new poems

Re: new poems 2/12/04

Cordelia said:
Pardon the lapse.

Thirty new poems today.

A quick review of the ones I enjoyed:


Cushioned by Angeline
Tender love poems are so easy to make cliche. Thanks, Ang. For giving us this...


Again... apologies for the lateness.


And thank you dear Cordie for the mention. :) :kiss:
Re: Friday the 13:th

Icingsugar said:
Before I go on with the poems of today, just indulge me and let me vent a silly reflection that two of today's poets brought to my mind:
champagne1982, Maria2394, poetboy824, destinie21, zell19861986
Pardon the boldness, but I can't take it no longer, I just have to know. What's with those numbers? I'm a very vocal person, reading text out loud in my head (which is why I hate maths), and everytime I read your handles, I stumble on the numbers. :rolleyes:
[. . .]
* You by champagne1982
"You are a wonder spoke softly" This could had become sappy. In fact, this could had become really really really sappy. But for some reason it doesn't, and therein lies it's beauty.
[. . .]

Thankyou for not finding my poem sappy. I wasn't feeling sappy, I was just being in love. It's wonderful and slightly mushy and once the butterflies stopped flitting around, I found the words to describe how I feel about my love and I wrote them down as a poem titled You.

Ahhh my nick... champagne is someone else's nickname. I could have been champagne1 or _champagne but Champagne being my name, it comes second to no one, so I decided to use the year of my birth. It helps that 1982 is, in fact, somewhat of a vintage year. My very first chat handle was Pinot Noir... I suppose I could grab that dark little inference again but I like champagne and it is who I always will be. ... Bubbly personality, sparkling wit and a dry sense of humour. ... In a word, champagne.

p.s. that is someone else's description.

Re: Re: new poems 2/12/04

Angeline said:
We Won!
1st Place~Eve's Habit Sweetheart Poetry Contest

oh my we did... congratulations Angeline...

and thank you eve for the contest, to tie with Angeline is an honor...

jim :)
Re: Re: Re: new poems 2/12/04

jthserra said:
Angeline said:
We Won!
1st Place~Eve's Habit Sweetheart Poetry Contest

oh my we did... congratulations Angeline...

and thank you eve for the contest, to tie with Angeline is an honor...

jim :)

Well, I could--and do--say the same of you. This tying thing is becoming a habit with us. ;) :rose:
February 14th, 2004

Happy St. Valentine's Day, everyone!

As seems to be the tendency in recent times, thankfully, we've been having an uncanny number of poems posted every day and extremely good ones at that. I was reading them before, and left public comments on the vast majority. My advice is that all of you do the same. I will list some of my favourites, but please check the New Poetry page for yourselves.

I'm leaving out some gems, like Maria's poem about a soldier, SeattleRain's zodiac or Liar's 2/14 2002 8:21 AM (OK, not leaving them out anymore, I guess. :D) and there are other that I feel that mentioning twice won't be enough, like RisiaSkye's, Linbido's, and 2rivers', but I'll leave it to you to go and discover those which touch you the most.

PS: Forgive the brevity, but I thought I'd invest more time in the public comments. :)
Re: February 14th, 2004

Lauren Hynde said:
PS: Forgive the brevity, but I thought I'd invest more time in the public comments. :)
And you made great PCs. :)
Thank you, Lauren, for the comment-- I have the next zodiac coming out tomorrow tommorow tomorowww thanks for the comments too!
Re: Re: Re: new poems 2/12/04

jthserra said:
Angeline said:
We Won!
1st Place~Eve's Habit Sweetheart Poetry Contest

oh my we did... congratulations Angeline...

and thank you eve for the contest, to tie with Angeline is an honor...

jim :)
Thanks for letting everyone know, Angeline. I should have posted something, but I've been distracted. Actually, I jumped the gun and ended the contest a day early. oops. And then a great entry came in from Lauren after it was all over!
A lot of great poetry in the contest -- Thanks, guys.
Re: Re: Re: Re: new poems 2/12/04

WickedEve said:
Thanks for letting everyone know, Angeline. I should have posted something, but I've been distracted. Actually, I jumped the gun and ended the contest a day early. oops. And then a great entry came in from Lauren after it was all over!
A lot of great poetry in the contest -- Thanks, guys.

I love your site Eve!

;) :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: new poems 2/12/04

WickedEve said:
Thanks for letting everyone know, Angeline. I should have posted something, but I've been distracted. Actually, I jumped the gun and ended the contest a day early. oops. And then a great entry came in from Lauren after it was all over!
A lot of great poetry in the contest -- Thanks, guys.

Yes, discreet aren't I? But very proud. :D
mention is bliss

we help ourselves to a feast
of your pleasure
to be subjected to your eyes
fitness arrow magnetic
simple headed mystery of praise
and why from one it is so special
leading to something,
a bug or a gem
pinched between your beach bum
New Poems of Sunday Feb. 15, 2004 (Part I)

There are 42 new submissions on this third Sunday in February, and I have one non-erotic "spinner" as always. I will break the review into parts so as not to have it rejected because of coding limitations.

For today's goldie I bring a poem from almost a year ago. Part of the Prodigal of Blue Same Title Challenge contest, it has a perfect 5 rating, but not enough votes (HINT, HINT) to be awarded an H . - It took only one spin to find this poem by OT, who has been around and contributing for almost exactly two years.

Prodigal of Blue

I won't pretend to comprehend
the methods used to measure
radiated energy in nanometer waves
by which concisely and precisely
we are able to define the

of the water and the sky.

But I sometimes wonder why,

why no one seems to know
or has a formula to show
how the tiny bits of blue
displayed in nanometer hue
that expand to fill the air
connecting here with over there
often seep inside my soul --
accumulate and take control

and make me sad.

Starting at the top today, jthserra blows us away with Hurricane Season. A piece with two views, the languid guest of summer and the meteorologist TV has created in all of us. They exist uneasily together though Jim bridges their differences rather nicely. I do wonder if this work might not have been stronger as two, "Summer Season as well as Hurricane Season.
We stretch the summer
in long, humid, windless days
as weather glides the boiling tides
autumn forgotten in the endless heat.

Sweat stained, dripping we watch
the gulf swell in possibility
a gathering of clouds, movement
and circulation -- the lifeblood of storm.

We yearn the churn of sky, cool rain
but fear the storm surge, heavy air and wind
the excitement of an impending something
the terror of an unstoppable wall of water.

When, for days, life becomes isobars and charts
map-pins, steering currents and wind speed
an ever growing cloud mass
and the dark, evil, open eye.
. . .
Our new friend Rabbott is second in line with the first of his eight poems of the day. Some of this poet's writing seems inspired by other works, and the quantity today is greater than the quality as Rabbott plays with words and common expressions and feelings in most of his submissions. However he does create some interesting images and phrases, and my favorite comes from One of Those Things in which Rabbott compares "now" to "...deja vu in a dream."

Another recent arrival Seattle Rain gives up two today and in the first lets us meet her sadistic lover and Editor. All writers who accept editing know the latter. :)
. . .
Her eye fire sears
wild eye sweat blinds
demanding more

You gather tongue and pen
scratching scrawling
she grows, inflates,
flows with your fuel
superhuman proportions

she demands
you describe
plans of your turn
with flesh
mine modest and
flowing with flash exposure

What angers her?

She glares
"Get it right, get it right"
. . .
annaswirls in next with a perfect picture of birds of a feather together. She asks us to Please Choose Another Title.. O.K. - I choose "All Flocked UP!". :p :rose: :p
. . .
Staggered row of black birds
cascades from retaining wall
to ground below

A fluttering waterfall of
feathers and caw
landing in a black pool
of liquid motion
. . .
Later on Anna says she feels Faded but I just scentse the CHEERfulness of clean clothes resting contentedly in a warm and dry closet. (Mine are unwashed in a big pile on the floor. :( )
Black turtle necks
with varying degrees of
softness, tightness

piled high next to
denim jeans
in varying stages of
softness, tightness

My body,
soft, tight,
black, blue
whole, today

Fits in
like nothing else
More to come in awhile.

Regards,                 Rybka
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New Poems of Sunday Feb. 15, 2004 (Part II)

2rivers, who always appears to me to be of the smithpeter school, posts two poems today, ceremonious, and misanthrope. Like SP, 2rivers often confuses me and I fail to follow the theme of the entire poem. Beautiful words and phrases come in small bursts but often sound disjointed and unconnected to my ear. 2rivers succeeds in losing me with the first poem, but I can almost follow the second and so it is from misanthrope that I quote. (I particularly like the first strophe and can even see where the title comes from within it.) :rose:
with use, windows wish to slam shut
freed from paint and caulk
they prefer their own solemnity
to be closed by choice, no obedience to mechanism
imposed by men with tools and factory

hold open for the birds and leaves of season
flake and gale, burglars and casual passers by

an onlooker sees silk and fingers
a couched woman of depth
smoky fringes, fetish tolerant
heart stitched golden weave
caged thunder, chambers of the beat
a true, ”certain type of unusual”

Oxalis, who also writes some wonderful verse has taken up the gauntlet of "confuse the fish. I guess wetting own mouth
is about a horse, but how or why is beyond me. - I truly hope some of you other forum readers will respond here or PC the poems with your take on what the SP school of fish confusing poetry is all about. :(

Next up is a completely open and understandable poem. Thank God for Angeline! :kiss: Even in this cold winter weather she brings us a sizzling slice of young summer life; the sounds, the sights, even the smells and emotions are there. Go read Boardwalk Life and see for yourself. :rose:
Wildwood is wild
a honky-tonk wood strip
that sizzles and smells
like fried onions and beer.

It sounds like a cherry-red Strat,
like love to love you disco,
like doo-wop and Motown
cranked out from tiny smoky bars
where slick tan bodies
gyrate across gritty dance floors.

Here's how it works.

You get yourself a room,
a job on the boards.
maybe you run the Swiss Bob
or the Round-up, maybe
you wait tables at some trap
where the tips suck,
and the manager always
brushes by too close, palms out.
. . .
Just a little further on Angeline writes A History Lesson about marital wars with as equally as bold and clear eyes. Go read and support this one too! :rose:
. . .While you are Angelining, her third of the day is an attempt to lose the fish, but since it is title Dream ! even I can jump the tenuous disjunctions of this interesting piece.

Tathagata is another poet new to Literotica. He has three new poems today, Shadana, Night Sighs, and the one I am most taken with, Future. I will leave it to such as jthserra or Senna Jawa to decide where within the pantheon of Japanese poetry styles it falls, but I like it. :rose:
silkworm spins a thread
never knowing that it will
someday seduce me

Liar, an up and coming newbie, plays alliteratively with words and slightly bent phrases in his poem of the day. It is not his strongest work, but spoon is a quick and easy fun read. Go do it.

Tristesse presents a marvelously strong and painful lament in The Colours of her Life. It is a must read. One of the best of the day. :rose: :rose:
Through his numbing grief
he hears talk of God's grace
but he cannot, dare not,
accept that his daughter
is an exception
to that grace.

It is a terrifying and unspeakable thought.

He remembers
the picture above the altar was all wrong.
Eight stained glass shapes
each one a solid colour, lit from behind
by buzzing fluorescent strips
that erased any hope of nature,
leading the eye to the cross.
Beneath it all, a small white box.

The too-neat picture hissed lies.

He stared at the prevaricating picture.
With a rock he could make it
tell truths -
smash out each frame
and the light behind
that served the falsehood,
replacing it with something.

truthful that depicted
what her life was
and could have been.
. . .

Finally Denis writes a fish poem! . . . about the opening of fishing season on April 1st and catching an early run sucker fish! . . . No? . . . It isn't about fishing?? . . . Then what. . . ?
Oh well, it is by denis hale. So go read April Lands Another Sucker and then you can come back and report on it to this poor dumb fish. :(

So that's the wrap for the Sunday fish review. Fold the newspaper and throw me away, but as always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I hope I have separated most of the cod from the bycatch today, But if you find a fluke or two, please pick them up and bring them to our attention! ;) Remember to vote, comment, and send feedback.
Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
Just wanted to add to the praise for "Editor," "Hurricane Season," and "A History Lesson." Excellent works, all. imo, of course. :rolleyes: (Sometimes my own self-importance lames me out, like now)

And thank you, Lauren for the mention of "Wayward."

Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. :rose:

Thanks Rybka

et al for the mentions, votes, comments, etc. on my submissions today.

Boardwalk Life is real--yes even Sharkey. It's all a memory of a teenaged summer when I lived--in Jersey Girl parlance--"down the shore," working as a waitress. Sharkey and his wife lived in my rooming house, and he was a very ugly abusive being who made an indelible impression on me.
i surfed with a short pudgy man
who wanted in my shorts.

he had a jaguar and i needed a ride to the beach-
only fucker ive ever punched square in the beak.

he dropped me off
and i forgot about it.

got a cherry pie from the roach coach.
Thank you Rybka for the mention of my totally unworthy little spoon in the ocean of great poems today. I was actually not going to post it, but then I decided that I really liked the title, and that tipped the scale. :)
Thanks from me too, Rybka. I have taken the advice that you gave in your comment. Editing underway as I write. :rose:

edited to add ~ I was in two minds already and you're quite right.
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endoskeletal aqua slither

it is nice of you to mention us
there are so many on your list
more sublime than eye balls like ours


huge chunks of the day
slices of the glacier we wish would creep slower,
unzipped just a little,
just past that belly mole
our benefactors at large are
pretend kissing with daggers
of poignancy in easy reach
of my large hairy hands
I wanted to thank whoever it was that had complimented my last poem, but I didn't have a whole lot of time this week. Now, I can't seem to find it again to directly thank the right person. :) So, I'm going to have to just leave this generic thank you.

So, thank you.

I must say, I read just about everyone else who posts here, and often I get inspiration off of something I've read. So, thanks to everyone for that, too!
annaswirls in next with a perfect picture of birds of a feather together. She asks us to Please Choose Another Title.. O.K. - I choose "All Flocked UP!".

I wanted to call it Open but I already HAD a poem called Open, so for those of you who actually can think of new things, unlike me, the BIG red response from lit was

Please Choose Another Title!!!

eek scared me a bit.

Thank you for the mention, I know I may be silly, and very much on the "good girl" level of motivation, but it does mean a lot to me to be on this board, mentioned by well respected writers, like you Rybka.

Okay, it's Monday

with 59 new poems... several poets posted a bunch including some dink called jthserra... with 9 poems. But seriously, 8 of them were audio poems that were submitted over the last two weeks.

I've got to run for a bit here, but as a teaser I offer a poem by Palau: really , yes really.

here's a peek:

"a single spider web strand
land on me nose
while Cajun pumps

excuse talkin
it’s serious
down we go"

Go read the entire poem, it's a Cajun delight... I promise.

jim :)

I'll be back in a bit...
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Okay, I'm back...

and it's still Monday. Of the 59 new poems today, three of us accounted for 37 of those... yes, I was responsible for 9... I am glad those hit me instead of burdening one of the other reviewers.

There was also 9 short haiku like poems... actually they fell kind of in line with an upcoming article I am working on... What is "Zappai"? Anyway... watch for the article.

Rabbott also brought a lot of poems today. It was interesting reading them, after reading a few, I came across one that showed some real promise, the poems remained consistently inconsistent, some good, some not so. What was interesting was basically watching some development, I could see the promise there, something working...

Of the poems I found I spotted two I'll mention here, two out of the four very promising poems I found... Rabbot brings us Politicians which featured some interesting rhyme. Lost in Time bought some use of images in a touching poem.

In a bit of a different mode... the poem I teased you with. In a wonderful array of Cajun lingo and fine poetry Palau says really ! The exclaimation point is mine...

Next Colleen Thomas brings us an erotic poem that toes the line between just enough and almost too much... an interesting tease in the wording... Sunset

Take a peek at the sunset:

"When the sun sinks low
Its fire quenched by the sea
A glowing luminescence
Upon tranquility

An ocean breeze is blowing
Its sea scent fresh and crisp
Your dark locks are stirring
I catch a single wisp

Soft as any feather
I follow to its root
A place behind your oft-pierced ear
A sparkling pirate's loot"

We go from sunset to birds, RazzRajen's
Flues ; Curmudgeon
took us soaring:

"each time
the bird circles high in the azure skies,
He takes another turn
His nerves shot,
the bird is landing, what sees, eyes
little squeals of delight, "

Wonderful phrasing. Read this one now... comment and vote.

2Rivers never ceases to intrigue me with his off beat phrasing, first with
Tracing Paper

"under my scraps lay genius
copied intent, gray scoops
stolen pebbles and ruby gems
people from your history
not my diesel school
un-thought-of plagiarized
stolen hot thieved lifted
spaces surrounded by idea words
hauled away in a red gray half ton
pick-em up truck"

Read it all, it is powerful...

and then there is his:
beauty with its wonderful images, such a beautiful poem.

"under water flow
unseen current
nothing like electricity
more brilliant

half sucked candy
smaller but just as delicious
goes from mine to yours
back again inhaled, "

In a wonderful dichotomy of a poem, Liar presents:
rain vs river . This poetry flows...

SeattleRain has been wowing me with her recent poems... and once again the snow from his woolen hat has touched me. A simply beautiful poem with a stunning ending.

Just to Be is Catbabe's new poem. Her short lines speed you through a mad dash to freedom. Read it and then breathe.

In a dangerously seductive poem... bridgettkeeny is Taken

And last, but not least (if you forgive my cliche) is my favorite new poem of the day: Oxalis is taking it in an oddly erotic non-erotic poem:

"all that skin
the soft stuff
hairless and nearly so
smooth, the word
the popularity
the clutch
a pink reddening between
slap and happy"

read it all, you'll love it, I did.

Well, those are my picks of the new poems for Monday... With so many, I may have missed some jewels, so read them all for yourself: New Poems and comment and vote. It's the best way to show your support of the many fine poets here.

jim :)
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