new poems

Re: Smokin Poetry!

Syndra Lynn said:
Tathagata wrote a SMOKER you guys! Check out Howlin' Wolf

I loved

and this

It rung all my sadness out onto the floor.

Syn :kiss:

Thank you Syndra,
as I said to you before...I just hoped someone would know who Howlin' Wolf was.

Glad you enjoyed it and your praise means a lot to me

Be Well
Angeline said:

and my pick for the day--

Howlin' Wolf by Tathagata cause it's roadhouse blues baby, and if you don't feel like drinking a beer, talking lowdown, and jivin on a sawdust floor by the time you finish reading it, well--you listen to some blues y'all and read it again. You will. :cool:

Thank you Ange was your Billie piece that inspired me to write this can take some of the credit.
Glad you enjoyed so and thank you again for the mention

Be Well
thank you...

Angeline, for the kind words about my poem "What I want to be"

Isadora has been a muse of mine for many years, such an incredible woman who survived such a tragic life to touch so many people.

jim : )
Re: Un-netted

Icingsugar said:
Tomorrow we'll do some major interior paint and hammer+nail work on our apartment. This means pulling wires, icluding DSL ant telephone. that I'll be all out of net access. So there won't be any reviews from me until late saturday. I'll do them then, if noone else decides to barge in. :)

's been settled. Anna and I do a little switch this week. On Sunday all your asses belong to me. Mwahahah!

Re: Re: Un-netted

Icingsugar said:
's been settled. Anna and I do a little switch this week. On Sunday all your asses belong to me. Mwahahah!


woooo hooo! I didn't know that there was a little switch involved! What if they ask very nicely for the big switch?
Re: Re: Un-netted


Big switches, little switches, as long as my ass belongs to someone!

I can hardly wait!

Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Un-netted

Syndra Lynn said:

Big switches, little switches, as long as my ass belongs to someone!

I can hardly wait!

Syn :kiss:

I knew I liked you for a reason
Re: Re: Un-netted

Icingsugar said:
's been settled. Anna and I do a little switch this week. On Sunday all your asses belong to me. Mwahahah!


and this is supposed to be a bad thing Icing? :devil:
Re: Re: Un-netted

Poetry People! Let's concentrate on poetry!

Are there any naughty ones today?:p

Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Un-netted

Syndra Lynn said:
Poetry People! Let's concentrate on poetry!

Are there any naughty ones today?:p

Syn :kiss:

The Switch switched
"Show me that ass!"
Swish of the switch,
The Switch switched grips on the switch
swishing at the reddening ass
waiting to hear it
wanting to hear it
until finally it comes

"My turn!"

new poems 3/11/04

I have a nasty cold, and maybe that's why I was so choosy today. Anyhow, I found only a few of the new poems worth mentioning.

Of course, you should read denis hale's Jack And Jill Do Cinema Verite.

He gives us his usual -- a wonderfully dizzying array of images like this:
Honey Do peace sign
turned inside
out on a dime
and fucked
in the finger webbing
by a ruby-studded tongue
turning out puckered origami
red snapper puppet.
again by svelte walker

A lovely little poem. I couldn't stop re-reading the first two lines...
quarters down meter by SeattleRain

I love this poem. A lot. SeattleRain is fast moving up my list of poets whose work I look forward to. Brava. I mean... how could you not love lines like this:
city glow steals fire
from stars, cold condensation
steals light from street

what is it now,
whatcha gonna steal for me?
tangerine moths by poetboy824

A good short poem that left me with a smile and a vivid image, and a desire to go and write.
And, finally, Syndra Lynn gives us two poems. I admit I wasn't taken with Earth and Sun because it involves images and references that have been so used as to border on cliche. But she does a nice job at presenting it.

However, I must rave about Evening Performance. I usually get distracted by the centered, shaped poems, but this one worked for me. I don't want to quote it because the visual is integral to the poem. Go read it. You won't be disappointed.

As always, this is merely the opinion of one (admittedly ill) reader. Feel free to disagree or add to the list.

But go read. Vote. Comment. Stir. Compost. Write.

Very good choices, Cordelia. Now pour yourself a hot cuppa and get well soon. :)

Maybe it's spring creeping up on me, but I found two more poems from yesterday that I'd like to mention:

tangerine moths by poetboy824
A strangely beautiful, almost surreal snapshot of a magical night. Well chosen, elegant lines that says alot. Romance? Infatuation? Appriciation? Eihter way, it worked it's charm on me.

Stretching Of A Questionmark by Linbido
Lin scoops out a lovely dedication that made me stop and think. To be more private with someone than alone, to have a home in a person, and not in a place. That's what it's all about.


Okay Ice, I believe you--Friday is bizarre.
Eight New Poems and I am going to review them all in order, giving four hearts, one for each chamber, for that, how they touched ME nothing else. "In my humble heart..."

I am afraid to tackle a few of them as their meanings are I am sure deeper than my simple brain has understood. Call me Princess Little Thoughts.

:heart: Passion Plays by jthserra

I have seen a special on PBS about this Passion Play...
Jim looks at the players, every day townspeople who once a year, are able to become a part of something "divine." The last line is haunting. It made me read the poem again and again just so I could finish it, and ponder.

After the applause and the bows
they return, again past the ancient buildings,
shops and bakeries, day after day.

Until the end, when passion fades
beards are shaved, silence returns
and once again words are lost
in the long, dark shadow of passion.


:heart: rabbott gives us something else to think about in his long, skinny, hard poem,Booth of Truth

Okay I liked this one. If that means I am twisted well then oh well twisted I am.

If you read it like one long sentence, it flows wonderfully, dont try to read it with a pause at the end of every line and the rhyme will pull you through. I can hear someone speaking this out loud, I have read it a few times and the pauses really matter changing the whole feel of the poem from too rhymie for a dark/hard sex scene to an almost banging rhythm.

Thelegguy a prolific story writer, has taken the plunge into erotic poetry with Waking Up In Your Arms
Some interesting sounds played out

soft brown breasts
press against my back

He ends telling us that waking up with his lover to feeling like heaven. I would have liked to hear how it was like heaven. I wanted to feel it.

Welcome Thelegguy! Don't worry, there is no such thing as "too tame" in the poetry world at lit. I have a few about flowers dying and birds flying off a wall. Whatever you feel like writing, just write it. I hope that you come back and play with us and check out what some of the amazing regular poets have out there.

I learned a new word today thanks to RazzRajen

Miriam Webster:
Main Entry: tes·ser·act
Pronunciation: 'te-s&-"rakt
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek tessares four + aktis ray
Date: 1888
: the four-dimensional analogue of a cube

What? Okay I am trying to wrap my brain around that one. This poem made me miss The X-files and Twin Peaks. I don't know what to say except it was catching, holding and made me want to ask a question or two.

This part stuck with me all day:
That belly of the mother,
slowly rippling,
those nursing critters,
scuttling for cover
It is a shame this was not posted on Cordelia's day, she could have given this the analysis it deserves.

KinkyKaren tells us what would happen if she and her lover followed the often heard suggestion "Hey why don't you two get a room!"
We Need a Room

:heart: sandspike gives us another one of his playful and sexy poems:
U Want Nuts With That?

imagining with his lover what would happen if he woke up a woman. Clever, touching.

2rivers has never been *simple* since I have arrived, and this poem is no exception, despite it's title
:heart: simple
so easy are cars built and driven
on ribbons of road born not built,

has been winding through my brain all morning.

words order themselves without urging
from the big brain somewhere else,

I want a piece of that big brain.

I am taking back what I said about never being simple. If he means down to the root of things, devoid of clutter, and pretention, then simple, yes. Live simply. Yes.

Another prolific story writer PDumbledore (how do they do it) has jumped into the poetry pool, hope he has found the waters to be warm as he asks the question,
"What does Life bring "

Okay that is all of em folks. Hope you get a chance to get out there and read and vote, show them your love, as always.


jthserra's We Are Like This

I was the only one so far to put in a comment on this poem by jthserra, and though it is not new, I'd love to refer you all to it. It's heartbreaking and breathtaking.

:rose: --> for the author
Re: new poems 3/11/04

Many thanks Cordelia for your mention of my poem.

And please, please feel well soon!

Syn :kiss:
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Hello dear, I have been meaning to thank you for the ass switching.

Hot little poem!

I needed that!

Syn :kiss:
message to annaswirls

thank you for your kind remarks,

I wish to drive that car and drive that ribbon round and round.
into some tunnel who's name is unknown in the dark, first time
running at lights from the other direction
confused of bearings
map pointing with favorite flashlights
looking out the window at black night
with no points...
passing by?
a standing still motion to pull over
stretch our legs
have a wing and thigh
spill, as in polite confession,
the order of the day,
a therapeutic overpass
a stall,
passing over the yellow line
to look through tinted window
at racy drivers covered with sun
suddenly slamming to a park
Thank You All!

I want to send out thanks for all the wonderful feedback I have been getting. You guys are great!

A few of you made suggestions on Shades of Gray that helped me improve the poem. I made changes and the edited version has posted. I hope it meets approval.

And thanks for all the nice comments on Evening Performance . Thanks to your support it garnered my first big red H! I swear I popped a button. :D

Many Thanks! :kiss:
Thank you...

Anna for the mention for Passion Plays... While in college I had an opportunity to visit Oberammergau, and was enthralled in their woodcarvings. I wasn't there in a year they presented the Passion Play (it occurs once a decade), but I heard the lore and the history of the play. I could only imagine what that small town became during a Passion Play year.

thanks, again,

jim : )
Thank you

all for your support of the ' Howlin' Wolf" poem.
I got my first "H"
and like Syn I popped a button too..and a few other things
: )
may I just say again what a great place this is to write in.
I've posted other places but never have I gotten the feedback, support, encouragement,and friendship I have here.
And may I also say..never have I seen such a wide display of talent and styles as I have here.
Thank you again for welcoming me into your community

And thank you...

WindChyme for you kind words about "We are Like This". I had read about Matthew Shepard, registered the horror of yet another hate crime, but let it become a sad statistic in my mind until I saw HBO's "The Laramie Project". Through the movie, Matthew Shepard became real for me, I began to understand the impact of this crime and what it said about us, as humans in general.

Watching the intense emotion portrayed in the film, the amount of hate that welled up in a small mid-western community, I realized who really killed Matthew, I realized that we are really like this.

thanks again WindChyme,

jim : )
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to anonymous...yes, FB again

hey ya'll, missed ya lots, been wallowing in blue funk lately, its okay, anyway, Tathagata, your H is because your poem, um ROCKED hehe

and Jim, yes, the incident you mentioned is so sad, disgusting that any human could treat another with such hatred, makes me sick and attitudes such as hate and prejudice are not allowed here, ( yes, I censor the crappy stuff here ;)

and well, this is to anonymous who sent me an email last night

Dear anon,
thank you for the kinky, albeit rather disturbing email,
I do enjoy things like that...I have to say, that your letter ( about the fly and the eyes and the oh so sweet ass) brought me out of that dark place, so whoever you are ( and I have a bit of an idea), thank you
and I owe you at least a poem, maybe a serious spanking :D

have a beee utiful day, you, with the heart of a serious stalker, thanks again :rose:


ps, its somebodys birthday, no not mine, and she hasnt been around much lately, so maybe we should bombard her with tons of b'day wishes, huh??? would ya KILL me lauren?? nah, she wouldnt... happy b'day you sexy woman!! :rose:

Thanks Angeline

for the mention of Dusty Urns...I have been rather busy, well flourishing braided hides in interesting patterns, to watch the board much.

and Yes in some way I may like that just not the way you might have thought..

Glad I don;t have to lift My lungo to check anything this time around :D

and thanks again

Razz :devil: