new poems

Smithpeter had asked that

us reviewers mention our poems for the day... I swamped the board when 8 of my audio poems splashed in. If you get a chance take a peak and listen to April 1983, A Slow Drive on A1A Oceanside and Ice Age

In a text only poem is: Embrace the Vibrations in Rhapsody

I also tried my hand at comedy... In an article I researched to come up with a solution to the Global Warming Problem: A Sexual Response to Global Warming . It is prose, but it is a short article. Please take a peek...

thanks for indulging me,

jim :)
Re: Okay, I'm back...

Just to Be is Catbabe's new poem. Her short lines speed you through a mad dash to freedom. Read it and then breathe.

Thanks for the mention Jim and for all your time spent on public comments/reviews today. I appreciate it.
Flues, curmudgeon and 58 other poems...

Thanks jim

for taking the time to go through 59 poems and still be able to comment so cogently and beautifully about all the poets who posted.

that you enjoyed My effort is good , that you enjoyed it enough to mention here on the board and leave a PC is great....

So I do forgive you the spelling lapse you made,.... :p


much appreciated

Re: Flues, curmudgeon and 58 other poems...

RazzRajen said:

So I do forgive you the spelling lapse you made,.... :p


much appreciated


Oh my... fortunately, the edit button will let me fix that. I am sorry... and to think spell check would have done me no good either.

jim :)
Re: An yes...

jthserra said:
And don't miss Rybka's A Priestly Procession a very short and witty, but very dark poem. Read, comment and vote. This one will grab you.

jim :)
Thank you for the mention Jim. It is appreciated, as are your audio poems of today. The sound quality was not perfect, but was far superior to any others that I have heard on Literotica. :rose:

Regards, Rybka
Jim, thank you for the recommendation.

And thank you for all the other recommendations too. I was way too jumpy and stressed yeasterday to read them all, te daily reviews here is such a great centerpoint of the Lit poetry life. There's disussion in another thread here about the daily reviews.

I wanted to say that I can gladly do a day now and then, but never on a regular basis, my schedule, which changes everytime I llook at it, looks like a mad game of scrabbles, so I never have time the same day twice in a row.

Re: An yes...

jthserra said:
once again I missed some of my choices... Everyone go read Maria2394's In Search of Chocolate Bliss . It's calorie free... I think.

And don't miss Rybka's A Priestly Procession a very short and witty, but very dark poem. Read, comment and vote. This one will grab you.

jim :)

Thank you Jim for the mention :rose: and about the aol thing, no worries, I cant tell when people ignore me anyway and I have this terrible psychological condition that makes men who ignore me all that more desirable anyway, so you better watch out, LOL ;)

and also, thanks to everyone who left PC's ( even the one wonderful sweet person who just didnt get it) it was meant as chocolate as a drug, but it did turn into dark chocolate there for a while, sorry..I get morbid sometimes
I meant to add this at the end of "Just to Be", but I forgot, so for want of a better place, I will add it here.

I was reading through darkmaas' Lit. writings and came across a poem called,A Screen Door Slam and the image grabbed my brain and brought me into the world of "Just to Be".

Thanks darkmaas.:rose:


I am new to the poetry thread and most of you have tons and tons of poems that I haven't read. If you see older work suddenly getting votes...that's just me, making my way through the treasures. ;)

Holy *bleep* I got the link to work;)
"hoping in getting some feedback"

Shotokan07 said:
Hello everyone.

Has anyone read the "Heaven's Hell..."? I was hoping in getting some feedback from that one.


First fix such basic errors as: "don't approve", "dreamth", "pandoras' ", "institue", "its called".

Then you can work on: "Hate enrages out of me"

"through my skin to me feel"

"put see things?"

"How much Math and Science go along so well together"

"Everything is hidden away from beauty.
Never get to see the ugliness of life."

After that you might correct: "Chaos reveals himself." - Chaos was a female.

Finally you may wish to reconsider lines like: "Or the bench that I want to sit on, gets shitted." which seems disruptive to the tone of the rest of the poem.

When all that is done then the poetic quality of your work may be properly discussed. (IMHO)

Please note that this is just the viewpoint of one reader, and that opinions are only worth what you pay for them. I mean no disrespect to you or your writing. I am just responding to your request for feedback. - Please keep reading and writing and feel free to jump in on this forum anytime you have something you wish to say. We all can learn from one another.

Best regards, Rybka
I didn't get a chance

to thank Rybka and RisiaSkye for the kind comments on "Hurricane Season". Those of you in Texas can get another look at the poem in the 2004 Texas Poetry Calendar...

thanks again...

jim :)
Something bizarre in bizarro world here......

thanks Champagne for the links, I had more that should have been up today. Maybe too many digits from all the 10,000 poems for the server to handle.
Re: "hoping in getting some feedback"

Rybka said:

When all that is done then the poetic quality of your work may be properly discussed. (IMHO)

Please note that this is just the viewpoint of one reader, and that opinions are only worth what you pay for them. I mean no disrespect to you or your writing. I am just responding to your request for feedback. - Please keep reading and writing and feel free to jump in on this forum anytime you have something you wish to say. We all can learn from one another.

Best regards, Rybka


Not offended at all! Thank you for your honest opinion. All the poems I've written have been done instantaneously without a thought put into them. I didn't realize poems are so much hard to come about. ;)

I would appreciate it if I could come to you again for feedback on future entries.
Hi folks, in an attempt to be a tad more ... um, here, I figured I'd put in a two cent worth notice on a poet on todays list. CrimsonMaiden who, by the looks of her member page, is a prolific writer, though I admit to not being familiar with her work prior to tonite.

I mention four of her poems here because she uses a wide range of poetic styles, and while mastery may be a subjective term, the work shows a poet working to stretch her skills. That calls for some positive note in my book.

TeddyBear my problem with this one is a problem I've seen before in people who use the acrostic form (a form I'm rather fond of as a subliminal message) - don't hit the reader over the head with the form. If it's in the title, that is enough. If you don't let on that it's an acrostic in the title, that's fine too, but there's no need to highlight those first letters. Let it sit like an inside joke, one that is funny to those who get it, and not a problem for those who don't.

Winter A fine Cinquain that reads like a haiku (unless Jim disagrees with me in a later post :D) I like for its very simplicity.

Naughty Limerick And what's not to like about a limerick? Unless, of course, you have a thing against dirty old men, in which case I'll cut it out. :p

Love Me Tender Evidence, I dare say, that we have a lurker in our midst! AH HA! (ain't I the clever one?)

Read, enjoy, write, repeat.

new poems 2/19/04

Wow. Thirty-six new poems today. While that may not seem like a lot, it's a chore when I get started reading them at 7:30pm. And, being on Pacific time, I feel like I'm even later. Many apologies.

But I did read them all.

Angeline gave us four poems. What a treat. (Ang: thanks for having them post on a Thursday!)

I truly enjoyed corner tree and Leaning & His Voice, but this passage from curbside was breathtaking:
to know
this city in sips
while cars crackle
like wind would
And my favorite of Angeline's offerings today was february. Go read it for its perfect capture of the month's melancholy.

And I can't tell you how glad I am that Rybka's writing again. He is one of my favorite poets here and he doesn't disappoint with Fancies in Free Flight. He has a way with subtlety and word placement that I envy. Go read it!

2rivers had two poems today. I enjoyed alternate title, but I highly recommend the delicious anti-strophe. yum. Now that's poetry...

Please welcome a newer poet: ScatteredShowers. She has two poems posted today, both full of wonderful imagery. Check out nineteen and especially unfurled.

I don't know why this isn't in the Erotic poetry category, but oxalis heated up my evening with a prior soothing bath. Now for a cold shower...

And I always love mentioning denis hale's poems. I love reading them even more. This one had me laughing so hard, it took me a good 10 minutes to get through it. And then I read it through two more times. Hilarious, yet somehow... well, you decide. And the title! How can you not want to read something called Uncle Sam Loves Laureate Long Time?

And finally, my pick of the day is the delightfully erotic Serengeti by Liar. I spent time and savored this one. Bravo, Liar.

And more for your consideration:

Morning Coffee by catecolbert

Risque and Laced by Sibilaire

zeal for by eagleyez

The wait by Tathagata

The Orgy by jeutsler


Now go and read, and comment, and vote, and let me know if there were any I didn't mention you thought needed mentioning.


thank you for mention,

I should be sleeping
nylon is across my mind
how do I deserve
nylon across my mind?
it's you and your nylon
you left behind
on my ceiling fan
rabbit ears
moose horns
shower head nylon
rayon and other cousins
having similar properties

Re: new poems 2/19/04

Cordelia said:
And finally, my pick of the day is the delightfully erotic Serengeti by Liar. I spent time and savored this one. Bravo, Liar.
Careful there, Cordelia. I don't think you understand the damage you inflict on my humble pie when you say things like that. ;) Thank you and thank you again.

Thanks Homer for the mention. (Yes, I do poke my nose around here occasionally).

Re: new poems 2/19/04

Cordelia said:
Angeline gave us four poems. What a treat. (Ang: thanks for having them post on a Thursday!)

I truly enjoyed corner tree and Leaning & His Voice, but this passage from curbside was breathtaking:

to know
this city in sips
while cars crackle
like wind would

And my favorite of Angeline's offerings today was february. Go read it for its perfect capture of the month's melancholy.

Thank you Cordie. I appreciate the mention as always. :) :kiss:
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