn and schoolyards echo
Proximity their only blame.
No one sees what the smart bombs know
With impassioned words from his breath
A thousand voices scream of death.
:( :rose: :(

dreamsweet is an infrequent posting poet, but even in poems of cathartic anger and release she shows flashes of the reality of her talent. Go read Mentally Addicted and support her.
. . .
But to the trees, I sang
of times when these things
would no longer be true.
I held up my hands,
and you seemed so close.
You seemed real to me.

(I was moreso the optimist then)

I was wanted, in my head,
if nowhere else, demanded,
for the strength of who I was,
not needed for what I could
sacrifice to everyone else.
You may have existed to me
only for the sake of agony,
but in my mind, you loved me.

(split in two, but you may be me)
. . .
Now on to PART III
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