new poems

Re: 2-10

WickedEve said:

This poem has smoky roads and crow's feet dancing on a journey over a body.

lies in the Knowing
by RazzRajen ©

Thanks eve, that one was written in a moment while I was posting to lit : the posting window opened twice since My finger slipped. and I thought why not.,...

I used skinscapes because I wanted that slight edge to the line, that sting that would be felt by one. To Me - flesh is for mauling, skin is for reddening...WEG :devil:

Re: Re: 2-10

RazzRajen said:
WickedEve said:
I used skinscapes because I wanted that slight edge to the line, that sting that would be felt by one. To Me - flesh is for mauling, skin is for reddening...WEG :devil:

Ah! Now I know the difference. :)
crow's feet dancing on a journey over a body.

made me think of my daughter walking on my back to massage it--it was pure heaven until she got too into it and danced.

hey, she had to do something to earn that allowance...
I almost forgot to come back and mention the word droppings of the day.

Be careful which words you say:

Word Drops
by The_Fool ©

Words once spoken
that never come back,
dropping like tears
that so often follow.


Words drop and shatter:

Word Drops
by jthserra ©

a familiar word dropped from balcony

to shatter into sparkling ice, a name
to echo in the longest goodbye.


Words are dropping, soaring, falling:

word drops
by Icingsugar ©

are they bubbles

or drops


Word drops are knowledge:

word drops
by champagne1982 ©

Then fall, to wet the stone of learning, the word drops of knowledge hone


Word drops, drops of hailstorms, hailwords, wordstorms?

word drops
by Liar ©

a rain
of mind
drops of
and instinct


One drop of words and then two and then you have a word flood:

Word Drops
by Angeline ©

Words dropped, one then two
falling from you, gray nimbus
drifting past my empty sky.
Re: I continue...

oops... one I originally missed mentioning here was Echoes_s' (wow try that possessive on for size) Free to Be . Don't you miss it.

new poetry [/b] and read, comment and vote.

Have a nice evening,

jim :) [/B][/QUOTE]

thanks Jim and Angeline for mentioning and your help.

Jim, to be an "I", you must first be an "i", IMHO ;) :rose:
Thank you, jim and eve for your time in taking notice of my poetry.

(and thank you to the poets who's feedback is truely encouraging, coming from such talent and honesty)

Now, I too shall take pleasure and reprieve to read today's offers :D


I'd like to thank everyone for their contributions to the word drop challenge. Some wonderful visions were produced and I enjoyed reading every one. Jim and Rybka, thanks for the comments. Rybka, of course you're right, but I must admit, I hadn't noticed how off-putting those extra words seem, until I read the poem in lit formatting. Thanks again.

p.s. I've got a few poems still needing one or two votes.. go read and vote on The Oil Change and Why Mormons Don't Dance (for starters;))
Re: drip...

champagne1982 said:
I'd like to thank everyone for their contributions to the word drop challenge. Some wonderful visions were produced and I enjoyed reading every one. Jim and Rybka, thanks for the comments. Rybka, of course you're right, but I must admit, I hadn't noticed how off-putting those extra words seem, until I read the poem in lit formatting. Thanks again.
Huh? - All I was suggesting was that you change "weather" to "whether". :) :rose: :)

Regards, Rybka
Thank You

dear sweet Wicked One
for your kind review of
"Better Than Sex."

And thank you Angeline-- it was your fourth photo in the "Picture This Poem Challenge" that inspired the poem. That is such an awesome picture!

Thanks also,
to everyone who commented on the public forum.

Re: Re: drip...

Rybka said:
Huh? - All I was suggesting was that you change "weather" to "whether". :) :rose: :)

Regards, Rybka
well I'm blind in one eye and can't see out the other sometimes...

I'll look again. Did you mean change "weather out" to whether our? Colour me confused...
Re: Re: Re: drip...

champagne1982 said:
well I'm blind in one eye and can't see out the other sometimes...

I'll look again. Did you mean change "weather out" to whether our? Colour me confused...
I meant that I could not have resisted making "We weather out the storms of ideas passing in passion, the
Conception to Reality." read "We whether out the storms of ideas passing in passion, the
Conception to Reality."

To me, "weather out" means something like "wait out", while "whether" brings in a questioning tone (as well as not, through word play, losing "wait out") that fits well with ideas and passions that we ponder/question/wonder about.

Regards, Rybka
Re: Thank You

denis hale said:
dear sweet Wicked One
for your kind review of
"Better Than Sex."

And thank you Angeline-- it was your fourth photo in the "Picture This Poem Challenge" that inspired the poem. That is such an awesome picture!

Thanks also,
to everyone who commented on the public forum.


Oh thanks Denis. I'll post another batch of photos soon--I find them inspiring. I look at them and let my mind wander (my mother always hated that, but damn it's good for poetry). I'm glad to hear they're getting someone else thinking, too. :)
Haiku Part VI

jthserra has posted part six of his discussion of haiku. In this article he explains the difference between haiku and a structurally similar form known as senryu. Thank you for the enlightenment Jim.

For those interested here is a link: What is Senryu?
new poems .... soon


I have been working too hard. I took work home, and completely forgot it was Thursday.

A review is forthcoming.

new poems 2/12/04

Pardon the lapse.

Thirty new poems today.

A quick review of the ones I enjoyed:
poems and monsters by SeattleRain
My favorite of the day...

A Valentine Poem and life's etchings by poetboy824
Even though I hate the holiday, I love the tender sentiments it brought out here...

Digital by jthserra
A wonderful metaphor...

Cushioned by Angeline
Tender love poems are so easy to make cliche. Thanks, Ang. For giving us this...

crew by oxalis
It still baffles me how erotic this is. I want to write like this...

Spree 7 by Icingsugar
And speaking of erotic... I know exactly why this poem excites. A wonderful addition to your Spree...

so many things by annaswirls
For so many reasons...

by the koi pond (late winter) by Maria2394
And just to make us all want a poetic garden hideaway...

Again... apologies for the lateness.

Thank you...

for the mention Cordelia. I posted "Digital" after reading SeattleRain's digital . Her's was about a digital camera, while mine was about my digital alarm clock. A kind of impromptu same title challenge... without the challenge.

jim :)
poems and monsters by SeattleRain

Thank you for the mention Cordelia. :eek:
That is me blushing althought it looks more like a flushed opera singer in my opinion.

Jim, wow, I don't know if anyone has ever done a same title challenge or anything like that with one of my poems. Neat!

Thank you again,
To Seattlerain: Well, actually...

it was a poem I had been considering posting and after reading yours I decided to follow up with my similarily named poem. I thought relative juxtaposition of same titles for different poems would be kind of like a same title challenge.

Digital is so entranced in our lives these days it might be interesting to see how many different places poets might go.

jim :)
Re: new poems 2/12/04

Cordelia said:
by the koi pond (late winter) by Maria2394
And just to make us all want a poetic garden hideaway...

Thanks for the mention Cordelia:rose:

..and I wish you had more time to write, I miss seeing your new submissions, but I frequently enjoy those you have posted already :)

your state street bridge, dark feel in yellow skin and heartstrands, I could never choose my favorite of your poems
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Thank you Cordeila, I appreciate the mention and for your taking the time to review. I know it is not an easy job, especially at this time of year!:)
Friday the 13:th

Before I go on with the poems of today, just indulge me and let me vent a silly reflection that two of today's poets brought to my mind:
champagne1982, Maria2394, poetboy824, destinie21, zell19861986
Pardon the boldness, but I can't take it no longer, I just have to know. What's with those numbers? I'm a very vocal person, reading text out loud in my head (which is why I hate maths), and everytime I read your handles, I stumble on the numbers. :rolleyes:


Ok, I'm back to normal again. Well, as normal as it gets these days. Over to them poems, eh?

First of all, two poets who kind of outsmarted themselves today:

Poetboy824 brought us four very interresting little poems, full of delightful euphemisms and metaphors bordering on Wonderland surrealism. They are all quite damn good. The only problem is, one of them is so good that it kicks the other three's asses and steals their lunch money. So read the other ones first. Then read Teak Wound of Words, my first top scorer of the day.

Angeline's three illustrated poems falls under the same curse. Maybe it's Fri 13 that's spooking about, I dunno. Sometimes Flowers, with it's blooming warmth fitted nicely in a strict rhyming pattern, is such a lovely little composition that her two heart shaped poems comes off as merely cute in comparison.

Allright, enuff about the sickenly productive. ;) There are more poems to read...

* Numereulogy by Linbido
Now, I do know the poet by heart and I did know the man the poem is about. So I might be a bit biased here. But if the the perspective this homage serves doesn't make you feel something, you'd better check your pulse.

* You by champagne1982
"You are a wonder spoke softly" This could had become sappy. In fact, this could had become really really really sappy. But for some reason it doesn't, and therein lies it's beauty.

* Valentine Variations by Toward A Word
Is this poetry? Or just a humor/satire submission too short for Lit? You know, I really don't care. It was good for a fistful 'o larfs, and that's good enough for me. :)

As always, go vote and stuff.


ps. Thank you thank you thank you Cordelia for the nod to my spree. :rose: :)
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okay Ice,

if you really wanna know why I have numbers on my name..well, when I got my first aol account, I wanted the name maria, it was taken, the service offered several alternatives, one of them being something like 23394"..anyway, I thought about it, I was born on the 23rd, so I chose was taken, so then, I said, alright, how about 23 and then the square of 2 and of 3..I typed it in wrong, but the name maria2394 was available and I kept and my freakin occasional dyslexia :D
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Re: Friday the 13:th

Icingsugar said:

Angeline's three illustrated poems falls under the same curse. Maybe it's Fri 13 that's spooking about, I dunno. Sometimes Flowers, with it's blooming warmth fitted nicely in a strict rhyming pattern, is such a lovely little composition that her two heart shaped poems comes off as merely cute in comparison.

Allright, enuff about the sickenly productive. ;) There are more poems to read...

Thank you for the mention, Ice guy. Oh ok, speaking of numerology, you got my number. :) Those "heart" poems were more about pretty illustrations than poetry, whereas Sometimes Flowers is--at least in my mind--the real thing. So there! :rose:

And congrats to Jthserra, whose poem A Walk with Anne tied for first place with some poem by somebodyeyez at what's her habit
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