new poems

Friday Feb 20

Not much today, 14 poems and not a single one that curled my toes. Some made me nod in enthusiastic approval though, and that's not too shabby either. :)

First, a little spotlight on a not entirely new, but fairly unnoted contributor.

Passion by BigTri is a strange poem. On one hand it's a cliché humping poem, like some of his earlier efforts. But on the other hand, this is one that sticks out from the crowd and offers some very good imagery. While I cringed on "my thrusting stake of love" (!) other lines are instead very well balanced and much more erotic:
Entwined like wool
Tangled on a skein
Hearing like bats
Sounds in the night

Then we have RazzRajen with Uncharted, which is not at all uncharted territory. This is vontage Razz, with a good flow and imagery just out of reach, unless you read slow and think one extra second about it. Strong, vivid images of the Longing Game. I had a little problem witht he firts half of the poem, but I forgive that for the running water ease and brilliance of the second half.

Winter: A Cinquain by CrimsonMaiden is a cinquain about, well, winter. Well written at that, with cute x-mas-like decoration.

bridgetkeeney has been making out. And wrote a darn erotic poem about it. Let her french your reading nerve with Perfect.

jtghserra claims: I Sleep 10,000 Years. And still he have time to write poetry about it? This reply to HomerPindar's challenge is a delightful read at times, but Jimmy Boy can do much better than this. :)

That's all, folks. Have a splendid Firday night. :)


Thanks for the mention, I quite agree about the cringe factor of that particular line.
Re: Friday Feb 20

Icingsugar said:
[...]jthserra claims: I Sleep 10,000 Years. And still he have time to write poetry about it? This reply to HomerPindar's challenge is a delightful read at times, but Jimmy Boy can do much better than this. :)
I think that Jim's poem isn't getting the review it deserves. At first, I halted and thought, "Eh, well..." but then I got to thinking and reading more into the poem (maybe more than I should have but I couldn't resist). My thought is that this is a poem that has more depth than a lay person can figure out. Thanks, again Jim.
Re: Re: Friday Feb 20

champagne1982 said:
I think that Jim's poem isn't getting the review it deserves. At first, I halted and thought, "Eh, well..." but then I got to thinking and reading more into the poem (maybe more than I should have but I couldn't resist). My thought is that this is a poem that has more depth than a lay person can figure out. Thanks, again Jim.
Well, yes. I read the poem carefully, and I think I managed to get to the bottom of the message, at least the message that I was able to extract. It was very well constructed up there on quite a high plateau. And that's my sole reservation about it. This is good poetry. It is however, my belief that great poetry is the kind that a scholar and a reasonably savvy Joe Schmoe alike can read, understand and appriciate. This poem was just a tad bit over that target.

Again, these are only my personal 2c. It is great that you volunteered yours.


ps. Jim, I hope you don't mind me using your poem to shove out some of my critic babble theories. :)
Re: Re: Friday Feb 20

champagne1982 said:
I think that Jim's poem isn't getting the review it deserves.
Indeed, one should say honestly and straight that it is a cheap, embarrassingly pretentious piece, which has no artistic value. Religious theme makes it neither better nor worse. It's hopeless, pathetic.
Re: Re: Re: Friday Feb 20

Senna Jawa said:
Indeed, one should say honestly and straight that it is a cheap, embarrassingly pretentious piece, which has no artistic value. Religious theme makes it neither better nor worse. It's hopeless, pathetic.

This is the critique of a guru? Senna, your critique is cheap and pathetic because it deals in generalities. If you think the poem doesn't work--or even that it's not "poetry" --fine, but at least have the decency to explain why specifically.

Your argument is unconvincing and ineffective because it offers not a single explanation that says what in the structure, imagery or other poetic feature makes the piece bad. You're always on about how smart you are and know so much about poetry, so why can't you do that?

I'll bet you can't, If you respond to my post, you'll attack me but you still won't explain specifically why the poem is no good. A "guru" should provide evidence of knowlege or expertise--all I see in your post is invective.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Friday Feb 20

Angeline said:
This is the critique of a guru? Senna, your critique is cheap and pathetic because it deals in generalities. If you think the poem doesn't work--or even that it's not "poetry" --fine, but at least have the decency to explain why specifically.

Your argument is unconvincing and ineffective because it offers not a single explanation that says what in the structure, imagery or other poetic feature makes the piece bad. You're always on about how smart you are and know so much about poetry, so why can't you do that?

I'll bet you can't, If you respond to my post, you'll attack me but you still won't explain specifically why the poem is no good. A "guru" should provide evidence of knowlege or expertise--all I see in your post is invective.
"I'll bet you can't"?? You know that this is not true, that I can. Why don't you ask me politely and I will oblige, I will write a more extensive comment. You have preferred to provoke me. You need not get so excited and rude, Angeline.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Friday Feb 20

Senna Jawa said:
"I'll bet you can't"?? You know that this is not true, that I can. Why don't you ask me politely and I will oblige, I will write a more extensive comment. You have preferred to provoke me. You need not get so excited and rude, Angeline.

Senna I dont know you.

But your obviously a bitter and pitiful fuck.

If you werent so meanspirited I might feel sorry for you.

Show us all the published work you have achieved, your books on literature and your volumes of poetry.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Friday Feb 20

Senna Jawa said:
"I'll bet you can't"?? You know that this is not true, that I can. Why don't you ask me politely and I will oblige, I will write a more extensive comment. You have preferred to provoke me. You need not get so excited and rude, Angeline.

I don't think I was rude at all Senna--I think I was reasoned and polite. I did use the words "pathetic" and "cheap," but I did so to illustrate a point--when you use them it's ok; when someone else does, it's not. With due respect--and I do respect your writing ability and insight when you don't get personal--I find that hypocritical.

I didn't care for the poem myself (and no disrespect to you either Jthserra--I usually love your writing), but Senna I don't see how using descriptors like you did helps. Normally I don't say anything, but I think that for someone of your talents to sink to invective is a waste and sends a message that it's ok to be vague. I disagree. You have been pretty consistent since you've come to this forum in saying focus on the poem--I think that's a smart, positive way to read and review. If you feel I'm rude for pointing out that you're not following your own advice, so be it.

And yes--I would like to know specifically why you feel as you do about the poem. I did not care for it because I felt that it was not thought out--muddled imagery and some cliched language. And your point about there being no sacrosanct content is well made. Senna, you know I'm serious about my writing and I try to improve, but I'm not helped by negative reinforcement--honesty is good, but not abuse--and I doubt others are.
Who reviews on Sunday night? I forgot...

And EE... I'm with you, without the negativity.

Senna Jawa? Who are you? A teacher? A poet known elsewhere?
We've never met thru feedback or PC's but it seems everytime I see you you're dissing someone. Why?

It's not important- I'm just curious...
BooMerengue said:
Who reviews on Sunday night? I forgot...

And EE... I'm with you, without the negativity.

Senna Jawa? Who are you? A teacher? A poet known elsewhere?
We've never met thru feedback or PC's but it seems everytime I see you you're dissing someone. Why?

It's not important- I'm just curious...

Hi sweetie. :)

I think it's mojocat today...i could be wrong, but i think that was the agreement.
New poems Sunday 2/22

*deep breath*

Luckily, for my first day out with this, there aren't too many new poems. However, there aren't that many poems that make an impact on me. So I'll go for my first review in high spirits, as my professor cooks up my breakfast eggs. Here's the way I saw it.

The first poem to catch my eye was "You Won't ", by wilderness. This is not because it's a terrific poem; it's because it could be a terrific Harry Connick, Jr. song. :D It's got a nice rolling jazz phrasing and a tongue-in-cheek lyrical style I enjoy. Some of the poem is extremely awkward ("a tender Tom Hank-ish geek"...this is wrong for many, many reasons, not just grammatical ones :p) but on the whole it's cute and breezy and left me tapping my toes and wishing it were a song I could crank up.
The professor has burned the eggs. Moving on.

Second to catch my eye today was

frost cloud distance by Sibilaire, someone I don't remember seeing around before. The poem has already garnered some PC's, including an anonymous comment I believe could be the work of our own Little Emperor, Senna Jawa...but I'm not sure and I would certainly never make such public aspersions just to draw traffic to a new poem I find interesting, if slightly flawed...nope. Wouldn't do that.

Poems like "frost cloud distance" in my experience are generally experiments, results of dictionary challenges and meandering thoughts that come together to create an image the poet finds unshakeable. I don't have a problem with this. In fact, I do it all the time. The poem itself needs a little more content, and a little less ar
but a wonderful little thought-icicle which has been lodged in my head for an hour now. This poet needs your love; show them we're not all anonymous:rose: Sibilaire's work has that new poetry smell, being here less than a week already.

Fat One by Sappholovers caught my eye and kept it moving across the page. It starts off looking like a standard "Yeah, he fucked me and I came. Unf." poem, but it's more. There is a sense and a timing to it that belies a poet of talent and control. I think I'm going to check out the rest of her work this afternoon, myself; there is a very Tom Robbins-ish vibe to this one. :rose: :D

Also: Calling 900 ...I like it. I don't care what anyone else thinks. It rhymes without sounding stupid, and it's cute. Having worked as a phone sex operator, he's right about everything but the script. We don't get those. Just a list of words we aren't allowed to say.

small wonder by OT made me think of the many times I have almost tripped over living beings whose care I was responsible for. Cute, and pointed without being unsubtle. My fave so far. :rose:

So that's my take on today. I'd like to go into further detail but the professor has finally arrived with breakfast and I have notification emails to send. This was a lot more work than I thought it would be and I'm sorry if these reviews seem short. I'm happy to follow up in detail with anyone if they PM me or comment here, I'm just running a wee bit late today and have to jet. I'll be home tomorrow and at leisure to catch up.

Cheers, poets!:p
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Re: New poems Sunday 2/22

mojo_cat said:
*deep breath*


So that's my take on today. I'd like to go into further detail but the professor has finally arrived with breakfast and I have notification emails to send. This was a lot more work than I thought it would be and I'm sorry if these reviews seem short. I'm happy to follow up in detail with anyone if they PM me or comment here, I'm just running a wee bit late today and have to jet. I'll be home tomorrow and at leisure to catch up.

Cheers, poets!:p

Are you kidding? They're great--thank you! :rose:
Is it just me, or have all of Rybka's poems disappeared? I'd hate to think of someone who has invested so much burying his existence.
Re: New poems Sunday 2/22

mojo_cat said:
frost cloud distance by Sibilaire, someone I don't remember seeing around before. The poem has already garnered some PC's, including an anonymous comment I believe could be the work of our own Little Emperor, Senna Jawa...but I'm not sure [...]
No, it's not true. Mojo_cat, you're acting just like a small, mean coward.
I think I'm staying out of this thread for sometime. It smells bad in here. Open some windows.
thenry said:
Is it just me, or have all of Rybka's poems disappeared?
Did they? He follows the example of some other regulars here.
I'd hate to think of someone who has invested so much burying his existence.
Experience suggests that he'll be back. Just the odds, but who knows.
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Re: Re: New poems Sunday 2/22

Senna Jawa said:
No, it's not true. Mojo_cat, you're acting just like a small, mean coward.

I thought cowards hid behind "anonymous"posts. There's my name right there. It was a joke that played on your habit of depositing scathing criticism at times. There's my name and my picture right there, and if you don't like my sense of humour, I do *so* apologize. Yet, for someone who dishes it out, you have a pretty hard time taking it.

Or perhaps you've not developed a sense of humour about yourself and how you are perceived at times. You should; there is nothing more depressing than a poet who can't laugh at his-or-herself.

Anyways, I don't wish to argue with you. It was a joke, perhaps it was in poor taste. I will apologize. Let's move on.

I do apologize to Tristesse if something I said caused you to feel you needed to leave this's my first time doing this after all.
Sigh and groan. Piss and moan. Uncalled for slander and unnessecary rebuttal and neverbackingdown trench war. How fun.

Therefore I'm going to do something fresh here. Recommend some poetry. :)

Since noone scanned yesterday (Jan 21) for poems, I will point you to a few:

held over water by annaswirls

Dawn Song 1 by Angeline

Untamed by echoes_s

Sleeper by Icingsugar

crystalline limes by poetboy824

No reviews, only recommendation from this individual to the rest of you. I don't have a fraction of the poetry knowledge that some of you posess, and I find it hard to put my impressions and reactions into words. So just read and let your own spines do the talking.

#and love for all

Re: Uncharted

Thanks for the mention icing and taking the time to read and recommend what you liked and think others might enjoy reading.

Hi-- Is Rybka really leaving? What a shame! He sent this to me, I just got it tonight.

It took two sessions and at least 30+ spins to find this poem by karmadog whose humor and input are greatly missed. Inactive recently, Kdog has been around and contributing since at least December of 2001. Newer poets like Anna and denis should enjoy this one. Us old timers will remember it fondly. :rose:

Third Floor Shitstorm

Standing on high as the storm rolls in
Wind sucks smoke from stone hole pores

Sparks lightning feeds thunder

Co-lessee bitch screams Too High
Tree tops wriggle as they split by light

Electric-blue glowing fingertips

No fear no shelter no heart
No soul no love no more

Smoking shit on the third floor
Of a two story building

Regards, Rybka

~ ~ ~ ><)))°<
Liar said:

Dawn Song 1 by Angeline

#and love for all

Thank you Liar for mentioning my poem, and thank you commenters and feedbackers. :)

I was not too happy with the visual quality of the illustration--I had to reduce the image quality significantly to meet the Lit file size requirements. Rybka wherever you are--I felt a bond.

And mojo, again thank you--you really give great review. :D

I must say in Senna's defense btw that in the few years I've known him, he has always been honest about what he thinks. We often diagree and have argued plenty, and I've never known him to take anonymous pot shots. He's creative in poeting and prosing. (Remember the time you scathingly told me I think my intellect dwarfs Spinoza's, Senna? I liked that one alot. And my god, these days I don't even think my intellect dwarfs my 12 year old, let alone Spinoza, so it was really a compliment. :) )