new poems

New Poems of 2/8/04 (PART III)

Here is the last part of today's review.

All of the remaining poems to read are by forum regulars and include:


denis hale



steve porter



Wicked Eve's Sub Dust is very unusual for her, also very short. Go read it and decide for yourself if you like it. I, myself, am not sure. ;)

OT is smitten by a glimpse, albeit a short one and shortly lusts away.

oxalis has hurt himself. :( with a disjointed membership. I've never had that happen, but I once knew a Lake Tout. :)
self pleasure sparked by simple words
an order unknown till now
based on a stranger’s tout
reminiscence of kick and buck
knife and fork cannibals
face to face

Angeline (who let me steal a poem the other day), now has a Visionary experience and drags us with her. Go read and fill in the middle! :rose:
You see what matters.
Your eyes make the world.
Your perspective rolls lateral,
and this is life.

. . .

River flows
and rock erodes,
but the colors
of the setting sun on rock
are so beautiful.

Have you seen that?

steve porter writes erotically and in secret beneath the rose
oh american beauty oh scarlet blush
drenched red like the poets blood…

how i long to embrace you
to cradle softly your protected bouquet

and to crush your crimson petals
to my weary chest…

to observe you newly emerged
from the chastity of calyx

hard guardian of your resting essence…
how i aspire to reach out and to

spread your pentamerous flowerhead
with my gently probing fingers

and to bury my face in your heady scent
so to inter you deep into my soul…

but i can only admire you from afar
as you are years beyond my reach…

and i can only imagine how it must feel
for to pluck you now invites sudden death…

so we live our lives subrosa and
in secret beneath the rose.

Well, I saved denis hale and his erotically Check Your Balance for my last read of today's new poems. I didn't want get "swooned" again as last week before I finished reading everyone else's submissions, and mamma fish told me to save dessert for last. This Sunday's hale is not the fish buster of last week, but it is straight denis and that makes it worth your reading!
draped in mistletoe
and cherry chocolate
valentine hearts

starts to hum and spit
thin stacks of twenties

while he grins
like a girl at the controls
of an Easy Bake Oven.
. . .

So that's it for the Sunday fish review. Wrap me in newspaper and throw me away, but as always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I hope I have separated most of the wheat from the chaff today, But if you glean a grain or two, please pick it up and bring it to our attention! ;) Remember to vote, comment, and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
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Re: New Poems of 2/8/04 (PART I)

Rybka said:
There are 32 new submissions on this second Feb. Sunday, and I have one non-erotic "spinner" as always.

For today's oldie I bring a poem from almost a year ago. It took 14 spins to find this poem by Tristesse, who has been around and contributing since late '01, and has some 60 to 70 poems to read when you have some quiet time. It is always interesting to read a poet/esse's work in chronological order and watch as themes change, imagery and metaphor deepens, and breadth/scope widens. Tristesse has grown among us, but she was not without talent upon arrival. This one is a midrange poem found at random. :) :rose: :)


Thank you Rybka, for your kind and encouraging words.

Re: New Poems of 2/8/04 (PART III)

Wicked Eve's Sub Dust is very unusual for her, also very short. Go read it and decide for yourself if you like it. I, myself, am not sure. ;)[/B]

I, on the other hand, am sure. I do not like particularly like it. It's one of those poems you read the next morning and say, "What the hell did I submit?" lol Speaking of submit, actually, speaking of submission, I should have two poems tomorrow on the subject of submission, or things related to those who submit. These two, IMO, are better. Sub dust is about to get dusted off the site.

By the way, I'm seem to be in my BDSM poetry phase right now, so beware people. :devil:
Thank you Rybka

for the mention on my two poems. I've wanted to post An Illusional Ballet for some time, but it wasn't until I read Liar's post regarding font formatting, and Lauren's response, that I understood how to get it all to work (ie. center, and & nbsp; thing).

A Thousand Voices was a bit of a deadly twist on our president's father's a thousand points of light.

Thank you for reading and mentioning the poems.

jim :)
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Re: New Poems of 2/8/04 (PART III)

Rybka said:

OT is smitten by a glimpse, albeit a short one and shortly lusts away.
thanks for the mention. To be noticed is good, especially midst the poet postings of late which have been intimidatingly good.
My ummm review

While working through the mail tonight I run into an anon feedback telling me that I have managed to get into this threaded discussion. Interestingly enough I rarely come through this way. I spend alot of time over in the survivor contest forum, author's hangout, and the editor's forum.

A few things after reading the review...
- first, that annoying habit of the 'i' 'You' comes from being a collared slave offline, the annoying little habit as it was so pleasently put is how I write poetry as it is part of my way of expressing myself in my personal slave journal
- spelling errors, well if we were all perfect we would be published authors of hard cover books by now, I write what I write and how I write it, the only works that I spell check are the stories that I post, the poetry simply is what it is
- the theme of my poetry is my heart, my soul and what my feelings are when the poetry is written, not everyone has a sunshiny day or outlook for everything nor has everyone had not one but two extremely loved men die in their lives in the past 2 years

I am not complaining nor am I justifying anything, but glass houses are tough to live within.

Icingsugar said:

* Tête-à-tête with Clicker by annaswirls
A spicy, sexy and wickedly funny response to denis hales' Pocket Rocket poem from the other day.

* Royal Treatment by annaswirls
...and then she just get's over the top nasty. In a growling good way.

Thanks for the mention IcingSugah

I am wondering where my sentimental flowers have gone I can't seem to shake these nasties.

Is their some sort of lotion one can use to rid themselves of such things?

Thanks for your entertaining and appreciated comments and reads.

asleep at the Keys Annaswirls
Poems of 2/7/04

I don't know where Lauren has gone, but there were 25 new poems on Saturday the 7th, and I think a few of them should be recognized. My three picks of that day were: Word Drops by Tristesse; the first of the STC poems to be posted and the others will have to be very well written to surpass Tristesse's entry. :rose:
. . .
By noontime nouns seem nonsensical,
verbs venomous and proverbs
positively poisonous.
. . .
Scars by RazzRajen is (IMHO) one of his better recent poems. Razz is a good author, but tends (like me and some others) to use big or unfamiliar words when simpler/friendlier words would better serve. There is a place for unfamiliar words, but it should be restricted to when only that word will improve the poem (if the author wishes to reach the popular audience). ;)
Whispers are windows to the hearts desire
heard in the softest of sibilances
Something in the air, Moves
her eyes askance, her cheeks aflame
those self taught warblers trilled their song,
Golden rushes and white peonies
dressed in silks and taken astride
. . .
True Friends by destinyrose is an excellent example of "Hallmark" verse, and since it is very close to Valentine's Day. . . what the heck! Remember when we wrote and got such good love from our friends? :) :rose: :)

Every now and then,
You find that special friend,
Who never lets you down.
Who understands it all
Reaches out each time you fall

You’re the best friend that I’ve found
I know you can’t stay
But part of you will never ever go away
Your heart will stay

I will make a wish for you
And I hope that it will come true
That life treats you kind
To such a gentle mind

If you lose your way
Think back to yesterday
Remember me this way…
Remember me this way…

If you missed these poems please go correct your failing and give some kind of acknowledgement to the poets.

Regards, Rybka
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I'll be back in a bit

with the new poems... 60 new ones today, but I am just about finished reading. In the meantime, I have a preview...

Check out the clicker king by Liar. It's posted as a non-erotic poem, but I found it a very erotic look at a very sexy device.

jim :)
Re: I'll be back in a bit

I mean thank you and all.
But erotic? It's about my &%#@ VCR! ;)

Well I almost had this finished

and suddenly it was gone. So please bear with me as I start again.

Wow... today there was 60 new poems... These included a number (10) haiku like poems (17 syllable, 3 liners), where I couldn't help but suggest that perhaps the poems were a bit more like senryu than haiku. There were also some new illustrated and audio poems. None of these really grabbed me, but you might want to take a peek if you get a chance.

I will begin with my teaser... Liar brings us clicker king , a sexy (I thought) tribute to our remote controls:

"running abstraction amok
dots are slowly connected
and symbols white on black
comes ambitiously alive

trigger finger horny
I tap tap tap the dance
of black rubber nipples
responding with glitter"

He also brought a touching tribute to dogs, cats and other? household pets in
Housebroken. One that had me confused after my first read, but then I figured it out.

After reading a bunch of poems, without really grabbing onto one, suddenly Homerpindar's Palmero, Wooden Floors in his nod to Perks, brought a smile to my face. With some excellent imagery he put me, there with him in that old building. Read and enjoy this one.

Next in line, in my vertical reading was Odeee as he took me To the Mirror. There are some mystical questions hovering in that mirror. Odeee also took us to a Vegetable Mart of the likes you have never seen. Fed up with literary academia's choke hold on in print poetry, read this one.

P Vodogaz brings an exceptional view of a beyond with Voxifera. Sometimes his phrasing loses me, and sometimes it enthralls me. This one is enthralling...

"They believed that they were strong,
strong enough to withstand the harsh realities,
within the diarama of the cosmos.
They thought that their actions were unaccounted for,
but the ledger of the universe is always,
in the end, balanced out."

Elizabetht disappointed me with her distain for spell checking poetry, making me wonder if it's not worth spelling right, why is it worth writing? However, of her poems today, she did post one that I thought worked well...
Have You Ever Been Kissed . I would encourage her to continue trying poetry, hoping she will come to appreciate the absolute power of each word in the poem, and to mispell only when it adds something to the poem. Either way, this poem worked, well done.

I then got to experience an Unslaked Thirst by Goddess with Red Hair. A stunning effort from a fast developing poet Goddess.

Icingsugar surprised me with Nightwatch . Reading the title I immediately thought of Rembrandt's famous painting, but was surprised by a swirling portent of paranoia. In a bit of a different style, Icingsugar brought out some powerful couplets in this poem. Read, comment and vote.

The Pyramid by BGateswv69 (presumably not related to that other BGates) an interesting erotic poem of the exploration of the ancient pyramids. A bit torn between calling it a prose poem, prose or poetry, I think perhaps the term prosody fits here. It is an exotic trip worth a read, comment and vote.

after losing this post once, I am going to cut my losses and quickly post this... There is more to come, including my two favorites of the night. Stay tuned.

jim :)
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I continue...

Darkmaas has painted a Still Life with Rumpled Flesh and given us a touching poem. Wonderful rhythm and rhyme make this one a joy to read.

Boo Merenge brings us two poems from dark places. The first Loveshock was a sad, lonely look at a love's aftermath...

"I saw you in my tealeaves this morning.
Shadows, some of past and some of future.
Only the present unknown.

I died for you to be with you
I died when I walked away.
What do I do now?"

Dear John drops us in the jungles of Vietnam, amid the bullets, fire, mud, and death. A letter arrives to tragic results. High speed automatic weapons fuel these lines...

In a slighly premature worddrops annaswirls heated up my night... Read this sizzling one.

and yes there are more good poems...

oops... one I originally missed mentioning here was Echoes_s' (wow try that possessive on for size) Free to Be . Don't you miss it.

I can't say much about it without sounding dumbstruck. Just enjoy the pure poetry of: Skywriting by Angeline. Poetry, isn't it grand!

Seattle Rain impresed me with the flat out lust of Just . Hold onto something when you read it, this is no holds barred poetry.

Wicked Eve stunned me with her imagery in Substitution . Such vision...

Which brings us to my favorite(s) of todays new poems. With great respect to all other poems I mentioned, I offer you two poems which were my favorites of the night (I couldn't pick between them). The poems (in no particular order) were written by Wicked Eve and Seattle Rain.

Eve's Spanking Skirt had me grabbing my ankles, wishing I was there. But seriously, she brings us a stunning poem:

"Beneath oilskin slicker,
I'm vulnerable to the fall
of swift hands,

but they shy,
either pocketed from view,
or lost in grips of striking hammers."

Go read the rest... I have a weakness for intricate phrasing and perhaps a bit more.

Seattle rain, in just a few words took me away...
lips and braille . The understated eroticism here took my breath away. I told her I wish I wrote this one... I truly do. Read it and enjoy. Comment and vote...

Ah and I finished Monday's poems and it's still Monday... At least in Texas it is. Smithpeter had asked that we reviewers mention our own poems, so I will... I have two audio poems: Rebirth and Slippery in Endless Damp. I got a little pornographic with a sparkling bridge of sighs . So read and listen... vote if you like (my little friend has already awarded me my standard twos so if anyone could vote me an 8 it would help).

The above poems were the ones that caught my attention from the list of new poems dated 2/09/04. You may like some I didn't list, so go to the new poetry and read, comment and vote.

Have a nice evening,

jim :)
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Jim, thank you for mentioning my poem--I got some great comments on it (including a marriage proposal--and from one of my favorite Lit poets, too, so woohoohoo). :D

Thanks everyone who commented--and to those who expressed concern, I'm fine. Skywriting is about the resolution of an inner conflict, so it is not a "sad" poem for me at all. I much appreciate the kind words though. :rose:

If you will indulge me once more...

In a group of 60 poems it is easy to simply pass over a gem, as I did for Mia Moore's Hollow Doubt . Please take a moment to read this one, you will be glad you did...

jim :)
once again I give thanks

I then got to experience an Unslaked Thirst by Goddess with Red Hair. A stunning effort from a fast developing poet Goddess.

Thanks once again Jim, for mentioning a poem of mine and for the continuing encouragement.

Jim... Thanks for the hard work and kind words, baby!

But for SP's sake I have to say...

Bobby Elia was an acquaintance, not a close personal friend. Russ, Freddy and Mickey were but their B'days weren't Valentines Day, and it WAS a Valentines poem. Of a sorts...

And the tealeaves... I rarely do tealeaves... (I'm a Rune person)and I can't think of a single unresolved relationship in my life. I'm just one of those who deals head on, and then steps over the body wiping my hands on their jeans.

I sort of feel like an intruder here. cb9 and I actually had ugly words because he firmly believed every story and every poem was about me personally. Some are... some are very real to me but 9 times out of 10 they barely get a mention. So I go sit on the Town Square like a pigeon lady and watch others and make up their stories for them while they whittle and gossip cuz no one else probably ever will.

I also want to say this as an especial TY to those who comment on my work. I am truly sorry I don't always return the favor. I get approximately 1 hour pc time a day. And in that time I gather facts for new poems or stories, answer my pals on one thread, and read as much poetry as I can.

Anyway- clock's ticking... I'm sorry there was another STC and I missed it- did the thread move or something or was it a secret?

Have a great day, y'all!
Re: Well I almost had this finished

jthserra said:
Icingsugar surprised me with Nightwatch . Reading the title I immediately thought of Rembrandt's famous painting, but was surprised by a swirling portent of paranoia. In a bit of a different style, Icingsugar brought out some powerful couplets in this poem. Read, comment and vote.
Thank you Jim for the kind mention. You always seem to get a heavy load of good poems, and relentlessly give good review. Kudos.

It seems like the sentiment behind this poem got a bit lost in it's own strained cleverness. It was actually a quite simple love poem that ran amok while writing... Oh well, it was worth a shot, and in an odd way it even feels like a triumph that I managed to stump so many of you limber language acrobats. ;)

In a slighly premature worddrops annaswirls heated up my night... Read this sizzling one.

Thanks for the mention Jim, and my apologies for pre-mature posting, :eek:
it happens sometimes I have heard.
Just usually not when one is racing the clock to get it in on time.

Re: If you will indulge me once more...

jthserra said:
In a group of 60 poems it is easy to simply pass over a gem, as I did for Mia Moore's Hollow Doubt . Please take a moment to read this one, you will be glad you did...

jim :)

Wow, Jim, thank you for the mention, it is an honor to be included among so many wonderful poems and poets :rose:

As usual, denis offers an energetic poem with fabulous phrases.

Better Than Sex
by denis hale ©

When she finally exhales,
announcing her arrival
in the wake of a
seven forty seven
ripping open
the zippered
night sky,


Anna is bothered by the lingering leaves of Fall and the way she presents her fluttered frustration in this poem, makes the reader want to also curse those leaves!

by annaswirls ©

your rattle is maddening
1,2,3,4, five months brown dry
dead crumble rattle branches
brittle breeze wind chime


Read this fantastic poem to see what Homer has seen that none of the others have.

by HomerPindar ©

my aunt said goodbye
and in the back yard
kissed a gun goodnight


All I'm going to say is that you have to read this in its entirety! :D

The Butt That Ate New York
by Toward A Word ©

her derriere's gravitational pull
increases exponentially
relentlessly attracting
lesser bodies
clocks slow in her presence
confirming the Third Axiom
of Relativity
thermodynamic theorems
bend like melted rulers
as her very presence
makes strong men sweat


This poem has smoky roads and crow's feet dancing on a journey over a body.

lies in the Knowing
by RazzRajen ©

smoky roads, vapours
distilling the
clop of hooves
across cobbled stoned


Some poems are enjoyable just for the words that sit side by side.

found in pocket
by 2rivers ©

silent auctions
mute balloons
wind in hair
blind rage
with a sweet twist


I'll return later with today's batch of word drop poems. :)
Re: Poems of 2/7/04

Rybka said:
I don't know where Lauren has gone,
Scars by RazzRajen is ....

Thanks for the mention Rybka....
Sometimes poems get posted and no one reviews that day but people do read I think. ;)

Thanks for making the effort and taking the time to comment. Its appreciated

Re: I continue...

jthserra said:
Seattle Rain impresed me with the flat out lust of Just . Hold onto something when you read it, this is no holds barred poetry.

Which brings us to my favorite(s) of todays new poems. With great respect to all other poems I mentioned, I offer you two poems which were my favorites of the night (I couldn't pick between them). The poems (in no particular order) were written by Wicked Eve and Seattle Rain.

Seattle rain, in just a few words took me away...
lips and braille . The understated eroticism here took my breath away. I told her I wish I wrote this one... I truly do. Read it and enjoy. Comment and vote...

jim :) [/B]

I am humbled by your praise and by the mention of my poems among such well respected and great writers. I am glad you enjoyed these poems, they are raw, rough outpourings of my passion-- dropping into a funnel leading to my inspiration's mouth. That anyone enjoys them is a lovely extra.

A sincere thank you to all who devoted their time and attention to my words.

There have been many kind words in teh public comments, there's been very encouraging feedback.

Thank you all!